Logical proof that Trump must be a member of a secret society (sorry) -- please read before you downvote

0  2016-10-19 by [deleted]



This must have taken a lot of time! Good work on the organized points and sources.

My biggest takeaway is to be sceptical of the MSM, and to really look at the words and contexts from leaders who are known serial liars, obfuscators, and showmen.

This whole election has had a much different feel. Frenemies doing this tug of war, (literally) and the lies hidden in plain sight. Everything is tightly packed and with a bow in top.

You know what it kind of reminders me of? Two (or more) dueling secret societies putting on a play with their candidates. Behind the scenes there is another power struggle of sorts. (As above, so below?) And there is quite a bit of non-linear warfare happening for our minds. And most people aren't clued into it.

Thanks for your vigilance and dedication to connecting the dots!

Thanks noelabelle. I think you are correct about various secret societies battling it out (I call it 'mafia wars'). The one resource they feel entitled to exploit is human resources, so they are united on that front. They also don't care about collateral damage, so again we are the loser in their activities. Finally, they all engage in crime (mafias), more often than not against humans (both sides of drug war / pharma deaths / war / genocide), which we've proven time and time again but don't have the leverage or 'authority' to punish them in any way, since they've infiltrated and now control nearly all institutions, most notably the court system.

The only way to win against them is to let everyone know everything about them....because we outnumber them. This has the bad consequence however of inciting them to violence against us, martial law and such. So if there is action taken against them, it has to be targetted and swift and extrajudicial (you need to bag them and take them to unknown blackops, just like their intelligence groups would do to us). then you seize their information first then their money. Like HIV you attack their communication networks by using mind control back on their agents in order to get them to exfiltrate the organizaitonal charts) ,then you RICO them en masse, and either shoot them dead or place them naked in a glass box in the middle of a city while you show them on overhead display how you're taking everything away from them and people can throw tomatos at you

Totally on board with this (and a lot of other things) being a battle of secret societies for control. My personal guess is that George HW Bush was on top of the pyramid for quite a while and is gonna be dead soon, so there's a scramble to take over. They've been grooming Clinton, but Trump is making a play.

I really respect the fact that you clearly spent a lot of time on this, and I don't want to ever discourage people from thinking critically. However, I think that like many of us on here we are all mentally exhausted and your post lacks any substantive logic that proves anything other than that you have a belief in something. I mean no disrespect or offense and I encourage you to interpret what I am saying as constructive criticism and go back to the drawing board. A for effort, but you need to rework your analysis and deductive reasoning.

I will however concede that your belief is quite reasonable and it's very well a possibility that you could be correct, however your logic is lackluster in substantiating it as proof of anything other than a belief.

For whatever it's worth, I don't think you should be down voted though. We should encourage people to think critically and not fault them for making mistakes in their logic, instead we encourage them to rethink.

A for effort, but you need to rework your analysis and deductive reasoning.

I wish you'd be more specific.

I think it's logical to say, "someone who lies will lie again. Why expect them to not be lying now"

Please tell me how that is incorrect

Someone who lies, MAY lie again. I'd even agree with most likely will lie again. However, for example I lied to many ex-gf's, eventually I matured and realized it's better to just tell the truth, no matter how bad it might appear. I would never lie to my GF. There are also varying degrees and topics in which people will lie and others that they won't. It depends on what their degree of morals and ethic are, which is speculative.

I liked this post. Very informative.

Thanks. You were downvoted for saying you liked the post. That says this post is politicized otherwise they'd leave it alone at 1. Also I see a dagger so your comment is controversial.

Is that what that fucking dagger next to posts means? Jeesh. Was wondering that.

Keep doing your thing. Your posts give my brain muscle the exercise it requires and opens pathways that have been shut and locked for years.

Thank you.

:) I'm tired of the illusion of choice. I'm trying to wake people up to the mind control that's going on. And you can see it is evident in this post.

I hope they keep sending more of their people to discredit this post. It only adds more evidence that I'm onto something by the intensity and escalation of opposition.

countdown to 'bodysnatchers is actually a crazy person with schizophrenia...don't listen to him"

Hehe.. I've noticed that too.. one if their methods is to claim mental illness. It's amusing.

I don't think you understand what logic is, because you didn't use it anywhere in your 'proof'.

I don't think you understand what logic is

Funny how your "proof" I'm wrong is an adhominem on me. Why don't you attack my argument and evidence, and not me?

This is logical.

Your title started with 'Logical proof that...' and then you didn't once use logic.

If you didn't use logic in a post that was supposed to be 'logical proof', how is me pointing that out adhominem?

EDIT: Typo

Do you understand "words"?

Ironic, considering your (false) 'adhominem' accusation.


4 D's: Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, and Deceive

Goodbye now

Dude don't take it so personally haha. People in this sub might like the positions you hold and the conclusion you draw, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't being logical here. Instead of challenging the ideas, you are just getting emotional haha. I had to look up the 4Ds. You have to be kidding. Looking at your history it seems like every time someone challenges you, your only counter is personal attacks and playing the shill card. Give us a break, OP. Stop being so paranoid...

I had to look up the 4Ds.

Why did you look up what I spelled out for you? Who is the illogical one now?

Looking at your history it seems like every time someone challenges you, your only counter is personal attacks and playing the shill card. Give us a break, OP. Stop being so paranoid...

this is getting old guys.... this 'paranoid' accusation. If i were really mentally ill, then you guys would be assholes for attacking me, like beating up a retarded person. But you know I'm actually not :)

btw what you are saying is not true. I hang out on cst and have lots of discussions and although they get heated I don't call my friends there shills. I have never seen you before or the other guy. I check you guys out, and you're low karma. You're actually negative karma (-2) in fact.

Why are people supposed to believe you?

Again, you are being a jerk and making a personal attack. You spelled out the 4D's but that doesn't mean everyone will instantly get that you mean those as 4 specific traits of shills online. No one would intrinsically come to that conclusion without prior knowledge. It's like me saying Dumb, Delusional, Desperate, Dick. They could refer to anything. Maybe I'm talking about you, maybe I'm talking about the type of people who frequent Walmart, maybe both, you can't know without the context. Why is that hard to understand? I smell a troll haha.

If you want people to stop calling you paranoid then maybe you should stop acting that way.

People shouldn't believe me and they shouldn't believe you either. That is such silly question. I feel talking to a 5 year old or a troll.

lol, I was wrong. You're not a shill, no, you're more simple than that. You're a sad and lonely troll. Stop harassing me.

I think his comment was just to irritate you. However, your logic was lackluster and it wouldn't hurt to lay off the logical fallacies. What is important is that you can identify and understand how and when they are being used. If I had to take a guess you semi-recently discovered logical fallacies and it's your new buzzword. I'm not saying this to talk shit, I too at one point was on the logical fallacies bandwagon and abused the crap out of them. Then I discovered that it just flares people up, and many people aren't even aware of what they mean and won't bother to look them up.

Instead, the more effective strategy is to simply say: Instead of attacking me, please debate the points that I have made. If it's not clear by my other post in this thread, I am legitimately trying to help you

It Wouldn't hurt to point out his flaws and try to help the guy improve his debating skills.

We need to not discourage people from thinking critically by attacking them when their logic is flawed. Instead point out their mistakes and let them improve their abilities and techniques.

That Trump must be a member of a secret society because the liars clearly want you to believe he isn't

Such dogshit logic man, nothing of substance here besides the rambling about shit that doesn't really matter

Adhoms win arguments. Therefore you win. You just helped me prove my own faulty logic is invalid. Thank you.

I am not entering into any argument in which I am trying to win...take a fuckin chill pill man.

about shit that doesn't really matter

I think the idea that Hillary and Trump are on the same side and part of a secrecy network matters very much, and so do others.

The thing is you don't know how to make any kind of argument. You've not said anything, only throwing around insults. Don't you know how foolish and inept you look doing that?

Why not pick one thing, even one thing I cited with evidence and refute it? You can't!

  • Gingrich is a roman catholic. GO
  • Clinton went to a jesuit school. GO
  • Hillary is in a secret society, being supported by CIA. GO
  • Obama and Hillary have backchannel ties to CIA. GO
  • Gingrich has a long history of lying. GO
  • Media lies, even now. GO
  • Gingrich Trump Clintons Bushes...ALL FRIENDS. GOOOOO!!!

You see. you can't do it. You're terrible at this. Really you are. You and the others that are viciously fighting this post that are now stalking me on other subs. I mean if it's stupid, why not just say, 'this is dumb' and go away like a normal person? Why spend so much time fighting while actually not producing anything of value to the discussion.

You see I'm not arguing to win either. Surpise mfka! I'm arguing to show people what they are up against, and to give evidence for my point of view, which i have. And you have not.

You see. you can't do it. You're terrible at this. Really you are. You and the others that are viciously fighting this post that are now stalking me on other subs.

I'm sitting here having a beer and playing Xbox and you think I'm stalking you. Really verging in the crazy realm there man.


I am reading my way through parts of this. We have secret society handbooks, pedo links, money laundering, all kinds of good juicy treasure. I can't even see your mind maps on this phone, (I wish I could) but you, good sir, might be able to open some of this which I am limited by shit technology from seeing.

Love, yer favorite non-stalker.

Your title started with 'Logical proof that...' and then you didn't once use logic.

If you didn't use logic in a post that was supposed to be 'logical proof', how is me pointing that out adhominem?

EDIT: Typo

Thanks. You were downvoted for saying you liked the post. That says this post is politicized otherwise they'd leave it alone at 1. Also I see a dagger so your comment is controversial.

I had to look up the 4Ds.

Why did you look up what I spelled out for you? Who is the illogical one now?

Looking at your history it seems like every time someone challenges you, your only counter is personal attacks and playing the shill card. Give us a break, OP. Stop being so paranoid...

this is getting old guys.... this 'paranoid' accusation. If i were really mentally ill, then you guys would be assholes for attacking me, like beating up a retarded person. But you know I'm actually not :)

btw what you are saying is not true. I hang out on cst and have lots of discussions and although they get heated I don't call my friends there shills. I have never seen you before or the other guy. I check you guys out, and you're low karma. You're actually negative karma (-2) in fact.

Why are people supposed to believe you?

:) I'm tired of the illusion of choice. I'm trying to wake people up to the mind control that's going on. And you can see it is evident in this post.

I hope they keep sending more of their people to discredit this post. It only adds more evidence that I'm onto something by the intensity and escalation of opposition.

countdown to 'bodysnatchers is actually a crazy person with schizophrenia...don't listen to him"

This is logical.