If trump wins, what will thhappen establishment do?

1  2016-10-17 by [deleted]



Trump will NOT win and he knows it. Clinton was selected and groomed a long long time ago. This is all just a charade. Trump is getting exposure so he can launch his multi billion dollar media empire next year knowing he'll have a large following. It's all about money. These bozos don't give a shit about us!

So boys and girls, this vile, mean-spirited, low vibrating, murderous, child-raping (see:Cathy O'Brien), lesbian-denying, brutal cretin WILL represent us..... in 2017!

So now let's all join hands and sing a round of Kumbaya!


Trump has to win. This isn't about money. This is about saving America from these evil bastards.

How is Hillary going to win? I'll tell you how some votes and voter fraud and CNN will report it a Hillary win, we all know this. But there is no way the people can accept this. Not even a chance.

Why do you assume the people will have any voice in the matter?

Oh I don't I know they will make it for who they want. But what I am saying is if we even make it to election day by that time there will be so much damning evidence against Hillary no one could avoid it. They have real bad stuff coming out...

Go check the msm headlines and let me know how "bad" it is from the average American's perspective. Nobody cares except people like those that frequent this sub.

There are a lot who care. A lot more than you know. Americans know they've been being screwed for decades. Real Americans are ready and waiting.

I work in the real world and I promise you that most people are not aware of what Wikileaks is, that Bill Clinton is a rapist and pedophile, that George Soros has investments in the voting machines being used for the election, etc. I totally understand that after a while of posting on forums like this you start to imagine yourself in this half-awakened reality, but the truth is that the vast majority of Americans are completely brain-dead asleep and will not be waking up.

Oh you work in the real world eh? Yeah me too. I see a lot of folks wondering why things are the way they are. People getting red pilled everyday. Yeah so many people don't know who George Soros is but they are learning.

Some people are just zombies I know.. I see em too. But this movement isn't about winning the presidency it's about waking people up to the atrocities they have allowed. I own a business and travel alot. I talk to people all the time and try to pick their brain on the election, man some of them blow me away! There are millions seeking the truth and thinking for themselves finally!

I didn't mean to sound condescending with where I worked. I'm just familiar with many manual labor industries and not a single person has ever surprised me with their views on politics. They absolutely buy and gobble up the msm stories. Russia is evil. Assad is evil. Perhaps I'm simply being too pessimistic.

Oh I know... there isn't enough people I know that I can count on one hand who is ready to swallow the truth of 911. But many are awakening to the realization that the media is corrupt and not for them. Baby steps. Not all of us can get there at once. I only have one person I know irl that I can discuss serious rabbit hole stuff with.

Look, I know that certain people who are willing to think critically, like you and I, know the truth about the corruption, the hypocrisy, and the down right 1984 nature of the powers in the world. I get that we, the free thinking, "right holding", individuals who think like Locke, Jefferson, etc. with the ideals of the enlightenment in mind, understand the nature of reality. We know that everything is orchestrated, plotted and connected.

Look, the capitalist system is epitomized in globalization and corporations. This is the critical mass, the "final form", so to speak, of capitalism. And what is this system oddly similar to? Despotism. Monarchy. The corporate model of business centralizes money, and therefore power. The state of the global economy, right now, is basically a monarchy. Only difference being that the crown is on the heads of bankers and CEO's, not kings.

Conversely, a democracy is supposed to be a system whereby every individual is represented in a central government, run of, for, and by the people. That's how it should work.

But when you take a "democracy" and base its economy off of capitalist ideals, something else is created. An entirely new monster arises. The monarchy that is the economy begins to intermingle with the democratic system. Money dominates the political process. It buys advertisements. It sways the hive mind by using the subconscious. It utilizes the same principles that drive people to purchase name brand products over generics. It manipulates people into reaching what they are familiar with out of false pretense of "superiority". The more you here names, the more likely you are to align with them.

The more the democrat and republican parties are embedded into the subconscious simply by constant exposure through media, political advertising, etc, the more votes they receive. Notice how people essentially believe that D/R are the only options, when in reality, this couldn't be further from the truth. The parties are not monolithic, be all end all entities. Political parties have evolved throughout American history through countless names and ideologies. It is only by chance, by natural selection, that we have ended up with the two we have now. Go back to 1840, you'd see whigs. Not republicans. Yet most people are by-and-large convinced that the two party system is a work of god, set in stone, dogma, unchangeable. Thank the subconscious for that. The elite depend on our ignorance and assumptions.

But It doesn't stop at the voters. Money sways politicians by lining their pockets. It buys puppets. Those who hold the most money, hold the most power. They are the monarchs of society, and the government becomes their charade.

For us who think, who use our brains, the pieces fall right into place. We aren't bound by our subconscious, our innate human nature. We see that we are controlled, lied to, and manipulated on a daily basis. We see that "democracy" is a sham, a facade, for something else entirely. We think like Jefferson, Washington, and the great minds who wrote the federalist papers.

But I'm afraid I have to side with the other guy, here. The American people don't want to wake up. They don't want to question, to think, because change is too much work, and even if it wasn't, it's just too damn scary. They're going to buy the rhetoric and vote Hillary out of ignorant trust in the "truth" that is spoonfed to them, because it's easy. Because their subconscious is laden with the poison of mass media indoctrination. Because they don't want to question.

Another great facet of consumerist culture? Distraction. We have so many damn products to focus on, so many material things to keep track of, most of us have very little time to turn to our minds, and turn them on. Sad, but true. It's how the shadows win, my friend. A culture of zombies, preloaded and told how to think, what to think, what to say, and what to hear.

I hear ya but our votes DON'T matter. It's all rigged.

I guarantee, she WILL become the next sock puppet for this country. This has been known and anticipated since at least, 2008.

And guess what? Chelsea?.....she too will be POTUS I say around 2030. It's part of their bloodline and grooming process. And not for nothin' but, Trump is Clinton's 19th cousin so...............

It's all just a game so break out a humongous container of popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show!

Oh I know our votes don't matter much but I'll still go out and vote for myself and my kids.

I mean your living in a fantasy world if u actually think Hillary will be crowned president and things will go on like they always have for years and years lol. I don't think your aware of what is going on.

I think you're reading me wrong.

I don't want this corrupt murderous woman any more than it sounds like you do!

I am FULLY aware of what's going on. So much so that I've decided to sit back and do...........nothing.

I won't partake in what I don't condone. This government is so corrupt and we; so screwed...... that a war or an asteroid will be an improvement.

Yeah I understand but your last post made it sound like we are helpless and they are in control. What I am telling you is they are not in control they don't hold the power. We are not screwed. Negativity and hopelessness is their aim, they want u medicated and thinking about yourself and how small u are. So sit back and do nothing.

Whoa.......first off, I don't medicate. I am not a slave to BigPharma but I know what you mean.

Two, we ARE screwed. For now. We are going through a major transition. An awakening and the walls are crumbling down.

BUT, it's going to get much much worse before it gets even slightly better. I'm not a doom-promoter nor a negative person. I just happen to be paying very close attention. And it will get better. But not now. Not any time soon.

We are just entering this chaotic crescendo and everything is falling apart because the system has been broken for decades. But it's got to crash first. There is no WAY things can EVER straighten themselves out from this crippling vantage point.

Look at it as if this country is some alcoholic or drug addict, and it needs to hit rock bottom before it can EVER bounce back up. That's a metaphor that has literal meaning.

We need to get through this and most will (given our different ages) so .......I'm not sure what flavor Kool aid you're gulping but I'm here to tell you, you best buckle up because we're in for a very bumpy few years. You can think positive all you want. And I think you should. But also, be vigilant too.


When I said medicate I meant with the comforts they feed us. The food, the television, the entertainment, this very subeddit on the internet. And I guess too I meant by the stuff they put in the air, the water, and our food which we cannot escape.

I'm drinking the Kool aid of fluoride and breathing in the pure air of chemtrails. I eat the food with its hormones and chemicals. I drive on the road and watch others put their life at risk just to get ahead of me. I know what's coming I've know for some time. Justice. I've lived a good life and I'm ready to face whatever it is that comes, in fact it almost gives me something to live for. I made a lot of money very early in life by working hard and bought all the things I thought I wanted, but those things are just the wants of the world. I want something more. Peace be with you as well

We are helpless. We are the minority. Even if a good portion of us wake up, the rest shall remain in the dream crafted by the shadow. Nothing will change. Not yet, at least. A lot more people will need to wake up before things start to change.

What I am trying to tell you is that in the end good defeats evil. Everyone gets there's in the end. I've been seeing it happen for years now.. call it universal karma call it God's justice but I cannot call it random coincidence. The natural order of things is coming into the fold, people are starting to realize that sacrifice is righteousness. No longer do I care about what my plans of are for the future. I know the future comes and we can't stop it, and what's coming is justice. Justice served up by the subconscious mind in every single person that deep down knows the truth: Good will overcome.

The future isn't economy it isn't possession it isn't your status. It is brotherhood. It's been coming for some time now. We don't need money, or oil, or leaders. We don't need protection from evil. We don't need weapons or television or super Walmarts or prescription medication. What we need is each other and with each other we will achieve the impossible.

I totally concur :) The greed on this planet needs to end and that isn't going to happen overnight.

I am as esoteric and metaphysical as it sounds like you are. I believe in Universal laws, not written ones. I believe in karma and the Law of Attraction but........even though we're aware of that side of life, we can't deny that this material world is and will fall apart.

Voting won't do shit. It only makes you a participant in what we're ultimately trying to end.

But you sound like a cool person. I don't or won't begrudge you for doing what you feel best.

For me?...I've take the George Carlin approach in my later years where I realize, I have no stake in the outcome. I'm just a spectator-soul having this human experience. It's all predestined anyway.

I hear ya there. I know when I learned about how the voting laws changed here last minute I thought: "What's the point? Hillary voters just gonna drive around and vote 10-20 times along with illegals and criminals even".

Then I thought well hell I can do the same! But that's not what it's about for me it's more of an action or a symbolic meaning for myself than it is for the system. I don't fight fire with fire and don't stoop lower than others, I fight with righteousness and faith. To believe that yes I could of been born into a north Korea but I inherited America! And lots of folks have died and sacrificed their lives to keep us as free as we can be, even today. So yeah I will go down and vote, do my part to effect the butterfly world in some way maybe cause I'm following my gut and my gut tells me Trump is sacrificing also.

One thing I learned about Trump is he has some kind of energy inside him and he moves with purpose. I've read the book the power of positive thinking and I understand why he is here now. He is bound to make the impossible possible. He took on the republicans, dems, media, and globalists.

He's got the Internet behind him, it's his #1 friend. Without the Internet you would believe Trump is mentally retarded if they told you. He's got the people in mass mobilizing every hour, digging for the truth, seeking the enemy, and the country is waking up. People I meet everywhere are awake!

It's time for America to wake up to the ugly truth and Trump is here to shake us up. Hey we need to build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it! gasp We need to stop letting Muslims into our country. gasp We need law and order, illegals need to go back. gasp We need to make deals and policies that benefit US! Every time I see some new law coming out I look at it and can instantly tell it is some corporation writing my laws for me.

He uses twitter, he's got the conspiracy heads behind him, the deplorables, wikileaks, and good thing cause he don't have much else after that.


He's got a vision and purpose. He's not just playing the game he's busting in and flipping the board upside down.

He's got an idea a vision in his head, a goal. He's figured out the secret long ago.

You're joking right? He's friends with Hillary and in place to ensure her victory. If he wasn't then he wouldn't claim Israel is our greatest ally and his entire campaign message would be "I will put Hillary Clinton in jail and investigate all people involved with her". He said it one time in the second debate but his entire campaign would be that.

Yeah I don't know Trump too well, we don't text message or anything. Not sure why people think he is friends with Hillary. I'm sure in his past life he had to be the guy that just goes along with them all and smiles and invites them to his wedding.

Not sure why you think Israel is our worst ally? Who is our best ally? I'm kinda wondering cause your talking as if there is a WE. WE don't have allys but ourselves and other slaves across the globe. WE don't have any control over what is done.

Not sure if shill or just ignorant...

Not a shill or ignorant. I am just wondering what makes you all holier than thou? You sure are smart aren't you? You've read more than me or seen articles at different websites that I haven't seen? Honestly let's just call it how it is. We know nothing but we think we know more


It's just a show. They will carry on with their plans like normal.

Rambling thoughts: They lose their progress by killing the real garden to feed a dying garden of lies, anyway. The pyramid is huge, and there's lots of company with most people complicit in some way. I'd imagine tolerance is one of the Designs embraced in the future, whatever it holds. We're dealing a widespread paradigm change -this is its own wave to surf and it's fresh water.

DAE Trump will shake up teh establishment????

Whoa.......first off, I don't medicate. I am not a slave to BigPharma but I know what you mean.

Two, we ARE screwed. For now. We are going through a major transition. An awakening and the walls are crumbling down.

BUT, it's going to get much much worse before it gets even slightly better. I'm not a doom-promoter nor a negative person. I just happen to be paying very close attention. And it will get better. But not now. Not any time soon.

We are just entering this chaotic crescendo and everything is falling apart because the system has been broken for decades. But it's got to crash first. There is no WAY things can EVER straighten themselves out from this crippling vantage point.

Look at it as if this country is some alcoholic or drug addict, and it needs to hit rock bottom before it can EVER bounce back up. That's a metaphor that has literal meaning.

We need to get through this and most will (given our different ages) so .......I'm not sure what flavor Kool aid you're gulping but I'm here to tell you, you best buckle up because we're in for a very bumpy few years. You can think positive all you want. And I think you should. But also, be vigilant too.


I hear ya there. I know when I learned about how the voting laws changed here last minute I thought: "What's the point? Hillary voters just gonna drive around and vote 10-20 times along with illegals and criminals even".

Then I thought well hell I can do the same! But that's not what it's about for me it's more of an action or a symbolic meaning for myself than it is for the system. I don't fight fire with fire and don't stoop lower than others, I fight with righteousness and faith. To believe that yes I could of been born into a north Korea but I inherited America! And lots of folks have died and sacrificed their lives to keep us as free as we can be, even today. So yeah I will go down and vote, do my part to effect the butterfly world in some way maybe cause I'm following my gut and my gut tells me Trump is sacrificing also.

We are helpless. We are the minority. Even if a good portion of us wake up, the rest shall remain in the dream crafted by the shadow. Nothing will change. Not yet, at least. A lot more people will need to wake up before things start to change.