There is a group of people that create, manipulate, and destroy money. They don't live life like we do even though we are so advanced we could all live that way. Things won't change until value changes. Love you all.

44  2016-10-21 by showmeurboobsplznthx


Everyone functions around money so if you control it, you control everyone. Break that thought and outlaw debt, the world will change. People will be strong and powerfull and live with respect. They will care for the lost souls who stay disconnected while working hard to accomplish anything we want!!

While I agree to an extent this step is not the first one to take. The first step is self determination, then education, and then cooperation.

The first step is forcing the elite to close their offshore accounts and put that money back into the economy via expanding businesses (which will create jobs) and buying real property (which will generate tax revenue). Since our dollar is based on the value of crude oil, our next step after that is changing our currency value to a renewable energy standard (wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, etc.) so we can stop invading countries that are trying to sell oil in something other than the US dollar.

So you think first step is aggressive force ala wealth confiscation, forced labor, and forced spending so that more can be stolen in the form of taxation? And you think that the value of currency should be regulated by commodities vs individuals free choices?

I'm going to sleep now. You need to think your opinions through more. IMO.

I'm talking illegal, tax evading, offshore accounts. You need to realize Ayn Rand is a fiction writer, and that rich people have an obligation to not hoard money, and use it to create jobs and spend on real items that can be taxed so the economy can go on. We have a crisis of corporations shipping jobs overseas or automating jobs with robotics, while the human population continues to grow. If this escalates, we will have a bunch of poor humans with no money to buy the products wealthy people are selling and the economy will stagnate.

YAWN... 😴

Says the person who doesn't have a logical argument against what I'm saying. You know I'm right, but are to proud to admit it.


Thanks for proving me right.

First off I don't subscribe to rands philosophy. Plenty of elected officials do though and they're the ones who'll be administering and assessing the taxes on their wealthy benefactors in your dumbass scenario.

There's no "obligation" for anyone to have uses for their earnings "dictated" to them. The government enables these corporations to hoard cash and if they didn't then government would monopolize everything under the sun and sea.

I don't like the fact that these people hoard money but I like the alternative in the current system even worst.

As stated in the OP values need to change. Extra taxes aka theft and larger government isn't going to do that, your argument is invalid and super retarded.

Corporations don't create wealth labor does that. At this point in time labor is valued less than the fruits of that labor which is what OP is talking about and you don't understand.

Taxes, government, and financiers along with a few other professional parasites do nothing to add value to society they take value. The labor is exploited for the gains of a few.

That's why I had a logical and reasoned out disagreement with OP's initial comment to their post. I agree with the spirit of the post just not the solution.

You come along with your retarded ideas of MORE OF THE SAME! and again I disagreed.

Now since you're not intelligent enough to consider an opinion different than your own you persist in antagonizing me.

So after you look up a few of the words in this, my final response to you maybe you'll understand that you have dumb ideas.

I wanted to ignore you but arrogant ignorance is a legitimate pet peeve of mine and I had to respond. I'm done now, go sit back down at the children's table and study.

My argument was "invalid and super retarded". Sorry but that statement is so ironically ignorant I'm convinced debating you is pointless.

if you outlaw debt then you will destroy the whole economy in one fast swoop. All the dreams you have as a person of buying a house and much more will vanish. Instead what we need is to abolish government control of money. Money should be tied to gold, or people should be able to enter into which ever currency they trust, and exit. That would limit the power of those who control us.

The most subversive thing that anyone can do at this point is food /water/resource production. If you have skills, try to barter your time for needed materials. You can recoup a lot of value that would otherwise be lost through taxation and interest. More and more (first-world) people will be thrust out of the new Global economy. There is more opportunity in this than you may realize at first. Cheers!

It's a systemic problem. It's not a few people, it's a system that enables, encourages, rewards classism and violence as a widespread conspiracy through supranational organizations that control our institutions by political, financial, social, and blackmail leverage. Conspiracy is the rule not the exception. That conspiracy IS the national security state. Michael Parenti on Preserving the Status Quo explains this process.

Says the person who doesn't have a logical argument against what I'm saying. You know I'm right, but are to proud to admit it.