The dark realization that the astroturfng won't stop when the election is over. In fact, it will probably get even worse.

31  2016-10-15 by LexUnits


I read the other day that President Clinton doesn't have a butthole. She absorbs sustenance not from eating but by bathing directly in rays of divine guidance. It's so cool that our leader doesn't need to poop. Its all they can fucking talk about over in /r/science.

Great video on astroturfing:

It's been happening for decades. You just haven't noticed until now.

It's gotten significantly worse as the astroturfing organizations have gotten bolder, and their techniques have been refined over time.

It's quite something to see how much control is being exerted over online discussions.

The craziest part is that people believe they're real people and not a script. They're definitely getting better and always will.

this is why this election is so important the internet [already crappy compared to years ago will NEVER be the same