What if Donald Trump actually wins?

0  2016-10-15 by thetruthhurts2016

There are going to be a lot of people with their foot in the mouth...



If he wins it was their plan already.

If Trump wins Hillary Clinton will have to face the fact that she hired a man to pretend to be the worst sort of scumbag possible in order to throw an election for her, and she was so unlikable that she still lost.

Then the people who really run our country will be left with a clown for their puppet, and at this point entertainment value alone almost makes that a worthwhile outcome. But no matter how much bravado he spits, one of the world's worst criminals will never see any jail time and it will disillusion his idiot followers the same way Barack Obama's idiot followers (myself included) were disillusioned when he continued the worst parts of the Bush administration and so on.

I almost voted for Obama, but something just didn't add up. He was the definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing, and worse than I could have imagined. I'd appreciate it and you'd look more professional if you didn't assume or label all Trump supporters as Idiots. Though I will agree that with all candidates there are idiots that follow them blindly. As for myself, a proud Trump supporter; I have a Bachelors degree in Finance, and am just about to finish with Dual Masters degrees in Political Science and Economics.

This is a non-zero sum game, and Trump is the only potential chance at us winning. The odds may be next to none, but any number of odds is better than what Hillary has to offer.

I sympathize with Trump supporters, but I think the man himself is awful. He doesn't stand for anything worthwhile and somehow he's billed himself as this outsider when it is people like himself and his buddies who have fucked this country up almost beyond repair. I understand their want for an outsider or for someone who isn't bought, I just can't for the life of me figure out why they think Trump fits that description.

Although I cannot conclude with any sort of finality that he is a bought and paid for pawn of the Clintons, there is enough to make me think that until he is able to somehow prove otherwise. And Trump supporters in general aren't doing Trump supporters in specific any favors.

And while I admire any efforts you have made to educate yourself, there are lots of professionals out there who can claim similar accolades as yourself but support Hillary Clinton to their dying breath, so no offense, but I don't consider that a very good indicator of a sense of how politics works.

Really all you have to do is look back. Over and over again, throughout our history, this is how it has played out time and time again. It was just harder to see in the past due to lack of interconnection and easy to forget because the narrative that our media presents is easier to swallow than listening to upset and outraged fringe lunatics, which is how people speaking the truth have been painted when they go against the grain.

I couldn't really care less about looking professional. I care about speaking the truth about what I believe. You seem civil, and that's nice. I want people to understand exactly where I stand when I talk to them though, and if the cost of that is being disliked, then it just weeds certain kinds of interactions out of my day, which is also fine with me.

If you aren't being paid, what's the point of maintaining an aura of "professionalism." It's an extremely subjective concept with a lot of gray area.

Yeah, looking professional on a conspiracy message board is kind of low on my list of priorities regardless.

I agree, and with anything outside of debating politics or economics I could care less what people say, or how they say it. There are a lot of us here that are intelligent and can really benefit from bouncing smart ideas off of one another, it's become harder and harder to find the amount of open discussion we used to have and I'd like to preserve it.

Because insulting people doesn't contribute anything positive. Your right it's very subjective and if people just want to vent or talk shit, so be it. However, as for myself I'd prefer to have rational conversations and try to no be so divisive.

Although I cannot conclude with any sort of finality that he is a bought and paid for pawn of the Clintons, there is enough to make me think that until he is able to somehow prove otherwise.

So there’s nothing to make you think that. Got it.

There's tons.

And yet you’re incapable of posting it…

Please, stop acting you aren't lurking in a conspiracy subreddit and this is the first time you ever seen the fucking Internet. If you are trying to bait someone into arguing with you all day, fish somewhere else.

And yet you’re incapable of posting it.

Enjoy seeing Hillary executed for treason by President Trump.

There is nothing I would enjoy seeing more, but you know it won't happen. When is the last time you can remember a rich, powerful yet guilty person paying for their crimes in any significant way?

Just because I think Trump is a ridiculous clown of a human being doesn't mean I support Hillary. A Trump presidency is a sad but comical outcome for our country. But a Hillary Clinton presidency is a dark and terrifying alternate future that I am truly horrified at the thought of.

If Trump wins Hillary Clinton will have to face the fact that she hired a man to pretend to be the worst sort of scumbag possible in order to throw an election for her, and she was so unlikable that she still lost.

You realize that there is only one group of people that pushes that false narrative, right?

Well, I have no idea what you are talking about so I'm going to have to with "No?"


There is only one group of people that pushes that false narrative. Don’t push the false narrative.

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. It feels insane to be in a climate where every person you talk to thinks you are part of some group that you probably hate. Whatever you are accusing me of, go fuck yourself just for good measure in case it turns out to be something that offends me.

Very true, and lmao.

There is only one group of people that pushes that false narrative. Don’t push the false narrative.

4 more years without 9/11 truth

Actually, that's probably at least 1 thing we might actually be able to get. Trump was pretty skeptical even from the beginnings .

There will be a lot of people around the world looking at America with fear and suspicion.

So no change then? Lol.

What do you mean, what if?

So do you think he is going to win? Why?

Common sense, looking at all the polls, and the fact that the second civil war starts if she steals the election.

I'm wondering what kind of war starts with the Hispanics and Blacks if Trump wins>

If your a Patriot, Google Polymer80. Pm me, if you have questions

looking at all the polls

my sides X'D

  1. Roast in hell.
  2. Leftists are oversampled. Get fucking wrecked.

I imagine denial helps you to cope with your grim reality. How're you gonna deal when Hillary gets 350 EV? You don't come across as a stable individual to begin with.


Keep it on speed dial, bucko.


Get help friend. And don't invest yourself in this man. America will never elect White Cosby.

So no change then? Lol.

If you aren't being paid, what's the point of maintaining an aura of "professionalism." It's an extremely subjective concept with a lot of gray area.

Although I cannot conclude with any sort of finality that he is a bought and paid for pawn of the Clintons, there is enough to make me think that until he is able to somehow prove otherwise.

So there’s nothing to make you think that. Got it.


Get help friend. And don't invest yourself in this man. America will never elect White Cosby.