Be wary: in the coming days, as HRC is sacrificed in the wake of ever-increasing proof of corruption, you will see many of the institutions that lied for her begin to condemn her to save themselves. Do not forget, do not forgive.

553  2016-10-15 by [deleted]



I think a list of treasonous companies & journalists should be made & posted. Do to them what they would do to us. Never forget their actions & destroy their reputations like they helped destroy our democracy.

America was one of the greatest things to happen to this planet & it's dead now because of these people. Never forget.

Every company on the Dow Jones. Every one of them.

Sadly, this is so true.

Yes but it makes it easy to make the list.

Wikileaks is doing a pretty good job of compiling your list.

I think a list of treasonous companies & journalists should be made & posted

Know thy enemy - Committee of 300

Woah, what is this web now? Can you explain this at all?


Jesus fucking Christ. This movement really needs to pump the brakes.

Is this before or after she gets elected? There's only so much time left, and most media and elite seem to be on her side still.

Pretty much this.

I'm voting third party, and I hope more than everyone that they leak a video of Clinton and Trump eating each other's asses on The Declaration of Independence while dropping N-bombs and making fun of dead US veterans, but a lot of this soothsaying and doom-prophesizing is a little too hopeful for me.

Maybe after a revolution there will be a third party but trying to go third party now is just voting for a democrat (by removing a republican vote). With all the fraud don't you thin they have the 3rd party already nixed? I didn't want Trump but Hillary is 100 times worse.

If you really wanted to make your vote count and not vote for Trump you should have become a democrat and do a write in for Sanders. then neither Trump or Hillary gets the benefit of your vote.

Trump has a Neo-con as his VP. They are our enemies as well. It has been pretty much confirmed he was going to give Kasich the keys to his policy decisions. He has given that to Pence now. Maybe Pence is not as much of a Neo-Liberal as Hillary but he is definitely a Neo-Con like her. Trump is just a figure head. You also need to look at his cabinet choices. They are going to be same crony capitalist goons that we have running the show right now.

The only two choices, IMO, are revolution or voting in a 3rd party and hope that we can get some extra funding during the next cycle.

I just hope our country survives until we get to the next cycle. I had fully expected the country to get fed up with the BS in Washington and figured it would show in the next 8 years or so. I was a bit shocked it showed up now in the form of Trump.

lord jesus you are ignorant

Trump is not going to save us. You are being ignorant. You are too wrapped up in your cult of personality.

Nah I don't think he will save anyone. I think he will start a fucking fire to burn out all the fucking snakes and pests that have infested our countries gov't. Nice try though Freud.

That's not a plan. Voting for Trump can only be interpreted as supporting him. You don't get to attach nuance to your vote. Once it's counted, that's it.

However, if enough people vote for neither of them, then we have a legitimate basis from which to argue that they are ruling illegitimatly. Overthrow whoever gets elected in this rigged cycle, by a popular nonviolent uprising based on actual arguments, and reform the voting system. Do not give in to the false forced choice because that only validates the system.

If you want a fire, watch what happens if they manage to get Hillary elected after all this? Do you think the military will want to serve under an administration that has lost all pretense of respect for the rule of law?

Yes, because they are obedient.

If you really wanted to make your vote count and not vote for Trump you should have become a democrat and do a write in for Sanders. then neither Trump or Hillary gets the benefit of your vote.

I'm probably voting third party for this reason.

The only reason I'm warm to Trump is the adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

A 3rd party vote this election is basically a half vote for both of those candidates. If there's any election to pick one of the main parties, it's this election for sure. A vote for is also a vote against.


This mindset is the only thing keeping the duopoly in power. I've heard this line during every election since I was old enough to pay attention; "maybe next election you can vote your conscious, but this election you have to vote against X"

43% of Americans identify as independent. But they all listen to their friends that keep spreading the lie that voting third party is casting a vote for 'the enemy'. Stop it. You are helping to perpetuate the oppression we all want to get rid of.

Fall in line and do what you're told.


No, it's not.

I have a feeling some big leaks will come out after she elected..

They are coming starting Monday.

There are rumors that the 30k deleted emails are going to leak by November and will "destroy" the entire DNC. We shall see.

I'm so looking forward to it, my heart will implode if it's anything less.

IMO This massive leak/take down is Humanities last best chance.

How likely is that really? Her system would have had to be entirely compromised way back before any of this came to light in order for someone to have backed up copies before they were deleted. It's not impossible, but its a long shot.

IF what is already known isn't enough, then what could be unknown to be enough? You could have video footage of Hillary gunning down black children of some remote african tribe while taking a strap-on to Huma Abadin and calling all women deplorable and the feminists would still think she's their champion.

Just like there is absolutely nothing Hillary Clinton could possibly ever do to earn my vote, there is absolutely nothing Hillary Clinton could possibly do to lose votes or face consequences for her actions.

There's already enough evidence for a fair court to condemn her to public hanging, yet she's a free woman competing for president.

Probably combetta made a back up copy. I know i would.

I thought they started a week ago? Is someone else going to be leaking?

James O'Keefe has zero credibility. Anything he says should be heavily vetted and scrutinized.

The ACORN videos led to prosecutions so can you elaborate?

The ACORN videos were hardly evidence of anything. When the unedited videos were requested, a longer but still edited cut was provided. That is the definition of intentionally deceptive.

The ACORN videos led to prosecutions so can you elaborate?

Can you cite what you mean by this as it related to James O'Keefe's work? Because the GAO findings fundamentally disagree with your assertion.

yeah he fucked himself with the Planned parenthood stunt.

Yeah, then she'll go to Prison and Obama will call for a state of emergency or something and no new president will be appointed Jan 20th.

I feel they'd have no choice but to bring in Bernie if she was arrested. But the chances of them actually going through with that are so low it almost doesn't matter

Wouldn't she burn this motherfucker down, pookie, if she was arrested? Isn't that what most of the establishment is afraid of and why they support her so?

I just feel like she won't go down, because she wouldn't allow it to be only her and the others know this to their core.

we have lost. cia has her in

No they won't, they will continue to sweep it all under the rug for her.

If you think they toe her party line now, just wait until she's actually president with the full powers of the executive branch at her disposal.

With Obama in the office, she already effectively has the powers of the executive.

Ultimately she will fail. No one is willing to die for her. She has no Revolutionary Guard. Their ideological army are a bunch of safe space losers. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have believed any of this shit. I'm now 100% woke. I'll bring my hammer to erect the gallows on the national mall.

There are a great many useful idiots serving the beast 'for a paycheck'. They will continue to do what they are told.

Eh, I wish, but doubt it. The media is going to continue to pile onto Trump with illusory crimes while ignoring Hillary's/DNC's real crimes. She's going to be POTUS and the next 8 years are going to suck.

Only if Trump's support waivers.

True. If anything I think all of this MSM piling onto Trump makes them even more steadfast to vote for him.

Exactly, despite all the polls. Remember, feels > reals.

Ditto. She has been anointed.

the word they used was 'Coronation'

That's appropriate.

I'd like to think so but I think it's just certain political pundits on both side using this very unique time in history to attract as many eyeballs and make as much money as possible from the lookieloos. It's like church-goers waiting for the Apocalypse every week now.

Like I said, I think it'll be much more predictable and staid: Hillary wins by 8-10 points and runs an extremely destructive campaign as POTUS for at least 4 years where the liberal MSM defends the crap out of her policies every step of the way.

I hope it's all coming these next two weeks. But I mean if you would've asked me three days ago, I would've told you there's nothing that can stop Hillary. But I think these people really have some shit that will lead to mass unrest if Hillary is not removed. I hope they have enough info to take down the media too

Hey, man. I'll be happy as hell if these leaks lead to a bomb that takes down Hillary. I just don't see it happening. I'm much more cynical in regards to the corruption and political machinations brewing within the MSM. All we can do now is be aware of its existence but I think the book is already written as far as Hillary becoming POTUS.

Sorry I'm just linking you to Reddit shit but I have a feeling wikileaks and James O'Keefe were one step ahead of them. I think the Clintons were very sloppy with their communications and their ruthlessness and Assange and O'Keefe have proof that will take her down and wake the people up. I think the media will be held accountable and I hope maybe in the future there will be laws to prevent manipulation by the media. Who knows. Obviously this is just my last hope. Either way, things are going to get ugly very quickly if Hillary becomes president. With trump out of the picture and Hillary in office, the people will not put up with her. Her and her family and friends have become too sadistic and evil for their own good and the people can see it without trump blinding them. And Hillary will go to war with Russia as soon as she gets the chance.

Their power and detachment made them over-confident and complacent. It will be their downfall.

Exactly. There are many "coincidences" that are all about to come together and become known. These two weeks are going to contain some of the defining moments in 25 years.

I've told people, remember when 9/11 happened and everything stopped? It's going to be like that but even bigger.

Yeah but now we know it's coming and can try to stop it

I mean the news, the reaction to the massive level of corruption and deceit. It's going to be bigger than the JFK assassination.

Do you really think it'll be that big? I'm just so defeated it's so crystal clear the media is just a branch of the gov and H's bitch/mouthpiece, sometimes I wonder if they'd ignore it as past leaks.

It would have to massive in scale to the point where social media is flooded with the revelation, only then could I see the Media feeling forced to cover it.

I believe it is possible. I'm a rational and reasonable person. I thought all the 9/11 was an inside job people were nuts for years. I was wrong. I'll add something I posted earlier. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have believed any of this shit. I'm now 100% woke. I'll bring my hammer to erect the gallows on the national mall.

Wow lmao I read your earlier comment when browsing conspiracy at work on mobile, I lurk super hard since I don't have it logged in.

Your comment is nice and all, but how, when, the game is rigged against us. There's rampant corruption exposed yet almost no one talks about because the news doesn't talk about it.

I tell people about the leaks sometimes and I swear I'll get a response like "Wow well if that's true...I mean where did you hear that?" and I'm always like fuck man, google it. It's there you simply have to want to see it

If you are old enough remember what Slick Willy did when the Lewinsky thing broke out. I will give you a clue: "The missile strikes began three days after Clinton was called to testify before a grand jury during the Lewinsky scandal" Expect something similar here.

What kinda shit we talkin' bout? I really really hope it's something that's somehow unforeseen by 'them' that forces their hand.

Even if it's basically them sacrificing her to momentarily appease us, I am soooo game. I would have an endorphin buzz for like 2 solid weeks.

Read this. This is what I'm talking about. But Obama is likely the kingpin holding them back and they will expose his involvement a couple days before the election.

Okay I've read that post (thank you though) but where is Obama implicated, I understand he has possibly lied about the timing of his knowing of Hilary doing certain shady shit like that?

But what is going to bring down Obama and his "record high approval rating"?

The reason FBI Comey did not indite Hillary is because he knew it would lead to Obama being exposed. The 33,000 emails deleted are between Hillary and Obama doing very corrupt things. That post has some more predictions regarding videos and Bill Clinton rape confirmations and election fraud and so on. It is all coming together. All the different facts, coincidences, and predictions are all lining up and will be executed between Monday and the election. I am hoping it will give reason for impeachment and serious reform.

"Ahhh I see said the blind man". What a bitch out by Comey, I don't respect that decision even if it would cause us to look 'weak' on a international stage, as a nation we have freaked out on a President over much much less.

I thought his decision was purely based upon being him being interwoven with H, but that is sooo much more interesting, I wonder the specifics on Obama because as of now his legacy is relatively untarnished in the public eye and I get such a large feeling that he really does care and take pride in his "legacy".

Not sure how much I believe a tape of Bill will be released but I totally the election fraud being wide open, I'm still worried these two assholes are "too big to f(j)ail" and nothing will really get done because of who and what they know within our government...

I mean the reason Comey said not to indite was because they didn't do it with knowledge or on purpose. But it's been proven now that they did have intent and FBI executives have come out saying that everyone was down to take out Hillary and everyone was pissed when Comey made his executive decision to not indite.

The Clintons and their bosses have trillions of dollars riding on their house of cards. And a lot of it is going to be exposed in the next two weeks. I doubt it will all get resolved but like I said, we will wait and see. There is just so much that I have watched, read, and studied the last months with the leaks, connecting the dots, and it is pretty obvious that wikileaks and the trump campaign have been one step ahead and waiting for the "last two weeks" to systematically crush them without a chance to recover before the election is supposed to take place. The Clintons are crumbling by the day and are supposed to be finished by the election. We will see how it plays out.

Hope so, what a time to be alive.


There'll be civil war before that.

It wont last 8 years. I give 1 year till she pushed the red button and nukes the planet.

WSJ is super tame right now. They aren't putting it in the news section, they're putting it in the opinion section. The first 80% of the article is discussing the "Russians", and the last 20% covers the leaks, but only the least damning.

They're trying to do as little as possible and still call themselves "objective".

Progress is progress, I think. It's a step further.

Baby steps.

This people! Someone please complie a database of all these sold out fuckers to people can call them out every.single. time these fuckers ever tried to be self righteous again. They have sold their trust, never again.

The database is the US mainstream media.

Some how I don't think the oligarchy will turn their back on their chosen oligarch... too much for them on the line. They could care less about public opinion, as long as they continue raping and pillaging the citizenry to make their profits.

Be careful not to crucify people. We need unity. Be patient and aim for absolute truth in everything.

Absolute truth isn't realistic. I'm a probabilities guy, especially when the info is limited

Ya I know, all I'm saying is try. Some people are opportunitists and they will jump ship to the winning team. We need to figure out a way to handle this. First thing first, TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK!

We want a fair election, and so far we have not had that. To make matters worse, it now appears the electronic voting system is compromised in a presidential election where the leading two of the four candidates are running such conspicuous activities as to prompt grand jurys to properly weight in. The way I see it, the only way to make this election fair is to move to indict Trump and Clinton, thereby permitting a short time for the nation to validly consider all parties as a winnable option, both electoral and general.

In your dreams. They are so in league with the elites and corporations who own them (media and our govt) nothing will make them jump ship. No one cares about treason, or her lies because Trump is a chauvinist.

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An ama by James O'Keefe stating he has video proof of election fraud and other damning evidence. Wikileaks has been waiting until the last two weeks to dump the rest of their stockpile including emails between Hillary and Obama. They will be taken down. Systematically and with purpose

I'm looking at you bill maher, rachel maddow, don lemon, Stephen Colbert, Samantha bee, Trevor Noah, John Oliver. These clowns are just the ones off the top of my head.

We need a extensive & detailed list with names and companies!

shit is about to go down folks.


Does Google have tailored search suggestions or is that going to come up for anyone who types her name into the search bar?


The four suggestions I got were:

  • age
  • twitter
  • polls
  • vp

If they condemn and disavow before November 8, I'll probably forgive them. After November 8 and they will receive no forgiveness and no business from me.

Anointing POTUS is only one of the ways they fuck you. The entire system is rigged. The Fed, Congress, the justice system. Your local politicians and law enforcement are all bought and paid for.

I'll probably forgive them.

Don't forgive until they are legitimately repentant, and I mean repentant. It's a mistake (which some of us have to learn the really hard way), to "forgive and forget" too easily, while there are actual psychopaths out there.

Remember, psychopaths have no conscience. Everything they do is a matter of what's convenient and what will benefit them. They don't care if other people are hurt - at all!

You do no one any favors, least of all yourself, by forgiving too easily.

Well, if they do this that is the only way to keep everything stable at the moment, which I think is the most important thing considering the scary direction she is trying to go down with Russia. Another important thing to consider is if there is extreme turmoil in the political process here, whether influenced or not; other countries will use it to their advantage perhaps in land/resource conquest since we will be too ensnared here at home to care. If the DNC and the inner government agreed about this and used her as the fall person, it would be in everyone's best interests and the best possible outcome.

Doesn't make it 100% ok but this might be our best hope. What happens afterwards would be anyone's guess except I don't see a war happening if this is the case

Look at the front page of Google News. Now look at the US subcategory.

Notice how none of the articles mention Hillary (in a negative capacity) or so much as mention the word Wikileaks?

She has a blank check. She'll never be incriminated, regardless of the evidence.

Do not forget, do not forgive.

Exactly this.

Words of Truth

What do i get if you're wrong? (I need a raincoat.)

Nothing is happening to HRC. Nothing.

I wish something would happen, but it isn't. None of this stuff is having the desired effect. It's too late.

Too late.


I'm up for forgiving. I think they've learned their lesson and doubt they'll do it again. Brian Williams is back on the air and hasn't been caught in a lie for ages!

The train isn't stopping.

How silly! Like my "forgiveness" means anything.

You don't know your own power.

Yes... yes I do.

Username checks out.

left knee?

right knee?

wee knee?

Three knees = much power.

Where would they turn to, though? All of their eggs are in her basket. It's too late for Biden to swoop in. They hate Trump. It's still in TPTB's best interest to have an obedient figurehead like her running the show, even if most of the country knows she's corrupt. No revolution broke out under George Bush, mind you.

What is Google doing to save themselves? I'm sorry, I'm just not sure.

Media Corporations rely on Fortune 500 for business. Fortune 500 is behind HRC. Doubtful they change?

O please, my lord and savior, help me to further open my third eye. Will Russia send the nukes soon after?

They are just one of the many rats abandoning a sinking ship. You're right, I expect to see many others disavow her as the leaks keep coming. It's a good way to judge if she's still in control or her grip is slipping.

When this post completely fails to materialize, everyone will forget it happened and by default forgive. Just like happened with all of Alex Jones lies about an Obama presidency. Don't let it happen again.

Please. Criminals win elections all the time. No one is going anywhere. Clinton is your next president just as intended almost a decade ago.

Nah, I think Clinton is going to be made to win.

Was this sub always anti-Hillary and pro-trump? Was it something more intelligent at some point in the past?

Is this just a wing of the Trump subreddit?

We still have time for her to step down, and for Democrats to appoint Bernie Sanders as nominee.

They can start by righting she ship and NO ONE but Bernie can beat Trump this election. No one.

That's the only way I'll vote Democrat for president.

Donald Trump remains a danger in the way an authoritarian right-wing populist "revolutionary" can sweep in and become a Mussolini or a Hitler when a country's people feel oppressed and economically insecure by "the establishment". This same story has happened many many times in the past.

It is now up to the Democrats at the top to realize this, but also to realize that the macabre and corrupt Clintons will not win this election.

I upvoted you, pal. Needs to be said.

ha very over dramatic. I'll see you in a month sailor hahaha

Anointing POTUS is only one of the ways they fuck you. The entire system is rigged. The Fed, Congress, the justice system. Your local politicians and law enforcement are all bought and paid for.

I'll probably forgive them.

Don't forgive until they are legitimately repentant, and I mean repentant. It's a mistake (which some of us have to learn the really hard way), to "forgive and forget" too easily, while there are actual psychopaths out there.

Remember, psychopaths have no conscience. Everything they do is a matter of what's convenient and what will benefit them. They don't care if other people are hurt - at all!

You do no one any favors, least of all yourself, by forgiving too easily.

Yes, because they are obedient.