Just a question for /r/conspiracy

0  2016-10-14 by skunz

So long time lurker here been seeing everything unfold. I see the users here obviously do not want HRC. I also see users here agree Trump is unfit for the position. Both top candidates out of the picture you have the green party Jill Stein.. who gets your vote? No bullshit here about who is bad and who isn't bad, who are you going to vote for? That's all I want to know. My vote has to go Stein as I can't morally vote Trump or Clinton. Thanks real users here that respond I know there are still some of us left.


who are you going to vote for?

Here's my vote. It's who I've actually been voting for literally all my life up to this point - in every single election. Other than him, I'd vote for this guy.

Are you for real about Basiago? I've seen a couple of people say the same. I'm just curious because I know him. He's a smart man.

Are you for real about Basiago?

Very for real.

I've seen a couple of people say the same.

Cool. I'm the only one I know that supports him, so it's good to know others feel the same.

He's a smart man.

Very. His vocabulary is voluminous, and the manner in which he expresses himself is indicative of an individual with an eidetic intellect.

I know him.

In what manner, if I may ask? To what extent?

In what manner, if I may ask? To what extent?

We have a code phrase.

That whooshed right over my head. What does that mean? You and him have a "code phrase"? ELI5 please. Thanks.

It means we are close enough to know something specific when TSHTF.


hey bro

feliz viernes porque Basiago? diga me gracious.....

Feliz Viernes, chicky.

porque Basiago?

I’ve listened to many of his talks and lectures, and the man come across as very sincere, his story has not changed, he has a looot of very detailed information recounting people, specific names, and specific locations, and his information is backed up and corroborated by various other individuals who come across as very serious as well and not as quacks.

i just have never heard of him so was wondering how you heard of him and if you had any good suggestions so i could educate myself about him [because you know i value your opinion especially yours ;0]

hope all is well with you btw [ambrosia and all that good stuff ]

i just have never heard of him so was wondering how you heard of him

I was familiar with him long before he made a bid to run for the presidency. He’s been on a campaign for quite a few years now to release the information he knows regarding secret space programs and hidden technology and time travel technologies the he’s been involved with. Very fascinating stuff he talks about, and it’s made all the more legitimate because he is a successful and practicing lawyer in the state of Washington with his own offices - so it’s not like he’s some shmuck making things up from his mother’s basement just to try to be a troll or make a buck or whatever. He’s a very intelligent man with actually a lot to lose if he’s lying.

and if you had any good suggestions so i could educate myself about him

He’s got tooons of talks online. Which one to start with? Honestly, I would say pick almost any one. He’s pretty honest in all of them and doesn’t come across as someone trying to hide anything.

I just picked this one randomly. Listen to that one for starters.

Have a great weekend. :)

TY so much

he must be a west coast phenomnia that we havent caught up with yet on the east coast i guess

buenas fin de la semena mi hermano [<===rusty rusty spanish but since a troll two days ago decided I should be DEPORTED i am practicing my sis sez maybe they will haul my ass to CUBA heeeeeyyyy i would love it on a musical level]

sidestep these idiot trolls ok some of them are vile evil....

he must be a west coast phenomnia that we havent caught up with yet on the east coast i guess

I don’t think too many people know about him in the West Coast either actually.

sidestep these idiot trolls ok some of them are vile evil....

Yeah. Ignore them and move on. :)

Weird Spanish dig. no intiendo

;0 no entiendo

Stop trying to bury my comment about Basiago.

To be honest I would sit this one out. Unfortunately a lot of amazing individuals lost their lives to give us a democracy. This is not a democracy. EDIT Or a democratic republic

This country is supposed to be a Democratic-Republic, not a Democracy. If you're a US citizen and do not know the difference, you are what is wrong with this country...

Not a is citizen so that's why? What is the difference?

...says the anarchist.

I'm still a US citizen, and care about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and my Country. Also, I'm not an anarchist, I'm a Voluntaryist. Ultimately I would like to live in that society.

i am the anarchist putie is a voluntaryist he has said this before

Right on. I admit my reading of u/Putin_loves_cats is spotty, but now I'm straight. :)

;0 its ok when he first told me i had to look it up but it is similar to anarchy but comin from very different premise

democratic republic is, strictly speaking, a country that is both a republic and a democracy. It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens, and the government itself is run through elected officials.

Doesn't seem like Americas ultimate authority and power is derived from its citizens

Doesn't seem like Americas ultimate authority and power is derived from its citizens

It is though, the citizens must be educated and vigilant though.. It's our fault we have let the demons run amuck, and rob us of our country.

A republic, if you can keep it

-Benjamin Franklin

Also, democracy is shit. It's mob rule tyranny. It's been implemented and has failed, hence why the founders created a Democratic-Republic...

cześć putie ...szczęśliwy piątek


Na zdrowia!

Na zdrowia!

I cieszę się wiedzieć, jak bardzo się myliłem się o ciebie [putie]

How so?

ok fair enough ...

I początkowo wydawało się zbyt konserwatywne, aby mieć zasługę


I could see why you may have. Really, I just want to be left alone and free to live my life peacefully. Nothing more, nothing less at the end of the day.

of course

Kiedy po raz pierwszy poznałem was myślę, że był niegrzeczny i przeprosić za to

[you have no idea how much fun this is to pretend i know what i am talking about] anyway TY for allowing me to express myself putin

mam nadzieję, że to początek wspaniałej przyjaźni

Vote for who you have the most in common with.


Unfortunately that doesn't represent corruption and lies which all of the candidates are guilty of. That being said I am guilty of using it as a tool for my country's election.

True, but it's a good tool for starters if anyone is really stumped. There's so much mud-slinging, it's hard to tell what's what on policy. I most closely alighn with Johnson in principle, but only by a 2% margin. Freedom to choose is still there.

Totally agree, I was mostly aligned with Bernie next in line would be Hillary. The problem exists with the lying and corruption. Ugh

Fuck yo couch. Voting is for slaves.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-N7TRvStu0 This is the best choice in my opinion.

I vote for myself, then I wait for the rest of you to do the same. Then we take back all branches of politics. See ya at the REvolution.

Peace and Freedom Party (CA only I think)

Jill Jill Jill Bernie but never Hill~

ok fair enough ...

I początkowo wydawało się zbyt konserwatywne, aby mieć zasługę
