Remember, in 1974, Nixon was impeached for simply lying about a burgarly he had nothing to do with. Compare that with the litany of crime involving HRC that Wikileaks has exposed. Democracy is dead in the US.

2030  2016-10-15 by HS_00


The House Judiciary Committee recommended impeachment but it never went for a vote in front of the full House. Nixon then resigned before anything moved forward.

... and received a pardon from an unelected POTUS ( Gerald Ford aka Leslie Lynch King Jr. of Omaha, NE )

Watergate was a Cover-Up.

Small incident to act as a scapegoat, then he resigned to avoid inquiry into all his other bad stuff.

The whole bay of pigs thing

Ive never heard of this. Can you point me in a direction to learn more?

"All the President's Men" Woodward & Bernstein will give you the official story. Back then I recall feeling like it was a hit by the media powers that be, for whatever reasons. There was Vietnam, race riots drugs. It got rough. Whatever is coming down the pipe now is going to be a whole lot rougher. If accountability ever becomes fashionable again, I can't imagine how far all this would reach.

Yeah received a pardon basically so the country could get past it all. We were dealing with a lot of bullshit trying to get out of Vietnam, the country didnt need to have a giant trial thats viewed on an international stage of the disgraced former pres that resigned. We needed to just move past it. What Nixon did was obviously wrong, but I agree with Ford pardoning him. Nixon became a recluse and rarely spoke to the media ever again until he died. Did no one any harm by being pardoned, but if he wasn't pardoned it could've done a lot of harm to the US on an international level.

With that being said, Hillary doesn't deserve any pardoning, she's well beyond that. She deserves a cell.

Nixon became a recluse and rarely spoke to the media ever again until he died

Not exactly. (1977, Nixon's paycheck for this: $600,000 in 1977 dollars).

Nixon Memoirs (1978 bestseller with then-record-setting publisher's advance paycheck)

Nixon's 1980 bestseller The Real War

Nixon's 1982 bestseller Leaders

Nixon's 1984 bestseller Real Peace

Nixon's 1985 bestseller No More Vietnams

Nixon's 1988 bestseller Victory Without War

Nixon's second book of memoirs, 1990: In The Arena

Nixon, 1992: Seize The Moment: America's Challenge In A One-Superpower World

Google "Youtube + Nixon + interview" plus every year from 1980 through 1993 and Nixon spoke to the media with interviews every year.

We needed to just move past it.

Also historically subjective and inaccurate according to multiple historians.

Solid sourcing. That comment is a load of plausible-sounding bullshit aimed at the nearly informed.

Beautiful rebuttal. Nixon got off and it's a free ride now for all politicians to break the laws and our Constitution they swear to uphold

Dam, nice post.

received a pardon basically so the country could get past it all

He received a pardon because that's how those bitches protect each other. If it was a case of healing, then the full ramifications of watergate and nixon's presidency should have been exposed.

I disagree. Just because something is true doesn't mean it needs to be said. We're talking about a time that was a powder keg, Vietnam, all of the tension still around the Civil Rights movement, the height of bad relations with Russia, A beloved president,a recent assassination.

It wouldn't have been hard to turn that into absolute chaos. If Watergate was a coverup, I'd argue it probably kept this country from the brink of a second period of unrest in twenty years, and probably from going to war with Russia.

Should the truth come out? Yes, but it should be now that it's too late for it to hurt us as a country.

The longer it is covered up, the more it hurts us as a country. Nixon got away with lying about a break in he "wasn't involved in" and deleted 18 minutes of audio tape". Was pardoned.

Clinton perjured himself. Then was let off by the Senate.

Now we have a presidential candidate who is seemingly immune to scandal because the media is in her pocket and gives her a free pass. The FBI and Executive Branch as well.

Is it really a "slippery slope" when you can see it happening before your very eyes?

if you don't add in "an unelectable moron put forward by the grotesque, entirely corrupt failure of an opposition party" you're not seeing in stereo, bud.

This. I've been comparing Hillary to Nixon for months and yet she still seems more palatable to me than the idea of President Trump. The dude just ain't bright.

You might want to compare hillary to a mob boss / arms dealer to get a better comparison. The list of victims from Whitewater is impressive.


the country didnt need to have a giant trial thats viewed on an international stage of the disgraced former pres that resigned. No country proves its strength by covering up its flaws.

If the US had actually prosecuted Nixon, it would have garnered far more respect than giving the whole issue a whitewash.

Did no one any harm by being pardoned

Consider the precedent Nixon's pardon set. He went to his grave without admitting any wrongdoing. The US was supposed to be a country founded on law. Nixon put paid to that lie.

It's worth mentioning that Hillary's first job for the government was as part of the legal staff for the House Judiciary Committee as they considered Nixon's impeachment. Hillary's job required her to listen to Nixon's tapes. Her favorite were his "tapes of tapes" - where Nixon would record himself listening to previously tapes, while explaining what he meant, and how his words should be interpreted.

If Nixon had faced the full consequences for his actions, Hillary would have learned a much different lesson than "it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is".

rarely spoke to the media ever again until he died


Fuck justice back in the day, I guess.

much worse now, kid.

Who you calling kid, guy.

who you calling cousin, nephew?

Everything you wrote about "get past it all" is 100% bullshit and you should be ashamed of yourself for pushing that moronic narrative on others.

In 2016 there is clearly a two tier justice system. Shit like Nixons bullshit pardon exacerbated this current problem.

How is that a "moronic narrative" ? lol. Obviously its a subjective moment in history, but when considering other similar moments in history in other countries in the past, it is likely this is why it was done. I have a bachelors degree in history; one of my professor's who has written several books on the time period and has a doctorate in history was the one who "pushed that moronic narrative" to us in class. Im not saying its absolutely correct, but when considering other factors it is a pretty close guess to why it was done.

Well I have a bachelor in media studies and my study of the media says people repeating idiotic narratives pushed on them by the ruling class to excuse their own malfeasance is a major problem.

Hard to reform when you got a bunch of dummies running around doing the elites dirty work for them.

If Nixon and his accomplices ended their lives in jail maybe others would think twice about breaking the law?

I don't disagree with your last point, but I still will agree with my opinion that pardoning him was necessary for the country at the time because 1974 in the US was a time where we were immersed in controversy dealing with the Civil Rights movement that just ended, the Vietnam War, and the oil crisis. Our country needed not to pile onto the bullshit, but rather to move on. But, thats only my historical opinion on the matter where I am comparing it to past historical events

I've never heard of this. What else did they want to cover up?

we may never know

What? Nixon ordered the burglary. He had everything to do with it. Daniel P. Sheehan has a great video explaining what happened and why. It is on youtube for those interested.

The person they wiretapped used to work for Howard Hughes in the fifties when Nixon was Vice President under Eisenhower, and Nixon was nervous because he was working for the DNC. Nixon wanted to know if this person was spilling secrets about events that occurred between 1959 and 1964.

Three of the burglars arrested have much different backgrounds than the other three. There is a reason for it...

The burglary was obviously intentionally bungled and done by people involved with JFK assassination. It was a warning to get in-line, as they didn't want another assassination so soon.

That damn Forrest Gump!


Where can I find the reason?

The three were supposedly in the team that trained to kill Castro. The team was put together by Howard Hughes in 1959 or so when Nixon was VP. Nixon asked Howard Hughes to put the team together.

Daniel P. Sheehan explains it better than me. It should be in the video I linked, or one of the others. Maybe I linked the wrong one...


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?!?!"

really depends on who you talk to. Some say that he just put someone in charge of finding information for him. That person ordered the burglary and when Nixon found out he was afraid it would come back on him so he tried to cover it up.

Democracy never existed...we've just been fortunate enough in the internet age to remove the veil, and now we can see the brick wall in the back of the theatre. Now what do we do?

I'm sure a few stern tweets or a petition will straighten everything out before NFL Game Day.

100 shares = 1 democracy

Working on the petition as I type this! Don't forget to share it with your friends! We can do it guys!

This....this is pure gold. Props

Nope. To be productive you have to contribute to/r/conspiracy

My thought is that producing food/water/other necessities in your backyard or in a public space is about the most subversive thing you can do at this point. As the "recovery" continues to grind away at peoples' ability to get by, you can trade or share with your neighbors. If you have skills, consider trading your time for things that you need; barter is untaxable. As the economy continues to deteriorate, there will be more idle people in need. By looking out for ourselves and our neighbors, we can break the myth that government (in its current form) is necessary. Cheers and good luck!


Probably because most people do no have enough land to grow enough food to survive. Even if people haver enough land it sometimes seems that in a few years you will not be able to plant anything if you don't buy the seeds from Monsanto or other large company.


The infographic says 1.5 to 2 acres but a lot of the things don't make sense to me. 3 pigs living in 207sq feet, that's basically a 10 by 20 foot pen. Now, what happens if you eat one of the pigs how would you replace it?

I have no way to argue with the numbers but it doesn't seem practical.

Do you grow your own crops?

Now what do we do?

Nothing. As long as we got WiFi, booze, and food no one will get off ass to do Jack.

So more pain is needed. Something tells me that won't be a problem.

Democracy is just an illusion.

It's not like Nixon did nothing... "The prowlers were connected to President Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign, and they had been caught while attempting to wiretap phones and steal secret documents. While historians are not sure whether Nixon knew about the Watergate espionage operation before it happened, he took steps to cover it up afterwards, raising “hush money” for the burglars, trying to stop the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from investigating the crime, destroying evidence and firing uncooperative staff members. "

Yeah, it was pretty clear that he did not know beforehand, but did know afterwards and covered up that fact.

Even if Nixon did know, compare it with the increasingly long list of crimes HRC is involved in. There is no comparison.

False equivalency. A completely rediculous assertion. Hillary is not the president, yet.

So because she isn't the president (and may never be) she shouldn't be held to a high standard of ethics and generally following the law as a career politician, former Senator, former First Lady, former Sec of State? Get out of here with your false equivalency bullshit

We are considering Hillary as a candidate for President. The title will not change her ways.

You're right. There is no comparison. Nixon was a crook that also committed war crimes that killed millions of people. Hillary deleted e-mails.

Fuck off, I dislike Trump as much as any sane person but don't pretend Hillary only "deleted some e-mails".

lol. the two parts of your sentence don't really compliment each other. I'd say Trump supporters are immeasurably more sane than Hillary supporters at this point

Pick your poison, I don't care. I have no dog in this fight.

Fair enough. So not going to vote? Surely you have to hate one more than the other?

Fuck off

Good response. I'm sure you have lots of good theories about how a mediocre candidate for President is an evil mastermind with dozens of murders to her name but frankly I don't care.

How about receiving millions of dollars in donations to her foundation in exchange for signing off on a deal to sell 20% of the federal government's uranium to Russia

Does that do it for you

No. It's problematic but it's nowhere close to secretly bombing Cambodia, destabilizing its government, and empowering a genocidal regime to take over.

You mean like the shambles in which we now find Syria

Yes, because Hillary Clinton started the Syrian civil war. /s(though I'm guessing a lot of people here believe this)

You do realize she was Secretary of State when all this was set in motion? And when they gave guns to those who are now ISIS

Hillary has probably gotten more people killed honestly. Here's a list of 27 country's she's destroyed, this is an excellent article.

Wow, she's been a busy lady. Once they put a country that's not actually a country in Abkhazia at the top of the list it became a lot less interesting.

If you want her doing something shitty, look at the softpedaling the entire Obama administration did when the elites in Honduras exiled Zelaya. Much of the rest of the list is a grab bag of 'something bad happened in the world, let's connect somebody who might have some connection with Hillary in the past.'

I tend to assume that there is nothing unique about Watergate. It appears like another day in Washington. We no matter the issue, we are always given the lone gunman hypothesis. It seems more likely that Nixon needed to be removed. I would like to think it's because he was asking too many questions about certain state secrets.

Nixon was impeached

He resigned.

The state of this sub is sad...

Facts don't matter.

Only my feelings matter.

No most citizens are dumb when it comes to our history, and this makes me cry.

Eleven revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails:

This article is good but it still doesn't even scratch the surface for more please visit: /r/DNCLeaks

The thing is you crazies keep linking these websites but you can't ever tell me what crime was violated...

I don't think you even read that first one. You just want it to be true so desperately.

OP stated "Compare that with the litany of crime involving HRC that Wikileaks has exposed."

What crime? Show me. Copy and paste where a crime was revealed? I've challenged several you idiots and not one has been able to answer that question.

Come on now, don't you know that everything HRC did was a crime and part of a conspiracy.

The House Judiciary Committee voted for impeachment for obstruction of justice, prompting Nixon's resignation.

Was he impeached?

No. but he was about to be. Clinton was impeached for getting a blow job. I guess republicans have a problem with that. Proof that Trump is no republican.

So he was about to be. He wasn't, which is exactly what the title said.

As I've noted several times now, this sub is sad these days...

I don't know about being sad, we all know that the only people involved in conspiracies are Clinton and the jews. /s

Wrong yourself there my friend... No President has ever been completely impeached. Both Nixon and Clinton were acquitted if my memory is still in tact.

you don't know what "impeached" means. Its simply the proceedings to try to get them thrown out of office...he was indeed impeached.

Right I understand.. But both presidents were acquitted of their charges correct?

I'm not trying to have an argument, I'm trying to learn.

Feel free to correct me, please.

Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives but acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.

Think of impeachment as being indicted for a crime but when the case went to trial the person was found not guilty.

Clinton was acquitted, Nixon resigned before the impeachment started.

Ive been reading up in this thread, you are right about everything, you are 98% correct... He just wasn't impeached. Change "impeached" to "resigned" and you got a very valid and factually consistent argument.

Yes, the vote to impeach is close enough to impeachment, in this context, to use the phrase impeachment. Much like democracy is an acceptable substitute for representative republic in most contexts.

Lololol no not at all.

Impeachment indicates Congress voted to remove him from office.

Resigned means he willfully relinquished the office.

Which brings me back to my original comment - the state of this sub is sad.

It has gone full alt right. The trump people are shit posters.

lol bullshit I voted Obama in 2008 and I will be voting Trump

How does your voting record make my statement false? Typical trump supporter's false equivalency. All that you trumpettes are doing is showing how quick idiots are to back a fascist.

Yeah, no. Impeached means the House passed the articles of impeachment, as with Bill Clinton. The subsequent trial in the Senate is where the vote to remove from office (or not) happens.

Impeached means the House passed the articles of impeachment

Yes but they didn't pass the Articles of Impeachment. So Nixon wasn't impeached.


Oh it's captain obvious. Thank you for your services.

Only two presidents have been impeached. Nixon isn't one of them.

Yes, the vote to impeach is close enough to impeachment,

Not even a little bit at all. A house committee is not even remotely the same as the full Congress. Come on.

In this context, it is fine. Unless you're attempting to divert attention from the main point: HRC is a corrupt piece of shit.

You don't have to misrepresent facts to make that point.

It's full blown 1984 right now

Huxley was right this is Brave New World status


1984 doesn't even closely resemble today's America. It's not that bad, you're being way to dramatic. I want Trump to win just so Hillary can be put on trial. If she wins, it'll never happen and it will all be swept under the rug. And in 50 years, people will look back and think 'What the fuck was America thinking!?'. It's very much a sad state of affairs, of Orwell's 1984 is a completely different reality than our own. The only thing you can compared it to is the economic disparity (Inner part = rich, outer party = middle class, Proles = the poor, obviously) and the fact that we are basically constantly at war. But the Fascist social structure and doublethink of 1984 definitely doesn't exist. At least, it doesn't exist YET.

1984 was written in 1948. Orwell was clearly discussing his views of the present day.

I realize that. I read the book less than a month ago. He was talking about what he envisioned the future if Stalinism won. The whole "oligarchical collectivism" was a form of that. Clinton is the opposite of a communist. She is a crony capitalist, she LOVES them big corporations. Loves them. IDK why anyone would think she is socialist at all. She loves big business and big money.

1984 is an exaggeration. Our world is NOT that bad. It could, but it isn't. Not yet. But if we let this shit happen, it will.

I'm not so sure.

War is Peace - check. They gave constant wars now ans no declaration of war as required. We are told to keep us safe and secure and peaceful we need to give away our rights, our guns and our young people to fight never ending invasions of middle eastern countries. And on top of that we wage war on drugs and poverty which has incarcerated the larges percentage of any country's population in the entire world and breeds cartels and gangs and endless death.

Ignorance is Strength - check. We no longer teach our children even a quarter of what was taught to the founding fathers in their youth. We don't teach Latin and Greek and we have adults who cannot even balance a check book or pick out their state on a map.

Freedom is Slavery - back to my incarceration comments. Everything is illegal now and confusing. And with NDAA if they decide you are a terrorist you cease to exist.

1984's protagonist had a job rewriting history daily. Have you seen a public school text book recently? Do you see how MSM fawns over Clinton and ignores her constant criminal acts? Fraud and perjury? Do you forget how they scrubbed Obama's past off the Internet? How they spin narratives and tour talk shows to propagate?

And he ran afoul of the Ministry of Truth... our very own NSA and CIA combined with FBI. Thought police? We aren't too far from that either. Torture? Well they deny water boarding, sleep deprivation, sound and lighg assault are torture and yet we all know they are psychologically. But it's gotta be done to save is from the terrorists... that our govt creates.

You make a very compelling point. 1984 also engaged in psychological torture and warfare very much so. Beyond the obvious propaganda (of which we are bombarded by daily. So much so we can't even also identify it all the time and some can't at all). But towards the end of the book

[Spoilers ahead just in case anyone hasn't read it yet]

When they imprison Winston and he starts his talks with O'Brien about the true nature of reality, they force him to believe what they believe. To alter his mind so to him, his past crimes are inexcusable and he wants to be punished. Or tried to do so, at very least. Forcing him to wage psychological warfare upon himself, even so far as view O'Brien as his loved friend as well as his torturer. Like some kind of Godhead-figure. We don't do this on that scale, because it's technologically difficult and hard to attempt without the right tools. But America would do that in a second if they could, sadly.

Also, that ending was depressing as hell in the Chestnut Inn(?). Once I read it though, all I could think was 'why did I expect anything else?'.

Oh but they do it with peer pressure. Not as much with Bush jr in media but definitely within his party if one questioned the Patriot Act they were no longer patriots. Shame on you, long live Despot Bush II.

Now it's leaps and bounds worse. With Obama they could label any dissent as disgusting racism and bigotry. He is the Teflon president. Nothing he does wrong is ever held to account and even a full Republican held congress hesitates ro stand against him at all. When a few do they are harshly belittled and even their own party yanks them down or distances themselves. Our PC world guarantees a minority or female or both as POTUS can literally get away with anything. Hilbeast has already been getting away with everything and her in the Oval Office is Armageddon coming. Not that I think Trump is a real opponent or viable option... he is a foil to make her the less bitter pill. Doesn't matter the votes will go same as the DNC this election and RNC last with voters hijacked, masses of dead people voting and no one getting arrested despite boasting to a news crew they voted 6 times for Obama.

Peer pressure can be so intense when you know you are in a room of rabid politician worshipers and decide maybe for an unsinged hide you can grow to love their human god too. Or at least pretend.

I have no doubts with the right psychological torture, alternated with care and compassion and drugged states while horribly sleep deprived we could all be reprogrammed. But for now keeping the narrative spinning 24/7 and carefully created distractions they keep us in line.

We who refuse to be sheep get cut from the herd and ostracized as long as we aren't a real threat. Then we slaughter ourselves with strange ODs, freakish car accidents and suicides. RIP Michael Hastings

I think it was a very light fictionalization of what Orwell saw going on. /u/DawnPendraig does a good job of breaking some things down, but I think he pull is too much to the present.

I really believe that is how Orwell saw his present time.

Eurasia/Oceania was about us being allies with Communists against the Nazis, and then taking in all the Nazi scientists to battle the Communists.

Truth and history were being manipulated and there was nothing you could actually believe.

Democracy is dead in the US.

Justice is dead in the US. IFTFY. Because we've never had democracy, only a veneer of a democratically-elected republic that's actually been deep-state powerbottomed by corruption and corporatism.

Good. Someone used the word "republic" in this thread. Common misconception about our govt: were not a democracy, were a democratic republic

Does that really change anything?


I don't think so. every government since the beginning of time has been corrupt.

Always thought we were a representative democracy.

Remember, in 1974, Nixon was impeached for simply lying about a burgarly he had nothing to do with.

Except they were employed by him and committed multiple break-ins in order to further the aim of re-electing him President. When caught he gave them hush money. Other than that, he had nothing to do with them.

Nixon wasn't impeached.

That's OK, Hillary hasn't committed any crimes either, who needs facts?

He wasn't impeached. He resigned. He was about to be impeached but never was.

And I guess neither has trump.

That was a time when the press lived for the story and details. Every reporter trying to get the latest details, because that's what mattered. Now we have media, not news. You literally have to go to conspiracy to get news, I used come here for my UFO fix or 9/11 truth info, but now it's actual breaking news. We have to have a new separation between media companies and news organizations, but I don't see that happening.

Media consolidation killed US journalism. Just like it was supposed to.

The younger journalists and want to bes are going to think this is how it should be. That is just as scary and depressing.

Thank you. This is what I've been saying for several months now. In 1972-1974 it was the Babyboom generation that stood up to Nixon and led the nation-wide groundswell of anger against Nixon's cover-up of the investigation into the Watergate burglary. Now many of these same liberal Babyboomers have abandoned their ethical and moral values in supporting the cover-up perpetrated by the Obama administration (FBI and Justice Department) and Hillary Clinton of Hillary's illegal use of a private email server when she was Secretary of State. This is the shame of the Babyboom generation.

Ditto the shameful cooperation of the Hillary cover-up perpetrated by the liberal media elites, led by none other than the Washington Post and the New York Times. It was the Washington Post and New York times who published the leaked documents, The Pentagon Papers, which is what triggered Nixon's 'White House Plumbers' into committing burglaries and acts of 'dirty tricks' in 1971 and 1972. And of course it was the reporting by Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein that led to the disclosure of the cover-up of the Watergate burglary. I am dismayed that these papers are ignoring the leaked emails that demonstrate that both Clinton and Obama have lied about the details of Hillary's illegal use of her private email servers. Worse of all, the Washington Post actually has editorialized that there should not be any further reportage of the email scandal, or, presumably, follow-up investigation of the information that is contained in the leaked emails. (What do Woodward and Bernstein think of this?)

Fortunately, many people from the younger generations, those who backed Bernie Sanders for instance, are correctly outraged by Hillary's actions and they aren't buying into Hillary's moral and ethical sellout.

I wish I could upvote you 1000x so this would be at the top. I'm sorry if you are getting down voted into oblivion. The HilShills are out in force tonight.

Clinton was impeached, Nixon not.

Clinton was impeached but acquitted of all charges. In other words it means nothing. It's exactly like going to trial and being acquitted. The Trumplodites need to stop making this an issue.

Only 2 presidents in history have been impeached. It is kind of a big deal. Was enough of a stigma on the Dems to get Caligula Bush elected for the next 8 years.

Irrelevant semantics.

One is a factually and legally correct, the other isn't. Hardly semantics.

It is only relevant if you are trying to ignore the primary point: HRC's criminality makes Watergate look like a frat prank, but she is still a candidate.

Except it doesn't and you're a retard.

No one cares anymore. Back in the 60s and 70s we still had some fight left, the people actually checked the government's power, now we're just pacified cattle, I don't know how it happened, maybe they poisoned the water supply, maybe they've just dumbed us down with an overload of media, but we certainly aren't as observant as we once were.

I mean just look around you, we're in a state of tensions with Russia that equals that of the Cold War and people just want to talk about video games, or movies, or celebrities. Its absolutely pointless to try and wake people up, they're only going to acknowledge reality when the nuclear blast blows right in their face.

They'll care when a draft is implemented.

There will never be another draft nor any sort of conscription ion in this country. It's way easier and more politically convenient to incentivize military service and worst case scenario, offer reduced sentences or pardons to prisoners. The country literally almost faced a revolution the last time there was a draft. That kind of social upheaval is dangerous to the power structure.

Exactly. They learned their lesson on that one. Now we are meant to be debt slaves.


Actually, I'm not religious, but I agreed so strongly I felt it warranted religious reverence.

No offense but you sound like someone who wasn't alive in the 60s or 70s.

There's plenty of proof that shit was fucked from the get go.

Is this where /r/The_Dorito is posting now that they've been banned from linking to /r/Politics?

What tipped it off? The fact that every single post on this sub is about how Hillary Clinton is singlehandedly responsible for all of the misery and suffering in the world?

Shit post.

Can you list some of the crimes from the 'litany'?

Yeah this is like the Hannity headline, it proved us right!!.. about what?

Well, we were actually suppose to be a republic and that has been dead a long time. In the words of Benjamin Franklin when asked while leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, what form of government the United States was going to have. Franklin answered succinctly, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

I mean, what hard evidence of criminal wrongdoing did wikileaks actually release?

as Comey stated in the committee hearing. She knowingly violated the espionage act, destroyed evidence and lied under oath and they had the evidence for all of it....

but since she didn't "mean to" he decided not to press forward with a prosecution. BTW, intent doesn't matter when it comes to prosecuting for a crime but that was Comey's excuse to stop her from being prosecuted, not that there wasn't evidence of her crimes.

The hillary shills and CTR can try to downplay that and lie about it all they want but his testimony is public for all to see and his own words can't be scrubbed from the public record.

None, though that would require reading. The people in this thread would rather spend hours talking about Hillary Clinton is the greatest villain in history.

Yep, the dominant influence of confirmation bias on /r/conspiracy is a pretty hilarious thing to behold.

The Scalia thing was the most ridiculous.

Actually, I don't even see anything unexpected in the e-mails so far (though certainly unsavory in places). I'd be interested in seeing the Trump campaign's e-mails too, for that matter. Might be pretty fun.

If not his emails, maybe his tax returns. You know, the thing every presidential candidate has released since before the 70's.

Once we get through the information we're supposed to have, then maybe we can move on to his private emails.

Eleven revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails:

This article is good but it still doesn't even scratch the surface for more please visit: /r/DNCLeaks

I read the BBC articles and it summarized many of the emails I already read. They are gossipy and sometimes reveal insider strategy(the 'what position should I take on an issue to get maximum effect') but there is nothing too nefarious in there. Her commitment to opposing TPP has always been an open question and is unlikely to be minimized by telling a bunch of banksters that she wants free flowing labor and capital across the hemisphere.

The most damaging emails, IMO, are still the DNC ones where they were discussing how to harm Sanders' campaign. It's not criminal for the DNC to take sides but it's a really shitty thing to do and it's terrible for party unity.

Thank you for correcting the record.

I don't even much like her, but the anti-Hillary industry is so fucking deranged that someone needs to push back.

Also a conspiracy post defending Nixon is too goddamned far. Nixon was a horrible human being that did terrible things.

Lol... She did plenty wrong, she's a corrupt, pay to play crook. It's out there.

none really, much ado about nothing.

collusion between candidate and super pac is a felony, more evidence of subverting information after subpoena

Eleven revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails:

This article is good but it still doesn't even scratch the surface for more please visit: /r/DNCLeaks

For some weird reason, BBC picks only the tame ones.

The juicy ones are: Supporting TPP (and discussing how to 180 on for electorate to swallow it), same 180 with fracking and being openly in bed with big oil. Open AP, CNBC, CNN, Boston Globe, NYT and The Hill reporters collusion.

Admission to sabotage of Bernie.

Nothing really outright damning except obstruction of justice, yet. But the releases are paced to get progressively more heavyweight, so things will get more interesting week by week.

If wikileaks has exposed crimes, why hasn't the Republican controlled Congress done everything in its power to put her in jail so she'll lose the election?

Because if Republicans openly started taking down Democrats then Democrats would openly take down Republicans. They are nearly all dirty people.

Then why are the Dems tanking Trump?

Totally different context. First we are talking about crime and punishment and now you are talking about political gamesmanship.

You said both sides had dirt on each other but are afraid to drop it for fear of retaliation. Why is Trump different? He's absolutely tanking the Republican ticket, so at this point using his likely dead campaign to at least knock out the DNC would be a hail mary for the GOP

No, by take down I mean to send them to jail or other criminal punishment. Republicans wont do that because they know Democrats will return the favor. Calling your political opponent a name and/ or exposing a weakness to the nation is called political gamesmanship.

alright, why isn't the GOP returning the favor if they're equally corrupt?

Because if Republicans openly started prosecuting Democrats then Democrats would begin prosecuting Republicans. They are nearly all dirty people.

So they only have illegal dirt, not dirt that's similar to what being thrown at Trump? That seems unlikely

What are you getting at? Trump is a living Strawman to run against Hillary as an opponent she can beat?

I'm pointing out that if the GOP has as much dirt on Clinton as Clinton does on Trump, which you suggested, then there's no real reason for them not to be dumping it

Then why didnt you just express that 20min ago instead of questioning why Republicans didnt prosecute Hillary for her Crimes?

I did, you just can't read

You cant stay on topic.

Its because your logic is too inconsistent to actually follow in a clear way

Yes yes I cant read and my logic is flawed. You are a superior douchebag in every way. I humbly bow before you your excellency.

You assume that for some reason the GOP is sitting on huge amounts of evidence of Clinton being a criminal but refuses to prosecute because she also contains equal amounts of evidence.

That's such a huge logical leap that to pretend you're anything but stupid would be an insult to everyone else

It was Russia!

Its kind of like when you go to a boxing match. There are people cheering for both sides but they let the fighters get their hands dirty. Congress/Senate are the fans and the Presidential candidates are the fighters.

While not impeached, the charges were far more than "simply lying" and I have no doubt that he would have been found guilty on all three articles of impeachment. The first were all the crimes related to Watergate, including, but far more than "simply lying". The second covered the general misuse of power, such as misuse of the IRS and FBI. The third was not responding to Congress' summons and demands for information such as the Oval Office recordings.

Wow. Back when Congress actually worked and hadn't allowed themselves to be declawed and teeth removed so they can only gum at people.

They'd have impeached Obama the first month... and definitely now. He does all that every day before breakfast. And he is just following the path paved by W.

Everything is dead in the US. Everything is accounted for and planned..

"Nothing to do with."

You are over simplifying what Nixon was involved with.

Seems like you don't actually understand Watergate.

I hate that your main sub is dying but don't shit up this sub too please. High energy to you, or whatever you guys say.

Democracy is dead in the US.

Way to get melodramatic about a thread that is based on a faulty premise.

To be fair, it was really all about Nixon's back room deal with the Vietnamese communists to kill the Paris peace talks so that he could get elected. So there's some shady shit there below the surface with watergate.

Did you know Nixon's VP was Spiro Agnew and Ford only came only later, and that Ford was involved in the Warren commission?

Pretty sure the Trump campaign used Nixon's "I am not a crook" lie, and social impact of that, when labeling Hillary as crooked. Excellent strategy.

Its too bad she's not overweight. I'd like to hear Trump refer to her as "Fatty McFatty"

Its too bad she's not overweight.

What? Sure she is, she's a flabby & bloated mess.

With all the turning in their graves, and creative use of generators, the forefathers have solved all of our energy needs for the next millennium.

I mean, to say Nixon had nothing to do with it is a stretch unless you mean the physical crime itself.

Your overall point is still quite valid however.

The difference is that the shadow government wanted to get rid of Nixon, whereas the shadow government now wants to install Clinton.

does anyone want to talk about the group who actually was responsible for the burglary? hello?

Remember when one of Hillary Clinton's supervisors said she was dishonest and a liar so he fired her...from the Watergate commission.

I have been thinking about something. Is it possible for those with the skills to completely take over the msm media sites so only the wikileaks can seen when people visit? My wet dream is that whoever has the shitlary racist tapes hacks the airwaves and forces America to watch it. Just a thought.

America never had a democracy but a dead state controlled by Israel and the English Illuminati.

I'm getting tired of this subreddit turning into the donald

I think this country is flat busted broke and if Trump gets in everyone will find out.

Nixion's crimes are over rated besides the gold standard compared to what has been going on in politics recently..

You're just now figuring this out?

Can we give democracy one more month?

They seem to actually care about votes in their emails. I'm hoping that means the votes matter.

Great observation. I've been ruminating over this same though line

It also came out that Nixon had an enemies list. I guess HRC gave hers to the IRS.

Memberries? Member?

Too bad we don't hold old Donny to the same standard. Ignorance is strength! Trump 2016!

When a President can ignore the country that attacked America, and invade two countries that didn't, on the word of the country that did attack us; it raises the bar for treason.

So let us revive it ourselves.

Well for one it comes from a source that has continuously posted false information

Also are you trying to impeach someone before they're in office?

nixon was right--he really was not a crook.

Nixon was about to be impeached because he had ordered the FBI to stop investigating where the money had come from to pay the Watergate burglars. I know it is hard to think with the tin foil on your head, but try to get your facts straight.

kinda like how the FBI was ordered to not push for a prosecution against Hillary. funny how that all comes around.

Everything that Nixon did, Hillary and Obama have done as well, and then some.

You really don't see the resemblance??? Like how FBI didn't push for criminal charges for Clinton? Please...

Trumps not in jail for rape, so I guess it's a total societal breakdown.

Can you cite the rape allegations? I haven't had time to follow up on it, and don't want to dismiss it as propaganda if there is any merit.

I see a lot of groping, and inappropriate behaviors. But I don't see any Rape allegations, other than his wife who recanted her statement and said it was not rape in a physical sense, it was an emotional mistreatment when they were intimate.

I'm sure there is some legitimacy to these claims, but it's not the same to grab someones crotch as it's to rape them. If someone grabbed my girlfriends genitals, I'd beat them unconscious. But if someone raped her, I'd have to be restrained from killing them.

False equivalency. A completely rediculous assertion. Hillary is not the president, yet.

You're right. There is no comparison. Nixon was a crook that also committed war crimes that killed millions of people. Hillary deleted e-mails.

The thing is you crazies keep linking these websites but you can't ever tell me what crime was violated...

I don't think you even read that first one. You just want it to be true so desperately.

OP stated "Compare that with the litany of crime involving HRC that Wikileaks has exposed."

What crime? Show me. Copy and paste where a crime was revealed? I've challenged several you idiots and not one has been able to answer that question.

much worse now, kid.

Wow. Back when Congress actually worked and hadn't allowed themselves to be declawed and teeth removed so they can only gum at people.

They'd have impeached Obama the first month... and definitely now. He does all that every day before breakfast. And he is just following the path paved by W.

The infographic says 1.5 to 2 acres but a lot of the things don't make sense to me. 3 pigs living in 207sq feet, that's basically a 10 by 20 foot pen. Now, what happens if you eat one of the pigs how would you replace it?

I have no way to argue with the numbers but it doesn't seem practical.

Only 2 presidents in history have been impeached. It is kind of a big deal. Was enough of a stigma on the Dems to get Caligula Bush elected for the next 8 years.

You make a very compelling point. 1984 also engaged in psychological torture and warfare very much so. Beyond the obvious propaganda (of which we are bombarded by daily. So much so we can't even also identify it all the time and some can't at all). But towards the end of the book

[Spoilers ahead just in case anyone hasn't read it yet]

When they imprison Winston and he starts his talks with O'Brien about the true nature of reality, they force him to believe what they believe. To alter his mind so to him, his past crimes are inexcusable and he wants to be punished. Or tried to do so, at very least. Forcing him to wage psychological warfare upon himself, even so far as view O'Brien as his loved friend as well as his torturer. Like some kind of Godhead-figure. We don't do this on that scale, because it's technologically difficult and hard to attempt without the right tools. But America would do that in a second if they could, sadly.

Also, that ending was depressing as hell in the Chestnut Inn(?). Once I read it though, all I could think was 'why did I expect anything else?'.

Oh but they do it with peer pressure. Not as much with Bush jr in media but definitely within his party if one questioned the Patriot Act they were no longer patriots. Shame on you, long live Despot Bush II.

Now it's leaps and bounds worse. With Obama they could label any dissent as disgusting racism and bigotry. He is the Teflon president. Nothing he does wrong is ever held to account and even a full Republican held congress hesitates ro stand against him at all. When a few do they are harshly belittled and even their own party yanks them down or distances themselves. Our PC world guarantees a minority or female or both as POTUS can literally get away with anything. Hilbeast has already been getting away with everything and her in the Oval Office is Armageddon coming. Not that I think Trump is a real opponent or viable option... he is a foil to make her the less bitter pill. Doesn't matter the votes will go same as the DNC this election and RNC last with voters hijacked, masses of dead people voting and no one getting arrested despite boasting to a news crew they voted 6 times for Obama.

Peer pressure can be so intense when you know you are in a room of rabid politician worshipers and decide maybe for an unsinged hide you can grow to love their human god too. Or at least pretend.

I have no doubts with the right psychological torture, alternated with care and compassion and drugged states while horribly sleep deprived we could all be reprogrammed. But for now keeping the narrative spinning 24/7 and carefully created distractions they keep us in line.

We who refuse to be sheep get cut from the herd and ostracized as long as we aren't a real threat. Then we slaughter ourselves with strange ODs, freakish car accidents and suicides. RIP Michael Hastings