Wikileak: this proof WILL break Hillary. Campaign team talking about inserting malware and capturing keystrokes

224  2016-10-14 by austenten

But in terms of wanting a way to break in - couldn't we tell tech off the record that she had in mind the malware/key strokes idea (insert malware into a device that you know is a target, to capture keystrokes before they are encrypted...

I tried submitting this link, noticed another redditor already submitted it, but his title is too weak to get the attention this deserves!


I don't think anything will break her. We will see.

But I don't have faith in our justice system.

They're talking about how Obama had prior knowledge of Hillary using a private server, despite lying and saying he wasn't aware of it right now on Fox news. Actually referencing the specific emails. I think (hope) these wikileaks drops might actually be gaining traction.

Not if no one knows of them. And I will tell you right now, anybody not awaken, which is what-like 90% + of the population has no clue this is even happening

Ivan Drago says "I must break you." The Russian are at it again!

"If (S)he dies, (S)he dies"?

She's giving Nixon a run for her money, except she has worse decision making.

That and Nixon actually had to answer for his crimes.

A video of Hillary walking around Charlotte shooting black men in the back of their heads would not be enough to stop her now.

You think so? Well she had to lawyer up. If I were a bettin' man, I'd say she's going to get charged (and maybe indicted) before Nov 8. This might delay the election. If she's indicted, she could no longer run for POTUS.

Not to hop on this train, because I am not a "Bernie Bro" but...

He never surrendered his delegates. Logic and law would state that he would be next in line to run in Clinton's place. Not Kaine. If they try to serve us Kaine then there should be uproar.

I think if I had to take my pick of the three (Trump, HRC, or Bernie), I'd take Bernie. At least he seems to be transparent and has some moral compass.

Fully agreed, but that is not who Bushes, Bill, Soros and Rothschild voted for.

And he has zero grasp of simple economics, and let two screeching girls shove him off stage. Great...just great.

That was actually good for them. By letting them speak, he would have had a good standing because he let them have their moment. By letting them scream and throw the fit they did, he helped show how illegitimate and insane BLM really is.

True dat. Then thankfully it shortly afterwards it went from here to fact that the entire movement is a farce and funded and directed by George Soros. So either way, it really doesn't matter.

Kinda...but he and his 'security' team jumped in their shiny black SUVs, and peeled out at high speed, making him look like the UberCuck that he really is. No one takes BLM seriously anyway.

I knew he was economically a little shaky, but I had no idea about the "screeching girls"...

Not calling you out, just curious, do you have a video of this? I think I'd like to see that for my own personal amusement

You really need to get out more!

Wow. Thanks for that. I don't know if I am laughing because it is hysterical or just so sad.

And yeah, I probably do need to get out more.

There's a version called Bern Your Enthusiasm that has the scenario dubbed with the CYE theme song. Makes it wayyyy better.

It is more sad than hysterical, IMO. Many people want CuckCommander to be in charge of the world's most powerful military!

Bernie is just a nice old rich guy that wants to give everyone free stuff. Only problem is he has no plan to pay for it. Vote for the outsider, he is the only reason all this corruption has been exposed at all. If this corruption stays and escapes prosecution we are all screwed.


You CAN be rich without being part of the seriously corrupt machine.

He's a shark businessman.
The Clinton Crime Family has a trail of convenient dead bodies, drug smuggling, weapons deals, and sex rings in their political wake.

No contest who is worse for mankind.

She couldn't pass a FBI background check after all the email revelations, she should not be able to be President on that alone.

Here I'm wishing you were a betting man.

I'm no Hillary supporter, but I have said, since 2008, that she's been chosen as American's next President.

No need to get greedy; I have made plenty of bets that I believe are about to pay off!

In case anybody missed the context (the link was at the bottom of the email), Clinton was asked at a New Hampshire presidential candidate debate about the FBI/Apple phone encryption controversy. In the email, Teddy Goff and Sara Solow are discussing whether Clinton's answer makes sense— is there something industry could do that's not a "back door", but would still allow law enforcement to have access to terrorists' phones.

MARTHA RADDATZ: Secretary Clinton, I want to talk about a new terrorist tool used in the Paris attacks, encryption. FBI Director James Comey says terrorists can hold secret communications which law enforcement cannot get to, even with a court order.

You’ve talked a lot about bringing tech leaders and government officials together, but Apple CEO Tim Cook said removing encryption tools from our products altogether would only hurt law-abiding citizens who rely on us to protect their data. So would you force him to give law enforcement a key to encrypted technology by making it law?

CLINTON: I would not want to go to that point. I would hope that, given the extraordinary capacities that the tech community has and the legitimate needs and questions from law enforcement, that there could be a Manhattan-like project, something that would bring the government and the tech communities together to see they’re not adversaries, they’ve got to be partners.

It doesn’t do anybody any good if terrorists can move toward encrypted communication that no law enforcement agency can break into before or after. There must be some way. I don’t know enough about the technology, Martha, to be able to say what it is, but I have a lot of confidence in our tech experts.

And maybe the back door is the wrong door, and I understand what Apple and others are saying about that. But I also understand, when a law enforcement official charged with the responsibility of preventing attacks — to go back to our early questions, how do we prevent attacks — well, if we can’t know what someone is planning, we are going to have to rely on the neighbor or, you know, the member of the mosque or the teacher, somebody to see something.

CLINTON: I just think there’s got to be a way, and I would hope that our tech companies would work with government to figure that out. Otherwise, law enforcement is blind — blind before, blind during, and, unfortunately, in many instances, blind after.

So we always have to balance liberty and security, privacy and safety, but I know that law enforcement needs the tools to keep us safe. And that’s what i hope, there can be some understanding and cooperation to achieve.

I want to talk about a new terrorist tool used in the Paris attacks, encryption

the fuck? new tool called encryption? we're all fucked.

Just wait when I reload my encryption and shoot her with random prime numbers

The media and the bankers want her to win, it is a done deal unless she has a fuckin' stroke. Pray harder, folks!

Her position on wanting to backdoor everything was pretty well known already.

Why would this break her?

Hell, Windows 10 does this very thing and tells you to go fuck yourself for your convenience in the EULA, and people, even those who know, still shill for Microsoft.

Windows 10 is the most prestigious piece of spy/malware ever engineered and people love it because it's "free" and fast. If people are willing to surrender their own privacy so freely, do you think they'd be concerned with something like this?

Value for personal privacy is at an all time low. Yet, it seems to be a valid excuse to initiate nuclear war with Russia when it is the search light catching the worms of big politics.

In short, building blocks.

The evidence against the corrupt cabal is piling up, and it will get to a point where the evidence will be overwhelming - a critical mass - and eventually virtually all media outlets and social media platforms will just release the floodgates because they'll want the viewers, clicks [etc] ruling over their own partisanship.

Don't look at the sheeple and think, wow nobody cares, so I won't either. That's not going to affect the change you (seem to) want. We need to keep working to spread the word, even through discomfort and awkward social silences.

I hope you're correct, but I don't believe you are. Not after that press conference with Comey concerning Clinton's indictment (or lack thereof).

I've never seen such a bold declaration of compromised corruption even in a Hollywood film. If it were in a film you'd lose interest on the spot because it would be far too sensational to even be believable as a plot piece.

Yet, here we are. They have no reason not to openly flaunt their corruption. NOTHING will happen.

How is the evidence not overwhelming now?