Ironic how Hillary say you can't let Trump in the White House as he would use the power of the state for his own ends. Yet today Hillary actually used the power of the state to attack Wikileaks and target an individual, Assange, who was revealing the truth about her corruption and hypocrisy

1349  2016-10-17 by Fuckyousantorum

Some people wrongly think Ecuador stopping Assange's internet somehow means the US is off the hook. The US has been pressurising Ecuador since July to censure Assange. Wikileaks even tweeted as such. Today, the US finally got their way. Check this out here



America is becoming Oceania.


You need to read the book again (or at all?) if you think the USA is anything like Oceania

Ironic how 2 families are passing the highest offices and appointments back and forth between their own wives, sons, and family friends/donors, and the only "opposition" candidates are somehow related to those families.

Trump is a clinton donor/family friend and Bill's golfing buddy, surprise surprise he was set up to completely take over her opposition and "run against" a Clinton. Kind of like how Bush II was set up to "run against" his own frat brother and fellow Bonesman, Al Gore.

the scariest part is how involved people become in their belief that this is an actual political contest between actual opposition candidates. It's like Putin setting up an election to run his wife against his donor/buddy, just seems so obvious that it's BS, but somehow people don't realize it because no one on television has ever pointed it out for them. You'd think maybe people would go "hmm, that's a little fishy" - instead they go "go clinton II!" or "go trump!! omg!!". It's like watching people cheering for their favorite football team.

It's obvious now that Trump has gone rogue and this theory holds not much merit any longer. There's no way anyone controlled would say the things he's saying, have the entire establishment media attacking him nonstop, and both political parties lined up against him, while funding his own campaign. We should all be supporting Trump for the countries sake. You are helping Hillary win by constantly saying these unfounded claims about Trump.

Unless!... he's been set up/paid to say those things by the Clintons (reference to "Bill's golfing buddy") to make HRC look like the better candidate and slingshot her into the White House. He has proven that he will do anything for money - so making himself look like a total ass to help Hillary win doesn't seem too ridiculous to me. And oh boy do the Clintons have the money to send his way. No way to confirm or deny any of this, but "supporting Trump for the countries sake" is not only supporting bigotry and violence - but will lead to an outcome as potentially awful as if the Clinton/Bush's continue to run our country.
We need a complete overhaul and political revolution to end the shitstorm we've been living in for decades now. Or else complete anarchy to open everyone's eyes to the truth behind our corrupt and devastating system. And remember - every empire's days are numbered. It's only a matter of time before the US empire falls with the rest of them. I just hope it's before we all go extinct from climate change or nuclear war.

Ever watched a celebrity roast?

People need to quit it with this "he's gone rogue" bullshit. He's been making an ass out of himself since day 1 and is an idiot and racist. He incites our privileged white middle class to keep up the oppression on minorities. Also he thinks Global Warming is a fucking hoax. He's a buffoon and he wouldn't deserve a shit sandwich if he was starving.

You watch too much MSM. Anyone taking on the establishment would be made to look like a monster. People are so easily led.

I watch actually 0 MSM and do all of my own research on unbiased sources. Honestly people have got to stop using the same cliche ad hominem attacks on people who see Trump for who he really is.

I live in New York and have been following Trump probably longer than you've been alive. I think I know who he is. Amazing how everyone forgot all the good things he's done. He was known for having a heart of gold in New York City for most of his life. Did you see Stefan Molyneux's the Untruth About Donald Trump? You are totally misinformed so the propaganda has gotten to you somehow.

Lol nice edit. I'm sorry but I judge him for what he does. His actions and words are both mysoginistic and racist and NOONE told me to think that but ME. You realize he has been planted BY Hillary Clinton as a pied piper and he will not and can not win the election. no matter how much support he gains.

Nowadays those insults of misogynist and racist are so broad you can stick it on almost anyone and for any ridiculous reason. This is how I know you are fully brainwashed and indoctrinated. You used to not be able to get away with this bs so easily. The public schools and social Marxist colleges sure are churning them out.

I didn't go to public school, or college. So....

No one is defending Trump and calling him a saint. He just appears to be one when standing next to Hillary.

Yeah at least he doesn't actually cause the death of others.

I cant think of a single human being that doesnt deserve a sandwich if he/she were starving. What they deserve afterwards is another story.

Hyperbole is a cruel mistress. I'd feed any starving man, but Trump embodies the soul of what I think is wrong with the world so I can't not hate him.

The things you hate most in trump are the things you hate about yourself

Lol. He's a vile disgusting mysogynist, racist. Like, hmmm, I'm not rich, I've never had any money, I live with Mexicans (rapists according to Trump), I never got any handouts or one-ups (big 1m loan). I have a full head of hair, and I'm unemployed. Where are you basing your assumptions on? Like seriously who the fuck is like Trump? The only people who want him elected want a platform to hate and oppress. It's horrible and I despise him for giving hateful people a reason to think they are right.

That's truly unfortunate you have so much hate in your heart. I was unemployed to for a while things will get better.

I have nothing but Love in my heart. Which is what brings on so much anger when I am faced with intolerance and hatred. You are an oppressor. You may not think so but tacit consent to the institution is enough.

Like I said what you hate in trump is what you hate in yourself. You are intolerant to Trump as he Trump is intolerant to immigration and terrorists. You two have a lot in common, I believe that's a good thing.

Your "priviliged white middle class" comment makes it fairly easy to see you as you are; an ignorant racist bigot. Try to conceal your vitriol better next time.

I'm a privileged white and I can accept that. Like, it's not flagellation I'm just trying to make known the social structures that have been it place that oppress people. It makes me angry when white people ignore it, because they feel righteous that they did nothing wrong. It isn't about that! It's about realizing our society and government are in the fucking shitter and we need to do something about it before Hillary or Trump is elected. Moving towards acceptance and tolerance, love and peace. Away from war-mongering and the capitalistic mind control system we have been accustomed to.

Ok... let me explain something. There is no place in the world where privilege doesn't exist for one cast or another.

So you feel that you are slightly more privileged in the area you reside due to existing social structures. This is why people are calling you brainwashed. Pick an "unprivileged" minority class and visit a country in which they are the majority and then tell me about your privilege.

The fact is you can't abolish privilege. Privilege exists on so many levels for as many different reasons. Language, looks, money, talent, etc, etc, etc.... how could anyone hope to wage a war on human nature on such a grand scale?

Oh right.. they won't but they will convince you to wage a war upon yourself by making you feel guilty for the crimes of THEIR ancestors.

I don't feel guilty, I see the structure for how it is and I don't ignore it.

Classic guilt. I'm so lucky and these poor people suffer because of how lucky I am.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong but that's how it comes off.

You realize of course that laws are put in place that benefit the caste system. (Caste not cast.) If we had someone who acknowledged this and took steps to combat it we would have a better future, in America and in the entire world. I'm not content with sitting idly by and (what you do) just make shitty reddit comments saying "oh that's just how things are, we can't change it" that's BULLSHIT. we can change the world. We can make things better for everyone. We can level the playing ground. But to white people who have always been on the upper ground, when you LOWER their side to RAISE the other side, they see it as oppression. Which it isnt. We need a movement towards acceptance and tolerance and love and true equality. Trump stands for the opposite of all of these things. He stands for the people who want to keep things the way they are. Shit is fucked up and I refuse to allow nothing to change.

Ya. An e. Luckily communication is a tool meant to exchange info. If you understand what someone is saying, they are using it correctly.

I acknowledge the legislation in place that benefits the wealthy over the poor, but I don't see any extreme benefits to being white in current conditions. I think the pendulum has swung and it doesn't anger me. Eventually everyone can attain a common ground but it's going to take everyone communicating in a more honest way instead of regurgitating the msm sensationalism of the week or dismantling progressive conversations with cries of bigotry.

Well he is an ass who is out for his own best interests. I'll buy that. But most of the rest of what you said is crap

  1. He is no more racist than anyone else.

  2. You don't acquire as much wealth as he has by being stupid.

  3. White middle class Americans aren't privileged.

  4. He does not oppress minorities.

  5. A whole slew of old rich white guys think global warming is a hoax.

Please don't mistake my criticisms to mean I support this fuckwad, but I call it like I see it.

  1. What the fuck do you call the shit he said about Mexicans?
  2. Yes you do it's called getting a 1M$ loan and a safety net.
  3. This is just blatantly false. It's easier to get a job, keep a job, raise a family, not get arrested, stay out of jail, and make good money if you are WHITE. That's privilege man, there's no denying it.
  4. He does. He literally told his followers to hurt protesters, which were black. "Back in my day they would get RIPPED OUT OF THEIR SEAT" In his day back when it was much easier to oppress minorities and get away with it. The Civil Rights Movement happened for a reason.
  5. All of those old rich white guys will lose a LOT OF FUCKING MONEY if the world was to actually do shit about Climate Change. Which is a Scientifically proven fact. Of course they would say it's bogus because all they care about is the bottom line and NOT the future of you me or any other citizen. (which is exactly how Trump acts/says/and is)

Lol you 100% bullshitted when you claimed you did independent research. Look at your talking points lmao

I mean what do you call looking up stats on the Internet, and peer-reviewed papers on society? I care about my fellow man so I educate myself and I don't let a political party educate me. I look at things from a different point of view than the one I was given. I use logic and reasoning to ascertain the facts and the bullshit. Coming at everything with a skeptical view but still entertaining a thought. Don't allow other's words to pass by and just elicit emotion. Use your own logic and if something makes sense, change your mind. When you change your mind you become a new person. Allow evidence to make you realize something new every day.

  1. I'm not going to argue semantics about his Mexican comments but the stuff I heard him say wasn't racist. Saying that criminals are illegally crossing the border and coming from Mexico is just ignorant not racist.

  2. Turning 1 million into several billion is no small feat. The man is business savvy.

  3. I must have missed the day they were handing out privilege cards. My life, as white middle class, has been a fucking struggle. I've bled and sweated to get everything I have. However, there does exist real privilege but it has to do with wealth not race. The wealthy in this country thrive and the poor suffer.

  4. Ripped out of their seat because they were black? I need more information on this because I'm pretty sure he meant the fact that they were being disruptive, not because they were black.

  5. On this I agree with you. These people deny climate change out of self interest and greed and it's ridiculous. But nonetheless it is a large part of society.

Lol I'm living the same white struggle but the fact is that you're more likely to be financially supported if you're white and more likely to be jailed as a minority. The private prison industry lobbies towards laws that hinder low income, minority families. That's privilege. It's a part of the social system that's been put in place by our laws and regulations and culture. It has nothing to do with helping white people and everything to do with hindering the upward mobility of minorities.

Do you live in a diverse community? I do. Do you know who gains access to social programs despite being able bodied? Do you see who's applications are denied and who's are approved with no regard as to whether they are able bodied or not? Being born poor and white and male will gain you the wonderful priveleges of zero social services unless you have undeniable evidence of need ( like a visible handicap ), zero college grants ( unless you have red hair and freckles (yes there is actually a grant for that) or some other trait that someone self identified with and left money to), zero tax exemptions that minorities and women are born with. The list goes on.

Are you aware that the US govt grants $$, $$$ as an incentive to foreigners to move here and establish a business? Apu is a stereotype for a reason. This is why, and if you wonder why the corner stores owner is different every 10 or so years it's due to a loophole being exploited in which the owner moves back home after "selling" the business to their family member who gets another grant and so on...

Private prisons lobby for laws that entrap the poor. Period. If you haven't been behind bars you wouldn't know what your talking about. Prisons don't care what color you are, they just want to maximize profits by having a full prison.

Please expound on your belief that the current legislation hinders the upward advancement of minorities while providing privilege to whites.

Edit: when you state that being white makes you more inclined to receive financial support, what form of support are you referring to?

Just because you are white and didn't have an amazing care free life, does not mean privilege doesn't exist man.

I believe that privilege exists but it's not inherently attached to being white. Being an extremely good looking anything gains you more privilege than being an average or ugly lower class white. How do you intend to address that? How do you intend to address the privilege that comes with being raised speaking english? Should we give preference to non-English speaking people when hiring because people raised speaking English are too privileged? Attempting to address privilege on any level other than economic is just chasing your tail. That's why the msm is redirecting by pointing at this privilege instead of the privilege of the 1% that had everyone's attention for awhile. They have you at war with yourself so you can't lay blame where it belongs.

I live in a quite diverse, poor community. Where the cops point the gun before they ask you what you're doing. Where a minority will go to jail if they are pulled over. If I'm pulled over I'd get off with a warning and a "watch out this is the bad side of town" since I am white. The incarceration rate tells you all you need to know. There is an oppression going on and it's deniers are no better than the oppressors.

Ya. I get hands on guns sometimes still. I've been messed with by cops as often as passed over. Where I live the cops that patrol are mostly minorities though and we have nicknames for the handful of white cops that come by cause everyone knows them personally since they stand out. Not sure how that reality fits into your views but there it is. When the minorities police themselves it's hard to claim that the number of minorities getting locked up or killed by police stems from oppression. There are problems with the system that involve police training and so on and they are usually willing to discuss those issues from an insiders perspective if you take the time to talk to an officer, but there are cultural issues within the lower class that need to be addressed as well. Laying onesided blame without addressing the real issues makes things worse.

Saying that a group of people are more likely to be rapists and criminals is racist. He's putting them on a peg below the average citizen. So they will feel less empathy towards their fellow human. Racism in any form can not be allowed a broad stage like this. When Hitler blamed the Jews you saw what happened, and now Trump or whoever is blaming Muslims, Mexicans. I WILL NOT STAND BY and let that disgusting vile, hatred filled man spew his intolerance. What it has shown me is that racism is very alive and well in the US and if he's elected there will be riots comparable to the CRM.

Well I don't feel like he is painting any particular group to be subhuman like Hitler did with the Jews. I think the media and his political opponents have blown his comments and rhetoric way out of proportion. It's an absolute certainty that he is being targeted for vilification by the press. Hating Trump is easy and has become fashionable in certain circles. The fact if the matter is that both candidates are atrocious and I, along with many others, are genuinely worried about the state of our country. As far as the riots, I think there will be riots no matter who wins. A lot of people, especially Trump and Bernie supporters, feel like this election is a sham. It seems like some very important, wealthy, and powerful people want HRC to win, and that is a huge red flag in my opinion. We are in for a shitstorm and it's only just beginning.

there is a reason it isnt pointed out in the US.

no one wants to admit their system is so utterly corrupt.

And you didn't make that because you are an idiot for putting the same guy in the top left and forth down on the left

Come on, man

And the talk that Chelsea would consider presidency... fuck that.

It's like watching people cheering for their favorite football team.

This is how i'm treating it.

Wait what, I thought Gore went to Harvard not Yale?

It's more like watching people earnestly cheer in a match between Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man Randy Savage. This whole shit show is about as real as the WWF.

You're "free" so long as you don't know that you're not free. If you don't know you're in a cage, then are you really free?

The danger to corrupt powerful people is when people realize they are not free. It limits their power and the only resort is to use excessive force to keep their remaining power. It's far better to get people to believe they're free.

I have always been fascinated with the idea that there is the smallest chance that the U.S. is actually what we perceive North Korea to be, and North Korea could be what we think the U.S. is.

I think this thought might find a nice reception in r/C_S_T

you have been banned from r/america

Yes we live in a communist dictatorship that has no resources and a small infrastructure and we are forced to go to political events and our citizens are openly killed for dissent if they post something like this on reddit.


Gotta start somewhere.

I was pointing out how obviously over the top and unnecessarily dramatic that saying that was. I can read thank you.

It appears you can read but just have trouble understanding.

Your use of UNNECCESARY was exactly that.

Replace communist dictatorship with illusory corporatocracy and that's not too far off actually.

If the NSA could link Reddit accounts to passports, Homeland Security would without a doubt pull you into a room and detain you without reason, and question you on some of the comments you made against their masters. (This will happen to some in the near future especially if Hillary becomes POTUS.)

No, they literally wouldn't.

Here's a tinfoil one for you, just for giggles. Clinton stated this year that she wanted "a Manhatten project" for cybersecurity to push forward encryption technology (never mind that sufficient technology exists). What she really wanted was to push technology the same way the cold war did in the 50s - 80s. This is the deliberate first steps of another cold war to push surveillance and develop ways of tracking and Identifying anonymous people on the Internet.

It seems crazy but Ted Cruz's campaign had the ability to narrow down reddit users concentrations at their IP addresses and tied that to their physical address. That enabled them to know that reddit users were largely left leaning millenials, so Cruz didn't have to spend resources in those neighborhoods. It is possible that other campaigns have used similar technology to simply purge the voter rolls of vast swaths of densely populated cities and counties. Sound familiar?

Clinton's Manhattan Project would fail (because cryptography, ie keeping secrets, is an inherent process of the universe) and it would only exist so Silicon Valley Tech companies can get some more of that delicious taxpayer money.

So they basically used online polling? You all need to learn what Occam's razor is and apply it now and then.

No, they tracked cookies. You need to learn what reading is and do it now and then.

It's called an analogy you retard

they pull people out and question them for books in their luggage, and they temp confiscate and duplicate digital media drives if they see them.

too much money on a person is also grounds for arrest and questioning and confiscation THEFT of the money.

I am pretty sure that any online history will be checked by machine and personal at a certain level if you apply for jobs at the federal level or allied fortune 500 company.

Always use a VPN. Change your OS frequently. Etc etc etc.

low on oil, crumbling infrastructure where it exists, school kids are forced to attend HRC rallies at their schools, Michael Hastings, Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas.

Prove that it was Hillary before making that claim.

You mean other than the fact that we know that Clinton has already asked for him to be killed by a drone?

Why isn't he dead then?

he doesnt lift weights

From the least credible source in the world.

Her own words?

Can't we just drone this guy

Yes, that doesn't mean anything in regards to his internet being shutoff today.

The connection in my mind is that anyone who goes after the Clintons winds up dead or missing

RIP this sub

Is Assange dead/missing? I thought his location was known and he just didn't have internet access.

Also, "anyone who goes after the Clintons"? That would be a very long list.


"Deep State" for $200, Alex.

No proof exists as yet so I would say the author is unjustified stating this as fact. However, if phrased as speculation this is a justified line of inquiry and investigation.

Given that we have seen evidence of collusion in many different areas of the Democratic Party to aid the Clinton campaign. And given that the sitting President of the United States of America is doing something unprecedented by actively campaigning for a successor (partly at taxpayer expense) it isn't unreasonable to make the speculation OP did.

The OP may have phrased it as a factual statement in their zeal and anger over the events of this campaign but that is no reason to dismiss this out of hand.

"Given that we have seen evidence of collusion in many different areas of the Democratic Party to aid the Clinton campaign"

God help the Republic. All members of the Democratic party collude with one another to help their most popular figure win the presidency.

Henny Penny the sky is falling.

Thank you for your assistance in pointing out my omission.

That was in reference to the Democratic primary, not the general election. I did fail to mention that in the comment above and I can see how that may lead to misunderstanding.

The evidence of collusion in many different areas of the Democratic party to aid the Clinton campaign gain the nomination seems to indicate that she is not their most popular figure, though. We can't truly know which of the two prospective candidates was most popular now since there was not a fair contest.

As I've been saying since August, none of the DNC revelations show level of manipulation of the primaries such that a single state's vote would have gone another way. The contest could have been more fair (starting with the firing of DWS early on), but we have no evidence of manipulation of the voting process.

So we agree that the collusion I originally alluded to did in fact happen and using it as a reason for needing further investigation into what the OP suggests is valid.

Collusion within political parties is legal and expected. No further investigation needed or wanted. None of the emails provide any evidence the integrity of the primaries was compromised. DWS was certainly working for her favorite, but that's no different than Reince Priebus favoring whatever establishment candidate was in second place in a given week.

Xo you think Hillary is unhappy with the action against Assange/Wikileaks? you think she didn't want it to happen and had nothing to do with it at all?

Just because you are putting hillary and Julian on opposite sides in this comment doesn't prove she did it.

Not everything that hurts hillary in your mind is caused by her. Correlation != causation

While true, watch out for misuse of the idea that correlation does not equal causation. No correlation does not equal causation either. So either correlations are meaningless completely or a correlation can be used as a tool to indicate a promising path of investigation.

The skeptical path is to say "I noticed a correlation and investigated and in this instance there is no direct causal link" instead of just shutting down argument with a blanket "Correlation != causation".

In this instance there is a conceivable mechanism for this causal link so the correlation should be investigated. Are you willing to do so and have you?

Correlation != causation

I am so sick of that smarmy, smug phrase. I only see this on Reddit.

that's because you only read Reddit. And just because you don't like it doesn't make it less true.

Just as correlation does not = causation. Correlation doesn't = definitive non-causation. It simply means there is a relationship that needs further investigation.


Lol, can't tell if serious or not. If you are serious it really makes your reaction better. In the same vein as "facts have an inherent liberal bias"

Liberalism is a severe mental disorder.

Being tired of facts doesn't make them less true. :-(

I can still hate things.

It's about as wonderful as the ol' Occam's Razor bs

Occam's Razor is one of the most powerful informal reasoning tools that exists. Correlation is not the same thing as causality. This post is truly baffling.

I am not saying that either Occam's Razor or the statement "causation does not equal correlation" are inherently untrue. I was alluding to the fact that both are used quite frequently on this site in defense of the major MSM narrative. Neither has any application for providing proof of ANY statement or theory.

It's impossible to prove statements about the world, so that's true (I'm a mathematician, have to be precise here). That's what makes Occam's Razor useful.

In the actual world, you always have a set of observations and are trying to guess at the explanation. Occam's Razor tells you which explanation is the most useful at any given time. It's definitely useful to speculate beyond the bounds of Occam's Razor, otherwise we'd never discover anything new.

The problem here is that people frequently seem to choose arbitrary explanations for facts which are mutually exclusive with simpler explanations, which fly way over the head of Occam's Razor (usually based on scarce information, and often clear misinterpretations of that scarce information). Then, instead of considering them more deeply to see if they may actually be true, they're often presented immediately as the most likely explanation for those facts. When you combine that with confirmation bias, things get ridiculous pretty often.

Just as you said, rarely do we have the access to said information that could actually prove a theory.

Hence, conspiracy theories are drawn upon large swaths of seemingly unconnected news and data. That is the game.

To use either statement to vaguely point someone back to the MSM narrative, which usually has even less actual proof - just immensely greater repetitive strength - is annoying considering this is a conspiracy theory sub.

So in conclusion, you're not wrong, you're just an ....

I'd posted something that would make me more of a "...", but you seem like a nice and reasonable person (who does understand the game here) so I don't have any reason to argue. It's just disconcerting to see people taking some of these 'conspiracy theories' seriously when they are clearly silly (not saying that this one in particular is clearly silly, either).

Ditto :)

Prove that she ordered it or used her power to get rid of his internet. That's all I ask.

Can you prove wikileaks got the emails from Russia?

Apparently clinton zealots take it as fact "because she said so". Cant have it both ways

I don't know whether any evidence exists that the e-mails have any Russian connection, but I know that they are a gigantic trove of documents arriving from an unknown (likely foreign) source.

If any party involved has an interest in the U.S. election, then it's clearly damned easy for them to have planted or doctored one or two e-mails in these thousands.

Presumably, a conspiracy community should pride itself on careful thought and digging past the surface. So far there seem to be many distasteful elements to these e-mails, with spare evidence of actual corruption (there are a few things that may indicate actual corruption and warrant more digging). The response in /r/conspiracy seems to be dominated heavily by misreading and groupthink, and implicit community trust [does that even make sense in a conspiracy community?] that the e-mail releases are 100% accurate (the Scalia thing was ridiculous, various other things have just been flatly misread).


These e-mails are unrelated to her private server (they're ostensibly from Podesta's gmail account, and so far they seem likely to be legit). There's no evidence so far that her private server was ever compromised that I'm aware of, but who knows what will show up next.

We don't know that the e-mails are from a foreign source, that's true (I corrected above). The U.S. government makes that claim, and the direct source is foreign (Wikileaks is not a U.S. organization and Julian Assange is not American). But I don't think anyone outside the actual people who leaked the e-mails (and possibly government) know anything about the real source.

Tldr: we don't know.

1) those emails were reviewed and vetted. 2) if ANYTHING is false in there you bet there will be people jumping on it. You know how many eyes comb through the material?

If any party involved has an interest in the U.S. election, then it's clearly damned easy for them to have planted or doctored one or two e-mails in these thousands.

Lol. I love how clarifying the election is becoming. There are those like you who cling to your cognitive dissonance seeking any excuse to absolve the behavior of Clinton. She's a bigger criminal than Nixon ever thought being and people like you dismiss her categorical disinterest in real people (unless they're bankers).

While I can't prove it, does it really sound so far-fetched?

Then how is it helpful to just throw random shit out with nothing to back it? All i ask this sub to do more of is provide proof of claims, and that should be something everyone else desires for as well.

It's based off of coincidence which has been shown to prove true in due time.

Coincidence isn't proof.

obviously. but the coincidences pointed out here have been known to show a true connection over time. Assuming you frequent this sub, you might know what I'm talking about.

*edit - not saying this is the case, but to dismiss a coincidence means you're probably in the wrong sub

You do know the dead man's switch for wikileaks releases all the data that they have, right? That's the last thing hillary wants to happen.

It's getting out regardless. They could be trying to send a message to future whistleblowers.

If you wont prove that wikileaks got the emails from russia, then stop saying it.

You cant jave it both ways there friendo.

Where was I saying that friendo?

OH wait, I didn't.

Just generally most people quick to bash assange are the sane people who take every word out of clintons mouth as fact

Where was i bashing Assange? I literally said nothing about good or bad about Assange or Hillary

Im just saying, people who are quick to dismiss wikileaks as untrustworthy (wheres the proof a state party did it) are usually the same people who would eat a mile of hillarys shit if it led to the white house

Except I didn't dismiss wikileaks as untrustworthy. I literally am questioning a redditors claim about Hillary orchestrating it. I just want a source to base it on

Your liberal SJW politically correct world is imploding

How many more buzzwords can you throw in bud?

All im asking is for some proof to support the claim. That should be a given.

Yeah if rational thinking and rational analysis makes you a liberal sjw...


A theory lifted from /pol:

Assange is safe for now. USA gov knows that if they kill Assange then he'll activate the deadman switch and release the 900gb torrent of all wikileaks info.

Pamela Anderson planted a microcomputer in the embassy, and the internet connection was severed to allow the British government to modify the routing from the embassy. These are efforts to completely nullify the deadman switch when Assange is terminated. The microcomputer planted by Anderson is monitoring audio, specifically the hard drive of Assange's computer, and upon activation it will function as a miniature jamming device to prevent wireless transmissions of the deadman switch. The Embassy's internet is currently being routed directly through the British government's servers, and it's possible that any communication from Assange to another party will be fully intercepted by the British government, regardless of encryption or any security measures used. It will also negate any attempts by Assange to activate his deadman switch.

Assange has information pertaining to Russia, US, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the current siege of Mosul. The US wants to stage a false flag attack so it can hit Russia with the most severe sanctions possible, but the US is hesitant due to Assange being in the picture. But by removing Assange, the western governments risk having a metric ton of incriminating data released to the public.

It's frightening to think how this might all pan out in the future.

Assange needs to be notified to have a thorough sweeping of the area for any wireless devices.

Alternatively the people in this thread have done some good work which indicates potential extradition:

This isn't how deadman switches work. You set them up so that you have to regularly send a 'keep-alive' signal to them,which prevents the release of material. If something prevents you from sending that signal, like yore a dead man, then it automatically sends. In this way, they are immune to jamming.

The deadman switch could also be in control of an unknown person. And when Assange is killed, then that person will release the info. Severing his internet connection is about the dumbest way to stop a deadman switch.

if its another person it is not a deadman switch. this would defeat the entire point as that person could be snatched/bought.


Big if true

I also highly doubt the switch is hosted on a computer in close proximity to Assange. He's smarter then that, right? I bet it's on multiple, heavily obscured remote servers.

Wouldn't it be smart to have multiple dead man switches then? Is that possible?

Tim Kaine would refer to this as a Deadperson Switch

Pamela? Anderson? Seriously?

Hahaha I know right. You didn't hear about her visting Assange yesterday and giving him vegan food? When you think about it, it could be a very neat strategy because it just sounds so out there and 'tin-foil hat'. Pure speculation of course.

they ate risotto. John Podesta had a NY chef cooking risotto for some clinton campaign victory dinner nonsense.

You are obviously not awake like others in this sub. And wanking to Baywatch reruns.

I don't think assange is that dumb to fall for a lousy trick like a micro computer and a pair of boobs. He's been working against the government for years.

But then again, if there is one single thing that could screw up the entire plan Wikileaks has painstakingly set up... it's probably boobs.

Pamela Anderson

what the fuck is she doing coordinating with the cia?

Of course, vigilant citizen's take is the "Satanic conspiracy" at the heart of everything.

But mind control (and sex kittens) have a long history in the CIA.

a microcomputer/router/jammer/magical-orb

suitcase sized device !?

Assange is so stupid to even let Pamela Anderson IN the embassy in the first place. How can he not see its a set up? Hot celebrity blonde with big tits wants to send you food and you fall for the trap? I thought assange was a smart guy? Not only that but if you check her tweets you can see that she is an ardent hillary supporter who tweeted about "western woman saving the world" before she visited him.

Where's the proof she is behind it?

Doesn't matter. As long as it attacks hillary, it's good enough for this sub.

Its all r/politics.

Well if trump was just as corrupt as hillary, his stories would be here too

Better stay in your safe place, away from the facts that have been leaking.


With very few exceptions, every POTUS in history has done the same, starting with the first one. Check out the Whiskey Rebellion and decide if ol George Washington used state power for his own means. The Clintons have built a fucking empire precisely by wielding state power and their own influence within the state, so her using this as a TP is really rich. Vile.

But th3 shills! Shillary killed him with an invisible drone strike while wiping her anus with the constitution and murdering black babies! Shillllllssssssss

Wait how do we know it was Hillary? Isn't it more likely to be John Kerry?

but didn't U.S. said they are going to respond to the hacks? she was a Secretary of State, which was her inauguration to the world in my opinion. She still has plenty of power to move this administration to respond to her campaigns being tanked by these emails.

she was a Secretary of State

she got fired from that job by Obama for fcuking up Benghazi, he never gave her another job.

HRC and BHO went for that stroll down the lane to the Bilderbergs during the Primary conference, they came back with BHO as POTUS nominee, HRC got State as a consolation prize, the Bilderbergers knew she was incompetent to do the top job.

her credibility is par with Sarah Palins. SP still looks female, HRC looks like Meg Knucklebones.

Yeah because he's actually Secretary of State but is he doing it for law and order and justice or as a favor to a friend?

It's a favor. The fucker wants to straight up bomb Syria. He's one of them.

Is there really a difference?

John Kerry is part of the establishment, he's the current sitting Sectary of State. Kerry, Obama, and Clinton are all working together to rig this election in Clinton's favor so they can essentially keep the same administration in power for another 4-8 years.

The fact that you already believe this without a single shred of evidence is a prime example of what is wrong with this sub. You all just want to hear what you already believe. You're just as bad as someone who eats up what Fox and CNN dish out without a second thought.

Why do you support the reptilians?

Oh god, their shifty propaganda worked on me!

You know nothing Jon Snow.

This message brought to you by our friends at CTR

Instead of exercising something called critical thinking, just write anyone off who you disagree with as a shill. Helluva substitute for intelligent discussion.

You all just want to hear what you already believe.

then he best just go'on back don whatevr damn hole he crawled out of

Yeah, I love that sweet sweet Hillary money mmmmmMmmmm.

i see

Been reading how one objective of secret societies is to never let a good man rise to power.

obama and everything at his disposal acting on behalf of hillary more likely

I think they're trying to cover their own asses at this point but they're so intertwined with HRCs mess they gotta pull her out of the fire to save themselves and the DNC.

wait, do we know for sure hillary did this?

Hillary didnt do shit. The people who own Hillary did it.

so Ecuador owns Hillary?

No, Goldman Sachs owns Ecuador.

Not according to Wikileaks. Oh, maybe they are in on it. My god!

Everything about this post was wrong. Hilarious. And it sits on the front page like a deuce someone dropped in your hallway after a kegger. Priceless!

How did she do that, then?


Two or more people conspired to have the internet cut.

The title of the subreddit, duh.

Who do you think asked Ecuador you idiot. Jesus wept.

If the U.S. (or the U.K., Hillary, or whoever) coerced Ecuador to cut the guy's WiFi, why not just use that power or influence to have him taken into custody?

The lack of logic in this sub is ridiculous, although I'll admit it's entertaining.

Of course they would want that but that was too much to ask of Ecuador. I can't believe you're too stupid to see that.

Can't we just drone this guy?

No Mrs. Clinton but we can unplug his internetz!

The democrats have turned the U.S.A. into a banana republic.

Hillary is projecting herself through Trump.

Obama's going to start a nuclear with Russia even though he has no proof they had anything to do with the hacks.

Burn the cunt bitch witch

It's called political theater. Babby's first election?

I can't wait til all the millennials are older and they see a Clinton running for president. It'll be a landslide against Chelsea if that happens.

Yes, the same people who used their political power to keep Hillary out of jail for the felonies she committed are the same people worried that Trump would use his political power to make sure she does get held accountable for those felonies. In conclusion, an opponent using political power to hold one of their own accountable for serious crimes is a "dangerous" abuse of power. However, using political power to make sure people on their team are above the law is perfectly reasonable and sensible.

Turns out it was Ecuador themselves.

Do you feel stupid now?

Who do you think pressured Ecuador to do this? If you read literally any newspapers you'd know that.

The mainstream media told me so!

Hang 'em

Where's your proof? Fuck Hillary, all the dogs are in the same cage.

This is a shitpost.

How did she do that? Trump will do that and such actions are similar to a totalitarian government. Not a democracy

the US government announced they will be attacking Russia for the Wikileaks stories. even MSM covered it.

How will trump do what?

Is that from your CTR script on handling Reddit?

I think they're trying to cover their own asses at this point but they're so intertwined with HRCs mess they gotta pull her out of the fire to save themselves and the DNC.

You do know the dead man's switch for wikileaks releases all the data that they have, right? That's the last thing hillary wants to happen.

Prove that she ordered it or used her power to get rid of his internet. That's all I ask.

Just because you are putting hillary and Julian on opposite sides in this comment doesn't prove she did it.

Not everything that hurts hillary in your mind is caused by her. Correlation != causation

These e-mails are unrelated to her private server (they're ostensibly from Podesta's gmail account, and so far they seem likely to be legit). There's no evidence so far that her private server was ever compromised that I'm aware of, but who knows what will show up next.

We don't know that the e-mails are from a foreign source, that's true (I corrected above). The U.S. government makes that claim, and the direct source is foreign (Wikileaks is not a U.S. organization and Julian Assange is not American). But I don't think anyone outside the actual people who leaked the e-mails (and possibly government) know anything about the real source.

Tldr: we don't know.

I don't feel guilty, I see the structure for how it is and I don't ignore it.

You realize of course that laws are put in place that benefit the caste system. (Caste not cast.) If we had someone who acknowledged this and took steps to combat it we would have a better future, in America and in the entire world. I'm not content with sitting idly by and (what you do) just make shitty reddit comments saying "oh that's just how things are, we can't change it" that's BULLSHIT. we can change the world. We can make things better for everyone. We can level the playing ground. But to white people who have always been on the upper ground, when you LOWER their side to RAISE the other side, they see it as oppression. Which it isnt. We need a movement towards acceptance and tolerance and love and true equality. Trump stands for the opposite of all of these things. He stands for the people who want to keep things the way they are. Shit is fucked up and I refuse to allow nothing to change.

That's truly unfortunate you have so much hate in your heart. I was unemployed to for a while things will get better.

As I've been saying since August, none of the DNC revelations show level of manipulation of the primaries such that a single state's vote would have gone another way. The contest could have been more fair (starting with the firing of DWS early on), but we have no evidence of manipulation of the voting process.