(Stuff found/need confirmation) Hey guys, I want to bring something to everyone's attention.

103  2016-10-17 by Plz_Pm_Me_Cute_Fish

go to here EDIT: Direct link: Pastebindirect

This user was deleted soon after for releasing this, what the fuck is that?

EDIT: also this:



EDIT: We also have Russian bank accounts being frozen: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37677020

and a mock drill for nuclear war: https://twitter.com/DWSIntel/status/787691917983289344

What the fuck is happening.


******Hi, I am a user who does his own thing, I like to constructively communicate and be logical with my discussion as best as I can, and admit my mistakes.

I was on a thread, this one specifically, with a fellow user, we were simply testing if what he had stated within his thread was true, all I did was go to r/The_Donald, and I typed in: "Trump needs to bring this up at the next debate" as, we wanted to see if the message would be removed. There was no harassment involved, just honestly testing to see if his theory/conspiracy was true (we were in r/conspiracy).

I then received this PM roughly 30 seconds later: "You have been automatically banned for participating in a "safe place for people who hate Muslims". /r/the_donald systemically harasses individuals and communities, including this one. An overwhelming majority of subreddits in this list have already been ""quarantined"" or banned by Reddit. Content and activity you provide to the hatereddit harms this community due to Reddit's algorithms and breaks our rules. We are willing to reverse the ban only if you will completely disengage from these hatereddits. If you will not immediately cooperate with our rules, then do not contact us; we will ignore any other response."

This is pure, and utter harassment. I did nothing to speak negatively to no one, including Muslims. They technically suddenly harassed me, within a separate community. The content, and activity within r/The_Donald was not harmful to anyone, and did not break a single rule, their algorithm hunted me down in a separate subreddit for something unrelated to their obvious bias.

I will gladly co-operate with their rules, but I would rather run this by the admins, as they openly harass people for literally nothing.

I would understand if I was EVER subscribed to r/The_Donald (I have never been(to my knowledge)), that this would be a little bit more understandable, but it is not. Please look into this, this is abuse, and I have no clue what "You've just met the ctr reddit sleeper cell. Clinton's terrorist organization." means, but I think you should look into this as well. I hope you have a great day. I will not submit anything to the moderators at r/offmychest, I do not want them to feel as if they are being harassed.******

Fuck r/offmychest.

Reddit is fully compromised, anyone to think they can pass information on here safely is stupid. This was downvoted immediately here: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/57zjgp/the_moderation_teams_for_rthe_donald_and_rvote/d8w9k02

It has been upvoted by a few fellow users. <3.

EDIT: 1 month later, sitting at 104 karma, lets see where its at next month if they haven't admitted he's gone yet.


It's been a fun ride guys. Best of luck to everyone.

Before you go, where will you hide?

I won't. I've always speculated, growing up, that there has to be a last generation of mankind. I mean nothing lasts forever. If it is to be the case, I'll go out as an observer and nothing more. Might see some pretty lights in the sky, or maybe just a giant flash... Who knows?

Humans are pretty terrible and unsustainable, as a whole, so its probably for the best.

Maybe as a whole. But even then I think that is debatable. I actually think most people are just so caught up in the whirlwind that they are being swept along. I don't think that makes them inherently terrible though.

"The only thing neccesarry for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

That's part of our predicament though. On an individual level, were we to stand up and do something we would be locked away or disposed of. And unfortunately, a united effort by the people hasn't happened yet. And all attempts in the past decade or so have been subverted. Look at occupy wall-street for instance. Together we stand, divided we fall. And they have done such a wonderful job of divide and conquer, that no one is prepared to work together. The left is so hateful of the right, and vice versa, that it is nearly impossible. And if that's not your thing, there are plenty of races to hate, or religions, or man vs woman. Christ, they now have a plethora of genders to chose from to stir that particular pot. Point is, there is no shortage of division, but I see very little that brings people together anymore.

we always return. Ice age, then in a couple thousand years we return, learn to sing and think, find god, share the joy with others in a book THE LAW, then promptly destroy ourselves by forgetting these pleasures.


We lasted through multiple world-ending cataclysms. We'll make it through this one.

I won't allow it.

Can I have your stuff?

yup.... completely went through and broke down that thread earlier, it was just a warning sent to John kerry (US), Ecuador, and the UK, letting them know (and provided something (people were calling them hashes? Idk)) the information he had was legit.

This (thread) lines up with after that. They took the threat seriously.

So, I wonder, does this incriminating evidence's key, exist if they got Assange and some others? I can't imagine they got it all.

Also main news networks in the UK as of today are covering the 'Battle of Mosul' on the front page. War is coming. Something big has certainly happened in the last 12 hours, those posts you provide could be an explanation but we need confirmation. I live near an airbase and have noticed loads of activity in the last month or two compared to the general quietness over the past few years.

Anything strange within the last 12 hours? A lot of people have been talking about odd air traffic for the last 12 hours in various threads.

Not 'strange', but the fighter jets are overhead often.


Anonymous posted:

"I rotate through Diego Garcia every 6 weeks to pull maintenance on uplink equipment as a private contractor.

Something big is going on, the island has more aircraft than anytime in the last 9 years. They have blocked off some access roads and are now parking aircraft on the road. Barriers have been set up around the aircraft areas. Temporary barracks and hangers are popping up everywhere. A tent city full of AF and Navy maintenance personnel has also been set up.

I have never seen B1s and B2s there at the same time. Actually I have never seen more than 1 there at a time.

Security is nuts I had to show my id at least 8 times a day

My coworker is former AF and said they are like that when nukes are around. We counted over a dozen air refueling tankers on the ground. The airfield had a take off or landing every 15 minutes, very busy. When we flew out we waited in line for quite a while. We never had to wait in the past.

The Navy had the docks full of ships and 6 to 8 more were moored just off shore. We watched many pallets of bombs being off loaded from one ship.

There were a bunch of B-52's coming in that were painted flat black. I have not seen that before.

So are we headed to war again?"


Diego Garcia... isn't that where some people believe the Malaysian flight ended up?

Seriously, I just had to Google that location name and this article came up, freaking crazy ass - no pun intended!


Tried to search according to the cordinates at the bottom of the article, could not find any plane, google maps updated?

Diego Garcia

yep, some say that. IF so then quite a few people would be in the event since it is not exactly really hidden or large.


I started another thread with everything I could remember off the top of my head.

Hey dude, do you have any new info on what was going on?

I believe that with Trump being elected the Obama war machine started to stand down but I don't put past the outgoing administration to push a few buttons to let Trump try to clean it up.

Thanks dude.

Ever hear of the element of surprise?

Is it time to wank yet? Unzips expectantly....

About the pastebin text, I want to be optimistic about the fact that he's alive and still in the Embassy.

So in light of this, know that journalists will sometimes write two versions of a story in advance of a major event. This way, they can be "fastest to market" by just observing if A was elected, or B was elected, then they just publish the appropriate article version. I realize this dude is not a journalist, but this is my shred of hope that he's still protected from extradition or assassination in the embassy.

That's really not a positive find. I guess this is why he has the dead man's switch, for this eventuality

Be safe I'm on the ride to kek

We will see.

What the hell is Vigilant Shield and Global Thunder?

Apparently (I am not 100% sure) it is a military exercise to simulate nuclear war, its an exercise apparently.

What do you think, false flag in the making or more along the lines of Jade Helm?

I don't care about what I think, I know that it all is an attempt to make a giant corrupt one world order/government, they need WW3 for depopulation reasons, and there are soo many distractions, even the shills sometimes believe their own material (alex jones).

True and fair enough.

Global Thunder

GLOBAL THUNDER is an annual command and control exercise designed to train Department of Defense forces, assess joint operational readiness and validate the command’s ability to identify and mitigate attacks across all of USSTRATCOM’s mission areas, with a specific focus on cyber, space, missile defense, and nuclear readiness.



To add context to this, I was posting about the dangers of taking on syrian "refugees" aiming to show users the vast Rapes of german girls in masse over newyears 2015 -

I was written and told By reddit THis is not a place for free speech, and that this was a Private company - (Referring to all of reddit).

So technically I think the greater picture is that reddit itself is compromised, and or complicit to the Muslim movement as a whole, and that any party which seeks to validate a concern; Is essentially a threat to their goals and objectives -

That is really all I can say is that this is a pr website and within it subs like conspiracy are open forums only to the extent they "play along" - I respect the mods in this community, and I would be interested to see the level of B.S. they put up with as the real MVP's standing up to our users "rights" to assemble here.

IMO they also are being used (the mods here). To essentially file reports on users in their postings, which the greater bulk of reddit will use against them in algorithms which segregate "critical thinkers" from articles that are easily taken apart by anyone other then the "spoon fed". (Think HRC followers).

So even though the mods here are legit. It would be my opinion that we are still being selectively stripped from our free speech in its entirety, and in the future it will be harder and harder to actually work against this totalitarian system.

What did everyone think would happen once "MSM" starting losing ratings? This website has been infiltrated for a while now. The influence grew clear to many during the debates. Now they are back in maintenance mode.

This Napster of a forum will be supplanted with a propaganda ministers worst nightmare.

I'm unclear. You were banned from /r/conspiracy or another sub?

Who sent you the PM? A moderator or an admin or just a user harassing you?

This is from r/offmychest, ignore the bottom section altogether, fuck r/offmychest.

Help us Pepe

Offmychest banned me as well for the same reason

This is from r/offmychest, ignore the bottom section altogether, fuck r/offmychest.