Dear Conspiracy, this is the opportunity you've been looking for, don't let the media fool you. Rise and prove you're the free and logical thinkers we pride ourselves to be.

235  2016-10-14 by THE_ALL_RAPING_EYE

I'll try and keep this short, I don't want to start a political debate about who's worse or better, Hillary or Trump. That's not what I'm here for, that's what CTR is here for.

We all know the two party system is a sham. Both parties are controlled, we here at /r/conspiracy must know this by now. So this isn't about democrats or republicans, conservatives or liberals, Bush and Obama are two sides of the same coin, the two party system was put in place to more easily control the outcome of an election. I'll get back to this later.

We have always talked about how to "wake people up" to the propaganda, lies, and injustices of our government, our banks, and our leaders.

I personally have tried making videos, flyers, etc... To spread the truth, to wake up my friends, coworkers, neighbors and fellow brothers and sisters. Honestly, I never had much success, this is talked about here quite often. People wake up at their own pace, when it's right for them, and not before that. I have come to terms with that.

So why am I writing this? Because for the first time since I was "red pilled" I'm witnessing a mass awakening like never before, a real movement.

Am I being vague enough? That is on purpose.. Why you might ask... Because I want you to look at what I'm about to say objectively, not with emotion, but logic.

Late last year, when Trump announced his run at the White House, I laughed, I laughed at our government, at him. I supported Bernie, because like most people I liked what he said, and it wasn't so much about what he said, but it was that he was seemingly an outsider, someone that wasn't "more of the same". Like many others I thought "many still do", Trump is a rich guy who's part of the elite, voting for him will surely be voting for the establishment, voting for the NWO. I cannot claim to know that he is not in fact exactly that. I cannot claim that this isn't the same two party controlled opposition we've experienced so many times before.


I ask of you to visit /r/the_donald, and without a preconceived notion of what you'll see, have a look at the people who support him, not Trump, forget Trump, he's an egocentric billionaire? For sure, does that matter, maybe not. It doesn't matter because the people that are his followers are completely awake, and unlike /r/conspiracy they are "red pill'ing" the masses like I've never seen before. Look for yourself, everyone there talks about the media being controlled, they talk about the NWO, they talk about wikileaks, they talk about all the things we normally talk about here, topics that up until this election were taboo conspiracy theories people would scuff at. Their numbers are growing, more and more people are waking up like I've never witnessed before.

You want to make a difference, you want to wake people up, that's the place to do it. That's where you won't get mocked for posting something that will get you banned in other subreddits. People there have had their eyes open enough to be receptive to other fringe information. I'm surprised everyday when I see posts that normally I'd only find here.

Will Trump be a good president? Will he flip-flop like Obama? Maybe.. Maybe not. That's not as important as using this momentum to reach and wake up as many people as we can to the massive corruption of our leaders, banks and media.

When I first "woke up" I was depressed for the longest time, sad, hopeless. I wanted others to unplug and see the world for what it is, see these people who can smooth talk and make anything sound great, that's what politicians do. After a while I decided to snap out of it, it wasn't easy, but I had always been a happy go lucky person, I didn't want my new found world outlook to change that, to drive me further into depression. That's why I still have hope, to believe there is still some fighting the good fight in this world.

Here is a direct quote from Trump today.

"For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind. Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven't seen before. This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim control over our government." Donald J Trump, October 13, 2016


I have hope, and I want to believe he is the real deal, an eccentric billionaire who wants to save this country, who wants to go down in history as a great president. He loves this country, he is not full of hate like Hillary, if you've been keeping track of the latest wikileaks you are already aware what a hateful two faced liar and traitor she is.

But again, this isn't about them, this is about the people who are awake, the people who are helping wake others up. This is what's important, people on Twitter and Facebook are talking about corruption and other topics that normally would never leave this sub.

I think we should put politics aside, put the two party system aside, and use this momentum, this movement of the people, to reach out and wake up as many as we can. We know this usually happens exponentially, you can actually reach out and pull someone out of the matrix.

Thank you /r/conspiracy for being here for me for many years, we have deviated from many of the topics I came here for originally, but at the end of the day, what I want, what we all want, is to unplug and help others do the same, so that the world can see these crooks for what they are.

Remember George Soros, the same Jew who sold his parents and people to the nazis, is funding Hillary. All networks owned by 5 corporations are pushing a anti trump narrative like I've never seen before. In the last debate, the things he said, the truth he spoke, reinforced my belief and hope that he is not controlled opposition.



Good post. It's the people that ultimately matter.

Exactly!! That's how I look at it. Thanks for the kind words, not enough of that online these day. People don't know who to trust, who is real, who's a shill. Keep up the good fight brother

TPTB have really succeeded in making us distrustful of one another. For me at least, though I have always doubted people and the lies and deception have made my doubting worse, they have not completely destroyed my will to believe.

As a Trump supporter, I have never been so angered at my government. I've never seen so much censorship when trying to share information about what's going on in Syria/Yemen. The missiles we just launched at Yemen for "attacking us." Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Facebook especially. Google has sent me multiple warnings for account deletion this week. The censorship is REAL. Trump twitter trends get shadow banned normally within an hour. It's insane. There are many who I've seen give into defeat, but it is NOT over people. Keep fighting!!

Let's get Trump and his people voted in, it's time to replace the establishment with someone who genuinely cares about his country and the people

I don't understand how you could vote for an individual like trump. He is the opposite of "awoke" to me. He spews hatred and racism and ignorance. He casts blame on others for his downfalls and runs a failing business that continues to hemorrhage money and profits. He parrots the same conspiracy messages to capture audiences that supported Sanders. He is no different than any other politician.

With all the shills on /r/politics and t_d I forgot that this was their original haunt.

He is no different than any other politician

So, therefore, we should vote for Hillary /s

The thing is, Sammyj95, Trump didn't know the extent of what Hillary has done. He didn't know what the Clinton Foundation was doing, or he remained willfully ignorant. But now, when the proof is staring him in the face, from so many avenues, he's become sickened by Hillary. During the second debate, he says,

"And I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, but I'm going to say it, and I hate to say it. But if I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it, and we're going to have a special prosecutor."

If that is not real hate and disgust and disbelief that Trump is feeling when he says that, it is truly incredible acting. He is angry and upset. Hillary acts like a sociopath and is a pathological liar, she can smile and wave and say two-faced lies every day of the week but she can't fake anything like Trump's righteous anger.

Unless it's one of the most intense psychological operations ever conducted, Trump is the real deal. It's hard for me to believe, but.. it just might be true. Trump is a rich man, he's a business man, and he is crass and careless about certain topics that I care about personally, but he has the record of being a caring man, even if at times he is misguided. He really does care about people.

Trump is rich and, financially, a member of the elite but judge for yourself.

Also: Regarding Trump and donations to the Clinton Foundation

I'm not voting for Hillary, nor am I a Hillary supporter. I have more disdain for her than Trump. Btw did you even read the article you posted? The article has a negative connotation towards Trump. It rather hinders your argument.

I'm just saying Trump lies as much as all the other shit politicians, I'm not trying to attack your messiah. So no need for the poor constructed, rather typical, argument for Trump and against Clinton. When you should support neither.

The articles come from a respectable site and does not use emotionally charged words. It lays out the facts as best it can from both sides. "Trump made this in America, and this in China. He didn't start making this in America and then move production to China." It's pretty cut and dry. I said "judge for yourself" because it's really up to what you perceive. I presented you with the facts of the case. And the Clinton Foundation link was just for clarification.

Trump isn't a messiah, he's an aide. He'll help us in what way he can, and what way he personally thinks is best, but we're the ones that give him support and the ability act. If he didn't have public support, he could be quietly taken care of, but he's too big right now.

I didn't assume you were a Hillary supporter (not that I care really). That's why I used the "/s". Sarcasm has a lot of flavors. I was merely attempting to offer more perspective on whether Trump is real or not, an important consideration.

Would you say Ron Paul or Ross Perot is like every other politician too? Trump isn't even a career politician any way.

If I voted I'd vote for Trump. Not cause I think he'd be great or make things great but because it would piss off soooo many smug assholes.

r/the_donald users remind me of the people I meet in real life that support Trump. Not idiots or tards just regular ass people like me who are tired of the parasitic class.

Just like in real life, I don't need to agree completely with everything they say or think but at least I can respect them. Not so with the Clinton supporters.

Good luck and good post OP!

That's kind of how I feel as well, I can have a conversation with a Trump supporter. We may not agree on everything, but we have a world view where we see the corruption, "the show". Talking to a Hillary supporter is like talking to a post...

The majority of true Hillary supporters that I have met fall into three very loose categories...

1) Raging feminists. Usually older Millennials. I'm curious what will happen if anon from /pol/ was right and said that a video would surface in which Hillary uses racial and sexist language. Who would they vote for? By their own "moral compass" (ahem, social justice bullshit) they couldn't vote for Clinton. I won't even get into the convos I have had trying to explain to them about the donations the Clinton Foundation has accepted from countries who abuse and dismiss their female citizens. Feminists will have no part of it.

2) Guys who are trying to get into the Feminists' pants. I know that sounds shitty, but it is true. I live in a college town. I hang in "liberal art" circles. Women are given a "voice" in these circles, much more than men. They use that platform to preach about Clinton. Since most of the men I know are, ahem, pussies, they sit around and echo-chamber about how great HRC is and how dangerous Trump is in hopes it will get them laid. My (now ex) GF is one of these women. She tried this with me. I just laughed, told her we are all fucked and that both candidates should be imprisoned or swinging from the gallows. She was appalled that I could say such a thing about HRC.

3) Old people who rely on MSM for information. This is cut and dry.

When I talk to these ding-dong Millennials about HRC, I feel like I have this amazing advantage. You can have it too. All you have to do is preface your statement with "And I want you to know that I am not voting for Donald Trump / think he is an idiot". Even if you dont believe it, say it. When you take away their one lone argument (but, but, but... Trump is evil) then they are forced to have a somewhat objective discussion about Clinton. Have faith in yourself. Chances are you know more about Clinton and her flaws than the random Joe Schmo.

Eliminate Trump from the equation. Force the focus of the convo on HRC. Watch their head's blow apart. I've done it twice now and it feels so good.

100% agree with what you said!

The other thing I find hilarious about the guys who want to get in with feminists, is this. 1) you become one of the girls 2) girls want a man who challenges them 3) they are then friend zoned 4) girls want a man, not one of the girls 5) you probably don't want to date a hardcore feminist anyway, some of them are really obsessed and "victimized" I don't know about you, but I just want to live my life not have some white chick teach me about "white privilege" ugh, those words alone make my blood boil.

I feel like I should clarify (not specifically to you, but to anyone who reads my post)...

I am all for feminism, so long as the focus / purpose / point is to create equality, and, in doing so, uses healthy ways of dialogue to achieve understanding in said equality. As a straight, white male, I acknowledge that things have not been perfect for all members of society. That said, I can only apologize for what I've done and not for who I am.

I believe in equality for all peoples regardless of gender, creed, race etc. What I don't believe is people who use said things as leverage to belittle others / beat them into rhetorical submission.

I think we lose sight, myself included, at what the real clash is here. It is not between myself (a white male) and a feminist or a member of BLM, or a republican or a democrat. The real clash here is a clash of class. When we acknowledge that we are all in the same boat and that the real enemies are those who pull the economic strings, we will begin making progress.

Exactly .. Well said. Feminism in the 60's, and 70s was the real deal. We have moved past that, in my personal opinion I think it was in a way orchestrated, because it did more than give women equal rights, it also broke up the family unit, today more than ever we have broken homes, we have kids that aren't cared for by their parents because both parents are working; so they end up in the hands of the state and the schooling system, which now with common core os disastrous for kids and their future.

If /u/spez wasn't such a CUCK (and I was employed) I would give you gold. Instead I shall promulgate your admonitions.

He still picked Rudy Giuliani to be his opening act.

But if his followers open up to the corruption and massive amounts of propaganda going on in this world, and spread it around to a critical mass or reach a tipping point...

  • 9/11 Truth
  • Election Fraud
  • Privatized Currency
  • False Flag tactics

..then some good can come out of it all.

That is true, but sometimes you have to play the game. I'm not making excuses, but Trump has said that 9/11 needs to be looked at again, he's spoken against certain vaccines, he's called out warren buffet and George Soros, as well as globalism, which is just another word for NWO. He has to have the support of his home state, to do that he needed this guy.

yeah he gave Pence a long leash to talk shit about Russia, but reiterated his desire for detente. I think consistent high energy support for him every step of the way against congress will prevail; Trump will let the People decide!

Still waiting on r/the_donald mentioning anything about mossad operations

This is what I'm saying, go drop some truth on them, just tie it in to Hillary, Obama, NWO, establishment. It will work, people will listen.

go easy though. There's a lot of Israeli centipedes, mods may not wish to cause offence.

I have nothing against Israel or the people of Israel. They are not responsible for their governments actions just like we are not responsible for ours. Plus it's all about the hidden hand, the zionists.

I got unplugged years ago on most major topics we agree on here. Only became a centipede a few weeks ago after being anti Trump for a long time. Now I am beginning to see the same things you are over at the Donald. It's an incredible movement.

It truly is a yuge movement! A bunch of truth seeking shitposting detectives!

Great point. Never heard Trump framed in terms of the awakening of his supporters before.

I had been wondering if Trump would be an Obama 2.0 - all hope and promises with nothing to show for it after. But while Obama talked about change, no change actually occurred during his campaign run. With Trump, there's actually been a kind of shift in public consciousness.

Maybe this will lead to better things.

I see that shift, it surprised me, and it got me on the Trump Train. I was all about Obama in 2008, I thought maybe a black man who's so eloquent will surely be 1000 times better than Bush, I knew better by the second term what a POS he is.

I completely agree with you and I myself have flip flopped my support for Trump. Although he has won my vote only because I feel like he's worth the gamble I could never support Hillary as she's the globalists main puppet. I have this one doubt in me that Trump is controlled opposition. Here's why:

Since announcing his bid to run for president Trump has received a couple billion dollars worth for free ad time, by that I mean he has had non stop media coverage. In the past any anti establishment candidates or anyone that wasn't a NWO puppet would be blacked out. Ron Paul is a perfect example. The media can easily control elections with their coverage selection. What if the globalists idea was to prop trump up through media coverage just to get him this far because he is the only possible candidate that can make Hillary look tolerable (in the eyes of the sheep). Most of the Republican candidates would have crushed Hillary in a general election. You may ask why wouldn't they pick another puppet on the right? Their only option for a puppet had to be on the left for the Supreme Court nomination. With joe Biden not running Hillary was their only option and the only way to ensure her victory would be pinning trump against her.

Trump may be controlled opposition and he isn't even aware of it. They will control the election on Election Day, but no one will question the victory because the loser is trump the "billionaire, narcissist, sexual assaulting, fraud"

I am in no way bashing trump, just my analysis of why we are in this situation after much thought lol.

But they have destroyed media, validated wikileaks (and alex jones!), the Republican Party will be abandoned for a full-fledged tea goes on man. Too costly.

This is exactly what they did, according to the Podesta emails. They were going to pick Ben Carson, Donald Trump, or Ted Cruz (IIRC) to elevate Clinton in comparison. But they bit off more than they could chew with Trump, because Trump is sincere (or so I so terribly want to believe) and powerful and while he provides plenty of fuel due to his largely unfiltered speech, he's still connected with a great portion of the population. The one's who support him on a superficial or emotional basis still help in the end.

Doesn't matter anyway because they will rig the elections to make sure Hillary wins. Here's another thought, let's just say he does somehow win. Would he actually promote an agenda that goes against the NWO?

Honestly, we need to have an independent movement in addition to Trump. There are a lot of pieces at play right now. TPTB have a hundred contingency plans. We need some too. Right now, we're struggling with one, but a lot of plans are in the works. Eventually, we'll hope to bridge the plans in a succession format, such that when one fails, it fails into the start of the next plan. For example: Plan #1 is to grow trees. They all burn down. Plan #2 needs ash. A lot of it. It's a poor metaphor but hopefully it gets the point across.

I would like to believe. But....

Giuliani. Newt. Pence.

Actions speak louder. I could almost tolerate it if it was just Newt and Pence. But Giuliani was a butt boy on 9/11. He was key to helping them sell the myth that day, and he embraced it. Even his head of law enforcement went to jail. Trump is a fraud.

I know... It's not all positive, but in my eyes the positive does outweigh the negative, and you have to play the game somewhat.. We'll see what happens, what I'm saying is... It's possible I'm wrong about Trump, but it's impossible I'm wrong about Killary.

Ha! THAT I can agree with.

i totally hear you, but at the same time, he's still got to win, and up against the machine that has been assembled to stop him, he needed a few "establishment" allies, and those three were fringe enough to work.

Trump is also supported by Cheney and Rumsfeld. I think that makes it pretty clear who he's really working for.

But I understand OP's argument. A lot of Trump supporters are "woke".

We all have to start somewhere, you can't go down the rabbit hole of you don't open the hatch.

Maybe that's just a psyop of a couple of warmongers to make us super-sensitive tinfoilers repelled, while rank after rank of neocons endorse hillary for normies in the media.

If the American people haven't made a move on 9/11 in 15 years idgaf either people will get it eventually or not but it better happen within a Trump administration.

Can you provide some information about the Giuliani 9/11 link? Is it just because he was mayor? It's hard to google this stuff, ya know.

Lol, honestly it feels like home here. I never voted before and i was a hardcore anti-political party person, but the last few weeks i became a Trump fanatic. The scale of manipulation and the sick media blows my mind. I too think he is not in the big boys club but i know for sure Hillary is the definition of corruption and dictatorship. We all see by now an unstoppable force if behind Hillary and it wont stop until it gets what it wants. I think we the non political people and Bernies people can work together on this one give our best shot to get him elected. But honestly this is no child-play, whoever is behind Hillary is really powerful, it just makes me wonder if voting even matters anymore. We need to all pull together on this one. Fuck Republicans and Fuck Democrats, this is our country, we should be the ones deciding. Look what Democrats did to Bernie and dont forget before Obama it was a Republican. Fuck this scumbags, we dont need a political party, we have the internet now, all they did was divide the people and turn us against each other. Buckle up boys its gona be a hell of a ride. But we need the Bernie people. Lets make this right so i can go to i never vote self 😁 The whole fucking planet is laughing at us, we can turn this around and make this something that the planet never seen before, you might see other countries taking down their establishments if we pull this off.

whoever is behind Hillary is really powerful

Probably everyone at Trump's level or above besides Trump himself lol.

We all know exactly what we will get with Hillary. And Jill Stein or any other 3rd party has zero chance of winning. So the remaining option is Trump, who may or may Not be legitimate.

There is literally nothing to lose by voting for Trump. If it's rigged, then Hillary will win regardless. If Trump is phony and no different than Obama or Hillary, and he wins, then we are no worse off than Hillary.

However, if Trump wins and his is genuine then we could have a net gain. Watch and keep an open mind

Believe me, I have Serious doubts about Him. And even bigger suspicions, but if you do the math and keep an open mind then you might realize voting for Trump isn't incurring any additional risk and is the only option with the potential for a gain.

r/the_donald isn't "awake" and they aren't "red-pilled". They're gullible. Most of the people there will believe anything, true or false, real or imagined, as long as it confirms their preconceived notion that Trump is right and everyone against him is wrong. Yes, there are posts there about topics that are censored elsewhere, but r/the_donald censors or discredits anything that can cast a negative light on Trump without a second thought. You're asking people to be objective when evaluating a subreddit that is explicitly anything but objective. You can convince many Trump supporters of anything, regardless of it being true or not, so long as you present evidence that it's caused by Hillary or "the establishment".

let's give evolution and creation, hillary and trump, shit and sliver, equal time. To be objective.

I ask of you to visit /r/the_donald, and without a preconceived notion of what you'll see, have a look at the people who support him

It's the younger set of blue collar and tech who would have been drawn to glenn beck's tea party 8 years ago. it's very authoritarian- a lot of cops and military.

But we saw the same thing happen even before the "Tea Party" coopted ron paul's movement 8 years ago by speaking to the same zeitgeist of nationalism. We saw it 50 years ago as the John Birchers were gaining steam and the Koch's father got in there (with the CIA's William F Buckley- who quickly "turned" on them).

But let's talk about where Trump is getting his campaign rhetoric from. Who built this campaign to capitalize on the same Patriot Movement concepts that fed Ron Paul's momentum on the internet? Prior to Alex Jones' success with Infowars, this type of paleaconservative nationalism was the thing of AM radio. The fanciful myths of coast to coast dominate AM, but the more antigovernment pathos of the Genesis Communications Network is echoed more and more by the authoritarian neoconservatives like Savage, Limbaugh and Hannity, every day- but with a spin.

So what prompted Trump delivery of this Alex Jones style libertarian message so recently? We certainly have never heard anything like this from trump before, and his dealings in China certainly don't reflect that he practices what he's just now begun to preach (hence his whole born again as a phoenix from the ashes reference to his "former life").

How did he pick the jones message? That answer is simple- and again if you didn't notice the tea party's coopting of the ron paul campaign and paleo message, you weren't paying attention. Remember when Glenn Beck flipped overnight from being a pro-tyranny neocon to mimicking alex jones talking points about FEMA camps, as he went independent with The Blaze? And he took the coopted tea party along with him.

Let's look at Roger Stone and Paul Manafort

Harper's Magazine reported that clients in the 1980s included Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire, "one of the most kleptocratic rulers of all time, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, also known for stealing a few billion dollars, and the murderous Angolan rebels known as UNITA."

As to Black, Manfort's work for UNITA, Spy magazine 'cited a former government official who believed that the firm's "hawkish congressional lobbying for more military aid" delayed the process that had led to a cease-fire. "Black, Manafort played an important part in keeping the Angola war going," the official told the magazine, which concluded: "So the war lasted another two years and claimed a few thousand lives! So what? What counts to a Washington lobbyist is the ability to deliver a tangible victory and spruce up his client's image."',_Manafort,_Stone_and_Kelly

These guys have run the dirty tricks and opposition research for every republican presidential candidate (and bill clinton...) since the nixon administration. Stone met Trump through Roy Cohn (Joe McCarthy's sidekick/ trickster/ hitman) and instantly jumped on board the Trump campaign- facilitating/ "handling" the Alex Jones relationship. Oh and he's a redditor over there on your trump reddit if you want to talk to him about it.

But let's also talk about the Trump subreddit...

I noticed early on that it shared the nasty copish circlejerk mentality of a few other subs I'm familiar with. Some people might point to SRS, but I'm thinking more specifically of the subs we've had to deal with over here at r/conspiracy- which tend to plant fake anti-semites to discredit the opinions espoused here. These subs actually seemed to ease up as the trump campaign was coming into existence. It was later shown that there is a very intimate connection in that the progenitor of thedonald sub is also the band leader of the anti-conspiracy subs.

My own opinion is that these guys are a PR firm- likely based in NYC, DC or Tel Aviv. You can find the most indepth tracking of them over at Dusty's /r/NolibsWatch sub, but from what I understand, they were responsible for torpedoing Digg when the Ron Paul campaign was getting too much momentum over there.

This same group has had a huge effect on getting young people excited about Trump online, even using the conspiracy theory narrative that they have spent so much time marginalizing for their own gain. They've used the same narrative to false flag critics of israel, and now they are using it to push a fake campaign. This is the definition of controlled opposition.

Between Stone, Manafort and "Nolibs" the proof is all here.

no-one has time to read fevered copypasta (this is a compilation of semi-plausible trump slanders since like April)

there's nothing "semi-plausible" or "copypasta" about it. It's just true.

Roger Stone and Paul Manafort and known quantities. It's clear who they work for. So is reddit's own inhouse Israeli neocon PR team which is proven to be currently leading the trump circlejerk.

This same exact thing happened when the "tea party" hijacked the libertarian movement 8 years ago.

Donald Trump has never, in his entire career given anyone any reason to trust him, let alone ever saying or doing anything to lead people to believe that he's a nationalist as he's pretending to be now.

Such a great question because energy is under siege by the Obama administration. Under absolute siege. The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, is killing these energy companies. And foreign companies are now coming in. Buying so many of our different plants and then rejiggering the plant, so they take care of their oil. We are killing, absolutely killing our energy business in this country. Now I am all for alternative forms of energy including: wind and solar, etc. But we need much more than wind and solar. And you look at the miners, Hillary Clinton wants to put the miners out of business. There is a thing called clean coal. Coal will last for 1,000 years in this country. Now we have natural gas, and so other things because of technology, we have unbelievable, we have found over the last seven years, we found tremendous wealth right under our feet. So good, especially when you have $20 trillion in debt. I will bring our energy companies back and they will be able to compete and they’ll make money and pay off our national debt and budget deficits which are tremendous. But we are putting our energy companies out of business. We have to bring back our workers. You take a look at what's happening to steel and the cost of steel and China dumping vast amounts steel all over the United States, which essentially is killing our steelworkers and steel companies. We have to guard our energy companies, we have to make it possible. The EPA is so restrictive that they are putting our energy companies out of business. And all you have to do is go to a great place like West Virginia or places like Ohio which is phenomenal or places like Pennsylvania and you see what they are doing to the people, miners and others in the energy business. It's a disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace.

Haha! You sir are correct, looking back it now it's not short at all, sorry, I got in a groove.

Trump literally preaches torture, has no coherent policy whatsoever, and lies (even) more compulsively and profoundly than Clinton.

Calling establishment crap does not make him REMOTELY trustworthy. That's his shtick, and he's going into overdrive now for your conspiracy-wise vote, for which he will have ZERO gratitude or respect on Nov 9.

Clinton and Trump are both mostly right about how much of a disaster the other is, and for generally obvious reasons.

But if the conspiracy vote is so big, then CT is mainstream, and it'll be good for us to signal our quorum.

yeah im voting for him, he might be part of it but he seems really genuine in it and its our only shot of not losing our country and freedoms.

I hear you, but why not bring those people into this sub? That seems like the logical end game anyway. The conspiracy deniers are flocking in and we could use more fly swatters in here. But I do understand it is a prime opportunity to harness "the hivemind" for something potentially revolutionary. I won't get in the way of that.

Every so often I will lurk the_donald, because their sleuthing is more focused and inevitable than what's going on here currently. They seem to break stories before /r/conspiracy does.

Funny username OP.

Not only did they break stories before conspiracy does, but the word conspiracy theory has been dragged through the mud for over 50 years, as soon as you said the word conspiracy most people tune out or/and call you crazy. That's why I think it's important to join the movement while it's at its peak, we have tried to wake people up here at conspiracy for a long time, I haven't seen much success, nowhere near as much as over there

Great post! He's been saying the same thing for 20 years. That's why I hold out hope.

"For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind. Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven't seen before. This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim control over our government."

Lets just hope that the above is something he actually means.

Or it's all part of the plan.... all the CT lurkers on reddit and YouTube have now publicly declared on Facebook, to thier friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc that they believe in anti-social ideology, and if Trump is/isn't elected, a complete social breakdown before he is/isn't inaugurated.


Actually, a great deal of people over at r/The_Donald used to be hard-core Bernie supporters. When Bernie had the nomination stole from him, that pissed a lot of people off, which led them to waking up in their search for answers.

He's put forward actual plans, and has made every indication of supporting a versatile and expert presidency. If he only wanted to hear the same thing, he wouldn't hire three different campaign managers for each stage of the election.

oh go to hell. Trump clearly hijacked the GOP. The idea that any portion of his voters is inertia and misguidedly loyal GOP, is itself misguded. These are the people who will build a new party from the GOP ashes.

I want to believe that. I really do. But I seriously doubt that Trump gives a shit about America. The man has a friggin golden toilet. He wants money and power, just like the rest of them.

I hate to say it, but we are watching the end of America unfold.

Just one of the fools in a crowd designed by the powers in control to speak exactly what they hope for. Thats you.

He has money, he has power, hes had fame, hes got a great family, hes got a lot we can only imagine. Did you think the man that we need to take down the establishment would have no money. He spends his own money and moves around the country with an energetic presence just so he can gain more of what he already has had enough of for many lifetimes.

Today he called out the global bankers, he called the government a cartel. They are criminals. A presidential nominee told us today in a rally that the media, government, HRC actively have a conspiracy against the American people. All of them are attacking him 24/7, election laws are being changed months before election to allow non-citizens and other ineligible to vote for Hillary, who has promised open borders and citizenship.

He has money, fame, and power. He's 70. His family is set for generations. He could be living out the rest of his life on a yacht in the caribbean surrounded by super models if he wanted I am sure. Instead he chooses to run for President, for what gain? More money more power? He is attacked daily in almost every place you look, even on a lot of conspiracy forums where once truth seekers and intelligent free thinkers resided, instead we find people like you who defends the very system enslaving you.

This is a conspiracy against you, the American people. This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization. I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

Our Independence Day is at hand, and it arrives, finally, on November 8th. Join me in taking back our country, and creating a bright and glorious new dawn for our people.

Few men come around in history right when we need them. After today I know Donald Trump is one of those men. Sometimes they aren't who we'd imagine them to be. He says rash and shocking things but someone needs to wake up people to the noose tightening around their neck. It takes amazing sacrifice to give up the great life you created to go on stage and call the establishment government and global banks a criminal cartel that is against the people that support it. That is all-in status its suicidal. When you see all the power structures aligning against him even the republicans you know something is up. Problem is I am not sure that they will relinquish their power to us. The elections are already rigged. They will report what they want. Hillary will be handed the throne as the alt-right conspiracy "real truth" media is censored into a corner. Our only hope is that the coming damning leaks are so bad so horrible that when Hillary takes the oath and swears she is telling the truth that she will uphold for the people that anyone can actually believe her.

There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.

Well spoken! Shit man, this comment deserves its own post! It's so logical, it's real, it's hopeful. We can't ever know what will be, but he is saying things I know in my heart to be true, I am sick and tired of these politicians. Lie after lie after lie, promise anything to get elected then do the opposite, they should be held accountable, can a mechanic, a doctor or any other "profession" say one thing and do another without consequence? No! Then why can our leaders, the people who make decisions for a whole fucking country, millions of people.

First off, perfectly said (that is, perfect to someone with an open mind)

Now, how would you suggest I convey this message to someone like my father, who is, in my opinion, so tainted by the MSM into thinking Trump is completely and purely evil incarnate, and whom is going to vote for (pains me deeply to say) Hillary Clinton? I tried my best in showing all the evidence pointing to her being what he thinks Trump is. I seemed to have failed.

Maybe ... Maybe not. For our sake, and the worlds I hope not. I hope we see an awakening, a step in a different direction, just because he is rich, egocentric and poops on a gold toilet doesn't make him a bad person, Batman was rich and look how awesome he was. ;)

Why are we even talking about this. Yes the MSM wants us all to think we can't do anything about it. Have any of you sat down and talked to regular everyday people about this? Nothing is going to change. The masses are brainwashed, and we sound like crazy people. Hillary could literally come out and tell the truth about everything, and people are going to vote for her. Trump could start rounding minorties up, and people would love it.

The system is intrenched in all of us, and there really isn't anything we can do about it.

I disagree. What purpose does all this serve, if money is Trump's goal? He's giving away control of all his companies to his children, he already has enough money to buy five islands and retire in luxury. He might be concerned with his legacy, but is that so bad? Trump strikes me as a man who wants to actually make a difference. To change the system for the better, for his family and for the people.

For those that may not know, Trump graduated from the #1 Business school in the World with a degree in Economics. Granted he inherited a substantial amount of money estimated between 40-200 million dollars, but turning that into 2.5-6 billion dollars is nothing short of exceptional. And yes, I am aware of his billion dollar loss and 20 year income deferral which reduced his tax liabilities. Do you own research on Billionaires who lost billions. Big bosses take big losses, and it's not always because they are bad at business. Economies can unpredictably change in volatile manners. I'm not saying Trump is a fantastic business man, there aren't enough public disclosures to make that assessment, however, I am very familiar with Commercial Real Estate, my father was a Executive VP at one of the largest banks in the US( a Fortune 500) and he had numerous real estate clients loose hundreds of millions of dollars in 2008 alone. And no, his bank didn't need to be bailed out, however, the FEDS mandated that all banks take a bail-out so that it wouldn't make other banks appear weak and cause panic. Pretty shitty, because despite not needing to be bailed out they had to borrow and repay the money with interest.

Source: Working on my masters in Economics and Political Science and I have a BA in Finance from a very well known Private school.

I want to believe in someone. I respect you and your attempt to do the same. However I'm not very convinced of Trump's legitimacy. I don't find it coincidental that Trump talked to Bill Clinton a mere three weeks before he announced his run for Presidency.

I strongly suspect that he's there spewing all that outrageous garbage ON PURPOSE, so that the gullible people will get behind Clinton, just so that "Trump cannot be elected".

I'm sorry, but this election, and its candidates are a complete farce.

Maybe... I think step one is to make sure Hillary the traitor, the killer, the liar, the rape enabler, the warmonger doesn't make it into the White House, just the jail house. After that, we can figure out if Trump is the real deal, I think enough people have woken up to be seriously pissed if Trump pulled a 180 on them. But, I don't see it happening. He is too into his legacy to do that, he wants to be the best, he wants to be remembered in history as a great president who saved America. At least that's what I think. But, you could also be right and that's in the back of my mind, that's why I think it's just important to use this movements momentum to wake as many people to the corruption of our government while this is still going on.

You do have a point though. Controlled opposition or not, we can use the traction and momentum to help people come out of the echo chamber created by the mainstream media and shatter the lies surrounding them.

Feels like Donald has taken consol of the conspiracy sub.

The endless bullshit about American politics has become intolerable.

All of reddit is compromised. All the default subs have shills. Whenever you see someone say they hold such and such position 8,/10 times they're full of shit and trying to push a narrative. Those comments are bought and paid for and it's insulting that blatant bullshit ends up with thousands of upvotes. Even posts are being manipulated by the admins.

Such an easy way to steer a discussion, give a mountain of fake points to the chosen fake narrative implant shills to support and bury any opposing points, with equal fake points.

This whole thing sorta reminds me of "Meet John Doe", with Gary Cooper playing the lead. Specifically the part where the John Doe Clubs spring up, bringing the people together to help one another out in their battle against the crooked financiers who were engineering the Great Depression.

Jon Doe wanted to drop out of the race, because he was sick of the whole political game. But the reporter that roped him into it in the first place convinced him that his campaign was about more than just him. He inspired a movement, and the movement is what mattered.

Good point, I just feel like the globalists have too much control to allow an outsider get this far. But then again with the amount of people who are awake, Donald Trumps success is a result of the information war they are losing.

I am voting for him as I feel like he's worth the gamble.

It's a gamble to believe. And I don't want a leader. But. People are beginning to lead themselves. Trump is in a position of power that gives unprecedented opportunity. I honestly can't believe 100% that he's on humanity's side. But. I don't believe that he's not.

Looking at the world. Everything that's going on. This is having an effect. A positive effect. I think the promise, a promise that's too good to be true to the jaded and cynical of us, is worth the gamble.

If it's true and god I hope it's true,

Trump betrayed his people, because his people betrayed us.

I remeber a story once, well almost remember it.

What was the name of it, hhmmmm, let me think, oh yeah, the pied piper.

I don‘t know if you are a shill or not, maybe, maybe not.

But i will keep this short, that‘s it.

I like the Pied Piper reference, I think it's quite fitting to Hillary and her death campaign (could also work for Trump..'maybe, but I'm sure about Hillarys character) As for calling me a shill, Trump hasn't been accused of hiring shills, censoring, or voter fraud. So it's baseless, it's how children and liberals debate someone they don't agree with these days, you're either xenophobic, a bigot, racist, or a shill! Just debate me with words, facts and knowledge, not names.

the liberals step it up amongst's not the's the inherent corruption;they're both the same, neither will follow thru etc etc well let's ride the tiger a little first

/sarcasm ?

They banned me 6+ months ago for making fun of their spoiled man baby savior. Back when JCM was still running that shit show, if you even know who that is, OP (guessing you have no clue). They are only half awake, they are still brainwashed into supporting the fat bald clown, and they turn a blind eye to all of his misdeeds. Everything Trump does gets a pass from them. None of them, NONE, are awake! They are even worse, because they really think they are awake!!! No one is awake until you put aside the cheap trappings of this world and look beyond to what comes after, and live life accordingly. Once you do that it is simple to see how they try to trap your human mind and your soul.

If any of them were awake they would not expect some billionaire who just wants to cut his own taxes by 40% to be their savior or do a damn thing to help them. They would look at donald's past actions, and the amount of money he has, and therefore the potential he has for influence on our corrupt system, and realized he only cares about himself and only works towards ends that benefit him. If he cared about them, at all!, he would have already been using his massive wealth to influence the system and help them. They are fools, easily conned by a shitty business man! Morons!

people are trying to secure borders and supreme court positions and you really think that archon shit is top priority? This dithering is what has dissipated r/conspiracy's focus over the years.

This should be stickied.

like the L on your forehead

Didn't know that unbounded xenophobia = "awake".

People that use those words unwarranted are either shills or complete idiots, for your sake I hope it's the first.


the_donald recruiting drive.

You obviously didn't read the post. It's about recruiting truth and waking people up. If we use the momentum of a political platform for good, we still win. These topics need to be brought to light and talked about with an open mind. What you did with your TL:DR post is exactly how someone derails an open conversation, one would say it's a shill tactic. This is how we learn and grow, by having open, two sided conversations. In improv you're never supposed to say NO, because that kills the skit, saying yes or maybe keeps the lines of communication open.

I see what you're saying but damn if we got the_donald onto more truths like how corrupt the banksters are, this thing could get kicked up a few notches.

That's what I'm saying, and I already see some of that there, because those are the people directly funding Hillary. They are slowly but surely opening their eyes.

I've lurked on /r/conspiracy for years, but I only signed up for t_d

Open the sub reddit up for business and people will post. Everyone sees the truth differently though so we should all hear peoples explanations of the machine and how we can make a master sub reddit to open everyones eyes to the lies.

What I'm saying is, if we all post we will have enough information and knowledge to wake up tons of people. Putin likes to point out the Switzerland - Church connections. I like to just talk about the machine and where it over laps for no reason. (For example we have an economy while our bankers make infinite money and no one regulates it. For anyone to trust the economy is very eager, because they have unlimited influence)

Confirming that the_donald is an unfunny skit. Thanks.

What's it like living in a world in which you think you know everything?

Come on guy. You go to those meetings more than I do. We both know it's pretty sweet.

I know... It's not all positive, but in my eyes the positive does outweigh the negative, and you have to play the game somewhat.. We'll see what happens, what I'm saying is... It's possible I'm wrong about Trump, but it's impossible I'm wrong about Killary.

This is what I'm saying, go drop some truth on them, just tie it in to Hillary, Obama, NWO, establishment. It will work, people will listen.

i totally hear you, but at the same time, he's still got to win, and up against the machine that has been assembled to stop him, he needed a few "establishment" allies, and those three were fringe enough to work.

Trump is also supported by Cheney and Rumsfeld. I think that makes it pretty clear who he's really working for.

But I understand OP's argument. A lot of Trump supporters are "woke".

If the American people haven't made a move on 9/11 in 15 years idgaf either people will get it eventually or not but it better happen within a Trump administration.

Can you provide some information about the Giuliani 9/11 link? Is it just because he was mayor? It's hard to google this stuff, ya know.