Can you guys put together a list of journos that can no longer be trusted after the Podesta leaks came out?

36  2016-10-19 by Fuckyousantorum

Wikileaks continues to show cooperation and favouritism among journalists:

Pdesta Emails show Clinton campaign targeting friendly journalists:

WALK OF SHAME (starter for ten):

  1. John Dickerson

  2. Ezra Klein

  3. Glenn Thrush

  4. Louise Mensch

  5. Cecilia Vega

  6. David Muir ibid

  7. Diane Sawyer ibid

  8. Norah O’Donnell. ibid

  9. Brianna Keilar ibid

  10. Gloria Borger ibid

  11. John Berman ibid

  12. Kate Bolduan ibid

  13. Alex Wagner ibid

  14. Rachel Maddow ibid

  15. Savannah Guthrie ibid

  16. Katie Couric?

  17. John Hardwood

  18. Brent Budowsky

  19. Donna Brazile

  20. Matthew Dowd just because of this pathetic tweet


Just trust yourself keep researching sometimes I don't even trust myself just keep digging

Good humble attitude and advice.

Not even original. I'm just using Buddha's advise. :)

Throw Oliver on that list...he established himself as a legit journalist after the Snowden interview, but the heads of HBO now control him; ain't contracts a bitch, John?

Speaking of Johns...where's Stewart...I wanna hear what he has to say so we can hold his feet to the fire.

He's too busy counting his money and booking a flight to Israel I bet if shit gets real.

I like HA Goodman too. Seems ok.

None of them can be trusted. I don't need wikileaks to figure that out.

Donna Brazile ??

anyone on tv

If it is coming out of your teevee, it has been 1% Approved.

Good idea FYS! I'll help.