With all due respect, I just can't read this sub anymore....

0  2016-10-20 by [deleted]



Yeah, great. Thanks for your input. See ya....

No, not everything is a conspiracy. In the case of the elections this year though, some serious things are being uncovered.

and I don't even wanna believe it anyway.

That's it right there. You don't want to believe what you see. You prefer to remain ignorant.

You are certainly not right. You just don't want to know how the sausage is made. So you call it nonsense, but you know it is not nonsense, you just don't want to know the truth. Go back to sleep.

Next time don't waste your time typing all of this out, just leave...


you won't consider the possibility that shootings have been staged or false flagged?

It's all about balance.

If you find yourself jumping at every shadow or not spending enough time with family or friends then you should modify your behavior accordingly. Being too focused on any one thing isn't healthy.

I quit MMO gaming due to it eating up all my time which resulted in alienating my family. This place can end up doing the same to you if you let it.

Self control is something we all must learn and re-learn every day of our lives.

Enjoy the outside.

Good riddance. It was never for you.

One of the best departing words I've ever read. Happy trails dude. I know what you mean sometimes.

You're saying the world isn't run by lizard people?! /s

Look, there might be some people here who will be offended by my disbelief of lizard people and all that, but for the most part I think this is a pretty rational sub filled with cautiously curious people who question everything around them. And there might be some cooky theories here (it is a conspiracy sub, after all), but what you won't find here is censorship and the suppression of unpalatable news/beliefs. I come here and read things, true things, things independently verified (things like wikileaks findings), shocking things that you would never find anywhere on the MSM. And that is why I come here: open discussion with people who question the world around them.


Ok, but sticking to the MSM for "facts" is like going to a bovine proctologist for dental work: it's gonna taste like bullshit.

CTR style.

I feel you dude. It's really stressful having to see all of this on a daily basis. I respect your decision, and have nothing negative for it. Godspeed.

Why do you feel the need to post your sob story bullshit on this sub?

Get a fucking tumblr. Cry there.

Hey buddy i see that you are getting hate for this but honestly live on your terms, if you feel it is getting to you mentally by all means take a break! We'll be here if you ever come back but for now just enjoy the things you can.

I'm still trying to figure out when /r/conspiracy turned into /r/The_Donald2 ...


I don't care what anybody says. Once I got a job in education, I saw how everything is a conspiracy.

I don't care what anybody says. Once I got a job in education, I saw how everything is a conspiracy.

I don't care what anybody says, I'm going to sacrifice the future of my students in order to suit my own agenda!

I understand. I go through phases of interest and disinterest.

To address your concern about the idea that "[you] don't believe everything is corrupt and someone is pulling the strings":

Conspiracy theories involving an evil cabal controlling everything are generally referred to as "grand conspiracy" theories to differentiate them from the standard conspiracies involving a handful or even a few hundred people for a limited and specific purpose (e.g. conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to defraud, etc).

One of the possible explanations for the type of grand conspiracy thinking you often see on this sub is the desire for order in a world that seems uncomfortably chaotic. This is not entirely confirmed, but the evidence and research tend to lean that way. For some people, this argument goes, it is more comfortable to think there is an evil force causing all bad things to happen than to think that the world is generally unpredictable, bad things happen to good people, and coincidences abound.

Because of this desire, the human mind's fantastic ability to identify patterns (even when there are none), and the pride at being one of the "awake", the grand conspiracy theory is born.

Why do people feel the need to explain why they are "leaving" a sub they were never invited to in the first place?

Stay or go... no one really gives a shit.

well, bye.

4 month old account.

My thing is I don't believe everything is corrupt and someone is pulling the strings. I believe that we have a ton of coincidences and a ton of people who are good and bad. They are in all positions, but I believe in this country and I love my country. I don't look at my leaders like you all do, and maybe I'm wrong for it... But I don't believe these theories and I have to respectfully step away from this sub.

I'm not sure why this makes one unfit for hanging on this sub; if anything, it makes you uniquely qualified. Right now, this sub is full of election crap and even when it's not, it's full of propaganda posted by many different interests who believe - whether it's merited or not - that we're "influencers" worth their propaganda time. Newsflash: Instigators of "it's all a hoax" are typically working for someone and the rest are gullible useful idiots. They need those of us who aren't either to be here to take the piss. If you have the stomach for weeding through that garbage (bonus if you have the fortitude to realize "karma" is bullshit and calling bullshit on stuff like that is worth a few seconds), there's worthwhile content and good people here. If you don't...I guess we all kind of understand because we've been there, but there's no reason to grandstand about it.

Step 1, Skepticism sneaks in: The choice is yours... always.

Step 2, Denial overrides everything: Ignorance is bliss... don't be this guy.

Step 3, Moment of Weakness: Its just too much... no, you are just being indoctirnaded.

Step 4, Fear takes over completely: You regret it all, well its too late now and there is no going back.

Remember, only the truth shall set you free and truth/freedom are the most important thing an individual can have.

I don't get it?

Is it actually difficult for you to skip past stuff you are not interested in?

Do you really read the stuff you are not interested in?

I probably only actually read 5 per cent of the stuff on here.

It really doesn't take a lot of time to NOT do something.


Our world is intelligent design if you don't understand that then c ya later don't come back until you do.

I've worked with people in government and I've never come across a lick of any sort of brotherhoods, illuminaughty, or any crap like that. The world is made up of people like you and YOUR group of friends. You help each other in sickness and doubt, and you give them jobs when you can, and you invite them to a meal or offer them a couch when they are short. The world is FULL of normal fucking people.

There are ladder climbers and cabals, and surely some people's aspirations and agendas are bigger than others, but sometimes the search for the truth can lead you into a LOT of dark places full of people just out there trying to confuse and manipulate each other. r/The_donald has shitposted all over reddit and ruined a lot of nice subs including here, r/wikileaks, r/news, and others with fucking racism and propaganda, taking an ounce of truth to justify a mountain of lies and to try and get their agenda across while smearing everybody else. Fuck that!

I visit here to get a different perspective on things, and perhaps get a unique perspective. There aren't any unique perspectives here anymore, just a bunch of people wanking each other off about how smart they are and how "the government" is out to get everyone. Fuck that.

If you pay taxes, then the government actually works for you! Have a problem? Call you local elected official, schedule a meeting with your local council member, or someone from your congressman's office. They will actually meet with you or have a representative that will. This is YOUR country, and don't let anyone tell you it isn't.

You are funny