I would just like to take a minute and thank Hillary Clinton for TELLING THE FUCKING WORLD OUT NUCLEAR RESPONSE TIME.

54  2016-10-20 by Johnny-Skitzo



Rule 6. Removed.

Feel free to re-post this without the shouting.

Remember years ago when we used to protest our governments against going to war? Where is the protest now? Or does no one give a shit anymore? What happened to the people who used to organize these? Killed off discreetly while we have been watching T.V?

Has a protest ever prevented or stopped a war? Honest question.

At least it let them know we cared enough to protest. Now they do whatever they feel like doing and no one holds them accountable, so they progressively get worse, because they feel that we will accept it.

Who held them accountable for previous wars? I haven't heard of any of them every getting charged with war crimes

There is a first time for everything.

Public outcry may have played a part in preventing Obama from conducting a ground invasion of Syria. Could be many other factors though.

They have become to old. The current generation is full of pussies

I still hold out hope that there is a tipping point where people will snap out of it and realise that unless we do something they will put us on an irreversible path.

There's many protests still going man, but you can't stop the machine. Protested in the streets in 2001, 2004, 2008, still have friends that do it. Gets you nowhere, crushes your soul.

They stopped the draft and people stopped caring

Psst, don't shout, the Russian mods will hear you.


"Oh, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to do that."

The Clinton Defence

if that fails, then "well, everyone else is doing it!"

if that fails, then "the russians!!!"


At least she didn't reveal the new launch code: 000001

also at that point what difference does it make. Unless you are already half way down the stairs of your bunker....we are all fucked

we all burn.................burn I tell ya

Not me! My tinfoil suit and house/Faraday cage is built to withstand the force of a million suns!

we came, we saw, he died

actually, i think it's more like 3.50

We all gonna die anyway

especially with hillary as POTUS :<

what is the quote? i must have missed it.

But here's the deal, the bottom line on nuclear weapons is, that when the president gives the order it must be followed. There's about 4 minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.

4 minutes? Yeah in the 90's

Haha right? What, do the button pushers immediately get the message via secure communications, then sit around and think about pressing the button for the following three minutes and 55 seconds?

What's the chain of command, who executes the orders?

You have me there.

But you honestly believe it takes exactly four minutes in the situation? I mean sure Hilary probably has an ear piece in, but do you think her team actually fact checked the precise time it would take to execute a nuclear strike?

It's not secret

Well in her defense she is amazing at leaking classified info...

Honest question : Why is it a big deal for someone to know our nuclear response time? I've been mulling it over a few minutes, I can't really think of anything. especially if it's only 4 minutes... But I do not pretend to be an authority on the subject.

Apparently it's not much of a big deal, because it's already public knowledge for a long time :


IT's not like anyone with half a brain would have it figured out BTW : cruise missiles can take 20/30 minutes to come from... let's say russia. So obviously : launch, detection, report... all that taken into account you need to still have enough time to retaliate.

Hence the logic : it must be somewhere in the vicinity of 5 to 10 minutes.

You would have to be extra fast if the launch was made from close proximity, like a nuclear sub close to your coast.

Apparently it's not much of a big deal, because it's already public knowledge for a long time :


IT's not like anyone with half a brain would have it figured out BTW : cruise missiles can take 20/30 minutes to come from... let's say russia. So obviously : launch, detection, report... all that taken into account you need to still have enough time to retaliate.

Hence the logic : it must be somewhere in the vicinity of 5 to 10 minutes.

You would have to be extra fast if the launch was made from close proximity, like a nuclear sub close to your coast.