R/Politics getting absolutely destroyed by the reddit community!!! One of the greatest comment threads I have ever seen! You seriously need to check it out before it magically disappears. THIS IS THE REAL REDDIT COMMUNITY.

303  2016-10-15 by aaaaa2222


Wow, definitely some people waking up in there

A little hard not to these days.

Unless your a 400 lb troll on Hillarys payroll


surprised it wasn't "Ok comrade" at this point

That was a riveting story. I'm sorry you had to witness that

They know what's going on, they just like money more than integrity

and they're good at convincing themselves that it's just for jokes or for fun and doesn't really matter, instead of them working an active propaganda campaign to influence the public, which is what they're really doing.

as I said last week or so ago in another trend discusing state of r politics

I think we should not give up on voicing opinion on r politics.

This does not mean that you have to get into leghty discusions with paid commentators.

I just comment on topic and ignore multiple replies that I get if I see that they are scripted (prepared) replies (talking points).

Always voice your opinion. You do not have to spend your time and energy by getting into discussion with someone who does not even believe in what he is saying but is just typing and earning a paycheck.

Maybe we should stoop to their level and have our own prescripted replies.

I've been saying for years that we need to start fighting with our own: shills, propaganda, subliminal... "Everything you can do, I can do better"

Beautiful and heartening. I really needed that. Thanks.

WW3 began online. And the rebels are making their move!

Next we blow up the death star

I am currently working on a video exposing r/politics should be live by Sunday morning

I'm interested

Commenting for link if you'd be willing.

Will post in conspiracy when done, still in the works but will be up ASAP, I know time is of the essence.


oh my god, the first breath of oxygen in months.

Nope they pop up sometimes. Check out recent top threads on /r/undelete. They hate censorship.

It really is amazing how blatantly bought the politics sub is. Even more amazing how with how obvious it is, nothing has happened.

How the big subs are right now reminds of how digg.com looked before the great digg migration to reddit. But there's no good alternative these days

/r/politics is the new /r/pyongyang now.

Truer words haven't been spoken.

Stay woke.

So the Google fact check algorithm is powered by the International Fact Checking Network, which is funded through grants from the National Endowment for Democracy, which is funded by U.S. Congress and the State Department.

2 + 2 = ?

5 or 42, depending on who you talk to.

I would like you to go to hillaryclinton.com to check the facts your self.

Edit: this was serious sarcasm..


Lol. I am on my way douchebag! I am not tho.

Hahaha damn it was a joke

Horrible timing.

It's actually good timing.... I dont think someone would come in here and post that comment seriously. I'm not complaining about downvotes.. look at my comment history...

wow this is amazing thank you

I stumbled across that thread this morning and it made me smile.

LOL. The only fools to trust that would be Hillary's clan!

Maybe because America was built on not having government interfere with religion. Not having a dictator/King, which Trump wants to be. Maybe you need to research what made the USA. It was from people like Trump, Putin and Kim Jong the whatever, the Constitution was protecting the USA from people like Trump and the tea party movement.. The USA was based on no religious , since that is why America grew.


You really gotta use that /s tag.


That was the surname of the family before they changed it, probably because it sounded "too foreign."

I'm interested

Commenting for link if you'd be willing.
