I suggest a boycott of Reddit Gold if wikileaks continues to be blocked as spam.

723  2016-10-20 by [deleted]



I suggest putting the money to something more useful anyway.

Maybe on buying the "Free Julian" T-Shirts

Hijacking to say: Which one of you bastards gilded OP

Probly someone from r/firstworldanarchists or Cheryl Tunt


so I think we can all agree, either way: fuck reddit

Voat or die muthafucka, muthafucka voat or die!

There's no Value in reddit gold to begin with. Why bother. Give to a Charity or feed someone today.

Fuck all if this is what Arron thought this place was intended for.

Talk. Share. Create.

Fucking redditgold.

Shame, reddit!

Dream great dreams! Dream well!

Dream of large women.

then the petite women, then the large women again.


And if someone glide you, will you edit your post for "Thanks stanger for gold".

I've admittedly, only been gilded once. I did acknowledge the gilder.

It had nothing to do with me and every thing to do with the Insane Execution (IMHO) of an innocent person during the alleged Boston Bombing Marathon Shit Show.

Reddit Gold is an empty vacuum of Feel Good Points and UpVotes.

There's so much knowledge to be shared, and discovered!

But Gild Away!

Care to elaborate or provide more information on your Boston marathon opinions? Would love more info

Wish I knew how to retrieve my remarks concerning the said gilding of that comment.

It revolved around the brutal murder of this person:


Slogan: geld not gild.

There's no Value in reddit

How about a boycott of Reddit? The idea is more simple, demands more sacrifice and frees up your time to do more and better things.

I think the problem with that is that a lot of people are getting good information from subreddits like this. Where do we take our discussion?

I actually think this sub, along with the closely related subs, need to have a very soon discussion about where to go if things get hairy here. They start today by putting WL links in the spam filter. Tomorrow, next week, next month, who knows what they'll decide to shut down.

We all need to come to agreement on where to go. Fracturing the discussions weakens the position and information collective of everyone here.

This place is infested with shills, it was hairy for a long time. There are buildings full of hired shills following a script attempting to minimize those who tell the truth, we need to push back.

This is also a problem. How do we know who to trust?

Well it's pretty easy. There's shills and there's really low intelligence people that in effect act as controlled shills. To stop them don't engage them, they turn arguments away from logic, information and investigation to rhetorical arguments.

Study rhetoric and linguistics and you'll figure out very quickly who you can trust because the shills speak in a diametrically opposite dialect.

Essentially rhetoric is discussing everything but the actual prepositions and points and directing attention away from the facts. It's super easy to pick out. Spreading disinformation with sprinklings of truth is infinitely harder than simply deflecting with rhetorical and semantic attacks to persuade the others viewing/listening.

They may start with disinfo but will devolve to rhetoric very quickly if you start to discuss things. You'll get venomous reactions that are not fitting to what you said because a person speaking logically is cognitive dissonance to them.

They operate on the most basic human instinct, joining the winning team. In effect they don't think about the truth or anything other than the fact they think their rhetoric gains them acceptance by the winning side, if you refuse to engage with them they will stop feeling like they are on the winning team.

They operate on the most basic human instinct, joining the winning team

This is my sister, sadly. Bought two of Hillary's books (she'll never read them, just likes to have them laying around in case someone comes over and sees them), donated to the DNC and Shillary's campaign, watches MSM nightly and cusses at the TV when Trump is speaking. So she gets to tell her friends she is politically active. Well, she is, if you consider what is happening politics. I call it mass fraud. Smoke and mirrors.

Ok so how to deal with it. Don't engage don't try to argue but allow her to unleash, when she goes into activation mode if you stand within her comfort zone and allow her to unload eventually what happens is the person begins to unravel, say nothing and listen intently with zero reaction.

If you do nothing and allow her nonsense to spew out eventually their mind recognizes at a very deep level that they are harming their own credibility . If you give them nothing to feed on their reality unfolds because it is the reactions that drive them. Simply standing in their vicinity while they unleash causes them to see the heir of their ways because they aren't getting feedback that enforces their beliefs. It causes an inception, every belief they have is founded on people being a certain way and when an exception shatters that reality the whole thing begins to unravel.

This only works on an individual level when they don't have a group to gang up on you. It won't stick immediately but it plants the doubt in their mind. Say literally nothing and just walk away, fight the urge to react. Their mind will try to scrape together the rhetoric but when you don't give them words to spin their rhetoric factory crashes.

Good advice! Thanks. I have previously said I do not wish to talk about politics, because it's a waste of my time. I could be reading Wikileaks or something.

EDIT: previously said to her

There are some great comments here that I can't respond to now. An example for the idea I presented is talking to your neighbors. Who will stick up for you when you get shipped off to a fema camp? How would you live stream it? Would you be able to upload a selfie with the arresting gestapo?

edit my typing is atrocious.

Very true. We've made an effort in our neighborhood since we moved in to know our neighbors as well as employees and owners of local businesses. I don't think people do this enough anymore, and it's served us well. Dogs got out? Neighbor put them back in the yard. Gas company shows up unannounced, other neighbor calls me at work to notify me. Maybe we should have a block party soon and invite the whole street....


There's time I'm thankful I live in the south. Sure we catch a lot of hell (Florida Man!) but the county I'm in is deeply conservative. Mostly in the way we believe we can do things for ourselves and don't need the gov't to step in. After a hurricane it's the locals that have cleared the roads, made runs out of state to get essentials and helped the neighbors...usually days before FEMA even shows up.

Don't get me wrong. We are not country folk. It's just we grew up learning how to be self sufficient and we all have each others backs.

Machete... block parties are the shit! I grew up with those. Shut down the whole street and everyone brings food and drink and just parties for a whole weekend. You get to know your neighbor, their wife and kids and you end up realizing for the most part they are no different than you. You'd be surprised how political differences disappear after vast quantities of food and drink.

I live on the US/Mexico border. We're fairly self-sufficient down here but I think spending time with your neighbors has become long forgotten in most parts of the world. One of our neighbors is in her eighties and talks all the time about how people used to be more neighborly. I think that just as the Internet has made us more connected, it has also made us more isolated.

I heard that! You can't go anywhere that's considered a 'social setting' and not see everyone paying more attention to their phones then the people sitting next to them.

That's really cool.

All methods of digital communcation should be considered compromised.

I kind of figured. How unfortunate that this level of connectivity is being taken from us.


voat.co is full of foaming conspiracy theorists

I checked it out before - similar set up as here but quite slow. The members there are very low. If they could improve speed then there could be a mass exodus from Reddit to Voat

so is this site...

Whoever gilded this post... You're a shithead, but a hilarious shithead

OP gave himself gold to make his fake post seem more legitament.

Well said.

Lol giving money to reddit in general, using that money to wipe my own ass would be more useful. Only website I've ever donated money to is Wikipedia.

Seriously the next time someone on Reddit says something I really enjoy I'm going to donate to Wikipedia

Why dont we try organise through this sub, the last bastion of internet researchers, and make a new site?

Something like instead of a site that everyone can create subs... just a site called r/politics.com? Lets take it back, create a site that's essentially a chan or reddit sub but just for Politics and research on the powers that be?

Surely if we all jumped ship and started teaming up with drudge, wikileaks, veritas etc...

There is so much info out there we need a serious board now!

We must be able to do something????????????? We need to atleast attempt to organise weekly community sessions... vote on a topic to research and go from there?

They have scattered us by design... we need to regroup before its too late?!?!?!

I was able to post a test wikileak an hour ago, has not been rejected.

Show us where Wikileaks is being filtered as spam.

Damn is it spam on reddit or not someone tell me plz

Today, I posted an article from the Russia Today website and an article from lewrockwell.com on /r/Politics, both of which were removed. The first article was removed for being "state sponsored propaganda" and the second article!- was removed for being "off-topic" ( → it was an article about the US elections).


I never really posted much on Reddit, and with this level of censorship I think I'm keeping it that way...

Don't bother dicking around with /r/Politics. That sub is shills all the way down


Boycott that shit anyway. Fuck supporting the admins and their agendas.

Is it still counted as spam?

wait, someone is not boycotting reddit gold already?

Who's the smart-ass that gave OP gold? Why not give it to CNN or FOX?

It's been done before, during the Voat migration. Admins would literally drop gold on people who mentioned boycotting gold.

"I suggest a boycott of Reddit Gold if wikileaks continues to be blocked as spam."

he gets gold.

"no I am done with cocaine"

"Here have another line"

I suggest everyone start going to www.voat.co At least over there you don't have admins and mods in the pocket of CTR and team Hillary. I mean it's a complete mirror of Reddit without all the bullshit.

I've been "boycotting" reddit gold for years.

Two absolute things I really do not give a shit about, Reddit Gold and Karma. WTF.

gold is not main money for reddit ... they make much more from Ads and all the linking to websites

OP was /u/Command135_Initiated

Last Wikileaks.org submitted 3 minutes ago

Check for yourselves:


The last fake post that wikileaks was being filtered spammed here was deleted.

Original fake outrage on /r/DNCleaks

Well if someone offers me Reddit Gold I'm not emotionally invested enough in Wikileaks to turn it down.

Why not, it does practically nothing

You wanna know what does even less than Reddit Gold? Boycotting Reddit Gold.

Thanks for the Gold, putting this one in my trophy case

What exactly did that do?

Nom! Nom! Nom....

All good.

I have this little Arron Schwartz voice, from his exquisite family home videos. Perhaps I should call out his family as a sham? No way possible this little shit stain could be so fucking brilliant!

Nah. Friend, I'll glide and trust there are genius children! Peaceful strangers and my heavy anchor.

Aaron Schwartz wanted to open up knowledge to the masses in a very good way. His family must miss him so deeply. I know I do.

His gold was free knowledge and that is Priceless!

Dream great dreams! Dream well!

That was the GOLD that Aaron left on me when I came here!

This place is infested with shills, it was hairy for a long time. There are buildings full of hired shills following a script attempting to minimize those who tell the truth, we need to push back.

Probly someone from r/firstworldanarchists or Cheryl Tunt