Suppose Clinton wins as POTUS

2  2016-10-14 by SchlangeHatRecht

What in the world will happen? All the depth of corruption that we know, with new evil revelations coming out daily. It is just madness! There is no way America can standby and accept her. She will need to be impeached from day 1. What an awful world we would be plunged into.


Might as well buy an automatic rifle if she gets elected.

Good luck with that.

America - all of America - should go into active revolt. Not saying it has to be violent, but we should definitely act out/protest.

She'll be impeached immediately for mishandling confidential documents involving national security and then having them destroyed and then lying about it. We're gonna end up with Tim Kaine as POTUS.

I think she'd pass from health problems, rather than being impeached. I do subscribe to the theory, TPTB's man is Kaine. He'd be the first Jesuit US president while the first Jesuit Pope sits in the Vatican. Not to mention the biblical symbolism behind Kaine(Cain and Abel). May be the one to unleash the gates of hell, WW4.

kaine = cain is so obvious its like reading harry potter shesshhh

What happened to WWIII?

We're currently in it...

If so (and I wouldn't doubt it), then there's no need to post WWIV. If Clinton gets in office, then it won't be WWIV. It'll just be a continuation of the WWIII that's been going on since the false flag of 9/11/01, no?

Cyber/proxy !== big boom nuclear..

Yeah. Proxy - sure. I'll go w/that. Most people don't understand we've been in WWIII since 2001 as it stands. Still not WWWIV though since it'll just be a continuation and escalation of the war that's been going on. Either way, it's okay. Just wasn't sure what you meant initially by "WWIV". I think I understand better now.


You might want to rethink that "woot". Read my comment above...

I don't think Kaine would be able swing his dick around. The jerkbots would have him clipped within weeks.


If she should win, I might suggest moving out of country.

If she should win, I might suggest moving out of country planet.


Here is the real conspiracy. After WaPo article comes out that includes /r/TheRecordCorrected, Reddit admins are going to shut it down like coontown I hear. That means deleting all mod accounts and top posters. Best be warned.

I also hear that people that post in /r/The_Donald are going to have their IPs handed over to the Clintonistas when she is in power, because we know the Reddit admins want her in power, so they can be tracked and eventually dealt with. FEMA camps here we come.


Trump doesn't want war, Hillary does though...

“Trump will start WWIII! That’s why he’s colluding with Putin to steal the election!”

This is how retarded liberals actually are.


I think we will be attacking Syria and Iran if Clinton wins. There is a real possibility that Russia is dragged in.

I really do hate liberals. I dislike both parties but liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the planet.

Those pussies are going to vote in a war monger. Your hatred for the left blinds you.

I'm not voting and I despise both candidates so idk wtf you're talking about.

I really hate liberals.

I fucking hate liberals. Always have. They're pussies.

Those pussies are going to vote in a war monger. Your hatred for the left blinds you.

That literally makes no sense, I hate the people that are going to elect a warmonger? Yes I hate them. I've always thought their ideologies were ridiculous. They've evolved into even more stupid ideologies. What's the problem??

They both suck.