Where is Julian Assange?

34  2016-10-19 by TheUltimateSalesman

I heard about rendition. I heard about tail numbers. We know his internet got cut off.

Where is he physically located now? How do we know?



In a quote from former CIA agent Robert Baer

There is a rule inside the CIA if you want a good interrogation and you want good information you send the suspect to Jordan, if you want them to be killed or tortured to death you send them to either Egypt or Syria - never to see them again.

American Methods: Torture and the Logic of Domination

By: Kristian Williams

This morning my local radio station said nothing happened to him and that Ecuador only cut off the internet per the request of the US. Only time will tell I suppose.

He's in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He can technically leave but I doubt he will because he is in breach of a warrant that was granted to extradite him to Sweden. So if he left it could result in his arrest.

I think you're missing the point.

Since the internet was shut off, nobody has seen or heard from him. That coupled with the speculation of a rendition plane flying from London to U.S. shortly after this happened makes the issue all the more pressing.

We know HRC wants him dead. We know somebody is trying to frame him for pedophilia and taking money from the Russians. And yet, those watching the embassy have not seen him at all.

And we know that the Ecudaor embassy at the urging of Kerry, cut/restricted his internet access ... i.e. ability to reach anyone.

This is the perfect cover because it presents a front of why he hasn't surfaced/still is fine yet at the same time he could actually be missing/in danger allowing plenty of time for all sorts of scenarios. Pending any true bombshells or confirmation he is alive, even post-election we could still all be left to assume he hasn't acknowledged he is fine bc his internet access is limited.

The whole plane situation REALLY was interesting...and I read somewhere on here that a "military operation" took place and was finished within 5 minutes, involving people repelling down the building and taking someone out of the embassy. I find it hard to rely on the embassy's statement as a measure of his safety since they seemingly worked with state officials to limit/silence him already.

How do we know that? Has anyone seen him?

His legal team will have seen him recently as he's due to be interviewed on 14th November with his attorneys present.

Least they could do is video him saying he's alright, I am seriously concerned by the lack of coverage. Ok, so a video could be faked but it would give some indication and if it did turn out to be fake, I.e. We found out later he was already taken, it would at least be proof that we were being lied to.

Yes hopefully they will. He did do a video link on 4th October to the press in Germany but since then I'm not aware of anything.

If he was alive and safe, almost surely somebody would have told us by this point.

The US put the locks on the outside of the Ecuadorian embassy now.

If a few hundred people gathered they could walk him from the Ecuadorian embassy to the Russian one, about a 10 minute walk from what I see. He would probably be much saver there. Who knows... I hope this hero is okay, he is a beacon of light in an otherwise dark world.

How long before we are told Julian wants to be a girl so they gave him a dickotomy?

At least we will still be able to call her Julian.