Dylan's not accepting the Nobel prize. Maybe he knows...

46  2016-10-17 by pholmq

about the grand conspiracy and that the Nobel Prize is mainly used to give shills credibility? Link in swedish. It says the Nobel committe have been trying to reach him for four days and are now giving up.


My apologies for this not being a post about Hillary, the US election or Wikileaks


"All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie"


Don't apologize haha, seeing something good about Bob Dylan is a much welcomed relief from the shit show going on

No that was just some cold fucking irony :-)

something good about Bob Dylan

It's certainly been a while.

The times, they are a changin.

Omg I was just sitting here thinking that im so mentally exhausted by the election and corrupt politicians, ww3, in the news its all I read.. thanks internet stranger

de nada :-)

There was that 60 minutes interview, of Bob Dylan, wherein he explains his success and his constant working to the fact that he has to uphold his end of the deal. That deal being what he goes on to admit, that he sold his soul to the devil, at the beginning of his career, for fame and fortune. Perhaps this is why he refuses to accept the award? Interesting, nonetheless

A public statement/song to stick it to them would have been a nice touch.

What the fuck, Dylan? It's over $900,000 dollars! Take the prize and grin all the way to the bank.

I'm glad. He doesn't deserve it and he knows it.

edit: I'm not taking the piss, I love Dylan. But he's not really known for his literature. And I'm pretty sure he must know this is a sham.

Or he knows the award is now a joke.

That too. He has integrity which I admire. Pretty rare nowadays for celebs.

Or he knows the award is now a joke.