Looking for material on NASA conspiracy theories

15  2016-10-14 by pholmq

Hi r-conspiracy

I have recently looked into the Moon Landing conspiracy theory and find it very convincing from multiple standpoints. The technology wasn’t available. It has never been repeated. The environment is too hostile (radiation and temperature). The photographic material shows evidence of electric light sources, back screen projection and other special effects available in the sixties. Most of the telemetry and documentation from the lunar missions have mysteriously disappeared from Nasa archives.

And I think the main proofs that the moon landings actually occurred crumbles on closer inspection

The laser reflectors placed by the Apollo missions – The moon surface is reflective in itself and laser measurements by bouncing a laser beam off the moon have been conducted without reflectors. The Russians placed reflectors on the moon at the time with unmanned probes, and that is something that the US could also have done secretly.

The moon rocks – Meteorites from the Moon can be found in numbers right here on Earth especially in the Arctic, and so it happens that von Braun and some other Nasa people went there before the Apollo program. A moon rock given as a gift officially from US turned out to be petrified wood on closer inspection.

Too big of a conspiracy. Someone would have talked – 99.9 percent of the people involved in the Apollo program did not need to know the big picture. People working on landers and suits believed they were going to be used for real. The mission control thought they conducted a real mission and not a simulation. People working with the movie set and photography believed it was for a some new Scifi movie. And even if they saw their material being used as authentic, they probably believed we did go to the moon but that it was just not possible to film it. So a small lie to please the public desire for photographic documentation was acceptable. Many people involved in the Apollo program have also died from unnatural causes. They might have talked or threatened they would. We also have Neil Armstrong strange wording at a Whitehouse speech in 1994 – “There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers.”

Soviet/Russia would have talked – Not if they could have gained something better from not doing so. This is a perfect blackmail situation. And strange geopolitical things happened in the seventies. Soviet for example built an oil/gas pipeline to Europe without intervention from the US which is a bit odd.

Photos of the moon landing sites by probes from other countries like India – Again they could have gained a lot from helping US/NASA/CIA with keeping the lid on this lie.

It would have been harder to fake it than to do it – Not if it was impossible to actually do it. I think the people involved in the lunar landings pretty early concluded it would not be possible with the available technology. But they probably led JKF into believing it was and then confronted Nixon with the option to either fake the landings or embarrass the nation.

Anyway this was not supposed to be a wall of text on why I think the Moon Landing Conspiracy is credible, but a request for more material. I don’t find Google very friendly when looking for material. It directs me mostly to the numerous “debunking” sites for some odd reason.

What I’ve found so far

Bart Sibrels material. This article contains the links to his documentaries. Remember do donate if you find them watchable http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/land-moon-1960s-technology/

Scientific papers on the Moon Landings http://aulis.com/index.html

Kubrick faked Apollo 11? https://youtu.be/FBaAfl4SuI4

Article on the Challenger accident in 1986 and that the astronauts may still be alive https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2015/04/30/are-the-crew-members-of-1986-space-shuttle-challenger-still-alive/

Grateful for anything else.


The entire thing is BS, NASA is just a fat psyop to trick people into thinking we've been to the moon. We've never been. All the pictures are CGI. Just google NASA CGI and look at the images, look up moon landing hoax on youtube.

The flag was waving and if you put the footage at 2x speed it looks like a dude running around on earth in a "space suit" it's all a joke. The heat from the sun would make it the boiling point of water, but we'll just ignore that fact because it would vaporize them. 100 degrees celsius during the day, negative 274 at night. Sounds like a load of shit to me.

100 degrees Celsius wouldn't vaporize you though. If you weren't wearing a suit it'd burn the shit out of you, but 100 C isn't by any means difficult to tolerate in an insulated container, like a ship or suit

100 degrees celsius is the boiling point of water. At that temperature your entire body would boil. The suit does nothing really look at it. The suit would burn at 100 degrees celsius.

That's just not true though. How do you think divers go down to volcanic vents under the ocean, where the temperatures are also boiling?

I don't know fam there's only so many people who have gone there. We don't know what a "Volcanic vent" is, you think you do and will probably proceed to tell me all this regurgitated crap but in reality you have never been down there. We don't know what they are or how they're created.

I've piloted an ROV to a couple. But you're right, i haven't been there personally, just watched my divers go, and took measurements with my equipment.

Volcanic vents aren't so complicated to figure out. If you think hard enough or give up and look it up, I'm sure you'll get it.

Good points. Thanks

No problemo, there are plenty of conspiracies. A piece of advice I would offer is this, a moon landing hoax in itself seems like nothing. If you piece enough of them together you'll see the matrix. Work with big ideas not small ones. The moon landing is like a piece. Something you can learn off of it is this. Russia and USA had a race to the moon. Since the moon landing is fake, Russia is in on it because they would obviously know. Cheers my friend.

Yeah you're right. Moon hoax and 9/11 have sent me down the rabbit hole and I'm starting to see bigger things like Quigley now.

Yeah NASA is/was a psyop. A hollywood production. If you waste your time arguing with anyone about it you'll just be.. well.. wasting your time. NASA doesn't do anything in space. You pretty much already hit all the important points in your post.

What else do you need to validate the obvious? Are you wondering whether we go to space today? No, we don't. Deep space probes are hoaxes. We can only go as far as low earth orbit. The ISS "live feed" is comprised of foreground objects + green-screen compositing that they don't even bother to try to match up with real NOAA cloud cover.

There's a long list of personally verifiable proofs of fraud. But so what? What are you going to do with that information? Your friends will go watch Neil Degrass Tyson on Youtube who will tell them what to think, and they will believe him over you, no matter how much evidence you show them.

Also all of the flat earth videos and channels are intentional psyops which are used to poison the well in relation to NASA fraud/hoax disclosures and facts. You'll notice when you search for anything related to NASA hoax/fraud/conspiracy that the vast majority of the available information is hosted by these "flat earth" channels.

Anyways, good luck on your journey down the rabbit hole. But really, what's the point? Yes, it's fake. And? What are you going to do about it?

Nothing. That's what.

I think I see your points and agree. But wouldn't it at least be technically possible with unmanned probes like Voyager?

You should self educate in order to find some truth. Before NASA, most people said it was flat. Even Auguste Piccard, the first person to travel miles upward, concluded that it was flat. But why care about this? Why even comment on the perfection? Because we are all wondering the same thing: why are we here and what is the point. Those that seek to deceive or to dilute the answers to this quandary should not be trusted in their entirety.

Guess I don't find the flat earth theory very convincing or significant. Do you? The Greek to Coperinicus and Galileo found evidence that the earth is round. But even if it isn't, that doesn't implicate one of the biggest taxpayer frauds ever like the Nasa conspiracy

There are several arguments for flat earth that I find difficult to get around. Here they are: just because all of the pool balls on a pool table are round does not make the pool table round; hyper-sonic jets do not take a rapid descent into account (would be required if the earth was round); I can see further than the stated declination of the earth; the stars revolve over the earth like a child's mobile; the explanation for why we only see one side of the moon is ridiculous.

The whole thing is a psy-op to keep everyone debating whether or not we've been there when in actual fact humans have been in the space since WW2.

Now we have people talking about flat earth because of all the holes in Kubrik's moon landing footage and meanwhile the secret space program has been interacting with off-world races and traveling through star gates and wormholes.

Most likely they were in space back in the days of Atlantis/Lemuria as well but it's hard to know.

Interesting theory but I find it hard to believe since we don't have the technology now or had it in the sixties or thirties

Ever heard of classified tech?

Look into thule society, blavatsky, tesla, montauk.

There's whole domains of physics which aren't even revealed to the public. Zero-point, anti-grav, scalar wave physics.

This is a well written post, OP.

Thanks! I'm curious by nature but figured it would be a waste of time to look into the Moon hoax, until I did...

Confirms the saying that the only ones who believes in conspiracy theories are those who take a good look at them :-)

People like you make me lose all faith in this sub. Do you really need to feel special that bad?

Flat earth yo

This is what I believe in.

I don't know if it's flat, but I definitely don't take the globe as infallible anymore.

Yeah I don't know if it's flat, Tesla said the earth has no shape. I feel like since our entire environment is manufactured it could really be anything. I just know it's not a sphere. We are special, all of us.

There are theories that it goes back to JFK... Here's Albert Thomas winking at LBJ in this famous scene http://www.rense.com/1.imagesE/thewink.jpg

Mike Bara & Richard Hoagland go into it in detail in Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA but I'm sure you could google some stuff as well.

Dude, not now. Focus on the CF and dig into the moon after the 8th.

We need all the help we can get.