Is there any confirmation that Assange is alive and well? Anything? If not, why hasn't the kill switch activated?

67  2016-10-20 by Tha_Dude_Abidez


Realistically, he's been captured, tortured and might be dead at this point.

Whether the capture and torture began at the embassy or at an offsite facility is probably irrelevant.

They've likely gone to great lengths to ensure that he gave up the codes, potentially utilizing methods far beyond anything we've seen or heard about ("the machine").

He is probably either alive and in grave circumstances or dead. Either way, nothing wikileaks released since the confusion began has been significant in impacting the election, so presumably John Kerry got what he wanted for now.

The reality is, wikileaks isn't the only means of resisting corruption. Corruption is a concept that needs to be cleaned from every metaphorical nook and cranny in the known universe. It always tries to crop up like mold, and it always needs to be sterilized with the light of truth.

Many people will likely continue to die in the pursuit of spreading truth to their fellow man. It's just a reality.

The saddening thought that occurs is the deadman switch's payload might never be released because of what's happened.

However, that's even more damning than the release itself: it shows that what was in there was so bad, that they had to pull an obvious, blatant move like this one to try to stop it. He already won, in the sense that their position has been revealed in the minds of all who have been following this. It's only a matter of time before the sun starts to shine on the shadows of the present. They know this.

Light is weightless. Their loads are getting heavy.

No matter what, keep going. They're losing.

What's "the machine"?

Lol there's a Clinton ad on the video.

I will :) Thanks for this :)

Can you make a topic with this post but some kind of catchy title? This is not b NG discussed enough.

I am upvoting and seconding this.

Ignore the last part, got banned from r/offmychest, fuck them.

Wow, everyone needs to read this. Jesus. Fuck.

Agreed, it's stuff I collected WHILE all the events were occurring, the thread is setup nearly in chronological order during the events.

I can't say it's 100% accurate, but it paints a grim story.

Didn't we already know this place was compromised?? Did everyone just fucking forget the canary is gone??

top comment is shadow banned

There is no way to know how legit this is, but this :31 second video was posted within 24 hours of his internet shutdown. It's the only thing I've seen.

Someone needs to pin or sticky this or something. It is honestly terrifying but 100% possible that after the internet disconnect, US intelligence hijacked the twitter account and are running the show now. There is absolutely no reason to think this is not what happened as of now.

That's what scares me the most. I think that he would have came out on the balcony or something by now. Something is far from right with the scenario. Something is wrong. Have they dropped anything today?

Just a thought, they have him, and now the kill switch is in limbo as his life is negotiated over... Activating the kill switch now would be like burning his safety net. (theory)

What's worse is if the goal is to filter the information or manipulate it in order to discredit Wikileaks or throw people off course, then everyone is falling for it (including myself until about 10 minutes ago)

Probably because he was captured and tortured into giving up the info that would kill the kill switch.

Or maybe it's waiting until after the debate. Or next week. Or who knows?

Ain't good, though. No matter how you cut it.

You realize Wikileaks employes quite a few people. I'm sure they also have the goods. As WL stated in a tweet, they will continue as planned despite the internet cut off.

I'm aware they have employees. I don't know how many, I don't know if they've been infiltrated, I don't know if the dead man's switch is exclusive to Assange.

Basically, I'm just kinda down that the forces of evil seem so plentiful and relentlessly ruthless. I don't even think they're all that smart or even competent anymore, just that they've got their hands in everything and the people are so brainwashed and/or complacent.

I can't speak for the authenticity but, a comment on a thread I posted earlier said many people working closely to Assange haven't been seen in days either.


Does the kill switch have any basis in fact, or is it just fanfiction?

Duuuuude. It's real. The info is downloaded, just need the code.


That doesn't mention 'dead mans switch' or 'kill switch'. Was that announced someweher? Not trying to be a dick, but curious about the origin of that info.

The big encrypted releases are referred to by Wikileaks as "insurance" and "pre-commitments". They're insurance in that if anything bad happens to stop the leak, like the would-be leaker being murdered, a password to decrypt the packages will automatically be released to ensure the material is still released.

I don't know if Assange or Wikileaks themselves ever use the term "deadman's switch", but that is exactly what their encrypted insurance files are.

Duuuuude. It's real. The info is downloaded, just need the code.