In case you missed it. Yesterday a presidential candidate came out on a stage in front of cameras and said this

2669  2016-10-14 by jakebreak

In 26 days, we are going to win the state, and we are going to win the White House.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.

The Clinton Machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this firsthand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers.

And, likewise, the emails show that the Clinton Machine is so closely and irrevocably tied to media organizations that she is given the questions and answers in advance of her debates. Clinton is also given approval and veto power over quotes written about her in the New York Times. And the emails show the reporters collaborate and conspire directly with the Clinton Campaign on helping her win the election.

With their control over our government at stake, with trillions of dollars on the line, the Clinton Machine is determined to achieve the destruction of our campaign, which has now become a movement the likes of which our country has never seen before – and we won’t let them do that.

This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of Democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system.

This is not just conspiracy but reality, and you and I know it.

Our great civilization, here in America and across the civilized world, has come upon a moment of reckoning.

But the central base of world political power is here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people.

Their financial resources are unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited. Their media resources are unlimited. And, most importantly, the depths of their immorality is unlimited.

Our political establishment has no soul.

I knew these false attacks would come. I knew this day would arrive. And I knew the American people would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve.

The only thing that can stop the Corrupt Clinton Machine is you. The only force strong enough to save this country is you. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American People.

They control the Department of Justice, and they even clandestinely meet with the Attorney General of the United States – in the back of her airplane, while on the runway – for 39 minutes – to most likely discuss her reappointment in a Clinton Administration just prior to the Attorney General making a decision over whether or not to prosecute Hillary Clinton.

Likewise, they have corrupted the Director of the FBI to the point at which stories are already saying the great men and women who work for the FBI are embarrassed and ashamed to what he’s done to one of our great institutions. Hillary Clinton is guilty of all of the things that Director Comey stated at his press conference and Congressional hearings, and far more – and yet he let her off the hook, while others lives are being destroyed for far less.

This is a conspiracy against you, the American people.

This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization.

I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.

Some people warned me this campaign would be a journey to hell. But they are wrong, it will be a journey to heaven because we will help so many people.

In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else – and I know what’s like to be an insider. Now I am being punished for leaving their special club and revealing to you their great scam. Because I used to be part of the club, I’m the only one who can fix it. I’m doing this for the people, and this movement is just right – and we will take back this country for you and Make America Great Again.

The corrupt establishment knows that we are an existential threat to their criminal enterprise. They know, that if we win, their power is gone and returned to you. The clouds hanging over our government can be lifted, and replaced with a bright future – but it all depends on whether we let the New York Times decide our future, or whether we let the American people decide our future.

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

Our Independence Day is at hand, and it arrives, finally, on November 8th. Join me in taking back our country, and creating a bright and glorious new dawn for our people.

-Donald J Trump 10-13-2016

EDIT 10/17/2016 Lots of replies asking for source of this. This is not the entire speech, I narrowed it down to form a readable message instead of a wall of text as this was at a rally held for about an hour or more.


Youtube link to full rally

The transcription of the full speech

I have always found for myself and others that reading, has a bigger impact on conveying a message rather than watching someone speak to you from a television screen.

Why is this on r/conspiracy?

Well first of all he uses the word conspiracy twice. Second of all, I believe this is the first time in a critical moment of history we've had a Presidential Candidate calling the establishment a criminal cartel along with the media conspiring against the people of America. Regardless of what you believe to be the truth I thought it important that as truth seekers you all had an opportunity to read this and apply to the puzzle we all try to piece together on a daily basis.


I couldn't believe he said all that when I watched it. I was kinda in shock. Did he get his whole speech from r/conspiracy?

This is Trumps JFK speech. unfortunately I fear his assassination is now imminent.

He is very much in danger. Hopefully, he has prepared himself.

The only reason I think they might not do it is that any assassination attempt would seriously cripple trust in the establishment and even cause riots. There's just no way to do it without making it look like the establishment tried to silence him.

I'm not so sure about that. The media has created such a frenzied hate for Trump among average US citizens that they could paint a "deranged, rogue antihero" who took it into his own hands. Enough people wouldn't believe that it'd still be a nation, divided.

EDIT: Don't buy Gold. You're supporting the admins that are censoring the free flow of information.

Smells of the attempted Reagan assassination.

Trump would have been assassinated, had he picked Newt Gingrich as his VP. (Which is why he wisely didn't.)

NAFTA-Newt has written glowingly of world government for a long time. He's the "controlled opposition" on the other side.

Are you saying newt would assassinate him?

Not Newt. The powers behind Newt.

Like when Reagan ran. He was asked if he'd ever consider any of his primary rivals for his vice-president. He said, he'd consider any one of them--except George Bush. Reagan (a nationalist) had a deep and abiding distrust of Bush (a globalist). Remember: It was Bush who coined the term, "New World Order" and Bush who pushed NAFTA [even before Clinton did]. Reagan was from the Goldwater/liberatrian branch of the Party, whereas Bush was from the crony-capitalist Rockefeller wing.

I watched a political insider on C-Span years ago talk about how he saw Reagan pulled aside by Nelson Rockefeller. Rockefeller took Reagan to a back room and showed him what his media coverage would look like if he didn't choose Bush. Then he showed him what it would look like if he did.

Reagan folded and put Bush on the ticket. Mere months into his first term, an assassination attempt nearly installed Bush in the White House. (Reagan was supposed to be his Trojan Horse.) Bush was never charismatic enough to make it in on his own. They needed someone with personality to win--and then be taken out to install Bush.

Reagan did something brilliant, though. When he survived and was rushed to the hospital, he disbanded his secret service detail and demanded that the Navy come and protect him. As Commander-in-Chief, he trusted the navy more than the secret service. And he survived.

Had he allowed his secret service detail to "look after him," he would have gone the way of Justice Scalia.

At any rate, the media has long hidden and suppressed the connection between John Hinckley, Jr. [Reagan's would-be assassin] and George Bush. Hinckley was from Texas [where Bush was from]. Hinckley was the son of Bush's businesses partner (through oil company Vanderbilt Enery), John Hinkley, Sr. In addition, John Hinckley, Sr. was a huge contributor to Bush's presidential run.

The two families were incredibly close. See newspaper article from the time, entitled "Bush's Son Was To Dine With Shooting Suspect's Brother":

What a coincidence that, of all 300 million Americans, the guy who tried to take our Reagan had such close ties to Bush.

At any rate, a lot of parallels have been drawn between Trump and Reagan. The neocons wanted to replicate the Reagan-Bush dynamic by sticking the "Globalist's Choice," NAFTA Newt on Trump's ticket. Had that been allowed to happen, it doesn't require much imagination to see what would have likely happened next.

Do you have any source for him demanding that the Navy protect him instead of the secret service? I can't find anything.

Also, any source on Nelson Rockefeller taking him to a back room?

Very interesting stuff. I never heard about this theory at all.

Here's a radio show going over all these issues:

  • Footnote: A fascinating angle to the assassination attempt. After George Bush's company [Zapata Oil] bought out John Hinckley, Sr.'s company [Vanderbilt Oil] Hinckley went on to become President of World Vision United States. Both his son [John Hinckley, Jr.] and John Lennon's assassin Mark David Chapman worked there. And both shooters (who operated within months of each other) were triggered by a copy of "Catcher in the Rye". There's quite a bit of circumstantial evidence that World Vision United States was a CIA front, and may have been used in the famous MKUltra program. (It bears pointing out that George Bush was head of the CIA before he became Reagan's VP.) Here's his pic from the time when he was Director of the CIA:


But pence is pro TPP?

Whoever gave him gold (however worthy it was), please stop. You're rewarding Reddit for its mass censorship.

EDIT: someone got offended, so I added a please.

But wouldn't reddit shut down without gold donations?


And voat would support an extra few million users being dumped on them how? And besides, Reddit won't shut down because /r/conspiracy stopped buying gold lol.

I expect this entire thread will be gone by tomorrow morning like the whole "trump" subreddit did last week...

They tried to do a nice thing. Please come up with a nicer way to tell them to stop.

Trump has created a frenzied hate for Trump.

Do you think buying gold is just supporting censorship? What about all of the other stuff Reddit does? I mean your using it. It seems hypocritical to use something then say don't support it because of one particular thing they do, I mean your using it for the part they get right. How is it only supporting censorship and not parts they get right, like looking at city skylines or fan fiction?

Valid points, but I justify it by using AdBlock and avoiding Gold. Nothing I'm doing provides any financial benefit, as far as I know. I strongly disagree with a lot of stuff that Google/Alphabet does, but I still search via Google and have a GMail account. There aren't many places where one can have this discussion in this format, which is why I'm here now.

Naw, probably a 'Rouge Russian sleeper agent'. Russia is a big scary bad guy, remember?

They are trying to make him look literally like the Devil.

His gold towers don't help.

They like riots

I'm talking about riots that can't be contained.

Red team planner testified that the government actually fears its own people en masse.

Why contain it?

In a full-on revolt situation, the government would not be able to maintain control. Additionally, the military is highly anti-establishment and there's a very real danger of mass desertion. The country's ability to defend itself would be crippled, not only due to the loss of manpower, but also due to the migration of military secrets over to the "other side".

a very real danger of mass desertion

Not so much mass desertion of individual soldiers walking away from the job. More like entire organized companies of soldiers continuing to work together, but breaking the chain of command and essentially switching sides to we the people.

Or conducting a military coup. Are you ready to be a citizen?

That would mean that there would have to be at least a small subgroup of the current government that I trust.

I hear you. I was referring to:

Really the most they would ever do on that scale is simply stand down and refuse orders. If the high military brass and intelligence wanted to get more power they would hain control if the nukes and other vital high tech weaponry and just blackmail. We would never even know.

And thats when russia rolls in ?

No one wants to deal with hundreds of millions of guns and potential perpetual guerrilla warfare.

That is the main reason the 2nd amendment exists.

No one wants to deal with hundreds of millions of guns and potential perpetual guerrilla warfare.

100% true.

That is the main reason the 2nd amendment exists.

100% false. There was no notion of a world war when the declaration was drafted. The 2nd amendment was originally meant to make sure that states could raise a militia in order to prevent and suppress rebellions, in the service of the state.

It has evolved over the years and now means many things to many people, but the original intent is clear.

Edit: for the downvoters, please read this fantastic /r/askhistorians thread, and specifically /u/uncovered-history's answer linked there. The 2nd amendment was a direct result of rural armed "rebellions" (a title used by the gentry) such as Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion.

True, it was written in the aftermath of both Shay's and the Whiskey Rebellion and to help quell slave uprisings.

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That's when Russia gains ground in the Middle East. That's when China gains ground in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Russia would be better off just supplying the side that is on the losing side of the war. The longer the civil war continues, the better off China, Russia, and the Middle East.

It's much cheaper for an entity like russia to buy our politicans than to do anything military.

Lol. There's no way the military would protect these scam artists. I know the military and was in it. They truly believe they are doing God's work. Imagine how they feel now. They slave for this government and now they find out the government is fucking over everyone.

If the military wanted to throw their weight around they would arange for the people of colour to riot and use it as a pretext to take out the tanks and fuck shit up. Needless to say Trump being killed would not precipitate that scenario. The military also has plenty of other tricks to play other than chaotic rioting, which they also fear and despise. They are the establishment (with private entities leading through mole ridden intelligence networks) and have been doing fine controling the state with no help from riotous masses (except as a pretext).

In a full-on revolt situation, the government would not be able to maintain control.

I'd like to agree - but in what way?

American's wont be able to storm the houses of the powerful, and they'll just sit and watch the people burn themselves out against the police and home guard. =(

There are too many of us, and military defection in a revolt scenario is estimated as high as 75%. (For a left-wing president. The percentage is lower for a right-wing president.)


Think of all the cops and military (officers) living in theit cozy burbs: why would you want to piss them off and lose your levers of power?

Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

Let it spill over to the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets.

Downvoted for a Deus Ex reference in /r/Conspiracy ... that sucks.

I just read that Red Team Planner post last night. Can anyone tell me exactly what a Red Team Planner is?

dude from china/russia government. his job is to run simulations and make plans

Well, they're outnumbered 100,000 to 1, so there's that.

Riots can always be contained, if they really want to use all of their resources.

Then Obama would be able to declare martial law, wouldn't he?

As it fucking should

The black ones?

All of them. Not just blacks.

They especially fear the South.

Idiots riot when someone on social media claims their man was gunned down by a cop for no reason. The people who would be upset over this would revolt

This, Hillary supporters are voting for a perceived lesser of two evils where as trump supporters are almost radicalized in their support.

Wow that just rocked my world.

our government needs an enema...i pray for a peaceful revolt daily

peaceful revolt


Yeah that's not going to happen

What would a peaceful revolt be? Just voting out every incumbent?

Not playing their game, staying home and not going to work, living life and not giving anymore of our soul daily to the machine that keeps the grind going.

I have enough for a few months...

Learn to swim!

If you want to see a republican riot watch the 2012 Ron Paul caucuses.

Yes so they can establish marshal law


I don't know what I would do without my femurs.

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

  • Rahm Emanuel

Not riots that are backed by the military...

Remember, there is no chain of command, only a chain of obedience. The minute the military stops sitting on their hands and decides to offer a solution to the people, we fight - and 1776 commences again

Even if they did kill him he will just become a martyr the likes of which hasn't been seen in centuries.

That wouldn't be such a bad outcome for the people. A leader might take his place who knew what was what but who wasn't... Donald Trump!

bobby kennedy, ghandi, john lennon, steve biko, saddaam hussein, it's not a short list.

Ha, a martyr to the American Idiot.

Riots are done by thugs and criminals. But when the people have had enough, when they feel the only solution is to forcibly take back what is rightfully's called something else.

peaceful protest...imagine millions of americans marching in the streets for peace and a fair and just financial brings tears to my eyes to think about

They've made sure that will probably never happen. Average citizens think protesting is pointless and stupid due to all the recent riots and the "Occupy" movement. Also we're all glued to our portable media devices (read: telescreens) and are a more selfish society than ever. I don't think anything beyond China-level internet censorship could get anyone to care enough to revolt on a massive scale.

And, yes, I know I'm pretty pessimistic when it comes to the American people, but let's face it, you're probably not going to see another Million Man March. Especially one that doesn't become violent. I'm all for it and I hope it happens, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

you can't organize this shit without getting picked up, it's all online, if a facebook group or someting gains traction they swoop in, as fucked up as they are the surveillance is on top of stuff like this


pessimists are so lame

gotta push that apathy

They insert provocateurs to disrupt that shit.


Thing is... look at the Ukraine. They tried to protest peacefully, for weeks on end. In the end it took a lot of fighting back and I'm still not sure if it was worth it because I haven't read up on the aftermath as much as I wish I had.

well, gosh, that convinced me

How could we get this to happen

it's coming, i can feel it, we just need the amount of pissed off people to reach critical mass


i don't know what that means but i am tired of stupid men acting like emotionally cripple immature little boys while playing with real guns

It's called a rebellion


The rebellion sparks the revolution; we cannot evolve without removing the existing structures that bind us.

And thus we come full circle, hence the term.

Nah riots mean riots, regardless of who participate. Yes, it is often thugs and criminals who like to fuck shit up, turn cars upside down and smash windows but it can be done for the greater goods (see the riots in France in may '68).

Although like someone said in a reply, the best route here would be peaceful protests but if violence gets involved, no matter how just and fair the cause is, it's still a riot.

That's how it starts, then at 2 am you get a bunch of riots.

It would be really really bad if they offed him, people would be PISSED. And they know it would be foul play. I'm sure he's very prepared, I know he always has a gun on him.

They'll have a black man pull the trigger. Then as the people riot they'll shrug it off as a gang of deplorable racists who hate the black man for his skin color.

Maybe that's what all the new "containment facilities" are for.

Do you mind elaborating? Or is this just another joke that's gone over my head?

I don't know much about them, but apparently a lot of people in the conspiracy community are very concerned.

I am also wondering where you found out about 'containment facilities' and where they are

If they made the motive look like a BLM movement, I bet people would swallow it up.

If nothing happens to Trump, this just proves that the establishment is even more devious than we thought. Be on the lookout for Trump to not be assassinated.

Easy, just give some extremist SJW the idea and means to do so. Then you can say they did it because "he incites violence against women and minorities".

The only reason I think they might not do it is that any assassination attempt would seriously cripple trust in the establishment and even cause riots. There's just no way to do it without making it look like the establishment tried to silence him.

There won't be riots even if him and every single person Hillary hates is killed on the same day, or at least nothing that would be too significant or go for too long. The media will just put Boyz II Men on a loop.

Notice how he says "I had a wonderful life."

I wouldn't read too much into that.

He's burned a lot of bridges and expended a ton of his own resources to get this far. I think he was simply referring to the fact that his old life, as he knew it before the campaign, is over.

That's how I read it as well.

Whether he wins or loses, his life will never be the same.

ooo boys II men we havent gone there before ;0

The threat should be enough to pretty much keep him in line. Besides, it's just a speech and he hasn't actually done anything yet to merit death. Also, why kill him if he might just lose in the end?

dude cmon now

He's not in danger unless he wins. Why would they even want to kill him? The MSM has done a good tilting the race against him that he's going to lose the election. Once he's done with his campaign, I don't think they're really gonna care what he's up to, considering it will probably just be running his businesses.

He could have a story tomorrow that said he died of heart attack.

At his weight and age it would be considered plausible and common.

And it can be done without any trace.

An "accident".

Would still look like they tried to silence him.

He is too prominent and the timing is too convenient.

You actually think white people would be allowed to riot/protest if Trump was killed? Not a chance. The guard would be called in immediately.

Trumps been a little clumsy lately. Wouldn't surprise me if he accidentally fell into a body bag.

Are people here actually mistaking the controlled opposition for some kind of anti-establishment messiah?

All they want is to bundle up all the disillusioned voters on one candidate to keep the two party system intact. Can't have people thinking there is any other option.

Normally I would agree with you, but then why would he come out saying things like this? He basically called out the game for those people who are still waking up. The only thing that I can think of is that he's no longer playing his part. Maybe he was supposed to just quietly lose, but this has damaged his ego so much that he's gone off script?

Didn't he say when a bunch of Republicans backed off of supporting him that he was gonna do it his way?

I don't know. Anybody have a source? I remember him saying something about "the leash being off" after one of the debates I think...

He said the shackles were off after the GOP establishment turned on him for the coordinated pussygate attack after the second debate. Not sure why people keep insisting he's a plant...

Think he said in a tweet the shackles were off.

They're desperate. They're trying to divide people further, when people think of corruption now they'll link it to perverts and racism. I know it seems implausible, but you can't see the forest when you're hiding in the trees.

Sounds like it. Everything he says may be true but that doesn't mean I want someone as shitty and iconically representative of all that's wrong with popular culture taking the reins.

Yeah im not putting my eggs in the basket of a billionaire reality TV star.

Obvious to me.

Trumps only a republican because being third-party will give him no chance of being POTUS

He's not really a part of the two party system.

And at the same time make them 'deplorables' to the rest of the population, further alianating this point of view.

Are people here actually mistaking the controlled opposition for some kind of anti-establishment messiah?

Sadly, they are.

The only comforting thing is that they'll hopefully someday wake up and realize they were wrong. If Trump becomes President, they'll see that he is just like Obama. Just another politician telling lies, working for the same banksters and military industrialists. The only thing slightly "new" about Trump is that he divides the populace more than Obama did. It's the old divide and conquer strategy.

But he's only been a politician for a little over a year now. He says a lot of shit that you would never hear come from a Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush

People want to believe. Unfortunately it is clear to anyone who looks that Trump is just another douche in turd's clothing.

Yes, yes they are.

Winner winner chicken dinner. What a joke, if it's this bad already, why would they give you a choice that fixes it? Lol

Exactly! We don't need them to give us anything. Our nation can rise up and fix it ourselves without these crooks!

If that was true it would have happened by now.

I've been afraid for him ever since he said he wanted to Audit the fed.

right. hes on hilLIARry's kill list.

Ron and Rand didn't get killed.

You're right. They also didn't make it to the Presidential seat, nor has congress passed a bill to audit the fed.

It's right up there with JFK and Eisenhower. Another Andrew Jackson.

Let's hope a repeat of that mass murdering racist fuck is not what we get.

Just a taste

It's the kind of thing Hillary has promulgating in Libya and Syria...

Stopping central banks would save more lives than stopping the trail of tears.

Trump Lives Matter


His assassination is ongoing. It's character assassination via media.

There will be an "American spring" if trump is elected. BLM and all the other crazy leftists will be armed by the Soros groups that undermine so many other countries in the same way. Be prepared.

you actually think trump is going to do any of the things he talks about? When's the last time he mentioned "the wall" that he was so enthusiastic about?

If he gets elected there will be a wall or a coup.

I have big respect for daring to put out the truth so bluntly.

I had the same first thought when I heard it, but maybe he's so daring because after sanders, and now him, so many people have had the political landscape illuminated.

he didn't even say half the things that are in this post.

seriously what the fuck is going on here???

Can you show that this post was in part fabricated?

Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone here?

Is that a "no"?

It's character assassination. All over my facebook feed, people are posting articles about this speech which are claiming that Trump, in desperation, is now blaming The Jews.

"If by a 'liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people - their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties - someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a liberal."

Excerpt from the JFK speech you just mentioned.

You think he is going to get into office? If the system is rigged how could he win?

Or war.

Why does Rice play Texas?

He will lose and they know it. If somehow he is on the coarse of winning it will be a bullet to the head

The best way to avoid assassination is to have a VP even worse. Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful in that endeavor.

A buffoon pandering to the fears of other buffoons... Yes he's being taken very very seriously.

Was the the Ohio rally or the speech to millennials?

Political assassination is already in progress.


I couldn't believe it either. Literally thought to myself he's getting to in the back of the head for that! Good on him though, feel like he went rogue, and now they'll do everything to destroy his character. I kinda do feel like he got wind of some of the Wikileaks and was just like "wtf"?!!!!!

He's just saying vaguely that he's an outsider and he'll stop corruption. He gives exactly zero specifics. I don't see how this is blowing the lid off of anything.




Except he won't be n danger because he doesn't actually mean any of it

You guys are beyond redemption...

Why would they need to assassinate him when he's trailing by 8 points?

Oh you mean in the polls done by her super pac?

So I guess the conspiracy theory here is that she's paying the majority of pollsters and poll aggregators?

i'd go as far as to say this trumps JFKs speech.

i mean, wow

But he grabbed a woman by the pussy. So he's not going to win.

Look, I hate Clinton as much as anyone. But this asshole isn't fit to coach a pee wee soccer team, let alone lead the nation.

They dont have to kill him to just steal the election, half the country still hates him

This is Trumps JFK speech. unfortunately I fear his assassination is now imminent.

are you serious? if there was any chance of him actually winning, sure, but hill is the next POTUS, period.

Gimme a fucking break...


Oh no. It's retarded.

Removed. Rule 10.

unfortunately I fear his assassination is now imminent.

forget it, he doesn't have enough popular support or valuable information... the "donald bubble" is very deceptive, donald is largely a hated candidate, with good reason.

doesn't mean that he didn't hit on a number of good points... but he's too unloved to bother killing.

Lol u r paranoid Trump isnt going to be assinated


Lol. He's already loseing bad. Why would they kill him if he's going to lose in a landslide?

Bwahahahahahahahahahaaaa... oh my god, my sides... Stahp!

Look on the bright side. If he is assassinated Mike Pence becomes President. He is level headed, speaks very well and is a true middle of the road conservative (not alt right or rino left).

Historically governors have made better Presidents since they did have to run a state as opposed to Senators that just flit about occasionally voting for something but truly spending their time just trying to get re-elected and stealing from the tax payer.

Pence is certainly not middle of the road.

Trump works for Clinton

You probably work for clinton.

Anybody who thinks trump is anti establishment has a rude awakening when they realize trump is a democrat

Why would I care if someone is a democrat, republican or whatever?

What did you think about the fact Donald trump called bill Clinton weeks before entering the race?

Or him donating 100k-250k to the Clinton foundation in 2009? You still think he isn't trolling everyone?

Because he is an actor, playing a role. He is fake claiming to be something he is not. Did you read the link?

There have been enough email leaks by now that evidence of this ought to have shown up by now, no?

How do you consider the evidence not already in front of you? Besides all the leaks have been from the dnc group and their emails

Yes, I had seen that before but forgot about it. That is potentially damning, though I don't see anything definitive about the content of the call. As someone said elsewhere in these comments, I find it more likely that the Clintons pulled strings to get Trump the Republican nomination assuming he'd be the easiest one to defeat. Not that we have much evidence of that either AFAIK, but if so it appears to have blown up in their faces.

What about this ?

Not sure what to make of that, especially when it's more public statements from her campaign whereas you are positing an honest-to-goodness conspiracy which they'd want to keep secret. Shouldn't she be paying him to do her bidding though?

The fact of the matter is there are obvious deep connections between the two and not just financially.

To speculate who should be paying who would be naive to see the very blatant fact they have large sums of money going between the two.

Just why did Donald trump donate 100k-250k to the same foundation just five years later he would be saying is the largest criminal network. I don't think he is dumb, I think he is just playing a role to distract us

Our political establishment has no soul.

And thus has become a machine.

You guys know that speech was written by the Republican National Convention, the entire party, not just one person, right? It's truth to thinkers like us, yes, but how can you trust truth from a group of serial deceivers, liars and power maniacs? This speech has a purpose and we think that purpose is to elucidate the truth, but its not. It's to maintain power, maintain hegemony and maintain the lies. Super duper rich elites are not your friend and they don't have your overall wellness in mind. None of them. Just want to clear that up.

Upvote for using the phrase "super duper" in a serious response

Upvote for pointing that out

Upvote for upvoting that upvote.


Up voted for spreading love throughout the world.


Golden shower? Anyone?

PointDoot for upping the bumpdote

Upvote to the upvoter that upvoted the the original upvote.

Really, the RNC wrote that speech? Where do you find that? This speech was likely written by 1 or 2 people and reviewed by another. Get real

Especially since it's pretty well known (or should be) that the RNC has done pretty much everything in their power NOT to help Donald Trump in any way.


Hes talking out his ass. The press releases and trump stump speeches are trump so much it hurts. Why the hell would trump call the gop after going to war with them? They haven't funded his campaign at all.


Sort of.

At least in Clinton's case, the Podesta emails reveal they have about 2-3 writers that create the core of the message. Then it is given to strategists to chime in. Finally, about 5-6 of her immediate campaign staff take a look at it and finalize it. And that's just of the people we know from the emails. There could be many others we don't know about helping create the message.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has something similar set up, but not as many hands in the cookie jar.

Consider that Hillary Clinton's campaign employs some 900 people and Donald Trump's is about 70 last I saw, and that the HRC campaign is directly tied to the DNC while Donald Trump's campaign has been almost completely denied by the Republican party and has had to act independently.

70 people? That's crazy! I guess I was misinformed. I wish that type of information was in your original comment!


How does an entire political party write a speech? The same party who has completely betrayed Donald Trump wrote his speech?


Easier than an entire group I can tell you that much


Super duper idiotic.


"There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense."

Even by utilising the truth.

And what is truth when presented with the credibility of a liar?


Evolution is only as strong as the weakest link and people are too easily fooled. Someone fast-forward me a few million years, I don't belong here!

Still using us vs them group think narrative via party politics I see.

I think in this case "us" is everyone not profiting from political power and "them" is everyone who is.

It's us v them; over and over again..

Every revolution needs to start somewhere. If Trump is elected at least it's a sign that the people have had it. He is basically calling out every globalist conspirator, and if he gets elected those words have come from a president. I don't think Trump can deliver on everything, but what a glorious message it sends to the powers that be.

And every revolution ends with someone in power. And that power attracts the greedy.

How cute. He is appealing to the Sanders supporters and distancing himself from Hillary as if the two parties are actually separate. Sadly he is part of the system that he describes and his campaign promises are nothing more than promises.

If he is part of the establishment why are they working so hard to ruin him this election? Ironically Sanders is campaigning for Hillary, the establishment.

The system relies on the discussion being always Trump or Hillary but doesn't allow discussion of third party candidates like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.

Jesus H. Christ you are naive. Take your rose tinted glasses off. Take a peak at the history the United States, and come back and tell me when the one time a third party almost took power. HINT: It happened once, and hasn't happened again for a good reason.

It's a systemic problem, yes, and the good reason you speak of is that you're meant to think there are only two choices to keep the system running.

It's not a matter of thinking it's one way. It is one way, we are a two party system. We are past the time for pipe dreams. Pragmatism is the key now.

As much as I hate Hillary and everyone behind her, I have yet to meet a Trump supporter in real life.

Location? The majority of Trump supporters have to lie or hide their support for fear of social ostracization or worse being physically attacked. I live in Southern California, and the schools are packed with indoctrinated youths who don't have the slightest clue about socialism, yet alone economic policies in general. They are frustrated like most of us, hate the establishment and want a 3rd Party that isn't big corrupt government. Sadly, they don't realize that socialism is even bigger government and while they might get some "free stuff" they don't realize they are being bribed with their future earnings. Socialism is quite romantic to the ignorant. I got caught up in the "dream" in my early-mid twenties. Then I took courses in Philosophy, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Geopolitics, Foreign Identity Politics, Debate, Cultural Anthropology and even Sociology. In the end, empirical evidence and rationalism had a much stronger argument. Capitalism is the worst, except for all of the rest. I understood the appeal with Bernie Sanders, he came across as a very sincere and passionate individual about making change. He has an established history of wanting to help disenfranchised members of society and in general seems like a nice old man. There is just one problem, while his intentions might be well intended, socialism is an economic nightmare. Big governments are never the solution. Ask France, Italy, Greece, Venezuela how their Socialist policies are working out? Capital flight and no fuc*ing jobs. People like to mention Denmark, Norway and Sweeden, which aren't actually socialist, they are free market with more socialist policies, which aren't necessarily bad. In a perfect world the balance is probably something like 75% Free Market(not the crony capitalism we have) and 25% socialism. But comparing countries that are homogeneous and have the populations of California is not an apples to apples comparison. Multiculturalism is largely a failed ideology, that very well may have been intended to divide and conquer us all along .

This is my struggle. The message above reeks of truth, it is undeniable. The messengers however are just as guilty of everything the DNC has done - had they been in control of the White House for a decade do you not think they would have done exactly the same thing or taken it even further? The only DNC trait lacking in the GOP is discretion, to an extent. Fuck the Republican party just as hard as the Democrats, they are two sides of the same goddamn coin.

Nothing will change for the better for the average American until we abolish both parties and all of their insidious ties to Wall Street, corporations and the billionaire cabal that owns Washington DC. I am glad someone is pointing this out but if by some miracle this epiphany foments anti-Hillary Clinton furor and furthers the Republican agenda we're still fucked.

And banks, media, the Fed.. Any system with any power or wealth. It's all been infiltrated by the same cabal. Voting either Democrat or Republican will continue to do absolutely nothing but support the status quo. Which is not in our best interest. Unfortunately until we are actually starving, not enough people are going to care for anything to change. And they have learned that. So we remain in our gilded cage. The gilding is finally tarnishing enough for people to be taking notice, but when will it be enough?

Anyone who has heard him talk before would know that he did not write that speech. He has a very distinct way of speaking, and that doesn't sound like him at all. This doesn't mean that we should ignore the content of the speech, but do not think for a second that Trump is the one responsible for putting it together.

Trump is doing what he can to make this as close of a race as possible so more people can use the "if you don't vote Clinton, then we'll have another Hitler on our hands" excuse to not vote green party. The Clintons and Trump have had an intimate relationship since the 90s and whether you vote Trump or Clinton you're going to end up with Hillary Clinton at the control panel reading out the nuclear launch codes while Donald is in the back rolling in his new mountain of worthless cash he accumulated from his 'good' acting. Is it that hard to believe the slimy business actor teamed up with the sneaky con artist (WHO HAVE BEEN FRIENDS SINCE BILL WAS IN OFFICE) for the perfectly timed win win situation? Why did Trump wear a puny blue tie in the first debate while Hillary wore the flaming red full body suit (the opposite colors of their resembled parties)? Maybe in order to make Trump look weak and Hillary to look intimidating. Just watch and tell me I'm wrong. Trump is a master of manipulation and if you don't think he knows that his body language says "I'm weak and don't know anything" (eye contact) then you have underestimated the teamwork of this long lasting friendship. Then the next debate comes and its time to make voters afraid of Trumps potential again! All in all Trump is like Hillary's good doggy who will get a very nice bone for distracting so many voters this election.

this guy fucks

Watch and please keep an open mind. Trump "showed up" just as he promised he would in 1988, when he said if things ever got so bad. Things have never been worse since the cold-war.

Of course they were cozy. Trump is a wealthy and successful business man who knows how to play the game. Why the heck wouldn't he want a friend with political clout. Sure as fuc* wouldn't want her as your enemy. I have mutual clients with other companies and we despise each other, but we both put on a shit eating grin and pretend we are friends because it's mutually beneficial economically and because it's better than having an enemy. But don't think for a minute that I wouldn't fuc* him over legally and that he wouldn't do the same. Were not actually friends, the extent of your friendship ends the moment one of us is a liability or can be certain the other would not pose a threat(economically) Its business at the end of the day, nothing personal, I wouldn't hate them, I'd be upset that they beat me, but it's not personal.

The colors of their clothing, cmon bro. Gonna need more evidence than that. Shit I've heard better arguments from the flat earthers, lol I as well have my doubts, but sometimes you have to dig deeper. There are such things as coincidences.

Watch the video Below, Ignore Ale Jones, just watch what Trump says and the length he went to. This isn't friends talking wwf smackdown and hugging in the locker room afterwards. These are fighting words and you wouldn't even roast someone this badly. This is permanent irrevocable damage to the Clintons.

Clinton is super duper rich and is more power hungry than anybody on this planet. She is a serial deceiver, liar, and power maniac; she must be stopped. I'm not saying I support Trump, I'm just saying that Hillary has not even been elected as president yet and has already done enough damage to this country.

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not feel inclined to vote for Trump, though most of them are fear and ignorance based.

I just recently came out of the closet with my support for Trump, and believe me, it'd have been easier to be gay in the 60's. The sheer amount of fear porn and ignorance on college campuses in Southern California is disturbing. People are literally going to lengths to silence free speech so that they can have safe spaces without fear of micro-aggression's. Text book communism.

The rnc wrote his speech....just like they funded his campaign(they didn't)The rnc published the billy bush tapes and then turn around and help him make a speech threatening their own interests? Using the information we have how did you come to that conclusion exactly?

Awww you made me sad. But you are so right.

they can be stupid tho. just look at hillary.

What about super duper rich women who buy your votes by manipulating others and avoid jail by buying off officials who are supposed to have no sway in politics.

Super duper rich elites are not your friend and they don't have your overall wellness in mind.

FDR was born into the Super duper rich elite class and remained in it his entire life. Just sayin'. I AM NO TRUMP FAN but the only hope I have left for this election is that the Clinton Machine is taken down, that justice is served and that both Hillary and Bill are found guilty of treason and sentenced to life.

No. I do not know that. And what's more, I do not think you're anywhere in the ballpark with that presumption.

Wow, after they all came out against him and the Republicans have actually given him exactly $0, you believe for some reason, with absolutely no evidence, that they are somehow controlling him...

I'm not... I ... yeah, okay.


The Trump family is broke compared to the people Trump is talking about. The Trumps are not even in the top 100 richest people.

Trump is going to get elected and then install a direct democracy approach, paving the way for Mars.

Jokes aside do you really think the RNC wrote it? Major players are abandoning him. Hes been "off" message. Do you really think they would write a speech for him and/or he would use a speech written by them?

There is very little chance that Trump wrote that, and I am pro Trump

Yeh cool. As stated I said I don't think the RNC wrote it.

I doubt the RNC has written that. The RNC has been sabatoging Trump, not paying for TV ads, not having local RNC organizations promoting Trump, not canvassing, avoiding support where they can.

And Hillary supporters can just brush it off as a Trump "conspiracy theory" from the alt-right.

A voice of reason among the noisy rabble. Upvote for you.

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

Edit: - Mario Savio

Here's a video of him saying it:

Enter the robot boy

That album grew on me a lot, especially after The Hunting Party.

That album, Rise Against, and especially System of a Down's music hit a lot harder now.

How the hell did you get the meaning of this radical leftist peace activist's speech so twisted that you think it's applicable to Mr. neo-Nixon's message? Trump supporters have by and large proven to be uninterested in making the kind of sacrifices that Savio was accustomed to making in defense of liberty and peace. They just want to show up at a rock-concert atmosphere celebrity rally and cast a vote for someone else to fix all their problems.

Savio is a man who led student activists to block in a police car with their bodies for over 32 hours to secure the freedom of their comrade inside. Trump is a man who goes around the country sucking blue dick to score points as an 'alternative' to candidates who pay lip service to people pissed off about unaccountable cops.

Trump thinks the FBI is a "great institution." It's the same institution that targeted Savio's activism for disruption under COINTELPRO and had him on secret list of individuals to be detained without warrant in case of national political emergency. That's the FBI actively planning to violate one of the few constitutional provisions that really draw a clear line against police state tyranny, the 4th amendment.

It's an insult to Savio's legacy to pretend Trump had any idea what he was talking about just because he uttered the meaningless truism that our political establishment "has no soul."

Couldn't agree more, they're blinded by the hegelian dialectic, but when you actually look at reality all you have is a choice between one zionist and another. What a choice, folks. What a choice. AIPAC still owns both candidates, meaning AIPAC still wins no matter who wins, unless nobody wins, in which case we win.

Where is this quote from? It's haunting.

Mario Savio. It's part of a speech he did at UC Berkeley. Look it up on youtube, the entire speech is glorious.

I edited my post w/ the author and a video of him saying it.

Mario Savio, 1964, UC Berkley

Thank you.

You gonna source that or fuck the author?

I think the poster figured since it is a famous quote that it was a given that it wasn't theirs.

Fixed. Sorry guys, I'm actually busy at work today and posted that on my mobile.

Damn that gave me chills.

If he is elected this speech definitely goes in the History books. If he isn't elected, the History will be nothing more than propaganda anyway

In my opinion this is JFK secret societies speech status.

This is a great speech. I'm impressed.

It was basically written by America's decline, however. I see this speech as mere factual reporting.

Too bad his policies suck ass.

He didn't write it.

Does Hillary write hers?

Does Obama write his?

I 100% believe that Trump believes this speech and that's good enough for me.

Do you believe he is going to build a wall on the mexican border?

cognitive dissonance much

That speech was regarding the soviet union. He was complaining that the SU have an advantage due to their secrecy.

No... it definitely wasn't about the Soviet Union

You are aware he is very clearly talking about the Soviet Union in that speech, right?

That JFK speech was about fighting communism not secret societies


You think they would "hire" Trump to run the campaign he has? He's brought back Bill's rapes and called Hillary The Devil live on TV.

I had a strong,evidence-based argument that he was a Clinton plant up until just this week. I was about 95% certain and willing to bet good money on it.

The last debate has got me doubting it though.

I'm with you, I think he was probably egged on by some Clinton backers because in order for Hillary to win you'll need someone that the country can hate even more. Enter The Donald. However I do think he's gone off the plan and he's buying into his own popularity that he could actually be president. One giant shit storm of epic proportions for the rest of us to let play out.

He's gone rogue and the timely release of the "pussy grab" video was supposed to be the Trump candidacy-ending nuclear weapon. These creeps are so out of touch with the real world that they actually believed it would work. Short of a video of him raping a child, anything they throw at Trump will make him stronger.

Trump was on the short list of candidates they were willing to debate (because they felt they could win against him). As I understand it, they helped deconstruct everyone else's candidacy. So yes, I think he was a "plant" in the sense that the Hillary campaign was satisfied with having him in the running.

However, I don't think they planned on the email leaks. You'll notice that the press has universally engaged in a round-the-clock shutdown of the Trump campaign. This smells a bit like the Brexit, where the actual public sentiment was not accurately measured.

Trumps recent problems are historic though. It makes sense they'd garner national attention because we've never had a good 20% of the party actively denounce their nominee? That's crazy. Hillary's emails are complex, hard to parse and ultimately seen as "not important" because we've seen shady politicians before. We've never seen a candidate so divisive, even within his own party before.

His party is just as corrupt as Hillary's. They know they are dead meat if he gets elected. A POTUS who will not only appoint special prosecutors to nail all their asses, but tweet about it to armies of vengeful frogs? He's their worst nightmare. Of course they denounce him.

This is my strongest argument for whether he's really a plant or not. They are throwing EVERYTHING at him.

They threw everything against Romney too but the worst they could dig up was a comment at a private dinner. Trump has stratas of juicy content. He's given his detractors so much ammunition that for a while they lacked a coherant attack because everything seemed so awful.


Confirmed. Last debate went perfectly.

Same, it really seemed like he was there to solidify her "electability" compared to crazy donald. With him punching back though it definitely seems much less likely.

let's pretend for a minute he's the house of cards type. you could see him, maybe two years ago, going to the clintons and saying "help me win the gop nomination, and then i'll let you win", when that's just an act and he wants to actually win. i've won monopoly games that way.

He might have even started out that way. But, I think he had other plans.

He's brought back Bill's rapes and called Hillary The Devil live on TV.

Low-hanging fruit. Any Republican candidate would have gone there.

Not true at all. It's why the phrase "cuckservative" exists

Yes, it makes the GOP look horrible and basically guarantees Hilary's nomination.

Lol this might be my favorite part of the election (BESIDES JEB!!!)

People from outside the party, informing us that we are destroying the party. No, the GOP destroyed itself with neocons like George Bush and John McCain. With soulless wall Street whores like Mitt Romney. The GOP is shit and conservatives reformed the party to better represent our views. That's why Trump/Cruz led the primary the entire time.

If Hillary was guaranteed the nomination she wouldnt feel the need to have a new political player campaign in her place every week.

Yea so? Haven't you ever talked shit about your cousin?

When you did, there wasn't trillions of dollars and the love of Lucifer involved.

They are both from the same Satanic tribe bloodline.

It sounds crazy, but it is FACT.

Lastly, his VP loves Cheney. WTF IS THAT?

Dude keep it on the DL we aren't supposed to know -- I'll talk later, meet me at a burger king

I love the fact that he brought up the Bill rape and called Hillary the devil. Both facts.

How much have you been exposed and/or following Trump's campaign, beyond ordinary mainstream sources and general exposure to online communities?

Without going out of your way to seek out truthful information about the Trump-Pence ticket, odds are that the average voter is subjected to the media's blatant collusion with the Clinton campaign alongside mass thought-policing efforts like Correct the Record.

If you haven't ever been, go spend some time over at /r/the_Donald with an open mind. It's in the spirit of this decidedly partisan (and proudly so) community to engage in frequent shitposting in ordering to maintain their enthusiasm and spirited approach to shutting down the corruption that's becoming more and more evident each day. That said, you might find some voices there contributing both facts and personal opinions that shed light on why the Trump-Pence ticket is a feasible and well-planned approach to restoring American economic and cultural strength while maintaining our national security.

I would also suggest looking through /r/AskThe_Donald for specific queries. Members of that subreddit are very helpful in pointing out and citing specific stances on policy issues.

Given that you're posting in /r/conspiracy, you may of course be familiar with this. But with so little time left before the election, I really do feel it is important for all people who feel strongly about the future of our country to start spreading not only strengths of DTJ's plan for the next four years of our country and beyond, but also (and perhaps more importantly) the very real dangers of electing Hillary Clinton into office.

EDIT: Looks like some jimmies have been rustled below. Look, I just answered OP's request--pointed him to a source that is now being recognized by quite a bit of third parties as a crowd-sourced approach to investigating the outstanding claims against Hillary Clinton. I'm on mobile and am quite busy at work today, and can't afford more than a few thoughts and glances at Reddit today. Nonetheless, I trust that users here (and anywhere) can objectively consume information, rather than needing to be barreled with agitated attempts at making my submission above seem insincere and misleading.

Don't insult the intelligence of people here. The election cycle has done that far too much already.

Just going to drop one more link here, something that might broaden perspective for some:

If you haven't ever been, go spend some time over at /r/the_Donald with an open mind.

I have, I was quickly banned despite attempting to participate in honest debate.

frequent shitposting

AKA creating an echo chamber of memes that ceaselessly repeat mantras have little basis in reality. The definition of anti-intellectualism.

That said, you might find some voices there contributing both facts and personal opinions that shed light on why the Trump-Pence ticket is a feasible and well-planned approach

You will find some people who are surprisingly articulate given the low quality of the subreddit in general. But they have little tolerance for dissenting opinion, or lines of questioning that might be perceived as such.

restoring American cultural strength

Is this more of a dog whistle for social conservatism or white supremacy? I can't tell.

maintaining our national security

This is a joke for so many reasons:

  • He's already undermining national security with his candidacy alone by suggesting that honoring NATO is a conditional proposition.

  • He claims he knows more about ISIS than our top generals and that he would basically fire them immediately - yet his rhetoric about Hillary fighting ISIS her 'whole life' is patently absurd given that ISIS hadn't even formed when Hillary was SoS. He can't even agree with his own VP on Syria policy - how can he implement his plans when even his closest political ally doesn't agree with them? His plan to exclusively go after ISIS is misguided in light of the fact that it would hand over territory to Assad and allow Russia and Iran to build a gas pipeline through Syria.

  • He casually advocates nuclear proliferation and demonstrates profound ignorance on nuclear policy in general.

  • He wildly disrespects members of military on a regular basis (Khan feud, implying vets with PTSD are 'not strong', insulting McCain's service) which would undermine his effectiveness as commander in chief.

  • He has loans from China to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars - you honestly believe The Donald would selflessly put the American people's interests ahead of his own when dealing with them? (And perhaps the same would apply to Russia if rumors about his business dealings there are true.)

  • His immigration plans as they relate to national security are just plain stupid. He knows his border wall plan is ludicrously expensive which is why he keeps insisting on the ridiculous proposition that he will force Mexico to pay for it (hint: they will never pay for it in a million years). Not only would the wall be stupidly expensive but it would be largely ineffective as well, or at least, extremely cost-ineffective. His plan to ban all Muslims, putting aside the obvious bigotry and xenophobia, is equally stupid given that we already screen immigrants extremely thoroughly. It also disregards the fact that we have more deaths from white terrorists and Islamic ones since 9/11.

  • He harps endlessly on Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, yet is mysteriously silent on the number one state sponsor of Islamic extremism: Saudi Arabia. Could it be that he isn't really serious about going after state-sponsored terrorism, and just uses Iran as a way to criticize Obama, or is it perhaps that he has business dealings with Saudi Arabia?

  • World leaders everywhere have been continuously begging Americans not to elect Trump - good litmus test for how America will be perceived if he is elected.

  • Even if his plans were logically sound, the guy can't go a single day without making some asinine statement that insults one group of people or another - he would be a diplomatic nightmare and would have trouble accomplishing his plans due to alienating key foreign powers.

implying vets with PTSD are 'not strong'

Anyone who listened to the entire answer knows that is complete horseshit.

If actual vets were offended, does it matter? I mean, you can speak your mind but if you don't have tact, that's just poor manners and bad leadership. At the very least, there were half a dozen better ways to say it.

It's only negative if the line is either taken out of context or presented only as an implication without quoting the entire response. In that case the cause of offense is actually the reporters who twisted his words, not the candidate.

Politicians have teams of people prepare statments for them. Clearly the words they use are important. Regardless of if it was taken out of context, a big part of being a diplomatic and effective politican is ensuring that what you say can't be taken out of context. If Trump can't communicate with tact in a job that requires the uptmost care in the words you say then that's a point against him. What he meant to say doesn't matter if he's offended a head of state.

You make a reasonable point about some skills that are necessary for diplomacy. I'm not overly optimistic but I think Trump has been making steady improvements. He doesn't sound like an Italian with his hands tied reading from a teleprompter anymore, for example. Might be a good sign.

You could see during the first debate the stark difference between Trump when he follows whatever advice he was given / preparation and when he doesn't. Compare him talking about trade versus him talking about "cyber".

"Some of you are strong and can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it". How is someone with PTSD supposed to interpret this? I'll give Trump the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to express sympathy (or at least, emulate it, since I kind of doubt he's actually capable of true sympathy), but his phrasing is incredibly insensitive - if not having PTSD means that you're 'strong', then doesn't that pretty much directly imply someone with PTSD is not strong and/or can't handle themselves? Not only is that really insulting, it's inaccurate from a medical standpoint. Don't care about my interpretation? Fine. Just listen to the outraged vets' groups instead - vets sure are.

Robichaux: Good morning Mr. Trump. As you mentioned there is a tragic suicide epidemic among our veterans, among our military and their families. While the military and the V.A. are working on the problem, their efforts continue to fall short. There are a number of faith-based programs outside the DOD and the V.A., that are continuing to be successful in stopping suicide and divorce rates.

Spiritual fitness works on these types of problems. The government is not taking advantage of these programs and services. So my question for you is, when you become president, will you support and fund a more holistic approach to solve the problems and issues of veteran suicide, PTSD, TBI and other related military mental and behavioral health issues and will you take steps to restore the historic role of our Chaplains and the importance of spiritual fitness and spiritual resiliency programs?

Trump: Yes I would. Look we need that so badly and when you… when you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you’re strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it. And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldn’t see in a movie, nobody would believe it.

Now we need a mental health help and medical. And it’s one of the things that I think is least addressed and is one of the things that — like your question — one of the things that I hear the most about when I go around and talk to the veterans. So we’re going to have a very, very robust, level of performance having to do with mental health. We are losing so many great people that can be taken care of if they have proper care.

You know when you hear the 22 suicides a day it’s a big part of your question. But when you hear the 22 suicides a day that should never be. That should never be. So we’re going to be addressing that very strongly and the whole mental health issue is going to be a very important issue when I take over and the V.A. is going to be fixed in so many ways but that’s going to be one of the ways we’re going to help.

And that’s in many respects going to be the number one thing we have to do. Because I think it’s really been left behind. OK? Thank you very much.

I'll trust anyone with a brain to realize how utterly dishonest your representation was.

My representation was that his comments were perceived negatively by members of the military and veterans, and that that has a negative impact on his ability to be an effective commander-in-chief. I think I was pretty clear in my clarification that I don't necessarily think he meant to imply what his phrasing implied, and I don't see how it's dishonest to point out that people were offended regardless of whether I personally have a more nuanced view.

Of course they were perceived negatively. People like you grossly lying and misrepresenting them would have that effect.

What about trump saying POW's aren't heros? That he likes people who weren't captured. That's a direct quote

Stop grossly lying and misrepresenting!!

It's true he said that, but when you think about it the statement is technically true. The people who die in battle are the real heroes.

And the ones who are tortured within an inch of their sanity or those who are wounded and crippled are not? In many cases, death would be preferable to them.

Amen brother.

Now you're being deliberately obtuse. I haven't lied about or misrepresented anything beyond pointing out a statement of fact that people were offended, along with an attempt to speculate on why that might be.

There's no need to speculate, people were offended because his comment was taken out of context and misrepresented. The entire statement is not at all offensive.

Subs I am banned from:

/r/ShitRedditSays /r/Pyongang /r/The_Donald

Clinton is bad but Trump is a walking disaster. For all his finger pointing and ranting about how badly people are being screwed, in which he is often right, he has no better policies of his own. The big plan is just to cut taxes and everyone can be a miner or work in a factory because there will be so many jobs for everyone.

He's living in fantasy land and so are his supporters. If you want to change things, grow a pair of balls, start unions, go on strike, demand more at a grassroots level. But if you think some billionaire blowhard is going to magically make things better for you, then you're going to be disappointed.

Clinton is ramping up anti-Russian sentiment during a time where both US and Russian generals are talking about the realistic possibility of conflict between the two countries in Syria, while Trump's opinion is to fight ISIS and co-operate with Russia.

Which of these actions seems more reckless to you?

ding ding

Clinton is ramping up anti-Russian sentiment

yeah, and putin has been giving the US nothing but praise.

Which of these actions seems more reckless to you?

hillary isn't an idiot, and you can't imagine her starting a nuclear war because that doesn't benefit her, or the 1% in any possible way. trump, on the other hand? 22% of his fucking supporters think he will start a nuclear war.

The one where we don't have a president with direct ties and possibly obligations to Russia?

I mean, you can knock Clinton for an awful lot but she is at least aware of the idea of foreign policy. She has an idea of where we stand and what we do on the world stage. Can you think of any example where Trump has appeared prepared for foreign policy questions? More prepared than Clinton? In the first debate it was arguably his weakest segment and it's clear that he didn't prepare or wasn't well versed in it at all.

Lol Clinton's state department is the one who sold uranium to Russia and she herself is now threatening military conflict with them for hacking her.

Can you think of any example where Trump has appeared prepared for foreign policy questions? More prepared than Clinton? In the first debate it was arguably his weakest segment and it's clear that he didn't prepare or wasn't well versed in it at all.

Trump isn't scripted like Killary is. I happen to like that about him and I think many Americans do too. Wouldn't you rather a President who told you what he was really thinking? Why pressure him to become another scripted politician?

I think he is right in his position of not going after Assad. I think escalating in Syria would be a mistake. Aside from that, I do agree with you. It is not a lack of knowledge or foreign policy experience that make Clinton concerning to me, it is the aggressive foreign policy she has consistently supported and the expansion of US power projection that I am ultimately worried about.

Oh you mean the one which doesn't own shares in a Russian based business? Did CTR threaten your family or what? You think arming the Kurds who threaten a NATO ally (turkey) then air dropping weapons to them was not a reckless move by that political party? You think we actually have a vested interest in supporting Israel and action building all over the Middle East, and a candidate that's in the back pocket of them. The world is so much safer because of that....give me a break. Until Russia and China and Iran say you know what, lets dance America. Hillary is brilliant at amassing money and power, and it might just be the time where we figure out she was brilliantly played. Who's going to pay the price of that? Our American military and allied forces who die in the interest of her bankroll.

tbh I think more than half of reddit is banned from /r/ShitRedditSays , they're extremely toxic sub.

Clinton is the worst of the worst.

Trump is shit but don't think HRC is the lesser of the two evils.

If you want to add another, go to /r/MorbidReality and make a joke. I didn't realize that rule until I was banned from it. A little touchy over there.

No president can fix it because a president hasn't had his hands on the tiller if power for decades. Trump is America's "Btexit" candidate.

I thought everyone was banned from /r/Pyongang lol

Thank you

Right. And yet honouring NATO commitments isn't already optional under this government?

(Good post, however. I'm just salty AF over the US arming ISIS.)

Thanks. I appreciate this answer. I think it's sincere and it seems accurate. At least to my presumptions.


Can we just write him off as a total loony? I mean, isn't there some truth to this? I believe that might be a mistake. Our government does not have our best intentions. It seems they want a perpetual war and they're not making decisions that benefit the people of the world nor the people of the US

He casually advocates nuclear proliferation and demonstrates profound ignorance on nuclear policy in general.

I agree with him on this. If every country has nukes then it would effectively cause peace. I know it's ironic but it's true. When only certain countries have nukes you have power hierarchies and oppressed countries ala Israel owning the Middle East. If you're honest then you have to admit that having only a few countries like the U.S. maintaining nuclear dominance is unfair and gives us excessive power over the world.

Khan feud

The Khan's went after him first. Donald's just playing defence.

He has loans from China to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars

Source, otherwise I call bull. He kills China in every speech he does and always talks about them disrespecting Obama by not providing stairs to exit the plane or a red carpet on his last visit.

His plan to ban all Muslims... we already screen immigrants extremely thoroughly.

Muslims will always pose a threat as long we're going after ISIS--which I don't think we shouldn't be. Everytime an American or a European fighter jet bombs ISIS and kills some innocent Muslims Muslims in America and Europe retaliate against the host country. And of course, the more we bomb them the more refugees there will be. ISIS is a no-win situation for us so we shouldn't be fighting them at all this is a problem for the relevant Muslim countries to deal with. Oh and, he originally said he wanted a temporary ban on Muslims, and has changed to "extreme vetting."

World leaders everywhere have been continuously begging Americans not to elect Trump.

alienating key foreign powers.

Lol wut. Dictators like Putin, Kim Jong Un and elected leaders like Nigel Farage, Viktor Orban (PM of Hungary) alike have expressed their support for him. Meanwhile, the Saudi's you're so worried about are financially backing Hillary. Here's what a member of the Saudi Royal family said to Trump directly on Twitter

implying vets with PTSD are 'not strong'

Bullshit. He said they need help and can't recover on their own.

insulting McCain's service

The same guy who pointed to a crowd the man holding the nuclear codes?

I agree with the wall stuff. An electric fence would be more effective and more efficient.

He's already undermining national security with his candidacy alone by suggesting that honoring NATO is a conditional proposition.

Conditional for states that don't pay their bills. Pretty reasonable. For that matter, why does NATO exist? Soviet Russia does not exist any more, and what has taken its place simply does not have the same geopolitical alignment or pose the same threat to us.

He claims he knows more about ISIS than our top generals and that he would basically fire them immediately - yet his rhetoric about Hillary fighting ISIS her 'whole life' is patently absurd given that ISIS hadn't even formed when Hillary was SoS. He can't even agree with his own VP on Syria policy - how can he implement his plans when even his closest political ally doesn't agree with them? His plan to exclusively go after ISIS is misguided in light of the fact that it would hand over territory to Assad and allow Russia and Iran to build a gas pipeline through Syria.

This is terribly rambly. I'm not even sure what you are saying except for that last point, and I can't tell if you are being serious. So what if Russia and Iran build a gas pipeline? Big fucking deal. At least it would put a stop to the refugee crisis (thank, Hillary, for that one).

He casually advocates nuclear proliferation and demonstrates profound ignorance on nuclear policy in general.

Bullshit. I know the quotes you are talking about. This is abjectly false.

He wildly disrespects members of military on a regular basis (Khan feud, implying vets with PTSD are 'not strong', insulting McCain's service) which would undermine his effectiveness as commander in chief.

The Khan situation was ugly, but it was also a harped-up attack by the Clinton campaign. End of story. He never said vets with PTSD are 'not strong' the way speak. That's false. As for insulting McCain's service, I don't know enough about his service but I know he's not terribly popular among my military friends.

He has loans from China to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars - you honestly believe The Donald would selflessly put the American people's interests ahead of his own when dealing with them? (And perhaps the same would apply to Russia if rumors about his business dealings there are true.)

So what? He wants to renegotiate China's "most favored nation" status. You can't possibly get more chummy with China than we are already. You're holding this up as a spectre of horror but ... so the fuck what?

His immigration plans as they relate to national security are just plain stupid. He knows his border wall plan is ludicrously expensive which is why he keeps insisting on the ridiculous proposition that he will force Mexico to pay for it (hint: they will never pay for it in a million years). Not only would the wall be stupidly expensive but it would be largely ineffective as well, or at least, extremely cost-ineffective. His plan to ban all Muslims, putting aside the obvious bigotry and xenophobia, is equally stupid given that we already screen immigrants extremely thoroughly. It also disregards the fact that we have more deaths from white terrorists and Islamic ones since 9/11.

I'd like to give you this one, but frankly you are a little off base. He intends to pay for it by scalping money transmissions across the border, if the Mexican government doesn't pay for it. And furthermore, border fences work great. Ask Israel. Or ask the multiple states around Iraq and Syria that are building border walls RIGHT NOW to keep out ISIS.

He harps endlessly on Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, yet is mysteriously silent on the number one state sponsor of Islamic extremism: Saudi Arabia. Could it be that he isn't really serious about going after state-sponsored terrorism, and just uses Iran as a way to criticize Obama, or is it perhaps that he has business dealings with Saudi Arabia?

Yep, he's been pretty quiet on Saudi Arabia. I'm going to digress a little bit and point out that SA has been actively funding the Clinton presidency. Trump deserves the American vote for this alone.

World leaders everywhere have been continuously begging Americans not to elect Trump - good litmus test for how America will be perceived if he is elected.

Which world leaders? You say "world leaders" like it is supposed to represent some global agreement. It doesn't exist. Furthermore, foreign leaders can frankly back the fuck off of our presidential election process.

Even if his plans were logically sound, the guy can't go a single day without making some asinine statement that insults one group of people or another - he would be a diplomatic nightmare and would have trouble accomplishing his plans due to alienating key foreign powers.

That's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. However, if you actually pay attention to the man himself rather than what his enemies prattle about on endless repeat, you would know that this is simply false.

I'm glad someone took the time to respond point-by-point with logical arguments, and I regret that I somehow missed this reply in my inbox until now.

Conditional for states that don't pay their bills. Pretty reasonable. For that matter, why does NATO exist? Soviet Russia does not exist any more, and what has taken its place simply does not have the same geopolitical alignment or pose the same threat to us.

It is not reasonable at all. In fact, it's insane. NATO is a core component of American hegemony and therefore world stability. It is the primary deterrent to Russian aggression in Europe. Without it, Russia would be more or less free to do in Europe what it did in Crimea. Sure, they're (hopefully) not much of a threat to us at this point in time, but dismantling NATO would probably be the surest way to return us back to the Cold War and worse. this article

This is terribly rambly. I'm not even sure what you are saying except for that last point, and I can't tell if you are being serious. So what if Russia and Iran build a gas pipeline? Big fucking deal. At least it would put a stop to the refugee crisis (thank, Hillary, for that one).

I don't understand how it is rambly to point out how absurdly stupid, uninformed, and contradictory his comments about ISIS are in virtually every aspect. Let's put aside for a moment that he can't even get basic facts right, like the length of time that ISIS has existed. The essence of his plans is that we are going to aggressively bomb ISIS without putting troops on the ground. Assuming this bombing is successful, who is going to take over once ISIS is gone? The obvious answer is Assad. The only thing his plan will accomplish is to directly serve the objectives of a state that is effectively at war with us (Syria). It would not end the refugee crisis, it would in fact possibly make it worse since it would allow Assad to focus on fighting the rebel groups more effectively, not to mention all the refugees created by bombing ISIS's human shields.

Bullshit. I know the quotes you are talking about. This is abjectly false.

He wants to renegotiate China's "most favored nation" status.

Why would you trust him to put America's interests before his own in any such negotiation?

He intends to pay for it by scalping money transmissions across the border

This will not work.

border fences work great. Ask Israel. Or ask the multiple states around Iraq and Syria that are building border walls RIGHT NOW to keep out ISIS.

They work great, for a cost. A cost which would be astronomical given the length of the border, and which, economically speaking, would come nowhere close to justifying its benefits.

I'm going to digress a little bit and point out that SA has been actively funding the Clinton presidency. Trump deserves the American vote for this alone.

I agree it's a bad look for Hillary, but then again it's a bad look for America as a whole anyway, pretty much at the core of our issues in the ME. The reality is SA is our strategic ally. The next president is going to have to work with them so why insult them by refusing their donations? At least Hillary has acknowledged that they are the number one funders of extremist terrorism. And at least she acknowledges that climate change is a thing, which hopefully means she takes action to develop renewable energy so we can distance ourselves from oil-producing shitholes.

Which world leaders? You say "world leaders" like it is supposed to represent some global agreement. It doesn't exist. Furthermore, foreign leaders can frankly back the fuck off of our presidential election process.


Removed: R1

Yawn, spoken like a crooked Shillary employee. Take back your country folks, vote against the corrupt Clinton machine.

You have no idea who I work for.

Shillary from the looks if it :).

No joke. Holy shit, that guy is delusional if he really believes what he is typing.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

No kidding. All this in response to a reasonable request for policy statements re: Trump that would support his claims about fighting the global elite.

Instead of actually answering THAT request, there is a suggestion that we go spend time on the_Donald. My god.

The policies I know - that he has been semi-coherent on - include MASSIVE tax cuts for the rich and a desire to remove the estate tax, which effects the super rich.

Tell me again how Trump is fighting the elite?

I fully stated that t_D is a partisan community for a reason. There is no doubt to anyone, regardless of ideological alignment and personal preferences, that they are producing a very thorough representation of what Donald Trump's movement represents at its core, and I'd argue that it goes far beyond simple policy matters.

At any rate, it includes substantial policy discussion if you look long enough without letting your emotions get the best of you.

I linked the OP to that subreddit thinking there is much to be gained from exposure to a community actively disseminating information that is exposing quite serious acts of corruption and crime--on account of the elite in many cases, to answer your particular issue.

I'm on mobile and do not have much time, unfortunately. Wish so badly I could answer to everyone else who's responded at length. Trusting some others could chime in and offer their perspective on a Trump presidency, with regards to policy matters.

They are producing a lopsided representation where trump can do no wrong and everything he is accused of is someone else's fault. Nothing about their representation is thorough. It is practically a brainwashing cult over there. It's the same way cult leaders brainwash people into following them.

The sub is shamelessly pro-Trump just like the Bernie and Hillary subs were; that's the point of the sub. If you want fair discussion go to r/AskThe_Donald

r/SandersForPresident didn't ban you for questioning Sanders or even openly admitting you didn't like him, and also didn't consist of 90% memes and shitposts. Hillary hasn't really had any popular subs that I'm aware of (r/HillaryClinton is pretty quiet in comparison).

r/SandersForPresident didn't ban you for questioning Sanders or even openly admitting you didn't like him

True, but that's why they created a different sub for that: r/AskThe_Donald

and also didn't consist of 90% memes and shitposts.

The comments are shitposts and memes but the posts are actual news and/or theories. Plus, the memes often summarize current political controversies.

Hillary hasn't really had any popular subs that I'm aware of (r/HillaryClinton is pretty quiet in comparison).

Because she has very few actual supporters.

Of the 25 top posts on r/the_donald right now:

  • 9 are low/no-substance image posts/memes

  • 4 are James O'Keefe related, either talking about unreleased leaks (which are probably going to be nothing, a la Assange's October Surprise) or conspiracy theories/allegations about how dangerous these leaks supposedly are.

  • 3 are about upcoming Trump appearances

  • 3 are unsourced Tweets of similar quality to the memes/image posts

  • 1 is a tabloid article defending Trump against rape allegations (from a tabloid that Trump just happens to have control over)

  • The rest are self-congratulating text posts

1 is a tabloid article defending Trump against rape allegations (from a tabloid that Trump just happens to have control over)

Okay, but at least it is some form of news to be discussed. Others have come out saying these woman are lying. Jessica Leeds is the secretary of Julie Kleszczewski, who is a volunteer for the Clinton Campaign. Jessica Leeds's mother is also friends with Hillary

3 are unsourced Tweets of similar quality to the memes/image posts

The tweets are from Jill Stein and Joe Walsh, a former Congressman. The other is a regular person on twitter.

3 are about upcoming Trump appearances

How is this in any way a problem? It's a sub about Donald Trump for godsake.

4 are James O'Keefe related

He's doing an AMA. But yes 4 is too much.

9 memes

I count 7. But yeah, there's a lot of memes. Some have substance though.

which are probably going to be nothing, a la Assange's October Surprise

What are you talking about? Assange's press conference didn't reveal much but Wikileaks has been exploding this month. Just look at this one I just found: proof that Obama was sending emails to Hill on her private server

I arguably slightly (very slightly) exaggerated the badness - but my overall point is none of these posts really give me a reason to vote Trump or even cogently present a narrative in his favor. Unless James O'Keefe has some serious bombs to drop...good for him if he does, but if you're a betting man I'll take your money at 10-1 odds he doesn't have anything that's gonna substantially move poll numbers.

I'll take that bet that O'Keefe has significant dirt on Clinton or her campaign people. I'm gonna leave poll numbers out of this b/c they're not impartial or scientific at all, but I will bet that O'Keefe releases is significant.

At work now, so I can't give your response the attention it deserves...but thanks for the thoughtful and thorough answer.

well-planned approach to restoring American economic and cultural strength while maintaining our national security.

This is just another way of saying that he'll spend money for his pork barrel projects differently than Clintons pork barrels.

People need to understand that the system is rigged and both sides are part of the system. It's impossible for the ruling elite to lose when they control both sides. It's naive to think that they would not have planned things like this, when if we were running things, thats how we would have done it.

Even granting that the system is rigged getting Trump elected is better than any other outcome. Merely making the establishment media sick with rage for four years is a huge bonus.

That's aside from all rational analysis showing Trump is much better for Americans by protecting them from immigrants dumping wages, draining welfare and making actual Americans a minority even quicker than projected. Not to mention war with Russia, and hence risk of extinction level nuclear war, being tens or hundred of times greater with Clinton willing to start shooting over how Russia treats gays.

So even if you're 100% convinced Trump will loot the country like an African dictator just those three things make him a far better option than Hillary.

You're insane. And 100 percent RIGHT. Scary times.

Even granting that the system is rigged getting Trump elected is better than any other outcome.

I doubt you'll be saying that if trump starts a nuclear war.

and making actual Americans a minority

what the fuck does that even mean? are you suggesting that clinton wants to more than double the US population by bringing in immigrants? do you realize how retarded you sound? moreover, what the fuck do you think "american" means? we are a hodgepodge melting pot of various races/cultures.

Not to mention war with Russia, and hence risk of extinction level nuclear war

the elite have no plans to exterminate themselves. trump, on the other hand, doesn't understand the implications of a nuclear war

Merely making the establishment media sick with rage for four years is a huge bonus.

They would have been sick with any republican.

That's aside from all rational analysis showing Trump is much better for Americans by protecting them from immigrants dumping wages,

Well I'm an anarchist and from my perspective both candidates are bad for americans. So you're just arguing the lesser of two evils.

While my cynical mindset has often landed me at the same core conclusion--that the whole thing is all rigged, top-to-bottom, and all the way across--I think the material evidences that have been made possible due to an intersect of technological access and exposure to information point out a very clear indicator of who a corrupt candidate really is.

Hillary Clinton is a vote to maintain the establishment. Perhaps DTJ is not the most skilled politician, but I can resonate with the movement he's provoked among ACTUAL people--people working right now to expose more and more corruption in emails that are being released daily. To a person like me, he is more symbolic of heading in a better direction--because, let's face it: there is no quick-fix for our system.

, but I can resonate with the movement he's provoked

Some of us aren't comfortable with the movement he's provoked. He's getting a lot of uneducated, uninformed people riled up at the "undesirables".

Every politician targets the lowest common denominator in this country but no others attempt to spur them to violence.

Unfortunately, a vast majority of voters in the country are woefully uninformed and uneducated--even those who have been through its instutions and are socially percevied as well-adjusted individuals.

I don't think it's so much Trump urging his camp into violence, as it is the camp itself aligning with his anti-Establishment sentiment. It is, however, true that the fringe of this camp will express desires to resort to violence in order to accomplish their political goal. That said, there is just as much violence actually enacted by liberals, as in the case of Trump supporters being physically attacked in recent weeks and months.

A sad state of affairs, really. But do not paint Trump as a sole candidate trying to rile anyone up. It is the populace itself that responds to ideological stimuli. This is seen time and time again, though certainly worse than ever before in this particular election cycle.

exposure to information point out a very clear indicator of who a corrupt candidate really is.

Lets for a moment consider that they're competent at what they do. Wouldn't it be a consideration of a corrupt politician to hire a stooge to run against and ensure their victory?


lmao. You aren't rustling anyone's jimmies, most people in this sub are just very well acquainted with what those fascist thin-skinned faggots believe and represent.

You're looking salty as fuck, dude. Why are you calling anyone a faggot? You're making yourself look bad.

It's just banter. They're le master shitposters remember?

I just find it hilarious when anyone tries to defend /r/the_donald in any fashion. Maybe Trump really is the savoir of this nation. Maybe he really does care about this country and earnestly wants to make it better.

But that sub will never be anything but a glasshouse for a bunch of hypocrite fascists that need a safe space.

Take it as you will, then. I can't stop you from thinking that. In a nation dominated by safe space culture, I'd agree that right-wing supporters need one as well given the inexplicable media bias and collusion to shut out a reasonable and accessible portrayal of what their political ambitions are.

To me, it's grown to be a valuable means of approaching the Wikileaks data dumps in a consumable manner given that so many folks there are working around the clock to dissect the emails and draw important connections between them.

I'll mention this once more: I'm not so much pro-Trump as I am anti-Hillary, and by extent the political machine that she supports through her candidacy.

To me, it's grown to be a valuable means of approaching the Wikileaks data dumps in a consumable manner given that so many folks there are working around the clock to dissect the emails and draw important connections between them.

Is it though? Most of what I see in /r/the_donald in relation to the email dump is people making huge leaps of logic and drawing wild conclusions so long as they can make some claim to paint Clinton in a poor light.

/r/DNCleaks exists and does a far better job of disseminating true corruption and facts from the emails without making a mountain of every molehill.

That's actually a really good one that I forgot to mention in prior posts! Good looking out.

Obviously they need a safe space pro-trump views are censored everywhere else in reddit. Heck even this sub is safe space for us b/c we actually need it. Somehow you're against subs in favor of free speech. sigh

Lmao. Yes. /r/the_donald. Bastion of free speech.

Fucking unreal.....

It's a place where you freely support Trump. You can't criticize him I agree, but where else can you openly support Trump? It's needed.

Everywhere else on reddit? Most other subs aren't going to ban you for supporting Trump. You might be downvoted but nobody else has to agree with you.

Other free citizens hurting your delicate fee fee's by disagreeing with you has nothing to do with free speech.

If you haven't ever been, go spend some time over at /r/the_Donald with an open mind.

I don't even understand how you can say that with a straight face. after bernie lost, I briefly considered trump, and was instantly banned once I mentioned that I was initially a bernie supporter.

that sub has its head so far up its ass that it thinks trump won the first debate.the_dolan is just as bad as all the hillbots, they both play the same head-in-the-sand game where it's either suck off your candidate and worship them as infallible, or get downvoted/banned.

maybe if the_dolan had even a shred of room for critical thought or discussion, instead of just party-line pandering, I could get behind that, but they are an expression of everything that is wrong with political discourse these days

dont insult the intelligence of people here

Then links to /r/the_donald . The bastion of intellectualism that banned me because I said Swedish memes were funnier.

Lol ok

You're still not coming off on the right side of what I'm trying to say here.

People can (and should) see what both camps are discussing and disseminating to get as accurate a view of the big picture as they can.

I didn't label the community intelligent, as no community really can be. I labeled a person who consumes information in an unbiased manner as an intelligent, rational person capable of coming to his or her own political conclusions.

You, on the other hand, resort to put-downs? "Lol ok."


If a subreddit called "the Donald" is not expressly partisan, then what would you possibly call /r/politics--a default subreddit that is far, far worse in silencing anti-Hillary and pro-Trump facts and opinions indiscriminately; and more importantly, without claiming and making clear its bias .

I'd be very interested in you defining your criteria, here.

Has he said anything about mass-surveillance?

He said he wants to increase it. He's also against "terrorists" (whistleblowers) like Snowden and Manning. And he supports the kind of torture that's worse than waterboarding.

Oh, and he's a fervent zionist who said he intends to attack Iran on behalf of his good friend Bibi.

You just gotta love the guy. So "anti establishment" ... I guess that's why Cheney and Rumsfeld support him, and why he has Mike Pence, a neocon, as his VP?

He also supports the patriot act and wants to make it stronger.

And Hillary sold weapons to terrorist groups, so there's that on the other side.

you think for one momeny that he wouldn't do the same if he were in a position of power? they are both fucking terrible, but one is so plainly worse than the other if you have any concern for science, war, personal freedoms, etc.

So he's just like Hillary but more open about it. I'll take it

Interesting, it seems not a single person was able to point out any proposed policy backing up this (suspiciously coherent) speech he gave.

Can anyone point me to Trump's policy statements

Lul. You're not even trying, are you?

I don't care if there's a 1 percent chance that Trump is sincere. It's still our best and only chance for the start of a peaceful revolution and I'm voting for him.

I firmly believe it was Bill who convinced him to run, but that Bill seriously misunderstood who Trump was when he did that. Look at how she looked at him in the second debate. The hate on her face as he bashed her again and again. She's known for hiding her emotions, but those micro facial movements were downright macro.

She detests the man. Truly. And she underestimated him, too.

I feel the same been to the sites, rallies you name it, I get no sense that he is nothing more than the dog chasing the car and now he has it he has no clue how to drive it

He is just as bad as Hillary. No doubt about it. It's astonishing to me how people can consider this Billionaire egomaniac trustworthy. Sheep.

Well I don't know why anyone would trust him when he lies so often and often about things that are so easy to prove that he's lying.


Yeah, I'm skeptical too. However I will say that the R and D establishment have been actively trying to squash him since the beginning. The fact that the neocons (I say Clinton is a neocon too) hate and oppose him so much is the only thing that might suggest Trump is the real deal (meaning he's looking out for every day American interests). As a libertarian, I oppose nationalism and disagree with many of his stated policies, but nationalism is still far better than globalism, which is exactly what Clinton and the neocons want.

Trump has only his own interests in mind. He does not care about the American people. Don't kid yourself. If you are a libertarian vote Johnson.

Johnson is not a libertarian. And his sideshow of a campaign is trying to get Hillary elected. Those are the two reasons they're being parraded around the media constantly as opposed to ignored like they always are in the past.

Man... ctr is already here, in r/conspiracy because this is where the real news is confined to... to be ignored by the main stream reddit user.

Man... ctr is already here,

just because some people don't drink the trump koolaid doesn't mean we are CTR. I fucking hate hillary, as do most of us, we just realize that both candidates are shit, but hillary is just not as shitty.

I don't need to be paid to mention that a climate change denialist who has a hardon for nukes and an appreciation for dictators is a fucking terrifying proposition

It seems like it was written by someone a lot more sincere than him.

Notice, everytime he goes off the speech, he gets into petty arguments about tabloids.

But then comes back to read this vision.

He said the FBI needs a backdoor to peoples phones.

He said that Edward Snowden should be tried for treason and executed.

He said he would bring back torture and worse than water boarding.

He wants to shut down parts of the internet that he deems threats to national security.

He wants to sue journalists that print "lies" about him.

He believes the president has the power to imprison people indefinitely and to deny them legal representation.

You tell me.

This is so much hot air, and I'm appalled that this community is embracing it.

Trump is every bit the fascist that everyone before him was.

I want to believe this excellent speech is sincere, but every fiber of my mind and soul tells me that I can't trust Trump.

Good. Dont trust any of them. Bullshit someone that has lived in the elite class his whole life (whom people have called a piece of shit since the 90's) all of a sudden gained a heart and cares about farmers in middle america

(whom people have called a piece of shit since the 90's)


He has been talking like this since the eighties.

Ya dude you should totally go with your feelings rather than using your brain or doing actual research.. Smh.

The saying "History is written by the victors". It is all propaganda, it just depends what flavor you want.

Not to long ago I spoke with a recently graduated history student. "Now I don't believe anything anymore", is what he said.

Reality is perception is reality. Take it all with a grain of salt because in the end it's just a playground.

No different than when Ron Paul made the same speech

Actually, it is very different, because this guy is the nominee and has the power to actually do something.

Yeah you'd think if he was so passionate about it like he claims to be he would be using his money to achieve some of those ends. Instead he has his clothing line made in china and hires illegals so he can save a few cents. All he cares about is his bank account and he wants to be president so he can give himself and other billionaires massive tax cuts.

Lmao. This guy is the most targeted political figure in history. He is risking his life for this campaign, he definitely isn't doing it to make a few more dollars, he was doing fine before and could have done anything he wanted.

Trump put a 100 million of his own dollars into his campaign to make America great again. What have you done?

This is amazing.

but lets say it's close, and he claims the election was stolen. or lets say it's wildly not close, say he only gets 38%, and he claims the election was stolen. do you know why the bolsheviks got their name?

Am I the only person that believe hillary will win completely regardless of whatever happens? It's obvious that she has control over everything, so I truly don't see why she doesn't have the whole election rigged her way. Everyone keeps talking about how we're fucked if trump wins and fucked if hillary wins, but I don't think there's a "chance" of either of them "winning." I read about half of this speech (couldn't finish it cause I'm at work), but I think what he's saying is basically "I'm not gonna fucking win, it's impossible, do some shit to change this because it's getting ridiculous." I think literally the only way hillary WON'T "win" is if she either dies or goes to prison. And she's obviously not going to prison. But either way, I'm sure one of her fucking lizard spawns will take up her spot and be equally shitty instead of Bernie being able to join the race again. If I'm completely wrong about any of this please inform me, I've never payed attention to politics but I'm 19 now and I've been thrown into a shitstorm and I haven't been able to catch up on how this shit actually works because there's been so much other stuff to focus on.

Word? You think there's a cabal of media and political establishment running the country, but that a spoiler like Trump is going to be able to make history? If there's a super organized conspiracy out there, how hard do you think it will be for them to get Trump in a dark room and threaten and extort him into doing what they want? If you truly believe he's "one man" standing up to a well-oiled machine, he has no chance in enacting whatever changes he wants to get done.

Also, there's no way Trump is driven by morality... he's doing this for fame and for the power trip of being president.


Rule 10, first warning.


Rule 10 has nothing to do with your political views, nor the other user's, nor mine. It has to do with treating people with respect and being civil, and it has to do with preventing every discussion from devolving into childish insults like yours above. If you can't appreciate and follow that very simple rule, then you'll be banned. It really makes no difference to me. And this is now your second warning, you won't get a third. Have a nice weekend.

Very impressive. I want to believe.

I honestly never followed trump very closely, but thought he could be a Clinton insider to make Clinton the lesser evil so she can win over popular opinion easier. After this it seems much less likely. Trump might be an egotistical buffoon at times, but to have the balls to stand up and drop a massive knowledge bomb on this country with Clinton staring him straight in the face gives me more respect for him. Wouldn't be surprised if he mysterioisly died in a "freak" accident

I honestly never followed trump very closely, but thought he could be a Clinton insider to make Clinton the lesser evil so she can win over popular opinion easier.

It turns out this theory was partially confirmed through the emails. He didn't run to help her, but she and her campaign wanted the candidate to either be Trump, Cruz or Carson. They identified these three as "Pied Piper" candidates who would pull the republicans to the right, therefore leaving the moderates for HRC.

The media (who we now know colluded with the DNC) were happy to help build up Trump for this purpose, because they made tons of money from advertising while they were at it.

Boy, that sure back-fired on them, huh? They weren't counting on their own indefensible corruption driving so many moderates to the right.

That doesn't describe this election at all. It worked brilliantly. Trump is one of the few Republicans Hillary ever stood a chance against and now she is crushing in the polls. Despite the fact that she is one of the most disliked candidates in history (right behind Trump who is #1)

LOL backfire? It's all designed. Jesus for a conspiracy sub you guys are super linear and stop very early in your skepticism. How did it backfire when he's for 100% of the same policies as Clinton? They literally both want to infringe on second amendment rights without trial, both want to renew the Patriot Act, both want to expand the NSA, both won't audit or abolish the Fed, and both live Israel.

Please tell me what will backfire on them?

Trump knows about the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary Clinton won't be in a position to sell government office anymore, so that right there is a big plus. He doesn't plan on infringing on 2nd amendment right, unless you're talking about stop-and-frisk, which is a debatable topic but not going to be implemented anywhere but inter-cities that are in really bad shape. He wants to expand the NSA because it is currently run by DMV monkeys.

Trump isn't the one planning to sell the interests of the country to foreign powers. I get that we need to be critical of all our leaders, but for crying out loud, can't we suck it up for one election. If Hillary gets in, well. That's it. With Trump, I disagree that he's corrupt, but it's okay if you think that he is, because with Trump you get to try again in 4 years. Hillary is an eight year presidency, minimum, and do you really think she won't rig the polls even further than she already has? The Clinton Foundation is the face of the enemy here, the one backed by the globalists. At some point we have to back a horse, even if you want to abolish the horse races entirely. I'm backing the horse who won't rig the races for good.


"moderates"?? in Trump's camp?

It worked perfectly for them.
He will lose. He did the job better thsn they expected. Because now he has not only secured her win but also left the general population very divided.
Which is much easier for her and alike to control.

Hehe, I don't think so. Have a bit of optimism for once. People are waking up. And there is more to come to implicate Hillary, things hinted to be even worse than what's already been released. I'm skeptical about future releases too, but even with what's already been released, well. I've got faith.

But they did it while making the public even more suspicious of the media than they were already becoming. Many liberals and moderates will vote for Clinton to keep Trump out, but in the aftermath, will take a look at what the media was doing to distract the people from the real issues.

Thanks for the reply. I actually remember reading this a bit ago. Makes sense that they'd want him over other reps, although I was hypothesizing a little deeper thinking if him as a puppet

hypothesizing a little deeper thinking if him as a puppet

we all were....

Also it's easier to debate Trump than anyone else. The religious right doesn't like him and he has no government experience, not to mention he has a temper. He was an easy target. That's why all Hillary attacks him on is his temper and lack of experience.

Two shots to the back of the head and then ruled a suicide?

They'll find a fringe liberal group somewhere, infiltrate it, find the most vulnerable member, and have an attractive girl talk him into doing it. That some liberal nutcase felt he had to do it to prevent WWIII will be all too believable.

It's all part of the show, they're trying to close the gap between 'crazy and disrespectful' (Trump) and corruption. They're linking the two together so when people try to talk about corruption, people will think of Trump.

Why does it seem less likely when he's still for 100% of the same authoritarian and NWO policies as Clinton?

Good god dis you just say trump drop a knowledge bomb? He has completely self destructed and the handlers who took over his campaign wrote this to appeal to the conspiracy crowd as a last desperate grab for attention. He is the exact kind of self serving puppet that this subreddit would be the first to stand against if it weren't already poisoned by decades of half truths around the Clintons.

what time does the excerpt start?

edit: The transcript seems much more eloquent than the way Trump delivers it, unfortunately. It is not verbatim

That's what I was thinking reading it. "This isn't how Trump speaks, this can't be Trump. Did Gary Johnson go off the deep end with Trump?" Then about half way thru I skipped to the bottom and saw it was Trump.

I haven't watched the actual speech. So I don't know how close it is. But that transcript doesn't sound like him.

People forget that Trump was a company President and such, he knows how to speak eloquently. He also knows how to sell himself and rally people, for better or worse.

People forget to give credit where it's due about a lot of things.

people gave george w bush a lot of shit for talking like an idiot, and he did. but i swear i've watched speeches by him when he was younger and he was like a different man. no fumbling, or daft words. he was a professional, quality politician. it's almost like it's part of the campaign. people seem to like that

I can't seem to recall where I read or heard it, but I remember seeing something where top officals for Bush 2 basically said he was the smartest person in any given political room by far. His whole bumbling fool persona was just that; a persona.

He and Jeb have perfected the simple bumpkin act.

Mhm, I know what you mean. It's weird how that shit happens you know?

Gotta play a role, I guess. We all do!

it seems like he deliberately speaks the way he does to reach a certain audience. here is a video looking at how he uses words and shit

Donald Trump has problems putting 10 words together in one coherent thought.

The idea that this was even thought by him, much less written down for communication, is laughable.

This looks like the transcript of the speech that was written for him. And above in the video is the speech that was given.

True enough, yet that does not mean he wrote said speech.

No one writes their own speeches.

Actually there are. Do some research on which speeches Obama has written himself.

Hint, the most famous ones, including the Jeremiah Wright speech that catapulted him to democratic nominee/president.

This is exactly how i thought/felt reading it. Glad I'm not the only one

did i watch a different video ?

Around the 30 minute mark

He had great transcribers, the best transcribers, you wouldn't believe how good his transcribers are. That good.

It's not even close to how he delivers it, they cut out all the trademark Trump Garbage tm and made it a decent speech. Very misrepresentative.

why is the post here so different from what he actually said?

Its a portion of the speech

no it isn't

it's literally an entirely different speech from what donald said.

The powers that be flaunt what we know out in the open. It's the point of shows like The Daily Show. To laugh issues into passivity. Presenting them is desensitization.

This presidential candidate that said the OP is also the candidate that is for expanding the NSA, same as his opponent, renewing the Patriot Act, same as his opponent, infringing on the Second Amendment without trial, same as his opponent, not auditing or abolishing the Federal Reserve same as his opponent, and loves Israel, same as his opponent.

He is the greatest display of Astroturf ever seen and he will be one the Elite will be telling stories about for decades. "We got all of those peasants to believe they were different".

So bad.

Every time Trump talks about the problems with society, govt and politicians I can't help but think he is talking about himself.

Trump is a monster of the Clinton campaign's own creation. They were pushing for Trump since the start because they thought he would be easy for Hillary to beat. And then they realized it wouldn't be the case and started to pull every dirty trick in the book. They subverted Bernie's efforts even though he stood a decent chance of beating anyone, including Trump and then after the primaries they continued to use their political and media influence to cheat.

Are we to believe that a debate question was leaked to Clinton just once? Are we to believe that Clinton attempted to get an event rescheduled (or canceled) to favor her number, just that one time? There were emails of her staff asking the GOP to change their plans, do you think she'd even have to send such email to ask this favor of the DNC?

I've often viewed the DNC as the less evil and corrupt of the two major American political parties but it is clear that their hunger for victory has compromised their judgement. Maybe they were always this corrupt and just were better at hiding it, I wouldn't be surprised given their cozy relationship with the media.

Hillary is either complicit in a criminal undertaking or benefiting greatly from a large network of people committing criminal acts on her behalf. She cannot possibly be unaware of the events that have been revealed from these leaks. I think Trump is a fascist and that he shouldn't be allowed near the reigns of power. The issue is the power of the office of the president, where one individual holds so much authority in a country that deeply divided on large and important issues.

I've had it with the GOP and DNC. I will be voting third party from now on.

edit: posted for one minute and already at negative down votes.

I've often viewed the DNC as the less evil and corrupt of the two major American political parties but it is clear that their hunger for victory has compromised their judgement. Maybe they were always this corrupt and just were better at hiding it, I wouldn't be surprised given their cozy relationship with the media.

This is exactly how I have felt. I think at the top democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin. Like Hillary pushing for fracking. They both push what their global elite puppet masters want. That's why I believe the GOP establishment has come out against Trump.

I think at the top democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin.

I think its important to remember that it hasn't always been this way and its really the corporate infiltration of politics that is very much at the root of the problem. Any time you see bullshit politics, corporate money is flowing.

I'm a die hard progressive and I still see the legitimacy in a lot of conservative ideals. In my lifetime I would love to see legitimate discussion of the ideas between intellectual progressives and conservatives, without all the horseshit "religious freedoms" and "transgender PC everything" pushed to obfuscate the real issues.

It pisses me off that no matter what the problems this country faces, its always these surface issues that receive the most commentary. And its clearer than ever that the collusion between politicians (mainly the Clinton associates) and the media is deeply embedded to push a very specific agenda that very few seem to actually want or cared about until the media told them to. When I was still in communications research, I knew of a fair number of people doing paid research in exploiting useful idiots. Its just disgusting...

Yes stray from real policy with distractions. My super liberal friend always told me this came to prominence in modern elections when Bush ran for reelection. He didn't have much to point at in the way of accomplishments so Karl Rove came up with the strategy to run on gay marriage and other distractify issues.

Edit: and started the Iraq war which obviously wasn't a positive.

I still hold the DNC to a higher standard than the Republicans. That said, I think the party has been systematically dismantled and reconstructed over the last 16 years to propel Hillary. Any trace of ethics was long since removed, likely given a cushy job working directly under Obama, just to get them out of the way for Hillary's people.

I have faith the DNC can reclaim its way, but it is in serious need of housecleaning. Starting at the top.

I think Trump is a fascist

Right, believe the lies the press told you.





Yes, and the militias in Syria want democracy. It's all lies.


Why do you say that?


He watches the news guys! Trump really is a bigot!

Just replace "Church" with "Press"

Yeah ignore the fact he admits to all this shit and say its the media not him lmao you drumphers will jump through absolutely any hoop haha

I think Trump is a fascist, just from listening to him blather on - no press needed. He's all over the place though so I guess it's hard to tell.

just from listening

Did you listen to him? Many people will say they actually listened to Trump, but what they actually heard was the misleading cuts the mainstream press made.

Trump is a centrist, even. Hillary's "private positions" are to his right. Her "public positions" are to his left.

Yes, I listened to him. I'm not in the USA and don't watch TV news anyway, so when I listen to him it's full speeches on youtube usually. He is not a centrist. He's inconsistent which I guess could make him seem centrist, but there's a difference between careening from one side of the road to the other and driving in the middle, even if they average out the same.

The only other explanation is that you don't have any idea of what 'fascism' means.

My personal definition of fascism is: belief in authority for its own sake; commingling of corporation and state.

He's advocated for quite a lot of fascist policies, stop and frisk being the first that comes to mind. How can you believe somebody who tells you that he didn't say things he's publicly on record saying.

It's clear that he'll say anything to get in power, truth or lie. Once he is, do you trust that he wouldn't put a jackboot to your throat after he's promised it for somebody else?

stop and frisk

Is the law of the land.

It's clear that he'll say anything to get in power

No, that's Hillary. Why do you think you have less reasons to believe Trump than other politicians?

stop and frisk

Is the law of the land.

No. The way it was implemented in NYC and how Trump has been pushing was ruled unconstitutional. Full details especially in regard to the discussion in the debate:

It's clear that he'll say anything to get in power

No, that's Hillary. Why do you think you have less reasons to believe Trump than other politicians?

I'm not the OP, but I'll answer. Fact checking organizations pore over public speeches and debates. In checking "statements of fact" Trump proves to be the worst we've had in the US since they started fact-checking. It's hard to quantify, but he is about twice as bad as the average politician and about 2.5-3 times worse than H Clinton. Everybody gets things wrongs, tries to phrase something in the most positive light, or as is popular in the case of politicians ... to just deny it and hope that nobody challenges you. And Trump is the worst I've seen for US national politics.

What's really interesting is that Trump supporters don't really even seem to care whether he's accurate or not.

was ruled unconstitutional

It wasn't. The Judge was taken out of the case because she was clearly biased. And it wasn't the supreme court anyway.

Fact checking organizations

Are making propaganda to Clinton. They bias couldn't be stronger.

It wasn't. The Judge was taken out of the case because she was clearly biased.

She was not taken off the case. The ruling stands and has not been appealed.

Are you an troll? Or are you stupid enough to just believe what Trump tells you? Read the link for the accurate details:

If you go ahead an inform yourself by reading the link, you'll see that "stop and frisk" wasn't ruled unconstitutional ... it was the way that NYC implemented "stop and frisk" (racial profiling) that was ruled unconstitutional. Of course, it should not be a surprise that what Trump supported was the racial profiling aspect ... ;)

And it wasn't the supreme court anyway.

Now you're just making yourself look stupid. State courts can rule on constitutionality of state laws (both US and state constitutions; these rulings, though, apply only in the given state). Federal courts can rule on constitutionality (US constitution; applies nationwide). And there is an appeal process that goes through successive tiers of authority until it is not accepted by the higher court or goes to the Supreme Court. It has not been appealed ... so it stands in NYC.

You're kidding right? He is a fascist.

Of course I'm not kidding. The press is on Hillary's pocket and have been lying to you.

He's talked yesterday about not only jailing Hillary Clinton, but imprisoning her lawyers for defending her.

This is in addition to personally attacking media outlets multiple times and saying that he'd open up the libel laws to make it easier for him to sue newspapers.

That may not be the definition of fascist, but it's in the same territory.

jailing Hillary Clinton

What he actually said he would do: appoint a special prosecutor to handle the case, to avoid politics getting into it.

He also agrees she should be jailed, it's his personal opinion. How can you disagree with this at this point?

attacking media outlets multiple times

What? The fucking mainstream press? They deserve to burn.

open up the libel laws

Why are they worried? Are they used to libeling people?

Libel is forbidden, but the law puts way too much burden on the one suing. They should stop making things up about people, Trump is more than right on this.

I just replied to you on another point in this thread. But thought you needed a reply here too. For some reason I have you tagged as "From Brazil; Trump Zealot"

jailing Hillary Clinton

What he actually said he would do: appoint a special prosecutor to handle the case, to avoid politics getting into it.

He also agrees she should be jailed, it's his personal opinion. How can you disagree with this at this point?

Because the President doesn't have the authority to appoint a special prosecutor. He can instruct his AG to do this ... but due to Nixon's use of this power, even that has some severe boundaries in the US. In this case, since it has already been investigated by the FBI ... it almost certainly wouldn't satisfy these criteria. And for good reason.

Here is a quote from Paul Charlton (GOP) who spent a decade as a federal prosecutor before serving as U.S. attorney for Arizona under President George W. Bush.

For Donald Trump to say he will have a special prosecutor appointed and to have tried and convicted her already and say she’d go to jail is wholly inappropriate and the kind of talk more befitting a Third World country than it is our democracy.

This is from an article (from a very good, but definitely left-wing) source about how inappropriate Trump's statement was:

That's a technicality. The FBI Office is clearly politically motivated.

Again. Troll? Or did Trump steal your login details?

The pattern of unsupported assertions, ignorance of the law ("that's a technicality") ... is eerily familiar.

Trump is the third party candidate this year.

Trump is a monster of the Clinton campaign's own creation. They were pushing for Trump since the start because they thought he would be easy for Hillary to beat. And then they realized it wouldn't be the case and started to pull every dirty trick in the book.

The big flip in the polls came with the first Presidential debate. The second was his pussy grabbing video. Can you really blame the Clintons for that? Both of them were related to his own performance or words he said.

Is that delivery?

And then they realized it wouldn't be the case and started to pull every dirty trick in the book.

The polls show that it is easy. Clinton is way ahead at the moment.

I think the implication is that the "dirty trick" involved winning a debate and secretly arranging for a discussion Trump held in front of a live mike to be leaked. (Which is how we got from the race being briefly neck-and-neck after the health scare to where it is today.)

Trump was nose diving in the polls long before the Access Hollywood tape. His horrible debate performance, the Alicia Machado issue leading to him tweeting at 4 AM to look at her sex tape, and the revelation of his tax returns that he lost a billion dollars and likely hadn't paid taxes in twenty years were tanking his polls.

The Access Hollywood tape was just pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire, but he was diving in the polls long before then.

I said the tape and the debate caused it.

I assume the tweeting was a result of him being a twit frustrated by his performance in the debate, and it's unlikely They could have caused it directly. Good point about the tax return leak, though.

If it wasn't the locker room comment, it would have been something else. Trump has always spoke his mind, so there are dozens of things they could have used. Frankly the grab the pussy comment was nothing to me and they could have hyped lots of other things instead.

The point is, he has decades of comments to be used against him. He knew that and the Clintons knew that. Thats why they asked for his help.

Seems plausible. No need to sabotage him directly when he includes built-in sabotage.

Clearly the Trump campaign as-it-is is a fraud, but committed by whom? By his advisers against Trump, by Trump against the Republicans voters, by Trump and the DNC against the whole of the electorate? Political opposition research on oneself is a sine qua non of American campaigning for high office, if it was not undertaken (apparently not even minimally) then one can safely assume the campaign was not genuine ab initio. This means that this presidential election there was no true election, at least from the time Trump became the Republican presidential candidate, but rather a pre-selection based on an inevitable mediatically-effected defenestration of the Trumpian sacrificial effigy from the zealously defended tower of political legitimacy: at this point Kim Jong-un has as much of a chance of being elected the next president of the United States as does Donald J. Trump.


Translation: "I can't justify this, so just go with me here"

Trump in 1988 on Oprah. I highly suggest you watch this and keep an open mind.

Some people in here who say he isn't the real deal must be stupid.

You cannot fake it like that for so many years just for this one purpose being a puppet of the establishment.

He is clearly an intelligent man, and it's naive at best to think he would drag himself and his family through what he would have well known in advance would be the mess that it's. Unknown economic consequences to his businesses, a tarnished family name, death threats of which many are likely legitimate threats etc.... Seriously people, any regular candidate could have been a puppet to prop up Hillary, like perhaps the radical left Socialist Bernie to make her look more rational. Why would nearly the entire world be at Trumps throat if he was a shill. And since when has the establishment ever exhausted so many resources on a single candidate, when such a clear bias? For fu*ks sake, the governments official story after 2 planes vaporized 3 buildings and destroyed the black box's was that one of the terrorist passports miraculously emerged unscathed. The 911 story is full of so many holes it's pathetic, yet it was sufficient to fool the masses, so why expend so many resources to make Trump look bad unless he is a legitimate threat??

He is clearly an intelligent man

He's said a load of unintelligent things this campaign

To play the devil's advocate, public speaking is hard.

I 100% agree. It's Truly mind boggling how someone so intelligent could appear to be so stupid at times. He is under attack night and day, and I am sure it's taking a toll on his sanity and ability to not react emotionally. If we were to debate something at length and you could not back out of the conversation, at some point one of us would no longer maintain our composure and say something unintelligent. Ones ability to make intelligent decisions is not always adequately represented in their initial emotional reactions, its how they proceed afterwards that determines their success.

People in general like to believe that they are intelligent creatures that base their decisions on facts and logic. Sadly, to a varying degree, and for many to a much higher degree, we respond to and act on decisions on an emotional level. I believe he exploits this to garnish support from certain demographics, and has calculated the risk and determined that it's beneficial.

The media hasn't even been civil to him. All past elections, the opposing candidate would be treated like a human being. He is villified as Hitler reincarnate

Watch his older tapes. He is pretty articulate in them.

Can't be smart all the time.

Gotta appeal to your voting base.

He's gotta try to appeal to Hillary's voting base.

Bit too late for that.

You have to expend resources to kill the roll Trump was on.

Think about it, if his job is to throw the election and he actually had a chance to win, you HAVE to go into overdrive.

Everyone was surprised Trump actually garnered all of that support, especially the ones who thought his tactics were a surefire way to throw the election.

But I really don't think Trump has been making more "outrageous" comments recently, it's just that voters generally don't pay much attention until the first debate and then it became clear that his various troubles like insulting the Khan family, asking that judge to step down, commenting that mexicans are rapists, were not exceptions but simply who Trump has been the entire time.

Remember last election how Mitt Romney got hammered over his one 47% comment? Trump has been making those kinds of offensive remarks the entire time and it seems like it's caught up to him.

Do you think that Trumps current woes are worse than the ones he faced earlier? Do you think he did worse in his two debates than in the primaries?


Brilliant views and sources, just brilliant.

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I was with you until you went full tin foil at the end.

Yep. Easiest way to discredit somebody is to use the words tinfoil hat, we know the trick. You're in the wrong place, GTFO shill.

Username checks out

Nah, he was right.

Lol. Indulge me, what in particular was "full tin foil"?

I'm most certainly not a tin-foil crown wearer. I concede I may be wrong about many things and openly encourage and welcome any respectful discussion/debates on most subjects.


I'd love too, but doubt I will have the time. There aren't too many "big" holes in my awareness about 911 beyond what is expected with not having access to 100% empirical evidence to substantiate my theories. I understand the major motivating political and economic factors and key players who likely benefited. Truthfully with topics as complex as 911 I generally end my investigations when I have adequate evidence to substantiate a belief. I will always keep an open mind and discuss/debate those points and accept I may be wrong, but knowing every particularity is a ghost hunt and a never ending rabbit hole.

Care to share the highlights??

Super curious what was full tin foil there. Clearly the official story on 9/11 is complete garbage. They don't even have any evidence Bin Laden planned the attacks.

History will remember 9/11 for what it truly was not the official coverup.

posting in /r/conspiracy & spouting out ad hominem attacks, can we say shill now?

Fake what...? Up until Obama's election he was buddies with the Clintons... Hillary didn't run in 2012 and now that he's suddenly a Republican as of 2008, he's running against the lady who was runner up in 2008. After reading this monologue I have a lot more faith that he's legit but I definitely wouldn't put ot past the Clintons to conspire with their own best bud up in Wall Street.

Think of it this way. As a successful business man, would you want Hillary as your enemy, or would you put on a shit eating grin, donate some cash and make your life a whole lot easier?

The problem is that I'm seeing Trump doing his darnest to lose as badly as possible so a) why should I stand in his way, b) why would that be his goal if he wasn't a shill?

To believe he's the real deal is incredibly stupid.

He wants to fuck second amendment rights without trial, expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act, and loves Israel. All the same as Shillary.

If that's the Trump that ran for President, he would have a much better chance. He was poised, rational, clear, and eloquent and talked respectfully to a black woman moderating him. The Trump actually running in contrast babbles incoherently, constantly sabotages himself, is erratic, shouts lies, is xenophobic and misogynistic. So the question is why? We have evidence in this video that shows that either he has developed demential in his old age, or he is purposely trying to lose. If the latter, why? Why would he want to squash all other Republican candidates and then deliberately lose in spectacular fashion? The only explanation I have is that he is a shill.



I didn't make an argument, I just pointed out a funny misspelling.

Though being unable to type without checking your spelling doesn't exactly raise my faith in your opinions...

I agree with your point that he was much more calm back then but it's not like that behaviour changed just at this election. He's been outrageous for plenty of years now. I think getting involved in tv developed his bombastic personality. Overall I completely disagree that he's a shill, I just think he can't help but say dumb shit sometimes.

I agree

I shared you line of thought for quite some time. It's truly a confusing mess trying to figure out what the heck is up with Donald Trump. I've reduced it 2 two thoughts. 1. He has Bi-polar disorder and this is responsible for his erratic behavior. 2. He is a shill ,or developed Dementia.

In my opinion, I believe he most likely has Bi-polar disorder and suffer from poor emotional impulse control. He is very intelligent and capable of making good decisions, but periodically suffers from his low emotional Iq.

Trump is far from perfect and there are many flaws in his character, however I believe he is competent and well enough composed to act as chief commander.

Read up on Andrew Jackson. He had a temper like none-other. He got into duels while president, at his funeral his parrot had to be removed because it was swearing incessantly. However he accomplished something no single other man could have.

He killed the federal banks. Well at least for a while.

The truth about the Donald.

Back then the waters were much calmer. We are at war my friends, with our own government and soon to be Iran/Russia.

The time is not for calm talking, it is time to beat on the drums and sound the alarms. There is no room for Political Correctness. His strategy has been very effective, and no presidential candidate other than Ron Paul has come close to getting the attention that Trump has. He has woken more people than any of us in our lifetimes could ever accomplish.

Wow. I don't even know how to respond to that.

Just tell us how you will defeat ISIS!

Tinfoil version or American Media version? Lol.

as much as I don't like trump. this should go to the top of /r/conspiracy. it is very appropriate here. :)

No it's not. It fails to recognize that Bill Clinton asked Trump to run in the election. Nothing in politics happens by accident, so it's not like they miscalculated his chances, they knew he would win the nomination. Heck even the recent locker room scandal of trump had a Bush involved in it.

The ruling elite control everything and Trump is not going to go against that. He owes his wealth to these people.

Clinton asked him to run because he thought he would be easy for Hillary to beat. They totally underestimated him and he's gone rogue.

Well she is beating him easily, is she not?

Not as easy as they thought it would be. I personally think it will be a landslide for Trump but we will see.

While the polling agencies are occasionally wrong, I think they do have a good handle on how things will play out for the most part. Of course it could be that the voting is rigged to match the polling results and nobody questions the outcome that way. Either way, there is no evidence currently that Trump is winning by a landslide, besides your own enthusiasm. I know the feeling, I though Ron Paul was going to win by a landslide back in 2008 just the same.

My opinion is not based on enthusiasm. It is because Trump received the most votes of any Republican candidate in history and the size of his rallies compared to Hillary. This isn't a repeat of Ron Paul in 2008.

So you think the polling agencies are wrong or are they part of a conspiracy? It seems strange to suggest that the polling agencies are all in on the conspiracy, yet Trump somehow isn't.

Rasmussen Poll: Donald Trump Leads Hillary Clinton by Two Points

The latest results have a plus or minus 2.5 percent margin of error and the poll was taken Oct. 12 and Oct. 13.

OK, so one poll out of a dozen...this is the real one and the others are rigged. I'm a big conspiracy theorist (hey I'm the one saying that Trump is colluding here!), yet I wouldn't go so far as to say all the polling agencies are colluding and this one is somehow the honest one.

The mainstream media is proven totally corrupt and bought by the establishment but it's a crazy conspiracy theory to think their polls might be somewhat untrustworthy?

polls might be somewhat untrustworthy?

They do prove to be correct more often than not though. Like I mentioned above, I'm willing to consider that the voting is rigged to fit the polling data. It's just a question of how far down the rabbit hole we want to go.

The whole point though is that there is no evidence that Trump is winning. Well I take that back, you have one poll saying this. All the other polls say the opposite though. This still suggests that Hilaries plan is still on track.

Here's a little foray into the rabbit hole. Let's say the Hillary campaign's internal polling shows Trump leading. Say they are planning on rigging the election in their favor a little or a lot depending on the lead. The polls must match somewhat the rigged vote numbers, so they have to rig the mainstream media polls or the disparity will be too obvious on Election Day and the rigging will be obvious. I know Roger Stone has a site asking for volunteers to conduct exit polling to expose any rigging and I've heard Trump mention that he is also concerned about a fix so this seems not too far fetched for some.

edit: Stop the Steal

totally agree.

I've heard Trump mention that he is also concerned about a fix

So if there was evidence to show that Trump actually did something substantial to stop potential vote rigging (not just mentioning it a couple times), then I could agree that he's truly opposed to Clinton.

I don't think they knew he'd win the nomination. And I covered four elections (former three-letter journalist).

Considering the amount of free coverage the major networks gave him, i think that was the plan all along for him to win.

Please think of it another way. It's not free coverage, it's that the media is focused on sensationalist , clickbait subjects and, just in being the fucktard-machine that he is, Trump fed into that machine perfectly. Along the way, he became the lightning rod for how angry America is at the Establishment. This is not any kind of plan on the media's part. He just tapped into the way their machine is already setup to run perfectly. Trump is basically a hostile takeover of a party that was using the very same mechanisms he was using in The Apprentice.

He just tapped into the way their machine is already setup to run perfectly.

I can agree with this, except that when the Clintons were searching for a stooge to run up against, they would have been smart enough to know that Trump is a king of marketing. Between the king of marketing and the queen of insider knowledge, they surely had considered all the angles that things would play out. We shouldn't underestimate their intelligence and tenacity.

  • In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Wikileaks proves that the Democrats wanted Trump, Cruz, or Carson because they though they would pull the RNC right and these candidates would be easy for Clinton to beat. They wanted the media to ensure Trumps candidacy and now it has backfired.

Do you have any of these emails? I just want to see for myself.

This needs to be upvoted to the top, Trump has summed up what we've all been fighting against in this one speech.

and the fact that trump has did it is astonishing.

He has did it reeeeeaaaal good.

Bernie did it first

Then gave up and joined them...

It really is a great speech, just disappointed that he was the guy to give it. I find it very unlikely that he is running this campaign with the average American in mind. Still, a great speech.

Agreed. He's right on so many levels, but just because he says it doesn't mean I'm convinced he's going to do something about it, and that doesn't mean Hillary is a better choice -- it wasn't a comparison.

If Bernie said this. Imagine.

Bernie the career politician?

You know, once in a blue moon a politician comes around who has managed to retain their morals throughout their career, and Bernie is one of them.

And he did it all without even the slightest hint of a spine.

Really man? I think you may need to hop off the BernieBro idealism train. Although I vehemently disagree with Sanders's democratic socialist platform, it really seemed like he was an outsider who was ready to shake things up in pursuit of what he thought of as the greater good. However, I lost 100% of my respect for him when he weakly flipped and endorsed Hillary. That's inexcusable in my book.

didn't he get a $900,000 right after? didn't his wife get a massive bonus from bankrupting a college? didn't bernie destroy ron paul's audit the fed bill? didn't he vote for the military industrial complex his entire career? don't 97% of bernie's votes match with hillary's? come on. bernie is just as corrupt as the rest of them.

Yes the one with the actual movement.

Lmao. A bunch of 18 year olds who wanted free shit and had no real voice or power anywhere besides their own universities?

If that's what you want to believe sure. Go drumpf

It is the truth sorry pal. Go Drumpf. Nice one.

And trump supporters are racist and Hillary supporters are evil. See many truths. I'm not your pal.

Trump supports are racist and Hillary supporters are evil?


Bernie supporters are 18 year olds?

19, 20, 21? They're mostly uni kids with no life experience and think their movement will stick around; Hillary doesn't give a damn about it.

Do you think magically all Bernie supporters became Hillary supporters? We'll probably since you think they're all young people.

No, not many of them support her, just the extremely delusional young liberals, and older die-hard democrats. Again you are wrong, quit while you are ahead.

People amaze me.

It must be incredible


Oh right y'all are 14!

compared to the toothless fat hicks with a first grade education and stormfront members at drumpf rallies?

Lmao. Donald Trump has the highest educated support excluding people currently in university. Also, Drumpf, nice one, that's pretty clever.

can't believe some in this subreddit follows someone like jon oliver. ridiculous.

I was just thinking that. Drumpf isn't even an insult or a "thing" unless you watch John Oliver, so it tells a lot more about the poster than anything else.

Wait? Before or after he sold out?

But no average American would be able to take on the system the way he has. His deep pockets have allowed him to buy the best bodyguards and protection against assassination attemps.

He is able to launch lawsuits against the NYT for slander. An average american simply wouldn't have the funds. It has to be an oligarch to take on the system.

Yeah, that's how dictatorships get started. If you want a political movement that improves living conditions for the entire country it has to come from the people. Power in numbers. You don't need money when there are 200 million of you.

The idea is to remove money as the deciding factor for an election. Sanders' mass fundraising of small donations from average people is the better route in my opinion. Ultimately his campaign fell short of overcoming the corruption, as will Trump's.

Fighting fire with fire breeds more fire.

Thing is that the majority of Trump's donations have come from small donors as well

Exactly. Like 99%. He is as much a candidate for the people as Sanders. Anyone who says otherwise isn't paying attention.

29% according to google if we are counting <$200 donations as small

If you think either candidate gives a shit about anyone other than themselves, you are a very naive person.

29% of Trump's donations were $200 or less according to a quick google search. Better than Clinton's 19% but still pale in comparison to Sanders' 59%. I also recall the Trump sub making fun of Sanders supporters for donating to his campaign by proudly declaring that they were donating nothing because their candidate was rich and didnt need it.

We've got to pass the bill to find out what's in it

Last ditch effort to get presidency, says the perfect speech portraying what we are all thinking, he has no intention to do these things, but it is the ONE speech I've been waiting for a presidential nominee to have. It has to change something.

Isn't the courage and boldness to say this enough to believe he wants to change it? There's no mention of this remotely in Hillary's campaign. I think the clear bashing the media is giving him confirms his claims. Is it possible the media bias that has trickled into society has affected your view of him more than you realize? Really I'm wondering, why do you not believe this coming from him?

As I mentioned in another comment, I haven't seen any evidence that he cared about the average American prior to running for office. That makes it hard for me to believe that a switch just turned on in him that made him start caring so passionately about average Joe's well being.

I agree that the majority of media is biased towards Clinton (and has been for quite some time). I am aware that the media influences my opinions.

However, my distaste for Trump began when HE was using the media to construct a caricature of himself to further his fame/fortune. He literally built the character that is being torn apart now. The macho successful man's man character who wins at all cost worked great for his ego/persona/empire. Not so much for president. I also expected his demeanor to be different than my expectations when watching him debate. I thought for sure that the Trump I had in my head based on his reality TV character and random blurbs was a front that he put on "for the show". But time and time again, that same character showed up to debate after debate, speech after speech.

So yes, the media IS biased and that's a huge problem, which is why I think this was a great speech. But I believe Trump making this speech allows people to take it less seriously than they should due to his role in creating "the monster" that the media portrays him as.

I'm curious as to what caricature you believe he made, and how the media is ripping it apart? The media has capitalised on the common person's ignorance of business operation, and doubled down on personal attacks that attempt to make his braggadocio actions somehow non-presidential. When all else failed, they have resorted to what appear to be outright lies.

The entirety of their actions have been laughable, if they had not left me so depressed.

I'm genuinely curious as to how you think his image is falling apart, when I have yet to see anything of substance imparted on us through the media.

When I say the media is ripping him apart, I'm referring to the same things you are. Character attacks mainly.

I'm not passing judgement on whether they are accurate or not because I don't know the guy and I'm aware that our media is biased and real investigative journalism is all but dead here. But it is the same characteristics that made Trump a household name in the first place that are being played on/spun by the media to showcase him as non-presidential now. He helped create the braggadocious asshole they are portraying him as and it has benefited him up to this point (by way of increasing his media coverage>fame>wealth.)

Again, this was a great speech that needed to be said. I just don't think Trump is the best messenger for it.

You should be thrilled he said it. He has the national audience's ears. Whether you like him or not, he is in a position to reach the most people with his words.

I am indeed.

Run for office - maybe you'll be giving a speech like that someday.

One day, I hope to be someone important enough to warrant professional speech writers making a kick-ass speech for me, as I certainly am not clever enough with words to come up with my own. It's a foolish dream, I know, but I'm a sucker for great speeches filled with passion and a powerful message. A great speech, like the one he delivered, can result in opening the minds of the audience, which is pretty awesome.

It starts one piece at a time. Even if that just means reading the newspaper and sending in letters to the editor. Even if it just means looking at Reddit and writing comments. Even just reading your comment makes me believe you could get there.

Write, talk, and develop ideas you have, and focus on what you're passionate about. You might make a difference to someone else, any step of the way.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Funny how when Trump is trying to do everything he can to prove that he's with the American people he still has idiots like you saying otherwise, falling perfectly in the trap the corrupt establishment you fight against set for you.

What else does he have to do to show you that he's not one of them? he's sacrificed everything, he didn't have to do this, the risk/reward for him is a complete blowout, get your heads out of your ass.

Resorting to name calling when you're trying to have a civil discussion isn't very effective but I'll respond anyway.

His actions up to this point (i.e. prior to his presidential run) have not convinced me that he passionately cares about the average person. If you have evidence to the contrary, provide it and we can discuss.

What exactly are you referring to when you say he has sacrificed and risked everything? I was under the impression that he is going to be fine (if not better off) financially/professionally after this election regardless of the outcome based on his past endeavors in which he has leveraged his fame (which has undoubtedly increased due to his presidential bid) to profit.

Well he has sacrificed everything, the first week into his campaign he lost many business partners (Macy's, Univision, etc) and you look at whats going on today, his reputation is being viciously attacked by the left bringing up false accusations to smear him.

Do you ever stop to imagine what being attacked like that by the media/press is like for him/his family? Seeing these frauds spin their narratives and lies about him on the news 24/7? This guy is carrying a massive burden, I myself believe he really loves his country and wants to give back to it because its done so much for him.

But think about it, he put his life on the line to run for office when he didn't have to, he could be relaxing in one of his resorts or enjoying his time golfing but instead chose to run, flying across the country (which isn't cheap btw) doing 1 hour rallies 1-3 times a day, taking the time to meet with small communities and speak with them directly, spending over 100million out of his own pocket to fund his campaign.

You look at what he said in West Palm Beach and its eerily similar to JFK's speech before he was killed, so ya, he is putting his life on the line doing this, and doing it against a lying, murdering crook who is known for making her political opposition disappear (I think she knows she can't have him killed like she wants so she's assassinating his character instead)

So you say he'll be fine after all this but just take a look at what Hillary and the left are trying to do to him and how all these accusations just happen to start coming out 28 days before the election. Her whole campaign is a fraud and he knows it, he knows what she did and how she sold out her country when she was SoS, he knows its going to be the end of America if she becomes President and he's the only one capable of standing strong against her fucked up, demonic Clinton machine that is being fueled by billionaire globalists all over the world.

What does he have in mind then if not the average American? He said it in the speech, he could have just rested on his laurels and lived a life of sheer luxury for the rest of his days. He could have influenced politics and agendas, he could have himself just donated to the Clinton's for favors. Lobbied for tax cuts for the rich, paid politicians for speeches, etc. Instead he risked it all on a campaign against the establishment. Donald J Trump is a man for the people, he is exactly who the framers saw running our country. A successful business man who wants to donate his time to our country. This is a great speech and not only am I not disappointed Donald gave it, I believe he is the only person who could have made this speech and meant it.

DJT is our only hope to defeat globalism. Our country has been taken over. Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are literally interchangeable. The establishment must die and we have a chance to fire the first shot on November 8th.

Do you think his actions before running for president reflect this desire to help the average American? If so, I'd want to see evidence supporting that. If not, then why the sudden change in his motivation when seeking a position of power?


Of course he can work for that? What does that even mean? You honestly believe he is running for the betterment of himself?? Having the Clinton machine against you full hog. Yeah that seems much better than just chilling as a private citizen....


I don't think has campaign has done any good whatsoever for his brand.

There's a saying in entertainment/PR: any press is good press.

True, but many of us see Trump more exposing the deep state. They can't control him. America has to burn before it can be saved.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

by that, what he really means is "I'm a clinton donor and long-time family friend who has been set up to act as false opposition to a Clinton and to make you people think you have a dog in this race, and potentially to convince you that you've 'won something' or 'took the government back' or 'beaten the corruption', by electing a billion-heir clinton donor". It's also saying "stay in your houses, don't protest, fall for this scam and think you're being represented".

it's sad to see people falling for it. it's just a management technique and he's the republican version of Obama (someone the rich employed to make people think they were getting 'change' after the Bush II years.. but who really just did all the same things and then some, but he says all the right things). It's almost like they picked Trump specifically to make a mockery of the people who think they're "fighting the elite".

This entire election is an opera/political theater - it's the same as Putin's wife "running against" Putin's long-time family friend and donor/golf buddy (which is what Trump is to Clinton the First). If the Russian people are sick of the Putin mafia, they'd need to provide a new fake opposition candidate and a big false political "struggle" to trick the Russians into thinking they've changed something - while really changing nothing. That way they'll sit down and shut up and think they've "won". This is a social management technique.

I'm thinking this must be the first election for a lot of people in their adult lives, so they don't realize that this scam has been played out over and over again through the decades, and they're still thinking they can "get their guy in" and change something. It will be a disappointment for you all, the same as Obama was for the people who fell for that guy and his great 'change' speeches.


If you ignore the politics, Obama gives very impressive speeches as well. I would be more impressed with Trump if he could string together a coherent thought without the aid of speech writers. Although I have to admit that his one-liners are pretty hilarious. The man is made for TV.

people forget he's 70 years old. go back and look at older clips like when he was on oprah in the 80s which someone linked above. i don't think he's that bad but he used to talk faster and more concisely more like don jr does now.

Remember that Obama relies heavily on speech writers as well. He becomes a stuttering mess when those teleprompters fail. I don't recall ever seeing him deliver a speech without them, which cheapens his charisma, for me... especially after seeing him fail those few times.

No kidding. Everything just aligns too well.

2008 comes, Clintons people start the whole birther scandal and Trump lightly jumps on board.

2011 comes around, Clintons and Trump supposedly have a falling out but now Trump is pushing a very vocal birther movement.

2015 rolls around and even though they are supposedly on bad terms, Bill Clinton is calling Trump, urging him to run for president, to which Trump agrees

Trump is now running for president, with a ton of fringe conservative supporters backing him, riled up on an anti-Obama message that started with Clinton

He has regularly said very stupid things. He does very little to actually ever correct these errors in judgement. And aside from this speech, very rarely directly attacks Clinton on all her bullshit - instead almost always gets half of an attack right and the rest a jumbled mess of crap that winds up making it look not as bad as it should.

I just can't trust him. He regularly donated to their slush fund. That should give anyone pause, unless you are under some ill conceived idea that a man at his level of power, would be unaware of the Clintons wheeling and dealing.

I feel like we are living in a country wide Truman show...

My thoughts exactly. I want to vote for whoever wrote this speech and actually believes these words.

You're the only person who makes any goddamn sense around here!!

I was just thinking the same thing. I've upvoted a few comments but everything this guy says is exactly what I think.

If anyone was unsure whether this sub was a Trump subreddit, I think this pretty much proves it. All the top comments believing every word without an ounce of skepticism. Skepticism is supposed to be the lifeblood of the sub and it's practically nonexistent here.

I think the reason why conspiracy theorists get a bad reputation is that so many will cling to a specific theory as the 100% correct answer. Conspiracy theorists all agreed there was something shady about 9/11 that the government is hiding from us... but the ones that go too* far are the ones that state with 100% certainty that they know the specific interworkings of how the event was conspired and took place.

Personally, my interest in conspiracy theories is somewhat mundane: Of course, political and business leaders work together to maintain the status quo because that is, in their minds, stability and security for the country/world, which ensures the country/world continue to exist and those figureheads continue to live comfortable lives. Naturally, they give little thought or care to the overall direction of the world/country so long as the stability/security/comfort of themselves and a couple generations after them can be preserved.

What this means is that hell fucking yes Hillary is part of that conspiracy. But hell fucking no does that necessarily mean that Trump is the answer. Trump might be the answer. But I sure as fuck haven't seen any evidence that he cares about anyone other than himself.

The population of this sub shifts a bit depending on who has been feeling especially disenfranchised by the dominant narrative lately. For example, late in the primary and immediately afterward there were a lot of Sanders supporters around.

His opinion is full of assumptions. I don't know if Trump is the best man for the job but it's almost like he's the hero we deserve. We expect our president to fit a perfect image of man created by the media but he's just as flawed as us all. Flawed like every candidate. However he's not part of the current corrupt system.

Voting for Hillary now would mean their security would get even tighter. No one will have the chance Trump had again. If you think it's rigged now it's going to be even harder to win a presidency in the future democratically. That's what we're fighting for this election.

I am realistic enough to realize we're fucked. We are all seriously fucked. One way or another.

That's very cynical thinking. It could be true but also completely false.

What's so outlandish in the idea of an insider gone rogue, in his final years trying to make a change while showing off all the dirty laundry of the establishment?

The things he's saying, in his speech and the way he talked to clinton in the 2nd debate and exposed her infront of the world. Do you really think they wanted this to happen?

I think more like the Clinton camp tried to push for Trump to run because he would be easy to beat / a distraction for the GOP / a joke and right now the situation is gone completely out of hand and the establishment is throwing everything at him at a last ditch effort to make him lose.

What's so outlandish in the idea of an insider gone rogue, in his final years trying to make a change while showing off all the dirty laundry of the establishment?

There's no proof he has gone rogue. He's saying what will get him votes.

Pay attention to their actions, not their words - that is the first rule of conspiracy theory.

Getting disendorsed by your party's leaders , the former 3 presidents all voting for Clinton. His rally's getting more intense, these are all valid signs of a candidate gone rogue

Actions - destroying trust in the corrupt media, calling out establishment and globalists [soros, etc], talking about globalist banks [the final boss], destroying the 'legacy' of obama, both clintons, partially bush's. Note that all he can do until in office is 'talk'. After he's in office, he will start actions.

Oh he's just a puppet of Clinton! yeah right. I'm not saying he's 100% genuine, but I don't think clinton puppet is at all the right conclusion.

I don't think he's a Clinton puppet. I think he wants to be prez in order to get power for himself. He's just a plain old narcissist and you guys are all eating up the bait like dumb fish.

Those "actions" you list (which were actually still just words), are just him trying to beat his competition. The media and the political establishment are against him. Of course he will say whatever it takes to make them look bad. Him saying they are wrong doesn't make him right.

Look at his actions. His entire business empire was built on scooping up big contracts, doing a shit job and declaring bankruptcy for the shell corporations and keeping the money. He's literally stolen his entire fortune. Why do you think a person like that is out for the greater good?

This is a guy who literally loans his personal helicopter out to Mafia bosses. His life story is that of a man who will say whatever it takes to get ahead, why do you suddenly think he is some bastion of truth because he says things that have truth in them that gets him ahead? Hillary says some true things, too - that doesn't make her a good candidate.

he's the republican version of Obama

Thank God, someone said it.

I'm not much for conspiracy theories so I never really bought that he was a Clinton plant. I kind of bought it at first but I certainly don't now and even if he was in at the start to make the right look crazy, I think once he started winning he burned the bridge once he realized he could actually usurp the power.

That being said, I still don't think he's some noble savoir to this country. He's just an egotistical billionaire looking out for his own personal interests. He'll sell out the second he takes office.

Is there a book on social management? Is that just sociology?

Lol why does everything have to have an ulterior motive. It's obvious as fuck that trump isn't controlled and you could easily see that if you've been paying attention to the debates, and this political theater in whole.

Trump isn't controlled and that's why the Clinton campaign is so scared.

I'm sorry that you're too jaded to think that change may happen, but if you actually looked at the facts you'd see that there has never been anyone like Trump in the history of US politics. He's not backed by special interests. He's spent his entire career in the free market, being an entrepreneur and satisfying customers. He's written some of the most successful business books ever while the political scum of Washington DC are driving up national debt and starting endless wars in the ME.

This guy was down a billion dollars in 1995 (hence the tax scandal) and managed to come back from it, writing the Art of the Comeback in response. So unless you have any actual evidence that Trump is exactly the same as the rest of the political vermin instead of pessimism and a tired distaste for the guy that you picked up from the venom spewed out by the mainstream media, I wouldn't give in so quick.

there has never been anyone like Trump in the history of US politics

Lol, you sweet summer child. Is this your first election?

The closest I can think of right now is Reagan. Most elected presidents are usually not outsiders.

how about you provide an actual argument instead of condescending on people like an asshole?

“The one thing in here I feel strongly about is that she NOT include the part about meeting with other former secretaries and that they told her she should do this,” Mook said. “I recognize that the boss will have to approve, but if she wants to include that, I'd say we should discuss with her. I worry it opens a major can of worms and deflects the heat in a potentially unhelpful way.”

yeah its totally better to let Hillary win in a landslide! DRUMPF!!! amirite?

They have come by the hundreds to protest construction of the 1,172-mile Dakota Access oil pipeline, which would run within a half-mile of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation and cross beneath the Missouri River. Opponents say the pipeline will adversely impact drinking water and disturb sacred tribal sites.

I'm not sure why you still think its just all 'for his ego'. The man left his comfortable billionaire life to get completely attacked from every angle by the media and both sides of the political establishment, harrassed by swarms of idiot regressives, his life threatened, his brand most likely irreparably tarnished, his family put under fire, etc.

As for the ground troops, its been established that not leaving troops in destabilised regions is what led ISIS to properly form in the first place. Trump's stance has been completely anti-interventionist for the past 30 years, long before he ran for office. Its why he proposed to have far far less troops than Hillary. He doesnt like it but its necessary.

Trump doesnt want to ramp up budget, he wants to reduce waste.

Trump wants to have an Isolationist ideology where the military is only used for defense (like Israel). I'm preeeeetty sure a massively successful businessman knows that warmongering is bad for business. (unless you're backed by special interest which he isnt)

The same cant be said for Hillary though. But you know I keep an open mind. Maybe you and others are right and he isnt what he turns out to be. He'd still never be a worse choice than HRC I can promise you that. In my opinion not voting is a vote for her so I'll take my chances.

it's sad to see people falling for it.

While the two turds distract us with lies Jill is a better alternative that has been ignored.

The people of the US do not deserve better than what they get. They will get a turd.

Yep you are so much smarter than everyone that is putting some faith and hope in Trump. Can't fool you! I think many of you not on board are weak egos who can't stand to ever be wrong and won't ever have hope with anyone. You just like to stand apart and congratulate yourself on how much smarter you think you are. If you don't vote Trump you are helping Hillary and the corrupt political establishment destroy what's left of the USA. Get off your conceited false belief in your own exceptional intellect (it's not) and join real geniuses like Stefan Molyneux, Vox Day, and Paul Joseph Watson in the Trump rebellion - or continue to be a coward and part of the problem. I don't care if there's a .0001% chance that Trump is sincere, it's still our best chance right now for the start of a peaceful stand against the NWO.

Trump is a false opposition so vote hillary instead

Nice try shill

For how paranoid yall are about the global elites, it's stunning that you are so eager to believe the words of a NYC billionaire. Just sayin'....


Rule 10. Removed.

Wait a minute guys, don't get too excited before we check the facts at /s

CNN assured me that after this speech, Trump said some mean words and then personally raped every person at the rally, so let's just all relax and think about how hip and cool and wonderful Hillary Clinton is.

and then personally raped every person at the rally

We won't really know if that happened until 34 years from now...

Putin himself wrote this speech and personally hand-delivered it to Trump, while shirtless.

We all know exactly what we will get with Hillary. And Jill Stein or any other 3rd party has zero chance of winning. So the remaining option is Trump, who may or may Not be legitimate.

There is literally nothing to lose by voting for Trump. If it's rigged, then Hillary will win regardless. If Trump is phony and no different than Obama or Hillary, and he wins, then we are no worse off than Hillary.

However, if Trump wins and his is genuine then we could have a net gain. Watch and keep an open mind

Believe me, I have Serious doubts about Him. And even bigger suspicions, but if you do the math and keep an open mind then you might realize voting for Trump isn't incurring any additional risk and is the only option with the potential for a gain.

I hope somebody can explain this to me... I am all in favor of anti-establishment policies, but I'm a little concerned about those policies being replaced with pro-Trump policies. What I mean is that I have seen zero indication that Trump listens to anybody but himself. Yes, that means he may be completely incorruptible. But it also means the country would be steered by his personal whims. It means everyday we must hope and beg him to be a merciful leader.

Please help rest my concerns that we can trust President Trump to be merciful to us.

He wants nothing more than to be a dictator. He's probably in huge financial trouble and thought this campaign would bring a boost to his businesses image. But he got wrapped up in the praise from his supporters and went all-in. At this point he either becomes president, making his brand that much more "elite", or he loses in a landslide and falls into financial turmoil. This is the only reason he's so impassioned at this point. He doesn't give a shit about the working people of this country only his own bottom line.

At this point he either becomes president, making his brand that much more "elite", or he loses in a landslide and falls into financial turmoil.

Lol, how does he fall into financial turmoil from losing? His businesses are profitable that he owns anyways. A lot of people don't even know what he owns and what he doesn't, he's not losing his billions from a negative image...

Pure conjecture on my part. I have a sneaking suspicion he's in huge amounts of debt and not pulling in that much money. I wonder how we could find that out???

That image of him is the gross propaganda painted by the MSM and it's entirely bullshit.

hes literally a buffoon, man-baby who cares about no one but himself, dangerous, fascist, other buzzwords etc..

The guy has literally made his fortune negotiating, making deals and running massive amounts of businesses. You don't become a billionaire by being whimsical or impulsive.

Even throughout his campaign he's changed his stance on many things, not to pander but because of the professional/public opinion surrounding those things that's come back to him (eg. Muslims, NSA and apple ordeal)

There's just... so much more going on than any of us even realize. It's not just the Clintons, it's not just Soros. It goes so much deeper. We might not be hooked up to machines, but we do live in the matrix. There's too much to mention. Look deeper, look at everything. Nothing is too far-fetched.

You don't end up with an empire the size of his, without relying on help from advisers, and being able to effectively allocate responsibility to subordinates. It also requires certain traits and temperaments that you won't find in run-of-the-mill career politicians, that deal in corruption and peddle power.

There are no guarantees with anyone, ever.

Unfortunately that's how I feel. We literally have no choice until this 2 party system is abolished because voting 3d party voices that we want to get rid of this corrupt bullshit, but it will still get Hillary in office which is absolutely terrifying.

These comments literally read like they All came from the same Script. And what's with the Weird capitalization? Read the Comments in this Thread again and keep an open Mind.

I guess the big thing that changes if Trump wins is it legitamizes sexual harassment, racism, bigotry and ugliness of the heart. I hear what you are saying, but if Trump is elected, all of the hatred and disgust he has been spewing for the last few months becomes admirable, because they are traits of a President. So the next generation of children will grow up thinking it's OK to grab women by the pussy even if they done want it. They will think it's OK to denegrade women. That it's OK to tar an entire religion with a brush. That calling all Mexicans rapists and murderers is acceptable and admirable.

Honestly, if Trump hadn't said all of those disgusting things, I think he'd be a shoe in this election. I just don't think the American people are ready for their President to be a racist, sexist, rude, nasty, crude, tax dodging piece of shit. I may be wrong though.

Sorry to be the lone dissenter here. Feel free to downvote me to oblivion.

yeah, sort of like how my entire generation grew up to be adulterers after admiring Bill Clinton as president. /s

There's a huge difference between consensual sex and forcing yourself on women because you think you can get away with it. One is legal, one is illegal.

Clinton has 5 accusations of rape against him..... and has paid numerous sexual assault settlements, what's consensual about that?

Well it was consensual to settle those.

i didn't comment to debate the morality of each person's actions. my intent was to undermine the assumption that little kids model their behavior after the president's.

this isn't ethnic stuff isn't as surprising to me. I can see how kids would pick up on that. What would be surprising to me is if susdenly students started groping their female classmates more frequently.

It doesn't seem like a stretch. Role models influence people. Presidents are role models

There is no need to downvote you. You are speaking in a professional demeanor and contributing valid points to the discussion. The fact that we may disagree about certain points and can have an intelligent discussion without insulting one another is both refreshing and always welcomed.

He has said many inexcusable things and unfortunately many people would prefer to try and silence speech that they interpret as hurtful, hateful or just offensive. There is no excuse for many of the things that he has said, however, I too have said and unfortunately continue to occasionally say very inappropriate things. I pride myself in being an egalitarian, but I have said things that are sexist and even racist. These things that I have said are not accurate representations of how I genuinely feel or believe about people or reflected in the my relationships and interactions with people, but sometimes I get overwhelmed when the very same groups of people I try to advocate for, are gunning me down simply because I am a white male.

The next generation of children will grow up however their family decides to raise them. Which unfortunately for many families due to democrat welfare policies will be without a father figure. You should not rely on sheltering your children from the world to ensure they develop good moral values. People need to take more responsibility in their parenting and not rely on society to ensure their kids don't become racist or xenophobes.

He never called all Mexicans rapists and murders, he said Mexico is sending us rapist and murderers. And sadly Mexico, like many countries has a lot of bad people, many of which Mexico is dumping into the US. Trump did however say this in the least elegant and likely most offensive possible manner.

If Hillary Clinton wins democracy and journalism are dead.

Its okay to be corrupt, control the media, commit crimes, slander people, and lie.

What a great precedent to set for future presidents.

Trump is the one promising to increase the reach libel and slander laws. And the media is willingly letting itself be controlled. I think it's time we had some new media outlets, based on integrity, to throw money at.

Trump does all those things too.

Trump controls the media? Thats why the media is trashing him?

Trump has definitely attempted to, badly.

Wikileaks proved the Clinton Machine manipulated the media so Trump would win the Republican primary.

racist, sexist, rude, nasty, crude, tax dodging piece of shit.

Please provide citations.

Seriously. I know you're just parroting what the media tells you, but think about it. Tax dodging? You mean following the legal tax code? Racist? You mean marrying an immigrant and wanting to make sure everyone is legally immigrating here?

Jesus christ, you really believe the bullshit the mainstream media is spinning you.

I am not voting for Trump. But believing he is a sex offender or racist just makes you look like a sucker.

I just don't think the American people are ready for their President to be a racist, sexist, rude, nasty, crude, tax dodging piece of shit.

Except for crude, I think that describes both of the main candidates.

Racist sexist homophobic xenophobic islamaphobic

I would prefer to stop the current anti-white, anti-male, lets flood the country with immigrants trend than worry about the very slim chance any of your stated fears occur.

Fuck. I mignt be voting for trump... Fuck...

It's funny because I agree with so much Trump has to say about establishment politics. Like, when he was breaking the 4th wall in the last debate, my jaw dropped. I just so wish it were someone else who was doing this. He's a shitty person, a shitty businessman and I will never vote for him.

Nah. Getting citizens united overturned is extremely important. Trump has zero interest in that. Getting serious about climate change is extremely important. Trump thinks its a hoax. Making sure women have reproductive health access is extremely important. Trump wants to punish women for having abortions. Making it easier for people to vote is extremely important. Trump wants to make it more difficult for minorities and the poor to get registered. Ending the drug war is extremely important. Trump will only double down on it.

Trump is on the wrong side of every important issue facing this country. I am voting for Hillary because say what you will about her she will get these things done.

Everyone in the Trump camp needs to vote for Johnson or Stein and make sure the libertarian and green parties get the 5% of the vote they need to actually have a chance in the 2020 elections. With citizens united overturned there will be a huge opportunity there for other parties to gain a footing.

With citizens united overturned there will be a huge opportunity there for other parties to gain a footing.

Neither the D nor the R want that to happen. They will never do anything that weakens their hold on power. Especially not Clinton. She has the power to do anything she wants, Trump has no power. I don't really want Clinton doing anything she wants as it is clear she has no interest in helping out the middle class.

Justice Alito was one of the most outspoken proponents of the citizens united case. Trump praised him and said he would appoint a replacement with similar views. I know this is /r/conspiracy but you have to look at the facts.

The facts show that neither party is going to do anything to weaken their grasp on power.

I agree. But Hillary has made overturning citizens united a pillar of her campaign and its a key issue to all the bernie supporters she needs for this election and to be reelected in 2020. I think we have a very good chance of getting a progressive supreme court justice from her.

It is not a "pillar of her campaign" and she is not actually going to support anything that weakens the D party. She is more loyal to the party than to the country. She will not support anything that will benefit third parties. Her supposed "support" of it is just campaign bullshit.

If she really recognized she needed Bernie supporters, she should have made him her VP and not treated him like crap at the convention (see the "Bernie rat" t-shirt?) and she would not have treated Bernie supporters like shit either.

He's more important in the senate than as VP. Time will tell but there is a much greater chance of her appointing a supreme court justice that would vote to overturn it than Trump who will try to appoint someone that votes along the same lines as Scalia.

Making it more difficult to vote??? By law you are required to carry Identification with you at all times, how exactly does requiring someone to have identification make it difficult to vote?

Registering to vote is by no means difficult, and truthfully if you are not able to figure out how to vote, then perhaps you may not possess the intelligence to make an informed voting decision. The only exception I can see are with homeless people.

Climate change isn't a hoax, the planet is experiencing climate change, however, this man made claim is a fallacy designed to impose carbon tax schemes. I am by no means an expert, however I have taken several college courses in Geology and as a pastime study ancient cultures. Climate change has been played a large part in human evolution for the last 160k of modern homo-sapiens. Research Milankovitch cycles, Magnetic Pole reversals and the last few ice ages and it becomes pretty clear the planet has undergone huge climate changes long, long, loooong before human interactions.

Now clean air, yeah sign me up. I am all about advocating for a cleaner planet and air to breath. Coal produces harmful toxins and automotive pollution is horrible for air quality, but man made climate change is at best lacking in sufficient long terms verifiable evidence and more likely a manipulative tax scheme.

I will arrange a formal discussion/debate with you or anyone regarding the policies of Trump Vs Hillary, it will have to wait till next week as I am buried in school work till then, but I will make the time if you want to have a serious discussion. About me: 35 Caucasian Male, working on my Masters Degree's in Economics and Political Science and I have a BA in Finance and Philosophy. I spend 4 hours per day and have been for the last 5 years studying Finance, Geopolitics, Economics. I spent several years in my early twenties on disability income on and off homeless and a big advocate of Democratic policies which I though were helping me. I smoked a lot of pot, lived in Venice beach and hated the wealthy and conservative republicans. A lot has changed in the last decade of my life, and I'd be glad to share my experiences, trial and tribulations.

// By law you are required to carry Identification with you at all times//

Since when?

// Registering to vote is by no means difficult, and truthfully if you are not able to figure out how to vote, then perhaps you may not possess the intelligence to make an informed voting decision. The only exception I can see are with homeless people.//

We still have a just over 50% voting rate in this country, we should be shooting for 80+%. We need automatic voter registration. Critics of progressive voting rights laws often try to claim that fraud (at the individual voter level) is an issue but it hasnt shown to be at all significant. Gerrymandering, shutting down polling places on short notice, putting less polling places in minority areas etc are all still issues. And if you want to get into fraud im sure there are plenty of threads on here about electronic polling machines being hacked, paper ballots going missing etc. Maybe the conservative justices were right in 2013 when they struck down section 4 of the voting rights act, we need a new updated act that looks closely at the present situation with disenfranchised voters and the ability of ballots to be manipulated. We should be making it easier for people to vote, not more difficult. I've always thought voting day should be a federal holiday (not sure if either candidate has brought this up).

//Climate change isn't a hoax, the planet is experiencing climate change, however, this man made claim is a fallacy designed to impose carbon tax schemes. I am by no means an expert, however I have taken several college courses in Geology and as a pastime study ancient cultures. Climate change has been played a large part in human evolution for the last 160k of modern homo-sapiens. Research Milankovitch cycles, Magnetic Pole reversals and the last few ice ages and it becomes pretty clear the planet has undergone huge climate changes long, long, loooong before human interactions.//

Absolutely no one (besides maybe the born-again's who think the world is only a few thousand years old) is claiming that "climate change" hasn't happened before. And yes Milankovitch cycles are taken into account. The change is happening much more rapidly than it would naturally. There is not a single defensible argument against man made global warming. I'm not saying I think a carbon tax is the best way of dealing with it, or that politicians didn't find a way to capitalize upon carbon emissions. Climate change is the end product of 2 centuries of reckless environmental destruction. Our rivers lakes and streams are poisoned. Poor air quality is responsible for literally millions of deaths every year. It is absolutely essential to our survival as a culture if not species that we reign this in as fast as possible. We need to be thinking about what the world will be like in 100 years, 200 years even and aiming for sustainability not endless consumption and growth. Its funny that you say you're all for clean air then that man made warming is a fallacy - the planet is warming because of poor air quality. I urge you to do more research, any question that has been raised by climate deniers has been answered.

// I will arrange a formal discussion/debate with you or anyone regarding the policies of Trump Vs Hillary, it will have to wait till next week as I am buried in school work till then, but I will make the time if you want to have a serious discussion. About me: 35 Caucasian Male, working on my Masters Degree's in Economics and Political Science and I have a BA in Finance and Philosophy. I spend 4 hours per day and have been for the last 5 years studying Finance, Geopolitics, Economics. I spent several years in my early twenties on disability income on and off homeless and a big advocate of Democratic policies which I though were helping me. I smoked a lot of pot, lived in Venice beach and hated the wealthy and conservative republicans. A lot has changed in the last decade of my life, and I'd be glad to share my experiences, trial and tribulations.//

I am not a Hillary supporter per se and not a registered democrat. I am going to vote for her because I'm not convinced yet that it'll be a landslide against Trump, and I believe he would be the worst president this country has ever had. If you want to break the 2 party system vote libertarian or green party so that hopefully at least one of them will get the 5% it takes to get federal funding in 2020. I'm not the person to debate you over Trump v Clinton policy. Feel free to respond to this with any rebuttals though or I'd be happy to continue the conversation through pm.

States Requiring you Carry Identification>

Alabama Ala. Code §15-5-30 Arizona Ari. Rev. Stat. Tit. 13, §2412 (enacted 2005) & Tit. 28, §1595 Arkansas Ark. Code Ann. [1]§ 5-71-213 - Loitering Colorado Colo. Rev. Stat. §16-3-103(1) Delaware Del. Code Ann., Tit. 11, §§1902, 1321(6) Florida Fla. Stat. §901.151 (Stop and Frisk Law); §856.021(2) (loitering and prowling) Georgia Ga. Code Ann. §16-11-36(b) (loitering) Illinois Ill. Comp. Stat., ch. 725, §5/107-14 Indiana Indiana Code §34-28-5-3.5 Kansas Kan. Stat. Ann. §22-2402(1) Louisiana La. Code Crim. Proc. Ann., Art. 215.1(A); La. Rev. Stat. 14:108(B)(1)(c) Missouri (Kansas City Only) Mo. Rev. Stat. §84.710(2) Montana Mont. Code Ann. §46-5-401 Nebraska Neb. Rev. Stat. §29-829 Nevada Nev. Rev. Stat. §171.123 New Hampshire N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. §594:2, §644:6 New Mexico N.M. Stat. Ann. §30-22-3 New York N.Y. Crim. Proc. Law §140.50 North Dakota N.D. Cent. Code §29-29-21 (PDF) Ohio Ohio Rev. Code §2921.29 (enacted 2006) Rhode Island R.I. Gen. Laws §12-7-1 Utah Utah Code Ann. §77-7-15 Vermont Vt. Stat. Ann., Tit. 24, §1983 Wisconsin Wis. Stat. §968.24

We still have a just over 50% voting rate in this country, we should be shooting for 80+%. We need automatic voter registration.

I agree we need more voter turnout, however, I don't believe that the reason is because people can't acquire identification, and I strongly believe that Identification needs be required in order to vote. I agree with the majority of your thoughts on the remainder of this topic.

Its funny that you say you're all for clean air then that man made warming is a fallacy - the planet is warming because of poor air quality. I urge you to do more research, any question that has been raised by climate deniers has been answered.

I definitely will keep an open mind on the subject, as I am well aware of the consequences, and I appreciate and respect your response. However, currently The evidence I have studied (satellite) the professor I lectured with, who was a former Geological Consultant for NASA, and hours of reading have not convinced me that we understand climate change well enough to be making drastic economic adjustments that inhibit developing nations. Again, It's not an area I am especially well versed on regarding the Scientific aspects, however, the carbon tax proposal reeks of conspiracy and perhaps this has affected my ability to research the subject impartially. So, I will continue to research the matter. --Thanks..

I will Pm you regarding the Hillary Vs Trump Discussion. I probably won't have time until Monday evening, I've got 2 exams to study for on Monday : (

So I looked up a few of those laws and I'm pretty sure all of them just say that if you are stopped by a police officer and are suspected of committing a crime you are required to give them your full name, not that you have to carry identification of any kind. Showing up to the right polling place and providing your full name and address is all you should need to vote. Voter ID laws have all been proposed by racist conservatives in order to keep minorities from voting, not because of any issues that came up with fraud.

I honestly havent looked into the carbon tax enough. I understand al gore made a bunch of money off it somehow (but i think it was ultimately a failure?) - if you have a link to a good source I'd like to read about it.

There is literally nothing to lose by voting for Trump. If it's rigged, then Hillary will win regardless. If Trump is phony and no different than Obama or Hillary, and he wins, then we are no worse off than Hillary.

It's literally impossible for someone to be worse than Hillary? Even hypothetically?

Theoretically and statistically speaking there are worse candidates. Hillary by no means is a stupid women, she is in fact quite intelligent. So conceivably their is someone who possess all the the undesirable qualities present in Hillary, and is additionally very stupid. Whether or not that would be better or worse would require substantial quantitative and qualitative investigations.

So ... a rich criminal who's in bed with the same people as Hillary Clinton, and a war hawk - but instead of being creepily knowledgeable of foreign policy he just talks vaguely about having a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS, or how Russia "will never" invade Ukraine, or whatever? Too stupid to even take advice?

Yeah, I can see how that would be worse than Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully, I doubt such a person would be competent enough to get elected. They'd probably screw it up.

Or you know we could just take our country back.. Rise n revolt?

Thanks for linking. It's a fantastic speech, but the transcription above is highly edited.

That's what I assumed when I read it. There's no way in hell that Trump managed to string together enough sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

at which point does he say what he did in the post?

Wow, what an ignorant statement.

Right, because expecting Trump to continue acting how he has for the past year and a half is unreasonable.

Right, because Trump cannot read a speech that was written for him.

Like every other presidential candidate does, read the speeches handed to them.

Wrong speech. He gave this one in west palm beach.

From a different rally... it's going to vary

So where's a recording of Trump saying what OP wrote? Your linked speech is very different.

I didn't link anything

You're right, my bad. But my intention was to ask where the supposed speech that OP submitted was to be found. None of the linked speeches here match up to it. You said different speeches will vary, so I'm asking you to point me to the original quoted speech which the other linked speech varies from.

Thanks, but that's not what's written above where OP supposedly quotes a Trump speech.

No that's the one about Loretta Lynch. I haven't found the one with the above speech yet

This speech rings terribly hollow to me from his mouth. I don't like how he conducts his business and I consider that a strong indicator of how he would behave in any executive capacity. I find him to be a greedy, might-makes-right bully who thinks the ends will always justify the means.

I am not saying I am a huge fan of HRC either. I worry that she would be too comfortable with military intervention, use of drones and extrajudicial killings. But I would hope Congress would be stronger in constraining our military adventures because they are terribly expensive.

It was a well written speech though, it just doesn't match the motivations of the man who delivered it.

Exactly this. I also don't like how he singled out the "Clinton Machine" as if they're the ones pulling all the strings in Washington. There's corruption in the Republican Party as well, but there's no mention of it. Also, someone who has Christie and Guliani on their team is going to root out corruption? Give me a break

he obviously says the Clinton machine because its his political opponent...

He's called out Paul Ryan, Romney, McCain and lots of other establishment republicans many times before.

The fact that he obviously allowed someone else to write this speech for him shows that he's desperate at this point lol

Most if not all speeches are either written or heavily edited

That's a relatively new development with Trump though.


An excellent point. Pence would have us all attending mandatory church services three times per week.

And forcing women to carry pregnancies that could kill them. Try to shove the LGBT community back in the closet too.

Might does make right. If you disagree fight me.

All laws are enforced by force. Without that force, laws have no power.

So because you can beat up your cat, you're right? Of course not. Might allows you to win even when your ideas and policies are inferior. That's the legacy we've inherited from the corrupted political system that reigns in DC. It's not something to applaud.

Serious question. If your ideas and policies truly are superior, how do you defend or uphold or enforce them? How do you make sure your superior ideologies stay in place if someone else is stronger than you?

Well Apple made superior products, and the market embraced them. They didn't firebomb Samsung. They did try to strong-arm other tech companies with lawsuits, but those were either bad money wasted in lawsuits or Pyrrhic victories. Using might harmed their image while gaining nothing. In modern societies the use of might seems always to come at the expense of actual well-being.

Look at Iraq. We kick this hornets nest, and now we have Isis. The Dems and Reps answer to dealing with them is "Kick it again." Not "Let's get away from the hornets nest." Is there any question what the result would be? Sure we could win. If we use WMDs. But that's not going to happen, is it? Of course lots of people would be willing to say "fuck it," we'll actually annihilate the Middle-East. But then were are you? Looking a lot like all the evil regimes of history. We're not going to do anything, just continue to kick hornets. This would be completely uncontroversial and obvious if people weren't having their heads warped with propaganda and pride.

Powerful people avoid fights because they can afford to. Might is not having to fight. So why do we keep fighting when we don't have to?

You're right, that's what might makes right means. Force can back up both bad and good ideas. At the end of the day, without force backing up ideas, those ideas won't matter no matter how right they might be.

Right. And we're at a crossroads where the ideas and policies of both major parties are inferior. Trump is some amalgam of the two, calling himself a Republican, but he's really just a mishmash of bad ideas from both parties. Authoritarian. Which would be the perfect name if we joined the two together.

So that's where the philosophy of might makes right has taken us. It's one thing to recognize that it's true, and it's another to embrace it. When any organization or unit or tribe is right all the time for too long, it becomes too big to fail, is broken, or collapses under its own weight. The country than can survive is the one that ages gracefully, sits out of the ring, and uses wisdom rather than brute force.

if you resolve all your conflicts with force you're a tribal, feral little ape and an evolutionary dead end.

The only one who is dead will be the one who loses the battle. Show me how laws are enforced without force.

Obama sounded just as good before he was elected. Trump is still one of them. The system isn't broken, it's working exactly as planned.

Obama had the support of his party. The fact that career republican politicians are jumping ship should show that Trump is a little bit of an outsider, at least.

Sure, rich as fuck, but hey, he might not be part of the establishment ... LOL

Who believes that shit?

Just being rich means nothing. The rich are not a hivemind

plus the truth is trump isn't that rich which is really why he didn't want to release tax returns . . . to me that's a plus tho.

That would make him a liar though, which is a very establishment thing to do. A whole chapter right out of the Clintons' playbook.

I think it's a given at this point that Trump is openly a liar. "I never said [thing he said on camera]" is practically his catchphrase.

Whatchu mean he apologized for that on national tv. He never denied it.

You appear to have somehow concluded I had a specific thing he said on camera in mind. I had several in mind. It's a thing he says all the time.

Just off the top of my head, Trump has said (in front of a camera) and then denied saying:

  • The Iraq war was a good idea.
  • Man, it would be great if we could beat up protesters
  • If you beat up a protester at one of my rallies, I'll pay for your legal fees.
  • If some of the people at the Orlando shooting had been carrying, they might have stopped the shooter. [Not even sure why he bothered lying about this one.]
  • It'd be better if Japan etc. had nukes
  • We need to profile Muslims. (Seriously, he's denied ever saying that.)

There are loads of examples like this I've already forgotten, just google it. And that's without mentioning things he's tweeted that he categorically denies tweeting (without even bothering to delete the tweets), or news events that never happened he claims he saw on TV, or whatever.

How have you not heard of this?

Where does Trump the Iraq war is a good idea? These are the videos of him talking about Iraq:

From 2003

From 2004 and then 2007 immediately after

In the often touted audio recording of him on Howard Stern he says in regards to whether we should invade Iraq: Yeah I guess know I wish the first time it was done correctly." He clearly expresses hesitation about in a second time. More than that, he was an average citizen at the time and this interview took place in 2001. The whole country was fresh off of 9/11 and the Bush admin was feeding us lying about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Hillary was a NY senator with access to classified information so she probably knew the truth. Plus her husband was a former President. Regardless, here she is actually voting for the Iraq War:

It's ludicrous to criticize Trump for Iraq. He had as much knowledge as the average Joe.

Man, it would be great if we could beat up protesters

I have no problem with this. He's not threatening violence he just wishes he could do it. He's being honest. People happen to appreciate that in a politician. I wish I could beat up Trump protesters too since the Wikileaks emails from the DNC leaks show that those protests were staged by Hillary interns. Doesn't mean I'm gonna do it and it doesn't mean Trump did it either. He's sharing his honest feelings.

If you beat up a protester at one of my rallies, I'll pay for your legal fees.

This is not so great. But it is still a good gesture to offer to pay someone's legal fees.

If some of the people at the Orlando shooting had been carrying, they might have stopped the shooter.

He said this yes. I don't rmbr him ever recanting it. He actually believes this. It could be true too. People have used guns to stop massacres before you know.

We need to profile Muslims.

This is understandable I don't know why you people pretend he's just pulling this out of his ass. Some Muslims have proven to be seriously dangerous.

It's ludicrous to criticize Trump for Iraq.

I'm not criticizing Trump for Iraq, but for lying about it afterwards.

He's not threatening violence he just wishes he could do it. He's being honest.

Maybe, but he wasn't being honest when he denied having said it.

This is not so great. But it is still a good gesture to offer to pay someone's legal fees.

It's not so nice to say that, and then claim you never said it and refuse to pay when multiple people go through with it.

He said this yes. I don't rmbr him ever recanting it.

He later claimed that he was referring to armed security guards, not people at the club carrying in accordance with their 2nd amendment rights. Which is both clearly a lie and fucking idiotic, since there was an armed guard at the club.

I don't know why you people pretend he's just pulling this out of his ass.

It's reaching pretty far up his ass to claim he never said it in an interview.

Well I don't know but I certainly can imagine him denying some of the things he said since the media get all over for it. Which is sad since a man can't just say what he really thinks without being attacked from all angles. If he is denying he said this stuff then it's clearly due to being pressured into it because apparently the things he says should never be uttered. Most things he says doesn't bother me at all.

I guess we're all part of the establishment then, because everyone lies. Lie about how much you make, or how hard you work, or why you don't want to come to my place for dinner. Fine. Lies about purposely getting rid of evidence, or other nefarious acts are much worse.

When we do so we are acting similarly to the establishment. To the extent we do so (such as the frequency or whether it is publicly), we may be showing whether we would continue to act accordingly once we attain power. In a way I agree with you... Most of us, especially the big league liars, would probably become establishment very soon after attaining power.

If you look at how they attacked Romney it was a lot more moderate. To me they have thrown everything they have at Trump it's been a knock down drag out fight. What do they have to gain by the media losing all credibility?

Same with Sanders vs Clinton it never seemed like they went as hard as they could have, totally different atmosphere vs Trump.

Trump invites everything that's been thrown at him. If he actually tried to debate with policy, if he could just keep his mouth shut for a few minutes, there would be a lot less the media could work with. He's a walking disaster, and the best reason people have to vote for him is "what can go wrong"? Plenty can go wrong with a president that does not respect the Constitution, does not believe in global warming, and would prefer to bully rather than discuss.

I believe what I will, thank you very much. I'm worried I'm wrong, but man, just the thought of Hillary, and the MSM, being held accountable makes me happy.

Elon Musk is rich, is he part of the establishment?

Is Musk currently running for president as anti-establishment?

There's also the fact that outside the occasion bright stump speech his whole campaign has been a train wreck and you'd have to be insane to keep supporting him in the interest of maintaining your career and image

Republicans aren't jumping ship because Trump is an "outsider" -- they're embarrassed to be associated with him and they're worried about future elections.

They're jumping ship to show they're against him. That makes him an outsider to Republicans and Democrats alike.

Right, and they're showing they're against him because they perceive him as a political liability.

And because he is clearly anti-establishment in that no one in the establishment supports him. The Whitehouse is going after him, Obama, Mitt Romney, Killary, Democrats, Republicans, the media etc. He is the closest thing to a regular citizen trying to cause change we've ever had, and he's getting the reaction from the establishment to prove it.

and he's getting the reaction from the establishment to prove it.

Yes, with guys like Mike Pence and Newt Gingrich in his corner, he's such an outsider.

So Trump has a VP therefore he's the establishment? What a joke you are. Everyone in politics is against Trump. Obama slams him everyday. Clearly Trump has the media on his side too right. The big corporatists like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street all support him right?

So Trump has a VP therefore he's the establishment?

He's not an outsider.

What a joke you are.

I'm not the one desperately resorting to personal attacks.

Everyone in politics is against Trump. Obama slams him everyday

Yes, everyone in politics is against Trump. Except for about 20 governors, 30 U.S. Senators, and literally dozens of U.S. Representatives. Also, I don't know if you know this, but Obama is a Democrat... why on Earth would you expect him to do anything but slam Trump?

Clearly Trump has the media on his side too right.

"The Media" loves him. He's great for business. Most watched debate in history, and it wasn't because Hillary was there.

The big corporatists like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street all support him right?

Are you saying corporations should be obligated to support a particular person or party...? Sounds like fascism.

why on Earth would you expect him to do anything but slam Trump?

He should at least pretend to be impartial since he's the President. He's specifically using influence to slam Trump and literally say he will never be President.

Are you saying corporations should be obligated to support a particular person or party...? Sounds like fascism.

No, I'm saying that not only are all of those corporations backing Hillary, but they are also going one step further and doing whatever they can to influence their consumers to dislike Trump.

He's not an outsider.

Why do you keep saying that? Trump was an insider BEFORE this election I openly acknowledge that. But he's clearly gone rogue after being overwhelmed with the all of the corruption. He's become an outsider.

He should at least pretend to be impartial since he's the President. He's specifically using influence to slam Trump and literally say he will never be President.

I agree 100%.

No, I'm saying that not only are all of those corporations backing Hillary, but they are also going one step further and doing whatever they can to influence their consumers to dislike Trump.

Well no, that's not what you originally said. But I also agree, that's a problem. For now, I guess we can just try to avoid using those corporations' products.

But he's clearly gone rogue after being overwhelmed with the all of the corruption.

He received the official nomination from the Republican Party. They have not rescinded the nomination. He has not "gone rogue".

He received the official nomination from the Republican Party. They have not rescinded the nomination. He has not "gone rogue".

You know he has to do this. It's a two-party system. It's rigged and it's also why he needs to appeal to the Christians. The Republicans never wanted to nominate him and reluctantly did so when he overwhelmingly won the primaries. From the beginning, they were against him too.

You're giving them way too much credit. Control of the MSM media has always worked and that is how the establishment operated for a long time.

Obama was clearly an insider candidate. He made it clear he will do as he is told.

The amount of backlash MSM is throwing against Trump is unreal. They would not throw away their reputations as they are doing now if he was actually on their team.

They just spent 15 minutes bashing Pence about Trump

I wonder if this is an experiment in a 1984-esque Two Minutes of Hate, where a candidate is made to be reviled. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, and if Trump did not know he was being used in this way. He's just the type who would respond aggressively, further fueling the fire.

Nah. They're just throwing the book at him to see what sticks. Trump is an anti-globalist which scares the shit out of the establishment. Not only that he actually brought up the topic of the FED being partisan by keeping interest rates low until after the election.

It's exactly that. 2x the Emmanuel Goldsteins. They've got the whole country perfectly corralled into two nice pens, blaming each other for all the problems.

They're turning up the hate, get ready to duck.

The media loved Obama, and he had the bonus of being the first black candidate. Trump is winning an uphill battle against the media like nobody else in recent history.

Exactly. Trump is not a minority, he is not attractive, he is not polite, he is not a woman, he is not overtly religious. He has a huge disadvantage because no one will be backing him for who he is. In a matter of fact, those like him (wealthy, white, old businessmen) will NOT be backing him. If he does win this election it will be solely because of what he had said, not who he is.

Youtube Kevin O Leary's thoughts on Trump. Youll see Trump is actually the better person for the rich

True. When will old, white men get a chance to become President.


I'm not sure that word has been applicable to Trump for at least a month. Right now he's getting crushed.

I always thought conspiracy theorists were just people who believed in things that others saw to be outlandish, but their belief was at least to some degree grounded by reality. Instead, if this thread is anything to go by, it's just plugging your ears while shouting "LA LA LA" and making up anything as long as it supports your narrative.

Not even close

I agree ... the lie I find hardest to swallow is that Trump is an "outsider" ... challenging the establishment, of which he is NOT a part.

Bullshit ... if elected, Trump will follow the plan; and serve those masters who put him where he is (and regret it, now, but too late).

either that or JFK'd

His choice :-)

Thank you for letting me know you were gullible enough to believe Obama.

But forgive me if that means I can't trust your judgement on Trump.

huh. so when people on r/conspiracy talk about wanting revolution, they mean they want a hyper-capitalist authoritarian-style leader. that's boring

Nope. Just because his words are true does not mean he as an individual is being truthful. I still believe this is the establishment controlling the narrative. It is an ancient trick to infiltrate a revolution and install leaders to guide and destroy it from within. And even if it's not and he is being legit then you have to understand that one person no matter how powerful is not representative of an entire movement. This is America where we proudly support free speech and the right of our brothers and sisters to be complete jack asses. Truth does not discriminate.

what revolution do you think is being infiltrated here?

An unorganized Internet forum, duh... They're infiltrating us.

Oh shoot they are on to us!

Yeah, seriously. It's been done.

It's best we got. All least he's promising to deal with corruption.

Would you agree most people who back trumps revolution would prefer someone else, yet have no other popular choice? Voting for revolution in any fashion or form is a vote against the current system. Getting a revolution started is the first step; once the people see it can happen then we work towards shaping the revolution to our needs.

I believe his campaign parallels the occupy wall Street movement. You show the American people they do have voices and can protest. Perhaps the movement has many different opinions internally on which way to go but the central idea holding it together is "get your voice back". Donald Trumps central idea is " get your government back; well worry about what to do with it once we have it back"

what is trumps revolution? neoliberal economic policies and ramped up police forces? thats the 'people's voice'?

I believe the core of his revolution is opposition to globalisation while creating strong sovereignty. The specifics of that focus are currently irrelevant because the election is not asking how are we going to stop globalisation, rather should we stop globalisation?

ughhh this is the shit leading us straight to authoritarian rule. no revolution starts with "lets give the police more power." ethnonationalism and vague limits to federal power is now the 'people's revolution,' i'll be damned..

I really hope you will not be damned; I wish that on no one! I project very few people will see this, perhaps only just you.

Laissez-faire economic policy is akin to a reset button in many Americans eyes. Our nation started with this form of economics, and has slowly crept towards "authoritarian rule" through the implementation of regulation and taxation. Perhaps regulation and taxation are positives on a free market economy, but I seems apparent the current system in place is a negative on the market. By returning to a Laissez-faire system we can (if we again choose to) rewrite regulation and taxation in a way that has the peoples rights to freedom in mind and allows self-organization. Is it not true that Laissez-faire economics is closer to anarchy than the current system?

Ethnic Nationalism seems to me to be the only logical way to categorize people. I believe that multiculturalism will not create a united nation and would lead to civil war if not addressed. I idolize the idea of a borderless society but realize that this cannot be imposed by government and will not be imposed individually. If we somehow managed to remove border laws from society, individuals would impose their own restrictions to protect their way of life and the people they love from non-assimilating immigration.

I do not understand your comments regarding "vague limits to federal power" being equatable to the "people's revolution". Would you please elaborate on this point and explain how it relates to Trump? I would love to be more informed on that area of thought!

I would also again ask you to respond to my original question (altered in an attempt to be more neutral): "Would you agree most people who back Trump would prefer someone else, yet have no other popular choice that opposes the status quo?" I believe Gary Johnson would be an alternative to Trump but he does not have the popularity the Republican party does nor do his stances on ethical issues line up with the majority of fiscal conservatives.

Thanks in advance for your time!

unregulated capitalism and state-imposed ethnic separatism? yah we are not going to agree on a single thing politically. and "vague limits to federal power" is a feature of authoritarianism-- i was saying it's funny that what is being characterized as a 'people's revolution' in this comment section involves actively eroding civil liberties. also, you sound like a robot

I would love to hear your explanation of why unregulated capitalism is a bad thing when compared to the current regulated version of capitalism we have! I acknowledge that you may not have the time to fully explain your points, Perhaps a few links to areas of thought you believe reasonable would suffice.

I do not believe I was condoning state-imposed ethnic separatism when I stated ethnic nationalism seems to me to be the only logical way to categorize people. It is perhaps true that people should not be categorized at all! I do not have a solid stance in this area of thought but would love discourse to inform myself! I merely recognize the human condition that is self imposed when personal defense is brought to the forefront.

It is very easy to conceive of a scenario where a borderless society has clashes between groups of people. One example; Village A has become overpopulated due to a religious belief of having as many children as possible, and has spread their hunting territory to feed all of their people. Their encroachment on Village B's hunting territory threatens to create a situation where neither village is sustainable due to only Village A's actions. Village A is acting in a humane manner (they are trying to feed their people!) but in doing so killing everyone collectively. Village B recognizes they may be able to self-sustain if they can create borders to prevent the encroachment.

Both Villages come from a point of morale high ground, yet have differing ethnic social and cultural values. Village A adopts ethnic nationalism and only allows those who agree with their self sustaining lifestyle to join them, and only at a rate which would not jeopardize their self sustaining nature. This is a relatively simple example that bring about the question; Is ethnic nationalism's only opposition that of emotional or morale questioning? Is there a logical reasoning against ethnic nationalism?

I personally do not agree with vague limits to federal power, and oppose nearly all federal power with the exception of national defense (which could be handled without a federal system put in place).

Did I pass the Turing test?

i don't know homie. if you look at the world and think "i know what's wrong! multi-national corporations aren't free enough.. and the darn people ain't racially segregated!" then i don't even know...

It seems you are going to avoid this discussion, so I will have to leave you with these two points:

  1. Ethnic nationalism =/= racial segregation (ignoring the fact that I did not condone ethnic nationalism)

  2. Making wild accusations about entire groups of people, deriding viewpoints with assumptions lacking argument is pseudo-intellectualism at its finest. Your education (Temple?) seems to have done you a whole lot of good. I sincerely doubt you are swallowing the pill and refusing to pay your student loans off.

lol holy shit. thanks for the points dude

Gee, its almost like people are actually focusing on the validity of the content instead of attacking the character of the person saying it.

A novel idea huh?

Are they? Not many posts in this thread are actually discussing the comment. If they want to discuss Trump, the political candidate, that's fine but I try to keep in mind the character of the person I'm voting into the highest office in the nation.

by character do you mean politics?

I think WikiLeaks definitely contributes to the answer:;count=50#searchresultep

Per the document itself:

“Operationalizing the Strategy

Pied Piper Candidates

There are two ways to approach the strategies mentioned above. The first is to use the field as a whole to inflict damage on itself similar to what happened to Mitt Romney in 2012. The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream Republican Party. Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:

Ted Cruz Donald Trump Ben Carson

We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously.”

The operative words, to be sure, being “tell the press to [take] them seriously.” Two paragraphs later the document concludes:

“In this regard, any information on scandals or ethical lapses on the GOP candidates would serve well. We won’t be picky.”

The document consistently assumes the press will be automatically compliant in taking the Democrat-selected Republican candidates “seriously” so as to only then sequentially (as ongoing media behavior is making clear) take “any information on scandals or ethical lapses on the [eventual] GOP candidate”–thus belatedly and therefore determinatively–seriously; all the while simultaneously, diametrically (and therefore hypocritically) avoiding reporting on equivalent or more substantial Clinton scandals, especially those related to “Transparency & disclosure,” “Donors & associations,” “Management & business dealings” (as the document in question itself oppositionally points out). Is it therefore convergence/coincidence/compliance that the MSM is evidently so closely following the “strategy and goals” outlined in the pro-Clinton document in question?

jesus! these emails are a treasure trove of conspiracy proof. their plans to kill alito and then this! Plans to use trump.

plans to kill alito

dafuq did i miss?

Yea missed this too

There was an email came to light yesterday.

First person said something along lines of ' I didn't think wet works meant a pool party at the vineyard'. Reply was: 'I'm all in, it'll be a long night, we need to buckle up and double down.'

This was 3 days before Scalia 'mysteriously' died in his sleep at a ranch/resort after a party.

The national enquirer maybe it was ran with there being a prostitute/murder conspiracy.

They are a tabloid, but they've broken some decently large stories recently when they were just dismissed as not being real news.

I say 'mysteriously' because he was 79 years old, and was not in the best shape. But there wasn't anything publicly known about his health and as a member of SCOTUS likely has some of the best healthcare in the world.

Scalia! Scalia, you fools! Alito is alive and well.

Apologies. Been a long day/week/month/year. Poor excuse for f'in up that bad.

plans to kill alito

Damn what?


oops my bad

Trump is one crazy nigga.

I've never seen an election like this...and I've seen a few. Trump has battled his way past so many roadblocks. He's beaten his own party candidates and leadership. He now fighting against overwhelming media control against him. He's up against one of the biggest political families alive today. Reading this speech is just shocking. To see such truths being spoken out loud to so many people. I'd never have believed it possible. No matter the result of the election Trump has already contributed more to waking people up to the control they are under than anyone else I know.

Well said.




r/conspiracy is being trolled! "Our Independence Day is at hand"...? GTFO! Breitbart and Alex Jones wrote this speech, to attract and maintain low education voters that he already has in his column, and you guys are creaming all over yourselves? This sub has devolved to Above Top Secret. Good Work!

FYI: Trump and Clinton are in this TOGETHER for the Long Con. He is deliberately torpedoing the Republican Party, and has no intention of winning this election. This is the "real conspiracy", but this sub has been overrun by Trumpets trying to scramble up a few more meaningless votes. The real game here, is to identify all of the "bucket of deplorables" so that when the NWO does kick in, they already know who YOU are. Makes rounding YOU up for those Walmart FEMA camps, much, much easier.

Clinton will be the next president. More shit is coming out on Trump, and by the time it is all said and done, there will be a majority in the House and Senate as well. At the end of all this, the people in this sub that have thrown their support behind Trump, especially because of this speech, will end up looking stupid. Red Pill my ass...

edit: punctuation

Proof or anything at all?

I feel like that would show up in the emails somewhere.

I'm sure OP will deliver. Let's just wait a while.

Anyone can prove that this sub has devolved to ATS... Just look at it! As far as the speech being written by Breitbart's Steve Bannon, that should be obvious.

Do your own research on the numerous posts in r/conspiracy of the Bill Clinton/Donald Trump connection. As far as everything else, my opinion based on watching American politics for the last 40 or so years.

Adding: Right now, this sub needs a good old fashioned Flat Earth/Fake Moon landing thread, just to get us back on track!

yup. deleting us if we call an obvious shill a shill = r/conspiracy is just as compromised as politics.

I was wondering how long it would take before I get accused of being a shill, lol. Thanks for not letting me down!

Adding: Less than 2 hours!

CTR has bought existing Reddit accounts

Lol. November 9th can't come soon enough.

Except he's wanted this since 1980.


Bravo! Trump is a Hillary supporter!

That's all good and fine. His policies are still shit.

And he's still a guy who has spent his life getting fat by screwing the little guy.

Seriously, how do people not see this?

People hate something, they naturally assume anyone else who hates it is good and right. Pretty much the reasoning for all negative campaign ads. At least that's my guess!

Here's where I call bullshit. Not on the message, but on the messenger and leader of the revolution who is also delivering the message... aka Trump the brand.

For the most part, everything he says about corruption, institutions, and machine like smears is correct, or it is based in small distillations of complex ideas, which are true, but 1000x more complex than the simple distillation.

However, the problem comes as Trump has been unable to do any of the following:

  1. Run a competent campaign. The fact that he is on his 4th campaign manager, that he routinely shifts positions, and didn't have ground campaigns in battleground states belies the desire.

  2. Prepare on policy. Trumps knowledge is a mile wide an half an inch deep. Even the debate last week on insurance: "We're going to bring in companies who will compete and offer better rates." We had that already. It didn't work. Nothing he said about Canada was close to realistic. Clinton at least isolated one of the three fundamental problems of health care in the US - we are an employer based system. (the other two issues stemming from quality of life determinations and the big one, patients want Cadillac treatment... insurers want to pay Ford prices... doctors opinions are marginalized. He could have stood a chance if he actually could go toe to toe on debates outside of "you're a failure" rhetoric.

  3. Run on this tenet of us vs them from the beginning. If this is what he believed (and it isn't a Hail Mary position pivot) then you don't spend 60% of the campaign scapegoating Mexicans and Muslims. Trump routinely punches down against poor people, working class, black people (who he assumes all live in the ghetto of America, and not in suburbs as well) and foreigners.

This seems like the ramblings of a drunk who swears he'll get his life together tomorrow. Yeah, I know there is a part of this which is true, maybe it's the person he wants to be, but Trump is 70. He's not going to change... we have ample evidence of him not altering or apologizing. If he loses the election, he's going to open his news network and keep hammering his stump speech.

This is a Ron Paul speech with Trump interjecting himself. Everything is formed in place, there is rational though behind it. I just don't believe the origins of these thoughts came from Trump, he just feels his campaign in a tailspin and is shifting to the hard realization that he has to pay for the sins of his past like anyone else. Maybe he feels these ideas resonate now when the media is roasting him for his faults, but it's not like he hasn't been the cause of the majority of the attacks on him now, they are, after all, about his character, not his position.

Maybe he'll reform. The US needs a real counter culture president (like Sanders too). But I doubt it. For 1% of this campaign, we have this speech, representing a morsel of a good idea. On the other we have his twitter feed. We have his white supremacist dog whistles. We have his public feuds with minor people. I'm naturally specious that he'll eschew the 3am tweets when a senator speaks out, or a policy he pushes doesn't go through congress (like every president).

Tl;dr I'd love to believe this; nothing Trump has done in past 15 years or duration of his campaign would allow me to believe he has the conviction to stay to it.

EDIT- Fixed mobile formatting.

Still better than Clinton.

Run a competent campaign. The fact that he is on his 4th campaign manager, that he routinely shifts positions, and didn't have ground campaigns in battleground states belies the desire.

He's not a career politician. He has never run a political campaign before. This is what an average Joe's campaign would look like also in terms of disorganization and poor prioritizing.

Nothing he said about Canada was close to realistic.

What he said about Canada's user based system is true, the waiting times are ludicrous.

then you don't spend 60% of the campaign scapegoating Mexicans and Muslims.

Everything 'scapegoating' he said about them was in relation to immigration. Illegal immigrants in particular, not American citizens. So he's a nationalist.

Trump routinely punches down against poor people, working class, black people

Talking about their problems is now "punching down"?

(who he assumes all live in the ghetto of America, and not in suburbs as well) and foreigners.

People of color have their populations concentrated in the cities.

Fuck off with your fisking arguments in the patented r/atheism slowdown. I'm not your argument monkey. Nor do you have the credentials or legacy to command my respect required to hear you disagree.

We don't agree, and it's clearly on every point apparently. So, I'm not wasting my time, especially since you don't have the reading comprehension to understand my underlying points.

Next time, pick one point and maybe I'll discuss with you. But now, you don't seem like someone capable of having an argument. You just want to shout your points. So, politely, move the fuck along.

LOL you surrender quick.

The only winning move here is to not waste my time with an idiot.

"You have too many arguments and I don't have enough evidence to defend myself."

Is there a source for this? I cannot read this in Trump's voice.

That's because it's not in Trumps voice. OP cut out all the Trumpiness.

Source: NPR

I wish Trump would cut out all the Trumpiness.

Even when he reads written speeches he still has a unique cadence, which is not present in the text of this post at all. I was very confused, to say the least. I'm not surprised to find out it's been edited dish removing his retarded speech pattern. Very good edit job though.

You call it retarded, but it's something he's refined over many years with deep roots in psychology and certainly coached from specialists in the field. I've found dozens of video clips from him over the years, and watched them for the explicit purpose of seeing whether his speech patterns were something he always exhibited.

You may call it retarded, but it is made to emphasise complicated points in easy to digest patterns. Combining this style with different kinds of content and different purposefully crafted messages (his message style and content has deliberately morphed 3 or 4 times through out this campaign), he has effectively targeted and won-over key demographics... enough that he has legitimately been seen as a threat by the Dems.

We're going to make America great, very great, I have a lot of people agreeing with me that I'm a great guy

Because it wasn't written by trump. It was written by his handlers who are the exact political machine that all of you claim to fight.

They are manipulating the living shit out of all of you. He has self destructed hia campaign by continually being the most dishonest and self serving piece of shit imaginable. You lot are his last desperate grab for attention because he knows no one hates Clinton more than the conspiracy crowd.

You are being played.


I feel like he legit woke himself up and maybe he didn't knowingly sacrifice his position among the clandestine elite, but now that he's done it regardless of his intentions, I actually believe his sincerity... That is such a strange, strange, strange thing. I don't believe much of anything or anyone is sincere in this world, and now to feel this for Donald of all people.

Who I was 6 months ago would never have thought that I would end up hating virtually every celebrity, media outlet, and news organization, while resonating with something Trump said more than I have any other pres or pres candidate in my own living memory. What a world, man. What a world.

I wouldn't be surprised if he started off his race thinking he'd help his old friend Hillary get into the White House and then get a nice juicy TV show and a few book deals out of it. Then as things started to unfold, he woke up to the fact that system really was compromised and that he shouldn't support it anymore.

I'm glad that he has hired some more competent speech writers now that he has seen the light.

I've always thought trump entered the race as a joke, I bet he never thought he'd get this far.

The videos posted in the comments suggest otherwise. He's been speaking about this since 1980.

Holy shit, those videos made me tear up. This guys the real deal.

Haven't got round to watching them yet

The old George Costanza

It seems every attack Hillarys establisment levies against Trump is projection

- Trump is bought off by Russia!

Well actually you got paid to sell US uranium to Russia and Podesta has a lot of shares in russia. Trump doesnt even have loans there.

- Vast right wing conspiracy

Well actually its You

- You are just running for your own self-interest and your billionaire friends!

Turns out literally colludes with everyone for money

-Trump is a war monger!

Literally wants to start wars over rumors with the country with the second biggest nuclear arsenal. Almost singlehandedly destabilised the middle east

-Trump rapes literally everybody!

No its your husband,with your help. Trump was a billionaire for tens of years. It would be in the interest of those women to sue him and get settlements.

-Trump is lying all the time! CTR HELP FACT CHECKERS FACT CHECKERS

Will say anything to get elected, no real morals. Pathological liar, lying even for no reason (bosnia sniper fire)

-Trump was for the iraq war!

Well you literally were a senator and voted for it and lobbied for it

Oddly appropriate that this sub finally just devolves into Trump's campaign speeches as copypasta.

Fight the Power -- Vote Republican? those of you falling for this shit , thinking Donald Trump is doing anything here but reading his speech like a good boy are pathetic.


How many presidential candidates in the last 50 years do you think wrote their own speeches?

If you guessed even 1, then you probably still believe in Santa Claus.

I doubt Trump's ever written anything of similar length in his life.

You think this is a script? I think this is one hundred percent genuine. What would the establishment gain from this. They'd be better off having someone like newt or ted cruz who could fear monger and never say a peep about the invisible hands that control us. As of late, I've been willing to put my trust into Trump. He's been saying some powerful stuff.

If you watch him deliver the speech, it is obviously a script, completely different from his normal routine.

It is likely you have found Trump's material more powerful since his campaign leadership team was taken over by WND/Breitbart staff.

Well yeah I know it was a script, I am saying that this election doesn't feel scripted to me.

Vote Hillary, who will use the presidency to fuck you over for the establishment's benefit.

Vote Trump, who will fuck you over for his own benefit.

I don't get why you people buy this grade-school level bullshit. No wonder we keep electing assholes, if the general population is this gullible.

Oh, look, a guy who has made a lifetime out of screwing over the little people in order to get mega-rich is talking shit about his opponent, and the shit he talks is true. Clearly that means he is a good guy, and is going to save us from the greedy politicians!

Yeah, but... How're you going to fix it if you're president? If it's this giant ruthless international cabal of powerful people... What the fuck are you going to do?

If you legitimately try... They'll kill you.

If you do nothing, I highly suspect you've been part of them all along.

You are literally the 1%. How the fuck am I supposed to believe you're not with them already?

So, your "argument" is that making attacks on Bill Clinton means Trump isn't part of the 1%? That he's not part of the group that controls the world?

Isn't it more likely this is an internal power skirmish between two members of the same group?

He is absolutely part of the "1%". Btw the 1% is only 365k or so a year, so when people refer to the 1%, it's more accurate to say the .1% which is the multimillionaires and billionaires. Sure 380k is a lot of money, but not enough to purchase even modest political favors, well not in the US.

I do concede that your second point may be equal to my argument, except that Trump is already very wealthy and while he is not "powerful in a direct manner" he certainly has the financial means to purchase most of the lobbying interest that he might need. So the question is, why would Trump drag himself and his families name, and potentially his Businesses into politics for a relatively small net gain of holding the title of President? There is a good reason that most businessmen yet alone owners of Corporations speak publicly regarding political matter, because they isolate themselves from half the population. Trump could have easily sat back and enjoyed the fruits of his labor, instead because of this he will forever be remembered very poorly by most of the world. This is a man who spent his entire life building up how the world thought about him, just to toss it all away in the end?

Your right about a struggle between 2 powers, however, I believe it's a struggle between good and evil. Trump loves America and feels obligated to give back to the country that provided him the opportunities to become so successful, which is not something that can be accomplished in most of the world.

I work and consult with very wealth clients, many of whom are immigrants that built their fortunes with hard work. They love our country and are disgusted with how is has transformed in the last 20+ years. One of my clients started off by driving taxis 7 days a week 16 hours per day for 10 years until he saved enough to purchase his own cab company. He later got into real estate and 30 years later, a Hungarian immigrant who came to this country with less than 50$ in his pocket is worth over 300$ million dollars and at one point before 2008 was briefly worth 1.2 Billion dollars. I have spent many nights with this gentleman talking geopolitics and business and he understands exactly why Trump is doing this, because he loves is country. Not all wealthy people are bad or selfish.

So I thought long and hard about writing back, which might not seem like a lot given that it's reddit and all, and...who the hell cares. But it's early on a Sunday, and it's something you might be interested in.

I'm going to try to roughly go in order, but this is a complicated issue, so there's going to be a bit of overlap.

When I say 1%, I certainly do mean it in the way the that 99% protest group of hippies meant it. There is another group of people out there that meet roughly once every couple of years that liked the moniker of 1%. This is a group of individuals who have an abnormally large amount of sway in money, political influence, economics, etc, etc. Couple celebrities, a few politicians, a handful of scientists, investors, and a lot of bankers. It's a big group. Not all of them meet at the same time at the same place, but they do have ways of talking to each other. There are sub-groups inside this group. Just like a high school, you have nerds, goth kids, etc, but in this case the groups are split on how it's best to move humanity forward.

So let's say you have an end goal, that realistically, you know for a fact the planet is going to do die (economically, natural disaster, what have you) in the next 20 years. In order to save the species, you have to get as many people as you can past point X. Whether that be not reliant of fossil fuels, addicted to a certain drug, willing to die for a cause, or just accepting of alien life, you need to have as many people okay with that before the alarm goes off. How do you do it?

In this hypothetical case, you might have 5 or 6 different groups that all think they have the best method for manipulating people into getting where they need to be. And let's say that instead of settling on just one idea...each group is allowed to attempt what they think is best, even if it's in direct competition to another group. Natural competition wont save everybody, but it will narrow down the idea that will work best.

In the grand scheme of things, I can tell you that this is not a battle of good and evil. This is literally a choice between two sides of the same coin. The "end result" is going to be the same either way. The only thing we are choosing is how we get there. But even that is a bit of a misnomer, because technically the President was chosen quite a long time ago. It's her, by the way. I'm not a fan of that concept either, but it is what it is.

I will tell you though, that the feeling you and every die hard Trump fan gets that he genuinely cares about're not wrong, but you don't have the full story either. I can tell you on a very small personal level, Trump is very much a guy you want to have a steak and a scotch with. He's personable, cares about his family more than anything else, and knows he's lucky as fuck. But...and I don't mean this in a political way, just truth...he is more than a little racist, sexist, and he doesn't give a damn about understanding anybody's point of view besides his own. And realistically...that's kind of understandable. He's dealt with some of the worst people on the planet. And then New Yorkers. (I kid, I kid...) Plus he's getting older. Our brains are wired to seek out comfort and familiarity as we get old. We naturally associate comfort and familiarity with people who look and sound like us. It is an unpopular idea, but it's 100% natural to get more racist and sexist as you get older.

As for Hillary? You really don't need any insight to see it. Everybody sees it. She doesn't like you. She doesn't like anybody. And this is true. You get her alone in a room, and she will tell you with all honesty that she despises 99% of the people she comes across. And it's at this point that I am loathe to admit it...but I agree with her. I usually hate 99% of people within a 10 seconds of meeting them too. I'm an asshole. She's a bitch. A big one. And she's a little quick with her trigger finger...but she's certainly not the dumbest person in the room.

"Not all wealthy people are bad or selfish" - I wanna talk about this for a second. What would you do to accomplish your goal if you believed it to be the right thing to do? Right and wrong, good and evil, are all relative to the amount of responsibility and power you control. For instance; If I ask; is it okay to kill 1 person to save a thousand, the answer is of course, "No." Because it's a slippery slope. Why not ten? Why not a hundred? And I can give that answer, because I'm essentially armchair quarterbacking a hypothetical riddle. But...if I'm the leader of some group of country, and a rival group has captured one of my people who was bombing their cities, I can either disavow him and let him die, or declare a war that'll cost a thousand lives...well, the clear (and right) answer is to let him die.

Both answers to both questions are "correct", even though they're literally polar opposites to the exact same question. Both are "good" or "right".

So I'm going to set a hypothetical stage, and ask you a question, okay?

Let's say I've got to get 318 million of the technologically dominant species on this planet to be okay with a laundry list of things in order to meet my goal, in the timeline, of the much larger, multi-generational, plan. My goals are only a small, small step in the much large chain of events it was determined were necessary to the end goal. But I do have some autonomy on how I implement them. How I decide to get the American people ready for; - Autonomous Cars (leading to autonomous technology) - Base Living Wages, because we soon wont have enough jobs. (Which eventually leads to us gradually accepting the loss of the concept of currency) - Being okay with a war where we need to kill a faction of people who wont fall in line with their sector leaders plans.

And on, and on, and on.

What would you do to keep your word? To promise the survival of the human race? How would you do it?

And more importantly, how would you keep calm when the only thing anybody wants to talk about is "grabbing her by the pussy", falling into a car, and bitching about healthcare.

You kinda get that feeling that both of them think everyone they talk to is a fucking moron? Yeah, I would too.

/rambling over

Kindly disregard my crazy bullshit rant. Carry on! I hope [Your candidate here] wins!

Fantastic Post, and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to put it together. Ultimately, it comes down to who you think will best do the job and we make the choice to overlook the rest, often times going into denial to rationalize it. Personally speaking, I choose to think of Trump like Andrew Jackson, most likely a lunatic,probably a guy you'd be afraid to have scotch with, but I'll be damned if he didn't do a might fine job with balancing our debt.

I agree with all of your logic, and confess that I too am an asshole and dislike the vast majority of the people that I meet.

You've got a great head on your shoulders, and one of the few people that I've come across on here that I see eye to eye with regarding your rationalization, logic and deductive reasoning's.

"Being okay with a war where we need to kill a faction of people who wont fall in line with their sector leaders plans." The "Pro-Constitution" folks? Who?

So this is the one thing he said that he really means?

As opposed to the zero things Hillary has said that she means.

Really? That's your comeback? What's your next line.... "I know you are but what am I"...?

Kelly o Conway did a great job writing this... when you watch him say it it is so contrived. Reading off the teleprompter makes him lose all this genuine "charm." Maybe if people cared when Rand Paul or Bernie Sanders said these same things but with reality, truth, and genuine care we wouldn't be in this situation... but it only gets people's attention when its an orange carnival barker reading off a teleprompter... so sad. some say the most sad. china!

I agree, Kelly Ann Conway has done an amazing job running Trump's campaign. I often disagree with her stances, but have repeatedly been blown away by her talent!

I despise him for his personal beliefs. I am impressed by truth and he has spoken truth here.

He's got some terrific writers, I'll say that much.

Seems like he finally hired some. Before this point he's been an improvisational mess but this was well thought out.

Lol. Right? To me, these elections are an epic shitshow of puppetry and promises.

Funny, when it is someone the media told you to hate, suddenly all credit goes to the writers.

When it is somebody history has told you to worship: Lincoln, Kennedy, etc... then nobody ever mentions that it was writers then as well.

I don't watch/read the mainstream media, and try my best to avoid the buffoonery that surrounds this election cycle. So no, no one is telling me who to hate or who to worship...Again, imo, it's all a puppet show.

There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

On the contrary, there is nothing he wouldn't do to take that power for himself.

Trump is a master at projection.

That could likely be said for every presidential candidate ever. Don't you think the same could be said for Hillary?

Trump gave veiled threats of armed rebellion, I think this goes beyond general ambition.

Truly excellent speech. I do not support Trump and I'm sure he didn't write this. However, it is quite remarkable that we do have a major party candidate who is willing to say these things publicly. It kind of makes you wonder... could we have ended up with a candidate who was willing to say these things any other way? PTB was never going to let Bernie get this close. DJT was always less of a threat and someone to prop up HRC. Now, did he say he is "off his leash"? Maybe we are not as screwed as we could be.


If you guys seriously think Trump wants to White House to "give back" or "fix corrupt issues" you guys are completely mistake and frankly being playing by a con man. He doesn't care about you, your business, or your family. He only cares about himself and he will say anything to get you to vote for him. This is a great speech...on paper...but given by someone who won't do any of these things, is sicking to hear.

The why don't you go ahead and vote for his opposition. The side that has accepted foreign money and will cater to the interests of worldwide wealth and power. You'd literally be voting for a shadow government.

Even if Trump enriches himself and his family, he will have the better part of 4 years to enrich America.

He never said vote Clinton. Voting neither is still an option. I won't vote for Trump. I don't believe he's some noble man trying to help the country and I don't want his vision of America anyway. Maybe I secretly hope he wins just because for better or worse it'll shake things up.

But I still won't cast a vote for either of those crooks.

you might say he has a public position and a private position

Not an argument.

Here's an argument for you;

A democratic billionaire, friends with Clintons and many political insiders for decades, friends with many other globalist billionaires, runs with the same circle as all the other global elites, suddenly decides one day that he wants to stand up for the voice of the people and run as a Republican.

And you completely fell for it.

If it turns out I fell for it, I don't mind because I'm in the very good company of some of the brightest alt media minds. I'll take the risk of being wrong, it won't destroy my ego. Too many people just playing it safe means nothing will ever change.

Fair point.

I just don't understand why anyone trusts Trump, but viewing it as a simple game-theory cost/benefit analysis, I guess I get it why many on here would vote for him.

Thank you for Correcting the Record™ !

It's pathetic that the only response you guys have is to call people shills.

I mean seriously, you think a NYC billionaire who has been friends with all the other globalist billionaires for decades is some... outsider? Some champion of the people?

Give me a fucking break...

Fuck Hillary, she's a criminal who will stop at nothing to feed her greed.

But fuck Trump, he's a criminal who will stop at nothing to feed his greed.

Get real. Trump isn't a political insider, but he's just as bad. If you really think he's out to help someone other than himself, you are a gullible child.

Dude, atleast look through a person's comment history before throwing around shillcusations...

They are out in full force on any and everything Trump, the power of propaganda persuasion comment control has reached a level never seen before. Every aspect and angle is used in order to poison an already poisoned well.

Does anyone have a link to a video or something?

This is the source video. OP took some creative liberties to make Trump sound more presidential by cutting out some of the crazier stuff and a lot of the interjections he's known for. OP's quote doesn't sound like Trump at all.

Random example from OP's quote:

Clinton is also given approval and veto power over quotes written about her in the New York Times. And the emails show the reporters collaborate and conspire directly with the Clinton Campaign on helping her win the election.

example from the actual video:

Hillary Clinton is also given approval and veto power over quotes written about her in the New York Times. They definitely do not do that to me, that I can tell you. And the e-mails show the reporters collaborate and conspire directly with the Clinton campaign on helping her win the election all over.

ya, this whole post is a fucking joke. donald didn't say anything even close to what the poster wrote.

something weird is going on here.

does r/conspiracy really support trump?

I mean, he did say something kinda close to what the poster wrote. In fact, he said everything in the OP. There's some things that were edited out, but the core of what is in the OP is also in fact in Trump's speech...

/r/conspiracy is interested in conspiracies, which this speech directly speaks to...

not really. it's just more of the same "hillary is a criminal but I'm GREAT!" nonsense trump always spews.

you people are ignorant if you think trump isn't a criminal too.

What do you mean "not really"? He is literally talking about conspiracies throughout the entire speech. He actually uses the word "conspiracy"... It's interesting to see a presidential candidate speaking openly about this sort of thing.

what conspiracy did he specifically name.

has trump said ANYTHING about the FED? does he know what the FED is?

how bout the CIA?

what conspiracy did he specifically name.

Read or listen to his speech. He specifically names at least 3, and more broadly speaks of political corruption, media control, global power cetralization, etc. etc. etc. This entire speech is literally about conspiracies. If you can't see that, and still can't figure out why this is in /r/conspiracy, I don't know what to tell you.

What he says should be based on what hi already did, i mean his actions. What has he done so far?

From the things he brings up, it's literally confirming all our biggest fears.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

How can you guys be buying this bullshit again? You got got by Obama with this same line in 2008.

It's still a good speech and I like seeing this kind of thing out in public, but the idea that electing a different puppet to office will change the corruption of the establishment has been proven wrong time and time again.

Seriously. The entire point of this sub is supposed to be exposing lies the rich and powerful tell. How? By paying attention to actions and not words, because we all know that people can and will say whatever they think will help them most. Words mean nothing.

But when it comes to Trump, suddenly all the things he's done in his life don't matter because he says bad things about his opponent which are true. Suddenly most of this sub is supporting an icon of cheating, lying corporate greed just because he says things that sound like what we say.

We may as well vote for Bernie Madoff or the board of directors for Coca-Cola. Putin absolutely hates the American establishment, he gives similar speeches all the time. Think he would be a great president? Ask the Russian people what it is like.

But when it comes to Trump, suddenly all the things he's done in his life don't matter because he says bad things about his opponent which are true. Suddenly most of this sub is supporting an icon of cheating, lying corporate greed just because he says things that sound like what we say.

It's not just Trump, they did it for Bernie as well. People are brainwashed to love authority at the deepest level. They think it's their answer to everything. Someone else will make people treat me the way I want to be treated! If I don't make enough money they'll force the minimum wage up! If I don't like what you're saying the cops will arrest you!

This mentality is pervasive.

Most of this is stolen from Bernie's playbook. If only Trump wasn't such an asshole. I've hated him since I first saw him on TV. Such an arrogant person. I never trust anyone with a comb over. If a person can't be realistic with themselves, then why would they be with me.

He's right in a lot of ways here, but remember a few things here:

Trump definitely didn't write this. Your a fool if you think he will fix any of these problems. In fact he is just as much the cause of social economic polarity as anyone else.

He is not running for president to give power back to the people, he is using you to give power to himself. This is all about trumps legacy.

Well in this situation, power is kind of a zero sum game. You're right that he's not running to give power to you, but at the same time, it might still be worth it if you consider who he would be taking that power from.

POTUS is just a figurehead though, regardless of who wins it's still the same people working in the background.

Someone high-5 that speech writer cause hot damn that's some good writing.


What is this?

hmmm great speech. my main reason for not trusting trump is he is an old golf pal of bills. But maybe the ruthless media attacking makes them no longer pals?

I think the most important message coming from this speech is that people change. Trump clearly states and admits to "being part of the club". This is important because no presidential candidate is ever willing to admit to there being special interest clubs and secret agendas. We all know they are there but its nice to finally see someone who is not afraid to just say it. Trump changed and left these "clubs" when he realized the country needed someone to open the doors of government and let the people back in. Of course its good for him but its also good for the country.

He cares about his businesses and thats what keeps this country prosperous. We need someone who cares about businesses and opportunities and the economy. Thats how things progress and grow. For far too long the American people have not been doing what the constitution intended. Government runs the people instead of the people running the government. Trumps intentions are to change that. I can only hope his goals and ideas are sincere.

Trump was never in the club. He wanted to be, but the NYC elites never saw him as anything but a declasse' slumlord.

All the gold leaf and braggadoccio was him trying to impress the elites, and they always looked down on him. This is the central fact of his psychology.

And the elites are still shitting on him, and shitting harder.

It's going to be an interesting three weeks.

From The day before Wednesday 10-12 speech in Lakeland, FL: -Trump later described Clinton as “the vessel (of) a corrupt global establishment that’s raiding our country and surrendering the sovereignty of our nation.”-


This sub has become just as bad as r/politics, only for Trump instead of Hillary. It's fucking embarrassing. A bunch of people who claim to seek the truth yet get all "rah rah muh tribe!" for a fucking billionaire who flat out said he would give tax cuts to the elite and ship jobs overseas if he wins (which he won't). Retards. Most of you should be banned from this sub.

Exactly my thoughts. Hillary is a monster. And so is Trump. If you think this stupid, egocentric, spoiled, dysfunctional piece of humanity will help any interest other than his own, you are delusional. You will wake in case Trump wins and will be a rude awake ing. You'll feel cheated and betrayed.

TIL: /r/conspiracy cannot spot pandering when it sees it.

If he is taken seriously, then he is seriously in danger

only a shitlord like trump would expose things like that.

thats why we need trump.

Ill give Trump a point here. This speech is the exact truth of our reality and how corrupt it is. Actions speak louder than words though.

Acta Non Verba

Trump is just a Clinton plant as revealed in the emails. All you fools worshipping Trump are just as bad as the Hillary supporters. How does he go from supporting Hillary in 2012 to being her worst enemy?

The same way you'd shake hands with a fellow athlete but try to outrun them if you were in a race? This isn't hard..

If Trump is a Clinton plant, then why not call their bluff and vote for Trump?

If he's controlled opposition as the leaks tend to indicate, he has the same handlers as Hillary Clinton, and the same ultimate dangers will still look over us. As others have said, these are old tricks. Was it not Rothschild who manipulated stocks and played both sides during the war to make himself and his heirs wealthy and powerful? Everyone has people they love. Everyone has a weakness. And thus everyone can be made to submit if sufficiently pressed. Just look at Clinton's meeting with the attorney general as his wife was being investigated for what amounts to a series of definite crimes and likely treason. Oh, all they talked about was grandkids! That's all! As in, if you want your grandkids to live to see adulthood, then you play ball. Same with Bernie. Same with anyone.

It's nice to think that some figurehead is going to save us, that there is one of them who really is on our side against the other evil candidate, but that too is an old divide and conquer trick. If any change is going to come it will have to be from brave individuals putting aside their superficial differences and coming together against our common enemy. Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same bloody coin.

Presidents don't decide shit. They are the public face of what the unnamed, unelected people behind the scenes have decided for us all. Snowden proved this to us. Most Americans don't even know what sort of policies are being enacted behind closed doors. Most of our Congress doesn't even know. This election is not about one evil over the other. This election is about the revelation that we don't have a choice at all. Our country is run by criminals and thieves, people who live by the only true law that exists: do whatever you want as long as you have the power to get away with it. They only care about your voice if placating you will make them more money or make them have to spend less resources fighting their own populace rather than their enemies abroad.

Trump is controlled opposition so vote hillary

You guys have posted this way too much in this thread

How did you get that at all from my post? I would never vote for Hillary under any circumstance. That doesn't mean Trump isn't just one of her puppets, or a puppet controlled by the same people pulling her strings. I don't think a vote for either one of them matters one goddamn bit as to the outcome of this election.

Because you are concern trolling

There's no point voting for your candidate since it doesn't matter so just hold off and let hillary win

Oh come the fuck off of it. Just because someone thinks your puppet is the same as another puppet doesn't mean they're for your opponent. Donald Trump is a stooge and Hillary Clinton is a blatant criminal. Whatever other lunatic bullshit you are trying to imply or infer is coming from you and not from me.

He lost my vote when he proposed forcibly removing 16 million people and casting them out into poverty. I don't want to get harassed by Donald's deportation forces because of the color of my skin and I refuse to take that chance. We should be getting along with our neighbors, not being aggressive towards them by trying to make them pay to secure OUR border.

Fuck the two party system, that's why.

Because he was a businessman. Being cozy with politicians is how they make money.

I mean, this is exactly what he is talking about ffs. Watch the second debate, there is absolutely no love there.

Did you read the speech?

He also said he could force himself on women because he was a celebrity and flirted with some ten year old girls.

“I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world.” ― Angelina Jolie.

Obviously Ms. Jolie wants to sexually assault billions of people, including young children.

Angelina Jolie: Child rapist who brags about her future crimes.

I think you're getting the hang of this.

But the establishment!

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

This is fucking ridiculous

Obama said beautiful and wonderful things too that made a lot of people do this. Then he got elected and showed everyone who he truly works for.

But Trump won't do this, however, right? Right??

Riiiight. Because he's not a corporate multi billionaire, right? Oh wait a minute...

I'll admit - what he was saying in this OP sounds good...but you're a damned fool if you think that Trump is the answer to this country's problems. It's correct that Clinton is by far not the answer either, but people are going down the wrong road as well if they go toward Trump.

You honestly think Hillary is better?

To quote myself:

It's correct that Clinton is by far not the answer either...

What does that tell you?

You think I'm saying Clinton's the answer?


Come tf on now...

Reading comprehension, bro. Do you have it??

but people are going down the wrong road as well if they go toward Trump.

I didn't see the "as well", my bad brother!

No worries, bro. No harm no foul. Yeah. They both suck.

This government is the problem. It's not so much any one candidate because all the main candidates are in the employ of the corporations. It all stinks.

And you guys are dumb enough to think he's any different. Hate Hillary but she played you wingnuts like a fidel. By the way he didn't write that obviously cause its in full sentences.

Daaaammnn....I can't stand Donald Trump but.... this shit is spot on.

Ugh, finally someone says it to media. Now if only it were someone worth listening to.


Trump will be a good prez because he's incentivized by the potential returns on his real estate? jesus fuck i gotta get outta here


dude my comment was the last sentence of your comment almost verbatim


'Trump will be a better prez because he's incentivized by the potential returns on his real estate? jesus fuck i gotta get outta here' there is that better. god this conversation sucks


lol. long live the landlord-led revolution! yeah i think i'm gonna leave now

Donald Trump will soon get assassinated if he is legit while saying that.

(I have a good sense that he might not be legit)

Is there a source for this? Video or anything? Id love to hear him say this.

and the people who believed him should be deported. The Deportables.

I'm trying to find the conspiracy here.... Where are the aliens or Bigfoot? Ghosts or government coverups that aren't easily explained? Damn it where are the Flat Earthers! They know how to keep something long dead going!

This is pretty epic.

If you think either of the crap people running for president will make a difference you are not paying attention

I don't disagree, but what do you suggest people do?

boycott them both

They all lie to our face then turncoat every fucking time. So whats new.

It would be great to see Trump orating this very speech to the America people through a special ad on television across major networks, perhaps the night before the election. But does he have the funds to buy that kind of air time? I don't know. I just wish there was a way for this message to reach more Americans in Trump's own voice.

Actually, he should use the stage at the last debate to ignore the canned, stilted questions and just use his time to give this speech again in little bits until the debate is over. Get it out there in real time, and in defiance of the media who has used every trick in the book to try to marginalize him. He's got nothing more to lose at this point. Gloves are off. Time is running out. Just do it.

He's running a big ad campaign right now. I've seen the commercial on CNN a few times. Sad to admit I watch that channel. The ad focuses on Clintons health and lack of stamina and failure as sec of state. A bit over dramatic, but not too bad.

still think hes a plant, even more so now.


well, besides the fact that his speech, as has been mentioned by another commenter, was probably written by the republican party; i feel like hes almost doing too well in comparison to clinton. i feel like he might be a "monster" for hilary to defeat and win the trust of the people who might be on the fence between the two. i dont know, maybe its just me.

The Republican Party has been trying to sabotage him. The language in this speech looks more like it was a collaboration between trump and Steve bannon

Stirring stuff, yes. Some of us remember "yes, we can!" however.

Trump didn't write that tho

True. I'm sure we all want to believe, but I feel like the language here is a little bit outside of his wheelhouse.


I can see a lot of Steve Bannon influence in this speech.

Just a note, watch the video. The transcript above is abridged - it is not exactly what he said. A lot of the goofier and more controversial parts are cut out.

Not one word of this speech originated in Trumps brain. If you think so you're delusional. Hillary belongs in fucking prison and this guy inside a psychiatric institution and that is all the truth about this campaign.

That last line was ripped right outta Scar's speech from the Lion King....

This reminds me of Bane in the Dark Knight Rises

This should have been his message all along.

Trump is far from perfect, but he's a damn sight better than Killary

I just pray to God he isn't blowing sunshine up everyone's ass

.... says the wolf in sheep's clothing. (Doing a very poor Bernie imitation)

That guys credibility went to shit after his crusade to prove Obama was born in Kenya

considering that the other candidate is the one who actually started it in an attempt to slander a black guy, his credibility is still better than hers

just sayin'

Hope & Change!

When do I get my Trump phone?

I don't disagree with much of what he said here, but anyone who believes this sick man is their savior that is going to change all this is a fool. This is another desperate attempt to win at all costs. If it truly is a charade and it doesn't matter who is in office when it comes to the big picture, I would still rather not face four years of Trumplethinskin and his nasty ways. I'll take my chances with the status quo.

I have only one question for this sub. Have you considered you might not have all the facts?

You left some words out.

Yeah, I see none of Trumps best words in here.

And of course no one is publishing this. Unless they buy ads and publish this no one else will ever see it either.

I thought this was r/conspiracy?! He's obviously working for them

I'm genuinely impressed. That was well written and thought provoking. Now if that were Bernie, I would believe he would succeed in accomplishing that set of goals. Since it's not, I beg the question: How?

You guys know that politicians make speeches that don't mean something, right?

You morons do realize that Trump has been a full on participant in the system for decades and has repeatedly stated that he will incarcerate those who disagree with him and shut down media outlets that do things like replay tape of shit he's actually said?

You did notice that, right?

Wow that was actually a great speech. I have no faith in trump though. More then likely he is just saying that cause most Americans feel that way.

And there is nothing he won't do or say either, more pie in the sky bullshit. How is he supposed to rebuild a government and a sovereignty that has become irrelevant in the face of globalism. The US is simply a brand name.

Where can I watch the video where he says this?

Go to youtube and search Trump speech oct 14

Trump says a lot of things i agree with, but is lacking in how he wants to achieve any of this. In classic political style, I feel like he might just be telling people what they want to hear rather than honestly expressing his own ideology.

The worst thing about it is that it is a very well written speech. His delivery is poor and frenzied but when you read it in text even I was cocking my head to the side and going, "Well, he has a point..."

Thank God I am not American and don't have to vote in this Shitfest of an Election

I hate this presidential electetion... It feels like the apocalypse... Both are corrupt and liers and will mark the face of the world with their terrible decision

At first I really believed trump would've been the worst choice to pick... But I start to believe him to be the necessary evil between him and Hillary.

I've been back and forth. Every leak I'm like man fuck this then I look at Trump saying some good things, alot of bad but no knowledge on how the inside of politics go. Let alone we elect another deadleg Congress who have dragged on both sides the last eight years.

Trump is running as a Republican, the party that has been at the center of conspiracies (Iran-Contra or 9-11, anyone)? Trump isn't some savior -- don't kid yourselves.

Trump is against the Republican Party

No he isn't. He is running as a Republican, he has Republicans such as Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie on his staff, and he has traditional Republican policies such as trickle-down taxation as part of his platform. He's just taken a more populist tone on some issues, but that doesn't make him "against" the Republican party.

He literally called out the leader of the Republican Party and the ex republican nominees. What more does he need to do to go against them?And go read his tax plan. What part of it is trickle down?

He literally called out the leader of the Republican Party and the ex republican nominees.

So? That sort of opportunistic infighting has been going on for a while, from Barry Goldwater to Ted Cruz. That doesn't make Trump any less of a Republican.

What more does he need to do to go against them?

I dunno -- quit supporting the GOP's talking points?

Trump is obviously a rogue element, but he has dedicated himself to campaigning on Republican, and conservative, issues, to win over the base.

What part of it is trickle down?

The part where he slashes the taxes for the top income brackets -- the 1%. The TPC provides analysis on this topic:

"... the highest-income taxpayers (0.1 percent of the population, or those with incomes over $3.7 million in 2016dollars) would experience an average tax cut of nearly $1.1million, over 14 percent of after-tax income.

"The revised Trump plan would reduce the top individual income tax rate to 33 percent, reduce the corporate rate to 15 percent, and allow owners of pass-through businesses (such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, and S corporations) to elect to be taxed at a flat rate of 15 percent rather than under the regular individual income tax rates."

It reduces everyone's taxes. The fact that it also reduces the top bracket is what the media keeps using to attack him. Go look up what it's doing for the low class

The goal of lowering tax from 33 to 15 is to keep business from moving overseas and keeping owners from throwing everything in off shore accounts

It reduces everyone's taxes.

That doesn't change the fact that most of the tax relief goes to the top .1% Reagan's trickle-down economics also involved cuts across the board, too.

The fact that it also reduces the top bracket is what the media keeps using to attack him.

Paul Ryan's trickle-down scheme was also criticized in the 2012 elections, so it isn't just about Trump. The world doesn't revolve around the dude.

Ever since Bush senior labeled Reagan's tax scheme "voodoo economics" in 1980, people have been critical of supply-side economics.

Go look up what it's doing for the low class

I have. Have you?

The link I provided in my previous post concluded that "the poorest fifth of households would see their taxes go down an average of $110, or 0.8 percent of their after-tax income." That's less than the average tax cut that lower-income people received under Obama (which you'll never hear right-wingers admit).

$110 ain't jack.

The goal of lowering tax from 33 to 15 is to keep business from moving overseas and keeping owners from throwing everything in off shore accounts

A lot of companies already pay 15% or less in taxes, some of them even pay zero after subsidies, but that still doesn't stop them from taking their money to the Cayman islands.

The Republican party is against him. Has been from the beginning. Publicly refused the idea of nominating him until he killed the primaries. The Romney's and the Obama's alike have come out against him.

The Republican party is against him. Has been from the beginning. Publicly refused the idea of nominating him until he killed the primaries. The Romney's and the Obama's alike have come out against him.

Re-read my previous post for my reply.

I almost feel satisfied with this lip service. But how will he be able to uphold his plan? He has definitely gone full retard.

Oh go you are all insane. Lol.


Still not voting for an anthropomorphic Cheeto who doesn't understand the purpose of nuclear weapons.

This is what Bernie is fighting against. If the above statement is real, then so is Trump.

Hillary is not fighting against it. She embraces is, which is why so many voters hate her.

I guess I'm still a bit conditioned. I thought it was some other candidate that said that, and I was slightly astonished Trump said that. For a second anyway.

I hope he's not a plant by Clinton. I really hope he's a real opposition, however our evidence says otherwise.

What "evidence" is that? I'm serious. I'd like to know what would convince you that he would allow the Clinton's to use him, ruin his reputation, his and his family's legacy and risk his very life, to put her in power.

Besides the fact that, as far as I know, he was a family friend of the Clintons, and has donated large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation, no I don't have any evidence.

It's good to be weary, no way I'm going to vote for Clinton. No way, Trump all the way. We can just hope he's not a fool.

And emails in wikileaks show they wanted him to be elevated by the media months before he announced his candidacy

Probably due to the fact that they didn't think he nor Bernie would get his much support. I'm guessing they were hoping his Obama comments would steer people away from him to them and make this an easy win. It's a testament in my opinion to the level of hatred or mistrust toward the Clintons that Trump is winning. I don't think ANYONE saw this coming.

No, they did not see it coming. It is troubling that they didn't. Do they believe they are so golden that no matter who was running against her, people wouldn't think "well, she is incredibly horrific, so what is this guy saying?" I want to say they are smarter than that, but I feel their entitlement has made their world a bit of a foggy place.

If they win, this has been validated. They literally risked Trump being our president for their own gains...they propagated whom they believe to be the worst possible candidate and choose him. If they gave a damn about our country, they wouldn't risk what they believe to be a horrible choice.

If true, if Hillary wins they will destroy Trump and his business for leaving the cult...

He might watch his words a bit.

"through means that are very well known, anyone who challanges their controllers..."

What does he say after this, every video cuts out. @11:15 (

Whether Trump is on humanity's side or not, we need to continue educating ourselves and others to the point that we have "dynamic capabilities".

If he had said this exact wording he would have been much more effective. But he didn't. If you ever want this sort of populace movement to succeed again, don't underestimate the power of oratory.

Well, this is alarming. Most because it likely isn't genuine.

Trump has flirted with a POTUS run a few times before. So his posturing to be perceived as our last chance to save the government isn't something I'm buying. This is something he's wanted and finally pulled the trigger on it.

He's talking about getting attacked and all the negativity surrounded him. How quickly he forgets that he helped smeared Ted Cruz, and insulted most of his competition without much provocation.

The sad thing is that we all knew that Trump and Bernie were beating the anti-establishment drum, but were vastly different. A Bernie vs Trump election would leave Trump dead in the water. He'd have no anti-establishment message. This speech wouldn't exist.

I'm afraid some of you are doing the exact thing that you accuse Clinton supporters of doing. Which is choosing their perceived lesser of two evils after they've been fear-mongered into obedience.

Or, both Bernie and Trump did so well because they were not establishment and that opened the eyes of many. Possibly even the eyes of Trump and to a lesser extent, Bernie.

When did r/conspiracy become r/the_donald? Wheres the conspiracy in this?

He mentions the crimes of the Clinton machine which has been conspiring agains the American people.......

I'm not even a Trump guy- but I think it's on topic.

I suppose, but it seems more trump propaganda than conspiracy

I see what you mean...and part of me thinks that this speech was garnished with just enough cues to get all of the conspiracy-minded people on board....

It does kind of seem that way

I think a huge part of what Trump is about is shedding light on the corruption. Much of that falls in line with conspiracies...Yet in this case, not so much of a conspiracy (media being entirely in bed with the dems is one example) Of course, this isn't accepted by many and it is just people being, conspiracy...I guess. Which apparently means a complete untruth.

I'm curious if people on this sub understand that Trump has built himself up on lofty rhetoric that he fails to back up with actions. He's a fucking con man that's at least as much of a pathological liar as Clinton. He doesn't say what he means or what he believes. He's saying what he knows will captivate people. It's a method of control that we've fallen for time and time again with standard politicians. I'm not voting for Clinton and I'm definitely not voting for Trump. The ugly truth of this election is that regardless of who wins, we will all lose. If anything, I'm rooting for Trump to take Clinton down a few pegs through this last month before she gets elected so that she's not at peak hubris when she's sworn in. Fuck this country.

Very Farage esque

It's almost like there's been a sustained, well-funded, and national-level organization, or groups of organizations, that have made a concerted and public effort to discredit and demonstrate policy differences and get people to spend their time and money to support the efforts. But to what end??

Man I want to believe but he's said so many crazy stupid shitty things I can't help but think he's just a Clinton puppet.

That actually really good speech. I'm impressed.


Anyone have a video of this speech? My puny American attention span is too


Honestly I think this pussy hit on him has humbled him a lot. The issue with Trump wasn't just the things he said but how he said them. He always came off as unapologetically arrogant. Having this scandal I think softened his demeanor a lot

Shit, that's a great speech.

Jesus jumping Christ, thats some powerful shit! I didnt think Trump was that articulate. Too bad hes probably going to shoot himself five times and jump out a window while doing it.

The problem is that trump will not solve any of this. He is a terrible person. He will use the presidency only to further trump. He does not care about us. This is obvious.

You will not find any change in the two party system period and that includes trump.

controlled by you, the American people

If he beefs up this point -- this common thread between Trump supporters and Sanders supporters -- he wins the election for sure. Instead, he takes beatings on his being unqualified at every turn. All he has to demonstrate is that he'll hire advisors that aren't corrupt industry insiders, that he won't make unilateral decisions that have no support in the electorate, and suddenly he isn't so scary anymore. Instead he wants to run his mouth and propose whatever widely unpopular platform comes off the top of his head just to sound like he knows what he's doing.

You think your vote counts, how cute.

Not at all what I said. I'm pointing out that people will vote for the candidate that they feel will represent their vote.

Say what you will about Hillary's overly focus grouped platforms. She garners support because she targets the positions people support (give or take a misguided policy that ensures funding). Her only problem is that people realize she has her public positions and private positions. Donald can easily sidestep this concern, but instead he allows everyone to gather that he doesn't have any idea what his positions are. And that wouldn't be a disadvantage if he can make people feel like his inability to draft comprehensive platforms reflects a populist approach.

"What's your plan for Syria?"

"[rambling, incoherent, noncommittal guesses, full of whatever buzz words he can remember hearing from his campaign's advisors]"

Not going to play.

"What's your plan for Syria?"

"The American people are tired of intervening in foreign conflicts. They realize we can't afford it. That's why it's not a priority for me. If our generals have a good plan, one that has clear benefits to all of us and not just their budget, one that actually has a chance of defeating ISIS, the American people will support that plan, that's when I'll decide that it's the right course of action."

People love it.

Just an FYI, being associated with this sub is bad for his campaign and makes people take it less seriously than they already do.

While I don't disagree with the overall sentiment. Shitbag Donnie Trump ain't the guy for the job.

No link or source to where he said this??

If only he had some decent policies on energy and education. This speech brings a tear to my eye but I cannot get over the fact that he nor his energy advisor believes in climate change. Neither of these candidates will be in power more than four years, I have to live on this Earth at least another sixty. I'd prefer my future not be in any way similar to Mad Max.

Video link?

These are the speeches the media machine has purposely put off to the side to show his gaffs, when I read stuff like this it brings me away from Gary and back to Trump.

I am truly torn, is Trump really the bastion of hope we need to completely wreck the oligarchy machine at hand? Or if I vote for Johnson, since he is a politician, will he simply be bought by the machine and become complacent with legalization of Pot and the current cycle continues.

My only reason for voting for Gary is that he is adamantly against the drug war, and I am too, I feel is has destroyed us as a nation. But I also wholeheartedly believe so has the current corrupt machine and we need a someone who is already rich and can't be bought off, a bit of a lunatic unafraid to say what needs to be said, and really good at business management.

My only reason for voting for Gary is that he is adamantly against the drug war, and I am too,

Lol and Obama used to be anti-war. I'm voting Trump for one reason and one reason only. The entire establishment, Republicans and Democrats seem to view him as an enemy.

This gives me hope that he's not a puppet and is potentially a threat to the establishment agenda.

This is the first time in decades Americans have a chance to vote in someone who isn't a career politician. Not only that but a runner that didn't require tons of outside funding

Gary Johnson made millions from a company he started from scratch, so he is already rich and really good at business management. He says what needs to be said, but he is not a lunatic. And I don't think you can find a candidate with better integrity.

Just like communism has been used a tool to rise to power in many cases, I fear trump is doing the same. How would he be better than the people he is wants to depose? I admire him for preaching all of this though, I really do, its brave and worthwhile and even if he looses hopefully a more deserving standard barrer can come next term (cause I know yall aint rioting shit)

gee she almost sounds Jewish

I like what he said but I can't help but think about ancient Rome. They knew they had issues and even when several rulers took complete control over the government, none of them were able to really turn things around.

I'm not saying trump is a tyrant, I'm just saying that a countries demise is often unavoidable once it spirals down. You need it to fail and be rebuilt from the ashes or you have too many legacy participants hijacking efforts from behind the scenes.

The fact that he talks about 'workers' is way out of bounds for the controlled corporate class. I'm wondering if he's finally playing by his own rules. He needs more specific policy though. If he came out against the NSA, that would really change the dynamic. As it stands... I can't help but think they are just ripping on our memory of JFK.

Good to know it only takes a few sweet words of poisonous lies to get many of you salivating over the Trump campaign.

While rhetorically it is a nice speech, it comes from the mouth of a billionaire. Until I see any sort of coherent and honest action to go along with such rhetoric, it is all soothing lies. You all should know that. Go listen to some of Hitler's speeches. He inspired people too. In my last statement I am not equating Trump to Hitler, but to recognize that powerful rhetoric is used as a tool by the educated to fool the masses. He's been saying a lot of the same for quite some time.

You mean, he's worse than that other billionaire, Bill Gates, and his infamous carbon emission presentation?

Got a link to it?

He may be an asshole.... but he's not wrong.

I'm fairly certain that Mr. Trump had nothing to do with writing this.

Nah, it's sounds like a lot of his recent tweets compiled together. If it's really him tweeting, which it does for better or for worse, than these are his ideas at the least.

I don't like Clinton but if you actually think Trump will do anything but help himself and his family you are crazy. He isn't any better and it's likely he is helping her.

This is actually way more impressive in text than coming from the mouth of the man who said it.

What people fail to recognize, I think, is that Trump is willing to lay bare our political realities while at the same time trying to co-opt them for his own personal drive for power. What he's saying is sometimes true however his reasons for saying it is disingenuous. Trump does not give a shit about me or you or anybody whose name isn't trump. He's honest when it's convenient for himself and blatantly ridiculous when it isn't.


Go to youtube and search Trump speech oct 14

Now if only I could bring myself to trust a goddamn word that comes out of his mouth.

Yes it's a great speech, written by a professional speech writer on Trumps' behalf.

The content isn't his personal beliefs, it's his campaign responding to how the public are feeling. They want change and they hope he will be it and are understandably sick of the old, corrupt system and want it turned upside down. I don't think his and his supporters aims are the same though. His campaign is just trying to exploit this for votes.

And the Presidency is only one office. We need like minded people in a majority in the Senate and Congress.

If only politicians meant what they said. Donald, if he would get elected will not be much different then Hillary's presidency. Look at Obama and how much "Change" has taken place over his 8 years. NSA, repeal of anti propaganda laws, more debt ect. Do you think Romney or McCaine would have done anything better? This is a fixed election for the new face of america, puppet.

literally a copied and pasted speech, where is the conspiracy. I don't think anything will change at all, he is just pandering to his base.


I had to look for this speech. It's a new trump, I don't think I've witnessed a speech he's prepared for

All of his rallies are like this

the problem with this is, this was likely written for him and is also just pandering to his base.


While his condemnations of Clinton are dead on, don't believe for a second that Trump is some kind of man of the people. Just because what he says about his opponent is true, doesn't make him different. Both candidates are running out of pure greed.

I would vote for Trump before I would vote for Clinton, and I'm a lifelong liberal. But I won't be voting for Trump, and not because he's a Republican.

Any idiot can look at Trump's past and know that he wants to be president for one reason - money. Just because he's a lying, cheating businessman instead of a lying, cheating politician, doesn't make him a good choice.

/r/conspiracy constantly complains and fights against big corporations and their dirty tricks. Now we are someone who is essentially the face of the 0.1% as president? How gullible are you fools?

Lol if he wanted money why would he waste time with this? He's spent 100s of millions of dollars on this campaign that could've had a much greater return on investment doing almost anything else. Would've been much easier too. As a business man, he knows running for president brings a very low ROI

running for president brings a very low ROI

Seems to have worked pretty well for the Bushs and Clintons.

But money was a poor choice of words. It's power he's after, which is what money is a means to.

Not really. What their net worth to a billionaire?

I think thats more because of buying power friends in government and monarchy, helping to overthrow foreign governments and trade in obedient minions, selling favors for cash to dictators and corporations, and other nefarious activities like funding terrorism that the Bushes and Clintons are wealthy rather then getting involved in real estate and capital ventures like Trump.

he wants to be president for one reason - money


Sorry, you're right. Power would be the better choice of words.

is there a video of this speech?

Go to youtube and search Trump speech oct 14

Can I have a video and time of this please?

Go to youtube and search Trump speech oct 14

Am I the only one who cant stop comparing them both (hillary-trump) to leslie knope & bobby newport?

Anyone know where I can find this speech?

I think it was this one.

Does anyone have the part of the speech time when he says this? This speech was like a 50 minute one

Link please?

Down with the establishment!

One can only hope...

Did Trump really say this cause this is confusing. Seems like Mario said it and someone put Trumos stamp on it?

Please can you link

If Trump gets elected they will kill him and make it look like a crazy lone wolf.

Downvote all you want but it's interesting to see how the politics subreddit is pure Clinton support and Conspiracy is pure Trump support.

Is there a facebook friendly version of this thats not video? I suck at this shit.

Would've voted for him had he not been such a bigot in the earlier speeches.


Trump is a giant sack of shit. So is Hillary.

The only real option any more is to stop voting, take power away from the machine, and start planning on what we're going to do and how we're going to rebuild after it all falls apart.

Where did he say this? Was it televised? I support this message. C'mon trump, grab the establishment by the pussy!

Fuck the establishment! Their days are numbered. The fight doesn't stop once the election is over.

Israel2016 Syria is ours!!

Misinformation is rampant in here. Stay strong people. Fuck Hilary Clinton. Donald J. Trump is what we have, whether we like it or not. And if you aren't supporting Trump feel free to call me names or whatever you do to make yourself feel better.

What the fuck? If he's capable of speaking so intelligently and coherently why doesn't he do it all the time? If he could go an hour without making himself look like a buffoon he'd be doing so much better. If he really cared so much about the American people why doesn't he lead a smarter campaign? Anyone have a link to a video of this speech?

Some people come across better in written form than verbally speaking. Ones a better medium of channeling thoughts better for some people.

1144 comments so far, impressive.

That's a hell of a good speech. The only part that didn't ring true -- when Trump talked about his own sacrifice. This is bigger than Trump, bigger than any individual. This is about saving America. We should all be glad to make any sacrifice required of us to accomplish this necessary task of winning back the nation from evil.

I believe in Donald. Save us.

I've seen several speeches on 10-13 and I still can't find this one. Which one was it? (can you paste a youtube link?)

"In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else – and I know what’s like to be an insider. Now I am being punished for leaving their special club and revealing to you their great scam. Because I used to be part of the club, I’m the only one who can fix it. I’m doing this for the people, and this movement is just right – and we will take back this country for you and Make America Great Again."

Anyone else not surprised that its true, but surprised he actually said it? If this does't at least strengthen the opinion that Trump is just another puppet, i don't know what will.


Goddamn the CTR is strong in this sub. In spite of that awesome speech transcript.

Excellent Post. ALSO IN CASE YOU MISSED IT! This guy is a Fuc*ing Patriot. Trey Gowdy Dismantles Every Hillary Clinton Lie

"this is not just conspiracy, but reality..."

C'mon! How many more times does everyone have to be told that if it's a conspiracy, it's real? Proven conspiracies are reality.

Holy shit, there's some master class brainwashing going on in here.

I never thought people were such gullible rubes, this election has really shocked me.

Great Job OP>>>

Another great Video you don't see. Unlike Hillary, Trump has Supporters and no Green screen glitches.

Source or link to this? Is there a video? Want to share but literally he only thing I've found is what's in this thread. Why didn't OP include link to source?


Stop spamming that crappy gif.

Sorry. I only posted in twice.

This was, indeed, a gem of a speech (only part of it.) I don't support a lot of what Trump has said in the past, but I support this 100%

My question, and I mean this seriously, is why do you find Trump to be more trustworthy than other members of the global elite?

I mean, this whole business about him being "an outsider" is kinda bullshit, right? He runs with all those circles, he even has said before that he's friends with all the same people as the Clintons.

So why put your trust in him?

Well ... nowhere did i say I "trust" Trump.

I said "I support this 100%"

And what do I support? It's simple. The message he presented in that section of his speech. It was powerful. And I believe it to be true based on my research. I'm sure many others here have come to the same conclusion.

Trump could be a scoundrel, hateful piece of shit, and he could have been, or still be running with the "wrong circles." There are many indications for the former ... some slight indicators of the latter. But regardless, none of this changes anything about that particular message to me. It's just words/ideas after all. Sometimes people with flaws (and many flaws at that) can say powerful, great things, no? Sometimes we have to analyze the words/ideas rather than come to a conclusion based on the person who spoke them. For instance, (extreme example follows...) Hitler wrote plenty of interesting things about society and the world. Just because he is a scoundrel (according to mainstream history, I might add) doesn't mean those interesting things should be invalidated. They should be taken piecemeal and evaluated & probed for their value.

As for running with the wrong circles and him being a false hope. I hope he's not that. I can't say for sure. I'm not going to pretend I know which way it goes. But what I will say is that this speech increased the percentage chance (in my analysis) that he's truly on our side. (See this post for more information about what I'm getting at: The chains of yes or no belief -;t=1926)

P.S I might have went on too long explaining myself. You might have understood it after the first sentence.

Thank you for a well thought out and reasonable response.

I really appreciate you sharing your perspective in a respectful manner. Thank you.

It's my pleasure, and I always appreciate your types of questions.

I started receiving death threats via PM for being skeptical about a Hillary conspiracy, about 2 weeks ago.

Now I feel it's important to for me to be grateful for the members of this community that still remember how to have civil conversations, and act like decent humans to one another.

This might sound stupid, but responses like yours really mean something to me...

A presidential candidate said this?

Was... Was it Gary Johnson?

I don't believe in Trump, but hopefully that speech wakes up a lot of people.

Go to the washington post about this story. They start by quoting a Michelle Obama speech that attacks Trump and then they choose snippets of his speech and attack him more. So much for the media being un-biased. The comments on there are even worse, everybody is calling him a crazy mentally ill conspiracy theorist.


I'm not sure what your point is, I'm not American and if I was I wouldn't be voting Trump. I'm just pointing out the flaws in the media.

I have always from the beginning of this race felt like we are all at a crossroad. If we don't stand behind Trump we will have decades of this same type of government and it is leading us into globalization without borders. We will have no voice any longer and there will be no other person that will challenge this directive nor have the fortitude to fight this over bearing machine we call government.

The sub built around turning every subtle nuance into an undermining lie believes this shit after everything else Trump has actually said and done? You sheeple are just as susceptible to cult of personality as anyone. Trump is a douchebag. A douchebag reading a good speech is still a douchebag. Actions speak louder than words.

If you actively support Donald Trump, you're for just as bad, possibly worse, self serving corruption. You are for Donald and Donald's friends getting every advantage they can get while you just get lip service. I'm no fan of Hillary, but at least she acknowledges that she's on notice when it comes to her party's revolt. I still hope she's prosecuted, but I definitely hope she beats Donald, if this shit show is what we're working with.

I hate the man, but Americans need to hear those words until they get angry enough to take action (not violent action, but action in demanding REPRESENTATION for those that tax us). Trump is only out for himself and his legacy, but we have a historical opportunity to get this message out.

The American Revolution occurred because people rose up against the concept taxation without representation.

Like so many times throughout history throughout so many countries/empires, our country is headed for the collision between the rulers and the common people. The rulers will become more and more ruthless to maintain their power. Other rulers will capitalize on this to dethrone the current power structure. We will have a world war unless we can defuse this and come out with a clear plan for a new way of governance in the US.

“Over a period of time (roughly 100 years) a world power emerges from a global war only to experience a gradual decay in its position of preponderance,” writes Thompson. “Global order decays at a parallel rate until a new global war occurs and facilitates the emergence of a new world power.”

― William Strauss, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy

To everyone thinking this is Trump's "JFK Speech" and that his assassination is imminent - Do you really think that? This speech, while eloquent and thoughtful, is hardly something containing prohibited speech in the eyes of those who would assassinate such a man. He didn't start naming names or reveal any new information.

The media and political establishment seem perfectly happy enough to assassinate his character and leave him alone otherwise. Honestly I imagine that is their preferred course; it's cleaner than a killing. The man has a long history as a cultural / reality star; it s not hard to turn him into a tabloid drama queen.

all that proves is that he is very good at speeches but i don't think he's any better than Hilary. your country has such a dilemma right now.

Source please? This doesn't sound like Trump to me, although I like it.

Coming from Sanders this would have been epic.

Coming from Trump this is just more bullshit. He's right about Hillary but he is not the man to change things by any means.

I'm embarrassed at how many of you are falling for this. You should stop posting here because you are just as dumb as Hillary supporters.

The problem here is that he's claiming the attacks on him are false, but many of them are literally just footage of him saying shit and it ruins any and all credibility he might have had.

That was really well said

All I could hear inside my head while I read this speech.

Iced Earth - The Reckoning

On mobile, can someone copy and paste OP's text into a reply to me, so I can copy it on my phone?

So when does Trump roll out his 'Final Solution'? Lol

downvoted not because of the content, but because of the stupid clickbait title. I agree mostly with the content of the speech, but the fact that trump is saying it is laughable. he's been an insider for his entire life, and now that it's convenient to his electibility he calls himself an outsider? what a joke. both candidates are god awful.

So the choice now is between a cabal of corrupt elites and Vladimir Putin's lapdog. Nice.

Putin and Trump have never met. Do some research, bruh.

Doesn't mean Trump don't owe him money.

If trump was truly going to threaten the control structure of TPTB, the "illuminati" or whatever you want to call it, he either would not be where he is now (i.e. Silenced) or he is being allowed to play out the string for any of a number of reasons.

More likely is that he is one of them and is playing a role, either via his campaign and the message he's spreading, or he'll become president and has a key part in the next scenario.

Either way, this idea that is so popular amongst the conspiracy community that Trump is the savior and will rid us of our chains is nonsense.

If the system is rigged, why exactly would he be able to win?

If the system isn't rigged, why would you vote for someone whose beliefs are wrong?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Trump talks about how there's this vast conspiracy working against him, a corrupt cartel that will stop at nothing to prevent him from getting elected, and that this conspiracy has the full weight of the government and special interests behind it ... but also that Trump is going to win, 100%, he's going to win and he's going to get rid of this evil conspiracy easily and that everything is going to be great and all you have to do is vote for him. I know I can't be the only one who sees this contradiction. In a rigged system, voting doesn't matter. The fact that Trump is telling you it's a rigged system and that you need to vote for him should tell you something.

This is going to lead to another JFK style assassination.

where did trump say this? half the things in this "quote" seem to be completely made up.

It was at a rally yesterday, and I watched it. Go to youtube and search Trump speech oct 14

hitler said a lot of similar things

"Take back our country"

From who? The other people who live there who outnumber you?

No, from the elite ruling class who has corrupted the entire system. He clearly explains who in his speech.

Ah, them.

Good speech but it falls completely flat when you remember the person writing it is a scumbag elite himself who plans to go full trickle down economics.

Read his tax plan. It's not trickle down. Also read the transcript. The only one who can represent us has to be an ex-insider because no one else can have the money to win

He's still an insider

What makes you distrust him?

He's a billionaire elite, yet he claims to be "one of us"

So why do u think he gave up that cushioned lifestyle just to have him and his family demeaned and put through hell everyday despite the fact that he's no longer allowed to touch his companies?

I don't know, but I doubt that it's actually because he has the best interest of the nation at heart

I think you should watch some of his rallies and read his books. He's always been rejected by the establishment and had to work way harder than they did to become/remain and insider and even then they continually try to sabotage him and now he gets his chance to get the last laugh

Why has he been rejected by the establishment?

The words of the speech, I don't argue with. The Ideology of the man BEHIND those words, I don't inherently despise. But the American 'People' behind him? absolutely fucking terrifying. It's like giving a toddler a missile launcher.

Hannibal became a legend in his own lifetime and, years after his death, Roman mothers would continue to frighten their unwilling children to bed with the phrase "Hannibal ad Porto" (Hannibal is at the door). His campaign across the Alps, unthinkable even in his day, won him the grudging admiration of his enemies and enduring fame ever since. Hannibal's strategies, learned so well by Scipio, were incorporated into Roman tactics and Rome would consistently use them to good effect following the Battle of Zama. After the deaths of Hannibal and Scipio, Carthage continued to cause problems for Rome which eventually resulted in the Third Punic War (149-146 BCE) in which Carthage was destroyed.

Donald Trump a true patriot, a human being, a defender of civilization, a leader.

if everyone in the country read or heard this he will win in a landslide 45+ states

Nah, there are plenty who will rip this apart...word for word.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BAH!

Just posted to facebook.

Fuck it.

All in.

That's brave. I am still to chicken, although I have hinted at it and am quick to play "devil's advocate". It seems to shock and horrify people.

There is no way Trump used the word "existential". I call BS.

He did, actually.

Must have been written by someone else. Trump doesn't talk like that or write like that.

I hope he wins, Clinton's need to be stopped. One way...or another.

I m not even an American, but I need to vote for this guy. Fuck Hillary

Well, I'm glad you aren't an American then

Yeah, I am glad too. I ll be far away the nukes and the shit country you ll get after Hillary wins.

Trump the whistleblower

As much as I hate Trump, he makes a few good points. If the GOP could have came up with someone even 10% qualified I would vote for them over Clinton (reallllllly don't like her), but unfortunately the GOP left me to choose between Clinton and Trump- this is no contest, Clinton wins each time.

If one objectively steps back and looks at their policies and HOW they will enact these policies, then one can see that Clinton wins where it matters (climate change, social rights such as abortion and LGBT rights, less tax cuts for the very wealthy {thnx Bernie})

Trump very rarely explains HOW he will do anything, and I can't believe so many people gloss over that. In either debate when asked about policy (let's ignore the loaded questions against him, I know, it's fucked. But focus on his answers regarding policy for a moment) he cannot expand on his policy. It seems that Trump doesn't know very much about what he plans to do, and he always ends up simply rambling on without making any clear points.

Clinton is an awful candidate and has a shit-load of baggage, but Trump is objectively worse for America. He will bring economic ruin and take our social policies back 10+ years.

This. Putting all the hoopla aside and I hate to say, who is more groomed. Yeah crooked as all shit, she still knows how this thing works. Running a business and running a nation are too different ballparks. Donald has made it known that he's going to be hard to work with. Morals I just know the shedevil is better at this job. But the more leaks just make me try to brace for the worst.

Holy. Shit.

When I heard Trump was running most were laughing, now he's spinning himself as a saviour? It's probably just "to win", but again, I know he'd be better than hitlery. You go boy

Well that was the longest speech by him that didnt have quips of racism and/or stupid bullshit

Where has this D Trump been the whole time? If he actually said shit like this more, and didnt blab about ISIS and how I should be afraid, I might actually be tricked into thinking he was a good person

Have you not watched any of the past dozen rallies in the past two weeks?

no, every single time i do its him blabbing about irrelevant shit with no actual substance.

Its frustrating to think that he is even making this a hard decision for me. Hillary is so fucking corrupt, Donald Trump is a fool for making this as difficult of a decision as it is

He's right.

I do believe trump is the anti-establishment vote. I don't think he's the best candidate ever, but I do think he's anti-globalist machine. The republicans that are distancing themselves, or haven't endorsed trump, are a part of the machine.

Lol it's funny people still think that trump is controlled.

LOL, you guys are fucking hilarious.

Seriously. I come here for the comic relief really. Someone is literally comparing Trump to JFK and calling out Trump's imminent assassination. What a bunch of jackasses.

I'm sorry but blaming the political establishment for your factories fleeing to china and mexico is not something a smart man says. Especially not someone who's only strength is that he claims to understand the economy and business.

In the coming months and years, there will be attempts on the lives of prominent Democratic politicians. And it will turn out that Trump-inspired loonies were at the trigger. I hope the Secret Service is ready.

just because i am not voting for clinton DOSE NOT mean i am voting for trump. clinton is a lying sell-out traitorous bitch that deserves to rot in a cell, and trump is a pedophile, racist, lying bigot that deserves to rot in a cell.

If he's committed no crimes why should he rot? Lots of people lie and are racist, I don't think they should rot. I'm not sure why you think he is a pedophile.

Shit, don't you guys recognize a fascist when you see one? Pure fucking rhetoric.

Holy shit. He pretty much named the enemy in all but (((ethnicity))). Donald confirmed at least 88% woke.

I used to warn fellow national-socialists and others on the far right against trusting this man, but it's becoming increasingly clear that he's our best bet in the struggle against jewish globalism. If you want the ovens back for real any time soon, vote Trump.

he's not wrong, but he's playing you like a fiddle. he's basically nero watching rome burn.

But he also said he has the right to grab any woman's pussy without their consent and that is what he will do to America, grab rape and exploit the innocent to advance his own agenda....why do you think he spent so much on this campaign? it is not benevolence, he wants to be in the position Hillary is in and be able to make him and his cronies richer. You can't cherry pick and say this guy is trying to fix the system.... this guy is a lunatic who I wouldn't hire to run a restauraunt let alone a country.

But he also said he has the right to grab any woman's pussy without their consent

The hyperbole that has been built around a harmless joke is unbelievable. You should honestly be ashamed of yourself.

It's paraphrased but any female on his show he treats like his own property as oppose to humans. I know the hivemind doesn't like to address facts about Trump, I do hate Hillary and disagree with her too but call a spade a spade when it comes to Trump.

Its like you have never researched anything about Hillary's history

That is not what he said.

And still, this same candidate is a raging misogynistic racist, publicly blaming entire groups for the actions of individuals and promoting that the country do the same.

Look people around the world don't hate Hilary but they do hate trump, yeah sure the media helped but Trump will FUCKING DESTROY our relations with other nations. Donald Trump is not telling it like it is, he just says things he feels are true.

all they want us to talk about is stupid politics. the retarded presidential run.

while witches are poisoning our society. turns out witchcraft is a religion for some people.

satanism is probably on a whole different level. who knows. but the witches dont know that they worship satan too?

they think they are guided by familiar spirits? which in truth turns out to be demons? weird shit.

while the real satanists are sacrificing their first born and rape their own daughters? witches are not very rich, but satanists are very wealthy.

witches think they are powerful, while all they do is cast spells. the spells are programmed to enslave the lower demons doing specific tasks.

witches are stupid, weak and delusional. LMAO.

PS: the term witch is gender neutral. it can refer to both, male and female.

"The stock market is up. Way up. Crime is down. Employment is way up. The housing crisis is over. The USA still has an auto industry. The world is not in a depression. We have fewer troops in harms way now than we had 8 years ago.

The world is coming to an end. We must make sure that what's happened over the last 8 years is fixed and never happens again."

-- rejected Trump speech

Holy shit, he's completely lost his mind.

Here is why this is bullshit.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows Hillary controls the voting machines. It's not possible to win while these are rigged. See the Election Justice report that proves the fraud.

Trump knows this. Yet Trump, suggests we can vote our way out of this, by voting for him. He even suggests "poll watchers" while fully knowing the fraud doesn't come from shady dealings at the polls, but in the source code of the machines linked to the Clinton Foundation.

Sorry, great speech, but I'm not buying it.

Wow, stunning. Of course I didn't see this on the Today show.. I just saw some old hag who said the Donald touched her leg.

Wow, that is powerful and beautiful.

Fuck off with this propaganda

Trump knows he's loosing. His floor of support is the 35% of Rubublicans who voted for him in the Republican primaries, and he hasn't done much to reach out to the rest of the population.

Meanwhile, the media barrage has wounded him, and the amateur hour quality of his advisors have been unable to articulate an effective response. "Bill Clinton did worse" is not an effective response.

His speech not going to change anyone's minds, nor is it intended to. Trump is preparing the ground for whatever his next move is, most likely a Trump TV network with Bannon, Ailes, and Pence (who also has a background in broadcasting). Such a TV network would be directly competing with FOX for viewers, so expect them to turn against Trump as well.

Are you guys insane. that guy is a madman and it has been proven in the past. What he will do will devastate all your country and make other countries just block you off. You must be joking.


What is a CTR?

But the establishment!

He is clearly an intelligent man, and it's naive at best to think he would drag himself and his family through what he would have well known in advance would be the mess that it's. Unknown economic consequences to his businesses, a tarnished family name, death threats of which many are likely legitimate threats etc.... Seriously people, any regular candidate could have been a puppet to prop up Hillary, like perhaps the radical left Socialist Bernie to make her look more rational. Why would nearly the entire world be at Trumps throat if he was a shill. And since when has the establishment ever exhausted so many resources on a single candidate, when such a clear bias? For fu*ks sake, the governments official story after 2 planes vaporized 3 buildings and destroyed the black box's was that one of the terrorist passports miraculously emerged unscathed. The 911 story is full of so many holes it's pathetic, yet it was sufficient to fool the masses, so why expend so many resources to make Trump look bad unless he is a legitimate threat??

His choice :-)

dude from china/russia government. his job is to run simulations and make plans

“I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world.” ― Angelina Jolie.

Obviously Ms. Jolie wants to sexually assault billions of people, including young children.

Angelina Jolie: Child rapist who brags about her future crimes.

Right, because Trump cannot read a speech that was written for him.

Like every other presidential candidate does, read the speeches handed to them.

Not at all what I said. I'm pointing out that people will vote for the candidate that they feel will represent their vote.

Say what you will about Hillary's overly focus grouped platforms. She garners support because she targets the positions people support (give or take a misguided policy that ensures funding). Her only problem is that people realize she has her public positions and private positions. Donald can easily sidestep this concern, but instead he allows everyone to gather that he doesn't have any idea what his positions are. And that wouldn't be a disadvantage if he can make people feel like his inability to draft comprehensive platforms reflects a populist approach.

"What's your plan for Syria?"

"[rambling, incoherent, noncommittal guesses, full of whatever buzz words he can remember hearing from his campaign's advisors]"

Not going to play.

"What's your plan for Syria?"

"The American people are tired of intervening in foreign conflicts. They realize we can't afford it. That's why it's not a priority for me. If our generals have a good plan, one that has clear benefits to all of us and not just their budget, one that actually has a chance of defeating ISIS, the American people will support that plan, that's when I'll decide that it's the right course of action."

People love it.

How do you consider the evidence not already in front of you? Besides all the leaks have been from the dnc group and their emails

Trump invites everything that's been thrown at him. If he actually tried to debate with policy, if he could just keep his mouth shut for a few minutes, there would be a lot less the media could work with. He's a walking disaster, and the best reason people have to vote for him is "what can go wrong"? Plenty can go wrong with a president that does not respect the Constitution, does not believe in global warming, and would prefer to bully rather than discuss.

I think the implication is that the "dirty trick" involved winning a debate and secretly arranging for a discussion Trump held in front of a live mike to be leaked. (Which is how we got from the race being briefly neck-and-neck after the health scare to where it is today.)

So because you can beat up your cat, you're right? Of course not. Might allows you to win even when your ideas and policies are inferior. That's the legacy we've inherited from the corrupted political system that reigns in DC. It's not something to applaud.

Trump would have been assassinated, had he picked Newt Gingrich as his VP. (Which is why he wisely didn't.)

NAFTA-Newt has written glowingly of world government for a long time. He's the "controlled opposition" on the other side.

Have you not watched any of the past dozen rallies in the past two weeks?

Haven't got round to watching them yet

The facts show that neither party is going to do anything to weaken their grasp on power.

That's a relatively new development with Trump though.

Not Newt. The powers behind Newt.

Like when Reagan ran. He was asked if he'd ever consider any of his primary rivals for his vice-president. He said, he'd consider any one of them--except George Bush. Reagan (a nationalist) had a deep and abiding distrust of Bush (a globalist). Remember: It was Bush who coined the term, "New World Order" and Bush who pushed NAFTA [even before Clinton did]. Reagan was from the Goldwater/liberatrian branch of the Party, whereas Bush was from the crony-capitalist Rockefeller wing.

I watched a political insider on C-Span years ago talk about how he saw Reagan pulled aside by Nelson Rockefeller. Rockefeller took Reagan to a back room and showed him what his media coverage would look like if he didn't choose Bush. Then he showed him what it would look like if he did.

Reagan folded and put Bush on the ticket. Mere months into his first term, an assassination attempt nearly installed Bush in the White House. (Reagan was supposed to be his Trojan Horse.) Bush was never charismatic enough to make it in on his own. They needed someone with personality to win--and then be taken out to install Bush.

Reagan did something brilliant, though. When he survived and was rushed to the hospital, he disbanded his secret service detail and demanded that the Navy come and protect him. As Commander-in-Chief, he trusted the navy more than the secret service. And he survived.

Had he allowed his secret service detail to "look after him," he would have gone the way of Justice Scalia.

At any rate, the media has long hidden and suppressed the connection between John Hinckley, Jr. [Reagan's would-be assassin] and George Bush. Hinckley was from Texas [where Bush was from]. Hinckley was the son of Bush's businesses partner (through oil company Vanderbilt Enery), John Hinkley, Sr. In addition, John Hinckley, Sr. was a huge contributor to Bush's presidential run.

The two families were incredibly close. See newspaper article from the time, entitled "Bush's Son Was To Dine With Shooting Suspect's Brother":

What a coincidence that, of all 300 million Americans, the guy who tried to take our Reagan had such close ties to Bush.

At any rate, a lot of parallels have been drawn between Trump and Reagan. The neocons wanted to replicate the Reagan-Bush dynamic by sticking the "Globalist's Choice," NAFTA Newt on Trump's ticket. Had that been allowed to happen, it doesn't require much imagination to see what would have likely happened next.

Right. And we're at a crossroads where the ideas and policies of both major parties are inferior. Trump is some amalgam of the two, calling himself a Republican, but he's really just a mishmash of bad ideas from both parties. Authoritarian. Which would be the perfect name if we joined the two together.

So that's where the philosophy of might makes right has taken us. It's one thing to recognize that it's true, and it's another to embrace it. When any organization or unit or tribe is right all the time for too long, it becomes too big to fail, is broken, or collapses under its own weight. The country than can survive is the one that ages gracefully, sits out of the ring, and uses wisdom rather than brute force.

No, not many of them support her, just the extremely delusional young liberals, and older die-hard democrats. Again you are wrong, quit while you are ahead.

Nah, he was right.

You're right, my bad. But my intention was to ask where the supposed speech that OP submitted was to be found. None of the linked speeches here match up to it. You said different speeches will vary, so I'm asking you to point me to the original quoted speech which the other linked speech varies from.

This looks like the transcript of the speech that was written for him. And above in the video is the speech that was given.

No worries, bro. No harm no foul. Yeah. They both suck.

This government is the problem. It's not so much any one candidate because all the main candidates are in the employ of the corporations. It all stinks.

If he gets elected there will be a wall or a coup.

They are producing a lopsided representation where trump can do no wrong and everything he is accused of is someone else's fault. Nothing about their representation is thorough. It is practically a brainwashing cult over there. It's the same way cult leaders brainwash people into following them.

So I guess the conspiracy theory here is that she's paying the majority of pollsters and poll aggregators?

The only other explanation is that you don't have any idea of what 'fascism' means.

Fake what...? Up until Obama's election he was buddies with the Clintons... Hillary didn't run in 2012 and now that he's suddenly a Republican as of 2008, he's running against the lady who was runner up in 2008. After reading this monologue I have a lot more faith that he's legit but I definitely wouldn't put ot past the Clintons to conspire with their own best bud up in Wall Street.

Why do you say that?

What makes you distrust him?

Trump has only his own interests in mind. He does not care about the American people. Don't kid yourself. If you are a libertarian vote Johnson.

CTR has bought existing Reddit accounts

It's a systemic problem, yes, and the good reason you speak of is that you're meant to think there are only two choices to keep the system running.

if you resolve all your conflicts with force you're a tribal, feral little ape and an evolutionary dead end.

The problem is that I'm seeing Trump doing his darnest to lose as badly as possible so a) why should I stand in his way, b) why would that be his goal if he wasn't a shill?

To believe he's the real deal is incredibly stupid.

He wants to fuck second amendment rights without trial, expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act, and loves Israel. All the same as Shillary.