What could Happen if the US ends up with a crazy man like Trump?

0  2016-10-17 by thetruthhurts2016

Well, for those of you who aren't familiar with Andrew Jackson check out the Video. What few mention is that he killed the Federal Reserve(well at least the first version) and is one of, if not the only presidents to pay of the national debt.


I'm not saying Trump could or would do the same, but never underestimate the power of a madman. Sometimes when you have a crazy world, perhaps a man who is crazy is the only one who isn't out of his element.

Seriously though, Jackson was 10x crazier, (more?) /racist and legitimately violent and dangerous. They even had to remove his parrot from his funeral because it was swearing compulsively.


Remember that Hillary Clinton is guilty of Treason, Murder and a whole lot of other crimes. She will take America (and the rest of the world) into World War III - the real version. Trump is only guilty of being a load mouth and a pussy grabber. Is Trump really so crazy a choice?

Well when you put it that way I suppose not, lol.

I love how everyone is concerned that he might be friends with Putin. Isn't that a good thing? Why the fuck would we not want to try and resolve things with Russia?

I love how everyone is concerned that he might be friends with Putin. Isn't that a good thing?

Yes, it most certainly is. Contrary to what you read in the Main Stream Media (MSM), Putin is actually a sane and responsible adult - which is more than can be said of almost all of the United States politicians.

Why the fuck would we not want to try and resolve things with Russia?

Because certain "sanity challenged" people (see above) want to provoke war in order to advance their evil and insane personal agendas.

I was asking rhetorically, but thank you for the support. xd : )

They both are equally bad. The fact that anyone can rationalize either candidate and look totally past the option of "neither" indicates a very sorry state of affairs that borders on hopelessness in my eyes.

They both are equally bad. The fact that anyone can rationalize either candidate and look totally past the option of "neither" indicates a very sorry state of affairs that borders on hopelessness in my eyes.

One will lead directly to World Wide Thermonuclear War and the other will not. That is all that matters to me. All that other shit is just circus dressing and background noise - and thus irrelevant.

The fact that I don't know exactly who you are talking about leads me to believe my point stands.

The fact that I don't know exactly who you are talking about leads me to believe my point stands.

You do not read the news (or my previous posts)? I am, obviously, referring to that crazy bitch Hillary Clinton.

I do read the news.

I don't think we should pretend that Trump isn't 100% capable of acting exactly as Hillary has in her tenure if he is elected

It's hilarious to think that Clinton and Trump aren't actors for the same organization.

Trying to argue that one is better than the other is asinine when they have the same agenda and what America needs is something different entirely.

Disagreement is okay.

Let me boil this down to brass tacks. I don't give a shit who gets elected. I just don't want to die in Nuclear War! The Russians aren't the bad guys here...The United States is! Trump will not start a nuclear war...even if he is in the same camp as Hillary. Trump can't be bought...Hillary can. Get it?

implying Trump can't be bought.

This is where our perspectives differ.

Also I'm not certain that 1. Trump won't make the same or similar foreign affair decisions as Hillary and 2. Things with the Russians can be settled at this point no matter who the president.

Trump won't make the same or similar foreign affair decisions as Hillary

Trump is a businessman. He likes money. Killing everyone on earth is not a good way to make money. Hillary Clinton is a psychopath and thoroughly criminal. Therefore she is very likely to see to it that we all die in a horrible, radiation saturated, gory death (for those not lucky enough to be at ground zero). She is batshit crazy.

Things with the Russians can be settled at this point no matter who the president.

Yes they can. All that is needed is for the United States to stop fucking with other countries and stop provoking Russia. The United States Military needs to go home and stay there! They are, after all, called the Department of the Defense.

While I don't disagree, the sensationalism you've included in your description of Hillary deludes the fact that in actuality she is a business woman as well, it's this businessperson attitude that worships capitalism above all that is demeaning the American economy and image on a global scale and it's an attitude that her and Trump share.

In my opinion it's this attitude that we need to abandon as Americans if we want any real and positive change. The answer does not lie with Clinton or Trump.

The answer does not lie with Clinton or Trump.

The alternatives?


there are alternatives but it's going to take the mobilization of the American people to realize them.

I'm wondering how people are unable to look past the options given to us by criminalilized political mobs and see that there are alternatives to our current model of government.

In my mind it's a system of direct democracy where we lead and policy ourselves instead of relying on the elect to do a job that they clearly have been neglecting. Our options are basically unlimited.

there are alternatives but it's going to take the mobilization of the American people to realize them.

The American people are never going to mobilize. Not as long as there are working iPhones, TV, gas for the gas guzzlers, sports and lots of disgusting food on the store shelves and in McDonald's. In short - distractions. This is by design. The people are in a prison and they don't have a clue. The elite folks who actually run the country know this and perpetuate it intentionally.

I'm wondering how people are unable to look past the options given to us by criminalilized political mobs and see that there are alternatives to our current model of government.

They can't. That is the purpose of propaganda - to lie (or suppress the truth) about any viable alternatives. The people at the top (Politicians, Central Bankers, Military leaders...etc "elites") like it this way and will fight to everyone's death to make it stay this way.

"Never" is a strong word. Especially as the illusionary effects of propoganda fade and the results of a fiercely capitalistic foreign policy and a zombified economy reveal themselves.

This election is a quickening process.

But you're right, it's most likely hopeless.

"Never" is a strong word.

97 years and counting. You might want to research the late Edward Bernays. He was the nephew of the famous Sigmund Freud. Edward Bernays invented propaganda and the "consumer society" that we find ourselves in today. So, yes, "never" is a strong word but it seems to be holding so far.

Especially as the illusionary effects of propoganda fade and the results of a fiercely capitalistic foreign policy and a zombified economy reveal themselves.

This is exactly one of the reasons for the elite to start a world war. If/when the people actually wake up, the elite don't want to be "tarred and feathered"...and so a world war is the perfect misdirect.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful but how can you rationalize Trump as being anything other than the "elite" that you reference?

how can you rationalize Trump as being anything other than the "elite" that you reference?

Regardless of what he is or is not, he doesn't want to start a war. His willingness to persue peace is all I need to know. His other qualities - for better or worse - don't matter.

I wish I could come to the same conclusions you have.

I believe your trust in Trump to be misplaced and I see no meaningful evidence that would convince me that Trump is anti-war.

Reguardess of what Trump will or will not do, this is a troubling time for us all and I wish you the best. Finding conversation as civil as this was is a rarity on the Internet and I appreciate and respect your conduct.

no, they are both bad, but not equally.

Even Jill Stein endorse Trump by saying a vote for Hillary is a vote for nuclear war. They are no way equal on shittiness. Trump is an entertainer, Hillary is a killer. Your hopelessness is merely a case of myopia.

Crazy? He's crazy like a fox.

never underestimate the power of a madman.

never underestimate the power of a physically infirm madwoman.

hillary clinton is a psychopath. she would kill millions to keep herself in power.

I think by now most the world understands donald trump, and congress will keep him in check. If anything he will lsst 18ish months before quitting cause he realized the president cant do anything he wants without help.

So really its clinton vs pence this election. And if you took away his gay bashing and buring aborted fetuses. He aint that bad.

What he might do: Dissolve Congress and suspend the Supreme Court. Dress up in a military uniform. Arrest any media figure he doesn't like.