I hate Hillary and I honestly think Trump is a plant

84  2016-10-20 by [deleted]



So incite everyone you know who feels the same way to start a revolution.

Or sit down and take it in the ass like everyone else is, because they're comfortable in their satisfactory lifestyles.

How? They manipulate the Internet and plant pedo porn on people they disagree with.

If you rise up as too few you will be struck down amid ridicule and demonization from all angles. Can't blame op for not wanting to take on a suicide mission and waiting for an actual movement to take off.

Someone needs to someday soon though that much is sure.

Start a revolution? I'd rather live and see how bad it gets. We're all getting fucked, even the Democrats and liberals who think Hillary shares their ideals

I always believed it and even had the Bernie hope but now I'm standing here with my thumb in my ass hoping someone takes Hillary and her band of corruption down.

The more some truth is about to be revealed about them the deeper and deeper they sink into further corruption and deceit. She will be the final nail in America's coffin

At this point I hope it is. This shit can't really be happening.

Jill Stein

She has great thought. Ajamu is brilliant as well.

That said, what you doing in Dec, obeying or rebelling?

I was going to vote for Jill Stein, good thing someone corrected the record on my voter registration so now I dunno. Source: Indiana voter here.

They tampered with registrations during the primaries to disenfranchise too, over 120k disenfranchised in Brooklyn alone as they targeted Bernie supporters and deleted their registrations (they were unceremoniously un-deleted after voting was over though). Is it too late to fix the tampering for you? I know I checked my own registration just last week because I knew they'd be doing this shit, I wish more people were aware this was going on.

He would be the stupidest plant in the world.

"Go in there and scare the people enough to get Hillary elected... and while you are at it, make sure and destroy our work pushing the TPP. Also, point out the corruption at every turn."

Any warhawk republican could have handed this to Hillary without fucking over the Fed, MIC, TPP, the Clinton Foundation, or Saudi Arabia.

His support for those topics de-legitimizes them, and allows them to compare other people who talk about them to the idiot Trump.

"Trump is a plant" is one of the few ways you could manipulate this board. We're all looking for the "hidden connections" and we are really fu**ing short on trust, these days.

All CTR can do on /r/Conspiracy is try to implicate him as a plant.

For the flat-earther yeti hunters, this seems plausible.

Actually a lot of what CTR can do on /r/conspiracy is to plant and upvote false information. And they can create and popularize subs like, oh say.. /r/the_donald, and make them into racist meme-garbage, screaming hysteria hives.

Now you're bashing the_donald? There is a lot of racist meme-garbage there... that's CTR. There's a lot of Flat Earth mysticism bullshit here... but again... that's not the base of /r/conspiracy. That's CTR and friends.

Why would they waste effort in convincing people to vote for one or the other if both candidates are compromised?

The point is to put one specific person into office and make everyone believe they were legitimately voted in because, just look at how horrible the other guy is.


I know some people think he's a plant, but you've supplied no more than I've already heard, and it is all implications with no substance.

Insiders never get audited. They don't get accused of rape. That stuff is saved for the Cosby's and Assange's of the world.

If he's a plant, the powers that be are fucking morons. They could just have him be an idiot from here on out... but instead, he's pointing fingers and lending credibility to the idea that the whole system is rigged. He's pointing out corruption in specific details that a puppet like Obama wouldn't touch.

The OBVIOUS sellouts of the GOP are the ones that are the most against him. ANY of those candidates on the GOP stage would have been a better plant than Trump, which is why they were trying to throw it to anyone but Trump... time after time.

And just a note... I happen to like most of the Jews I meet. If Trump's children were marrying into the Rothschilds, Bush's or Clintons... that would be significant.

The idea that marrying a Jew makes you somehow suspect is thinly masked bigotry. I'd like a source on Resorts International, please :)


The Clinton campaign actively encouraged the media to legitimize Trump. Leaked Podesta emails have admitted that Hillary's only chance of winning relied on Trump being her opponent.

Trump may not be intentionally trying to lose, but he only got to where he is because the Clinton machine planted him there with help from the media. Before Trump announced his candidacy, Bill Clinton even personally encouraged him to get more involved in politics. Because the Clintons and Trumps are old friends.

That's my general thought now. They made any dissent stick to him, he's the new Alex jones. We can see videos of rigged elections, text evidence of corruption and greed, and now they can just say 'opoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are craaaaaazy like trump! Gave them a new noun/verb to throw at conspiracy. What do they give him though, he owes a ton of more net or something and he gets put into the black?

All manageable "problems" from their POV I'm betting. All part of the evil-genius script.

They know that Clinton was a damn hard sell, given her corruption and her liabilities, re: being hacked by Guccifer and probably the NSA and their Israeli counterparts. What do they do? Set up a straw-man in the form of a b-list celebrity, ultra-corrupt rich-guy clown.

I don't think they would willingly sink the TPP, as the most BASIC pillar of why this is absurd. The defeat of the TPP is as big a blow to globalism as anything I've seen in the past 20 years, since the wall fell.

His brutal takedown of Nafta is also hugely destructive to the globalist cause.

I've got friends screaming "corruption" that I'd NEVER have thought would wake up. Donald woke them up.

Then needed to hear it from a candidate... from someone important, who they feel has been inside the system enough to see it for what it is... FUCKED.

He's calling out voting machines. He's pointing to wikileaks. He just added term limits to his platform. He's the only republican candidate to harp on the Soros angle. He's pointing out the corruption in the Clinton Foundation. He's pointing to the fuckery in Haiti. He's offering detante to Russia.

He could skip all of this and just throw the election to Hillary by saying, "I'm just running for president because of the High Grade Pu**y I'll be able to nail in the Lincoln Bedroom".

Romney was a straw man, designed to throw the election... and that makes sense, because he didn't really attack Obama much at all, on anything of substance. He didn't spoil any trade deals, and he didn't ever call out "International Finance" like Trump recently did.

If you want an idea to sound crazy, make a crazy person say it, repeatedly. Trump hits on a lot of shady shit about/around Clinton solely to make people dismiss the shady shit as crazy.

I've been pretty well in the "Trump isn't real/is a plant" camp for a long while now.

These are great points, now I'm not so sure

I've been hearing "Trump is a plant" for SOOOO long... but there is nothing but insinuations. Not a single email from the DNC has alluded to this, and they have been caught on SO much stuff, this time around.

Early in the campaign, they were trying to promote the "Dark Horse" candidates, like Trump, because they didn't think he had a chance. Trump was meant to pull the frontrunners further to the right, to give Hillary a better chance in the primary against them.

In the beginning, the Media did cover Trump, and they weren't that mean to him (relatively)... and that changed when it started looking like Trump had an actual shot at the nomination.

No one thought Trump would seal the nomination 18 months ago... but the Media, the Mainstream Republicans and the Hillary Campaign turned on him WAAAAY before he had the nomination clinched.

That said, I'm not sure, either... but it doesn't quite make sense that he's a plant. Bringing out all those Clinton Rape victims? Surely, a plant wouldn't have dug there.

The shit she did to Haiti? Surely, a plant wouldn't have given specifics like he did, and remember that he had that dude that was From Haiti expose that he was offered a bribe to play ball.

Trump's shenanigans with the rape victims are surely what caused the latest accuser of bill to step forward.

I think the "Trump is a plant" narrative is crafted specifically for me... and people like me, who LOVE digging into the secret machine.

A test to see how apathetic the country has become.



Stolen election with 'proof'.....

I'm writing in Bernie Sanders for the hell of it, still the only candidate that even seemed genuine about this country.

The only wasted vote is one for someone you don't like. Good on you.

Write-ins are often just tossed in the trash, particularly if the person in question isn't registered officially as a write-in candidate in your state. If you want your discontent actually counted, you'd do better to vote for a third party that's actually running for president. Even if you don't actually want them to be president, at least your voice against the two-party duopoly will actually be measured and heard.

Thank you for this information.

Me too, so, you won't be the only one :)

Jill Stein numbnuts.

jill not hill

Jill yes hill no

great minds think alike

Assad 2016

Or Putin! Either put western world leaders to shame.

That Trump is acting a part for the Clinton/deep-state machine has been blatantly obvious to me since the media started covering Trump for hours a day way before the primaries. They completely ignored him when he ran in 2000. It became more obvious when the biggest Bush lover on reddit, the guy who created /r/Conspiratard, created the biggest Trump sub and made it filled with garbage memes and racism.

"Reality Show" actor, "Beauty" pageant mogul, "Greed is Good" motto. He's a heel.

Also, wasn't he ACTUALLY a heel when he appeared in "professional wrestling" programs years ago?

Gary Johnson

Voting for a prison industrial complex? Yeah I don't think so. Jill Stein all the way

He ain't perfect, but he's the closest to the pin.

Rogue plant

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Vote, Jill, Donald, or Gary....TPTB want us to not vote, because "they" know Hillary is the last person anyone in this sub would vote for. I don't know the extent that voting matters, but it matters. Voting sure as hell does more than just sitting at home, bitching about the corrupt system and feeling smarter than the "sheep" because you chose to what? Not even ATTEMPT to make your voice heard? Ludicrous.

While I'm at it, let's be pragmatic. I hear the argument made that by not voting that somehow that means you aren't participating in the "game?" Do you think the Clintons, Bush's and Soros's of the world go to night fretting about all those people that are sitting out? They don't give a shit, it probably makes them happy tbh. So go vote, if you don't like Trump, vote 3rd party, just do SOMETHING dammit!

Why THE FUCK didn't he press her on the Chicago riot in the beginning??????? WHYYYYYY

Even if he is a plant, which I don't think he is because of how vicious he's been attacking her, but even if he is, sending Hillary and Bill home to die, instead of the White House, would be a good thing.

For me, the angle is: he's been viciously attacking her because it's already settled that Hillary will 'win'. He's been given a free reign because it does not matter what he says, Hillary will win by vote rigging anyway. And Trump supporters end up with blue balls. This whole election is a giant psychological operation conducted on the American public.


Very true


He is 100% a plant. The Democrats got their media buddies to give him free advertising. He had more media coverage than any other candidate because the Clinton campaign made it happen. The entire Republican establishment was actively working against Trump, but he had too much free advertising from supposed "liberal" media outlets like CNN.

Technically Trump himself may not know he's a plant though. It's possible he's an idiot who is trying his hardest and just keeps fucking up because he's an idiot. Or he could be intentionally pulling his punches and trying to lose. It's hard to say for sure, but what is entirely sure is that the Clinton campaign chose Trump as the opponent they wanted to face and the media made it happen.

Well, it was hard to believe the Republicans were serious when they ran McCain/Palin against Obama, and the DNC filed a response when sued by Bernie's supporters saying that Bernie's people knew all along that Hillary was going to be the candidate. It's pretty clear what's going on here... They wanted to give us a choice between Bush III and Clinton II, but couldn't get away with it. They gave us a choice of Hillary instead.

He was supposed to be a plant


You seriously think these people are acting? I don't think so.

hillary would be proud of this shit post. anyone but trump, right?

No I actually liked Trump, went to his rally in March and own a MAGA hat. I've been for him since fall of last year and memed on The_Donald with various accounts (including this one) the whole way. Once these presidential debates started though it seems as if he took a turn. He doesn't bring up obvious points or topics that would hurt Hillary when the opportunity arises and seems to spend way too much time and energy talking about irrelevant shit that doesn't matter and only serves as fodder for his detractors. Makes no sense. After the first debate I mentioned something to this effect on The_Donald but my post was deleted for being a form of 'concern trolling'. For a while I've felt The_Donald has been compromised too though (ever since the mod overhaul) and rarely does genuine debate or discussion ever happen there anymore

That's why it was overtaken, friend.

Are you watching tonight?

He ain't perfect, but he's the closest to the pin.

Voting for a prison industrial complex? Yeah I don't think so. Jill Stein all the way