Is Assange Alive? Has wikileaks been compromised? A chronological breakdown of recent key events.

524  2016-10-21 by [deleted]



I may be paranoid but for the last two or three days I would swear that reddit has been trying to keep discussion of this private.

Like it is so fucking obvious something is not right yet hardly anyone was taking about it as of three hours ago.

Noticed the same thing.
I've been trying to alert people but I'm getting downvoted for "concern trolling". Luckily, people like Mike Cernovich have started to notice something as well:

Just happened to me for asking what if Kerry and st dept. have control of wikileaks now and will release false emails to discredit wiki

What is a key dump?

is anyone else having trouble with twitter right now?

Major DDOS attack going on.

I think they will blame Russia for this regardless of who it is and tie assamge to it


Throughout the [DNC] campaign, Guccifer [2.0] maintained that he was the only person behind the hacking and leaking. "This is my personal project and I'm proud of it," he—or they—wrote in late June. But several sloppy mistakes soon revealed who was really behind the operation. The unraveling happened more quickly than anybody could have anticipated.

edit: >quote

I can't take any article seriously that purports to show Victoria Nuland as a poor victim of wily Russians. She got recorded because she didn't use a secure line. I don't know if that was against protocol or policy (I would imagine it was since Ukraine was hot). She was busy orchestrating a coup d'etat , so protocol be damned.

I can't take any article seriously that purports to show Victoria Nuland Hillary Clinton as a poor victim of wily Russians. She got recorded because she didn't use a secure line. I don't know if that was against protocol or policy. She was busy orchestrating a coup d'etat, so protocol be damned.


Yup, it's down.

Ikr ? We went from making screenshots of a fucking plane which could have not even had him on it, to silence for 3 days. People might just be like "oh he's fine" and brush it off as nothing, because they keep posting stuff to make us think he's safe. Now is he or is Hillary spitting in his face in some super secret basement ? Who the hell knows

She made a tweet.... about wikileaks. What?!?

Tell me this tweet is from wikileaks...

Tell me it is. Go ahead and try.

That is a very strange tweet.

Absolutely. It's a gloat of mission achieved

A lot of the "how do we know assange isn't a psy-op" posts as well lately trying to cast doubt among us. As the boy's of Sunnyvale trailer park would say, "something is fucky"

Why was London City Airport shut down at the same time as the DDoS attacks? that happened on the US east coast and spread to Europe?

I have not a clue, lot of weird shit going down lately.

Its the damn raykens man

What the hell is raykens? I googled it and all that came up was some band on facebook.

Where ricky was calling raccoons raykens. I probably botched the spelling

Hahahaha, gotcha. God Damn raykens.

London people should be peacefully assembling at the Embassy to help him.

When they go in to arrest, or harm, Assange it will be too late.

Also high definition cameras should be pointed at the Embassy. Silly? When tanks rolled into Beijing in '89, it was pretty much missed.

Tin-Foil is a go:

Why was London Airport shut down at the same time as the DDos attack? They claim it was because of a "Chemical Incident", but as CNN (Puke) reports: "No elevated readings were found and the building was ventilated, searched and declared safe."

Trying to move something through the airport without even security around? The speculation could end there, but stay tuned for the real Cold War shit:

Dyn, the DNS provider to many of the worlds most heavily trafficked websites including Twitter, Reddit, and CNN had been on the recieving end of a DDoS attack. Now Dyn, whose website encourages clients to "manage the internet like you own it", has just welcomed their new CEO, hired Oct. 6th of this year to replace their former CEO and founder who left his job the day after gaining 50 million dollars in series B funding. The company was clearly performing well, why would they can the CEO? He said himself that maybe he wasnt cut out for the job. But was it his decision or Dyn's new investor, Pamplona Capital Management?

Well who is Pamplona anyway? It is headed by Alexander Knaster, Russian Billionaire (this isnt a Clinton hit piece I swear, if you doubt that just look at my history, yes it is short but I got banned from /r/redacted and made this account). Here are the board members of Pamplona's parent company, LetterOne (giant Wikipedia TL;DR incoming but the hyperlinks are to the sources - mostly):

So we have Dyn, a company that specializes in defending its clients from DDoS attacks, itself becoming a victim of such an attack that took out a substantial amount of the internet today while under brand new leadership. Simultaneously we dont know where Assange is with any certainty at all. And the London City Airport being completely evacuated for unsubstantiated concerns when, (roll eyes here), < 20 people start coughing.

How does this relate to Pamplona? LetterOne, Pamplona's parent company, purchased North Sea oil interests for just shy of 6b dollars from a German company in March 2015. However, the British government refused to accept the Russian company as the new owners which forced LetterOne to sell for that acquisition for a mere $750 Million.. Ouch. That might be what has pissed Russia off enough to "meddle" into american politics or at least to expose american hypocrisy.

What does this have to do with anything? Consider Joe Biden in a recent statement intending to reprimand Russia's alleged involvement in the DNC Leaks:

“We’re sending a message,” Mr. Biden told Chuck Todd, the show’s host. “We have the capacity to do it.”

Shut down Russia's internet through Dyn, nab Assange, take him to some black site via a shutdown airport in the heart of London?

“He’ll know it,” Mr. Biden added. “And it will be at the time of our choosing. And under the circumstances that have the greatest impact.”

Oh shit. The greatest impact, as in, when we could be looking forward to the most damning emails?

Mr. Todd asked whether the American public would know if the message to Mr. Putin had been sent.

“Hope not,” Mr. Biden responded.

I certainly wouldnt want the American public to know that the US government is capable of their own Great Firewall, and are actively using it.

TL;DR: UK bilks Russian billionaires for 5 billion dollars prompting them to get involved in the DNC primary and leaking info to Assange who then gets targeted by the US, who shuts down an airport and shuts down the internet to secretly extract Assanges body and bury him next to Hoffa and the new Cold War started at the latest, last year and America has implemented the Great Firewall.


Poke holes in the story and tell me where im completely full of shit. I dont work in media, i make a hobby of speculating the dramatic and dont take it too seriously. But I am 100% interested in truth. Thanks for reading.

we would be foolish to assume, a subreddit, is a safe place. there is literally no barrier, or restriction for people to comment and post here.

i think it's largely been left alone due to the title, and the credibility posts, and comments lose to the outside reddit because of where it's discussed or posted.

keep an open mind, and also examine comments as shrewd here like you would in elsewhere.

Not sure if it is related but reddit might be changing it's name to "ownedbyCIA" soon. And that we will all love it more.

Was posted in r/politics

I agree 100%. I usually hang out over at the_donald, but they have been basically silent on this for most of the day. Makes you wonder if they got got too.

@hillaryclinton even tweeted about Wikileaks after the Al Smith dinner

Reddit cooperates with Hillary's campaign, just visit /r/the_donald


Exactly this. Very well-said.

Keep posting lad. U see hillary tweet about wikileaks

Na. Sure didn't. What did it say? Probably something like "Fuuuuck!"

The opposite actually. Go look at her twitter pls

I don't have twitter, don't belong to it, don't know how to "twitter". If you want, you can link me to what I'm supposed to be looking at though.

Bro just Google hrc twitter. But acutally it's her quoting one of her jokes from al smith dinner

You referring to the stuff spoken about on here?

Read the OP title at least. Couldn't bother to go in and actually listen to the filth though. Poison. Too much poison.

Why did he let Pamela Anderson bring him food? Seems fishy.

Doubt it was fishy mate, it was vegan food..

Damn it. A serious comment foiled again.


or delivering something in the food?



Likely either just nothing, or some sort of reconissance/distraction

He occasionally entertains celebrities. Seems like a bad security choice to me.

Really bad imo

bad security choice

I agree. Reminds me of this scene in Traffic.

I mean if I was about to get taken out at any day I'd invite Pamela over for some "coffee"

I would have demanded at least Scarlett Johansson.

Seems fishy.

That's what he said.

Big baywatch fan maybe?

Maybe there's a (GTMO) bay we should be watching?

Nah, that was supposed to be closed by now. There's nothing to see there.

agree. anyone in the 'industry" (music/holly-wood) would be suspect imo. but, if they were in contact; maybe not (but it seems suspect nevertheless).

Conjugal visit.

I will PayPal $50 to anyone who can show proof that Assange is alive and/or Wikileaks hasn't been compromised.

lol, Hillary has a hard time not accepting bribes so she may reach out to you..


lol that's it?

ps you owe me $50

They are now tweeting Politico articles, they seem different for sure.

Politico has changed their tone as well. After getting caught in the Podesta leaks, they just published an anti-HRC article which is dead in the controversial section of Politics.

Well, their lead political reporter literally called himself a 'hack' in an email to Podesta, and not in an ironic way, but a fully compromised and pathetic way.

We need to be making a list of journalists and bloggers who wrote and participated in the HRC propaganda operations. And make them publicly answer for their actions. Maybe there can be some redemption for this large posse of professional hacks and stenographers, but I truly hope there isn't and they all seek other careers where the respect for the truth isn't such a core principle (like retail). Instead they will fail ever upwards into editorial and producer slots leveraging their connections.

Great timeline compilation, thank you.

Do we have good reason to doubt Craig Murray's whisky visit and subsequent status report? I found that cautiously hopeful...

And what is up with that Pam Anderson visit? Man, you couldn't write this shit any weirder.

"Fees him with the ass of the beast". Americas greatest porn star that is more or less born again Christian.

Americas Canada's

ftfy. haha

The way I interpret this:

The guy in the card is standing in front of his own coffin. As to make it known that 'he' his dead (and STAY dead) and throw off a trail.

apply tinfoil

my theory for today:

Once TPTB cut off his internet, and WL 'activated contingency plans,' WL implemented his plans for escape. It is commonly known in the SpecOps world, that before you do a raid you cut of communications. That was WL que to get outta dodge.

Then, Pamela Anderson pays a visit. Do you think they can play trading spaces?

With all the time he had holed up in the embassy, he could've devised the most intrepid 'ferris beuler' type dummy with a tape recorder decoy to throw his voice into the room while his body escaped.

We hear that armed police are close by, then the tweet stating:

"Wrong building for Assange's EC bolt hole. Orator perch still waving flag. 51°29'56.62" N 0°09'40.51" W"

meaning "fooled you, Julian's Ecuadorian escape route was under the other building (london has lots of underground tunnels)."

and "the 'ferris bueler' dummy voice that you are closing in on that you think is Julian, is still where you think he is."

Finally, now there is a 'chemical scare' at london airport......

the perfect decoy for someone with the means to help him escape.

takes off tinfoil

edit: added more links

damn son, that's a spicy fucking take. I like it.

Does that mean Pamela Anderson is real as fuck?

you mean Barb Wire femme fatale'?

Who knew she was such a natural? Shoutout to Canadians and Australians man, they real as hell.

She's been posting some pro Wikileaks stuff lately and encouraging critical thought. I think she's pretty woke bro


This has probably been mentioned already, and maybe means nothing, but it was an extra 'I' in RECIPE, not an extra 'E'.

Also, in the original post about having a 'surprise' for TK and DB, surprise was spelled wrong.

and STAY dead

Wasn't there a television show a while back about a place where dead people came back to life?


Thanks for this. Added it to the list.

My wager is he is not in the embassy. I also feel twitter is manipulating searches on his name. I have searched his name at 5 to 10 times a day since he went offline. The results are less then ideal. Can't find a petition to Ecuador or the white house about the issue anywhere. I have a bad feeling something big is about to go down and I'm not talking about the election.

I also feel Twitter is...

Why search on Twitter of all places. They are the new FoxNews, but much more subtle ops in the background. Duck doesn't get you the most relevant results everytime, but it does well, and supposedly doesn't track you.

I can't believe that as of yet, no one from Reddit /4Chan has arranged a public protest outside the embassy asking to see Julian.

It seems to me, that this sub will investigate anything EXCEPT the disappearance of Julian Assange.

So far the following bizarre events have taken place:

Julian goes missing: WL start sending out bizarre tweets. HRC starts advising people to look at WL? Diane advises the emails have been altered! All emails since P10 are weak with nothing damning.

Could this be that the subs and now the WL accounts themselves are indeed compromised and the biggest cucks of all, is us!

Have these threads become a barrage of non information, shit posts and general paranoia to the point of discrediting the users as crazy conspiracy theorist?

Why are so many posting, but not 1 actual person is looking into assanges disappearence?

There was an info graphic recently stating that this thread/sub had a huge amount of activity, is it possible this is bots or shills designed to muddy the waters, keep users distracted?

If assange has/was taken, you can be sure he would of said.. if you do anytbing to me, there will be public outcry...

imagine how Devistated he must feeling, knowing that not only was there not a public outcry, but in fact, not 1 person bothered to look for or try to find him, or at the very least arrange a rally outside the embassy demanding to see him, and that instead, people just let it go and he vanished in silence?

This thread won't let go of something Hilary said 10 years ago, but has absolutely already let go that a leader of the freeworld has been silenced and has gone missing without a word or a trace!!!


What's up, buddy?

imagine how Devistated he must feeling, knowing that not only was there not a public outcry, but in fact, not 1 person bothered to look for or try to find him

This thread won't let go of something Hilary said 10 years ago, but has absolutely already let go that a leader of the freeworld has been silenced and has gone missing without a word or a trace!!!

thanks for correcting the record

Don't trust Vice Its in Soros pucket, evidence in the emails. They will do whatever Soros says.

Not to mention, what kind of idiot would a person have to be to post publicly if they had info about if/where JA had escaped to?!

I don't even post my speculations about it, for fear of giving any kind of ideas to TPTB. No need to do their job for them, they have enough resources!


4chan has operation hotpockets

He was located in London. Not every person on Reddit lives in London, and those who do are probably too scared to go check (which they should be!).

Why does everyone always conclude that Assange is the only one operating Wikileaks twitter, it's a team of like minded people. Who's to say that someone else, within the organization, didn't step in because he's MIA.

Most likely scenario in my book. Assange is cut off via wifi and cell blockers, so someone else is tweeting.

Anything else is speculation

We are fighting against the most powerful people in the entire world about this.

The CIA is the best intelligence agency in the world after the Russians. Looking for foul play is not unwarranted.

It's not even 'most likely', assange doesn't have Internet, of course it's not him tweeting anything, and there is a wikileaks team who would probably speak out if one of them wasn't the one tweeting.

I'm holding out hope that there's some serious leaks about to happen and Assange requested his internet be shut off so he isn't held responsible.

Great post! We're all wondering what's happened to Assange. The link to another user's interpretation of the Cryptome tweet is worth considering.

What if he miraculously escaped???

It's highly unlikely but how insane would it be if he managed to evade capture?

This was just "Tweeted and Deleted" according to this thread.

You could add this, speaking of suspicious tweets! Wikileaks tweets photo of security outside, but then deleted it. See my comment on that other thread about the C-Span interview (WL would not send out a tweet about the surrounding security detail. That's not about releasing "truth" and shining a light on corruption. They already had deep intel on the forces dedicated to monitoring them. WL might in fact be compromised.

They've deleted tweets that they probably realized would not have been sent from the original account curator/s. It's only a matter of time before more people start calling bullshit - but they are likely holding out, delaying until the election passes by. (I use that term very loosely.)

That "Anonymous" thing is pure bs I bet,like everything Anonymous.Teens buying masks off amazon and altering their voice with some cool matrix animations and trolling the world. It is a fun read though

It's a troll. I'm surprised that it's even listed.

It's something that happened as things were playing out, so if its just someone trolling (very likely) it'll just be an example of the crap people were trying to pull.

Consider it supplemental data. Don't rest your drink on it.

Possible wikileaks key dump?

This is getting very little traction, so Im posting it here too:

Bravo. Great post.

I'm undecided on whats happening but it would be easy to confirm he is good right? Heknow show to use mobile data right?

Funny that one of the main meme's coming out of the anti-globalist/pro-Trump camp is HIGH ENERGY, and of course, (((they)) counter with hopelessness as a meme.

Induction of learned helplessness is a recognized CIA interrogation method.

A thought on the contingency plan tweet, in the context of the play(s) OP has it associated with: Wasn't North Carolina undergoing a 1000-year flood that day?

The second acts of both plays occur on an evening when weather threatens massive coastal flooding. In the first play, Robin and his wife Jenny must decide whether to evacuate. In the second, the two Ministers are in conflict about whether to order mass evacuations, and are receiving conflicting advice from Will and Colin Jenks.

Let's not forget 1. Wikileaks makes post about armed guards 2. Podesta announces he's in London to visit Khan 3. Chemical attack on London city airport

Some reports Assange was transported from embassy in a vehicle among confusion of chemical attack.

Good job. Reuters recently wrote this piece:

"But hackers could post documents, some of which might be falsified, that are designed to create public perceptions of widespread voter fraud, the officials said.

They said that they did not have specific evidence of such a plan, but state and local election authorities had been warned to be vigilant for hacking attempts."

Weird timing especially with all these weird happenings imo.

Edit: and twitter still down for me Edit: back up after I posted this. Hopefully coincidence

"Uhh hey guys a bunch of naked pictures of me are leaking online soon. I just want you to be aware that there is a plot uhhh.. to photoshop a tiny penis on me so if you see those pictures they're definitely faked."

It's so weird how they know precisely what "fake" information is going to be included with no evidence whatsoever!

Marudesu, this changed my opinion of you. Great post.

Third time I've posted this. According to Craig Murray, as of the 19th:

I left Julian after midnight. He is fit, well, sharp and in good spirits.

It's already in the OP.

I see now. Thank you.

Any one notice about the time the tweets starting using the hastag #imwithher ?

Web developer checking. Multiple projects are down alongside Twitter. No reason for outtages.

There is a massive coordinated chinese DDOS attack hitting "Dyn" infrastructure DNS servers, EA games to twitter, to spotify is all down right now. Companies have been having a super hard time all day today.

I had not seen that it was originated in China. Was expecting "Russians" tho

If it's "Russians" then you can bet its the US gov't.

Looks more like Oman/Saudi Arabia region? Maybe im reading this wrong. I filtered by Unusual

Nevermind. I just pushed play. THanks for this link!

Yea man Im definitely seeing the most activity coming out of Oman on this map?

WHAT IF...October surprise in addition to the constant-drip-leaks IS an escape? Embassy assists w/cover "cut off internet"; coded messages to underground escape operatives; internet black out to assist cover/fleeing country also distraction; black mystery vans cover/distraction. Plausible?

I'm very sad to read this, but thank you for putting this all together.

Do you think that the "October Surprise" is still coming via the contingency plan?

Bob Beckel called for Assange to be "assassinated" a long time ago during the Iraq War Logs release.

Check upload date here -

To reiterate, he did not call for Assange's death because of the DNC/Podesta/Clinton email releases.

Wikileaks tweeted about it that day, however. Which is why it was included.

Seems odd to include that then?

Why not include all other tweets? the Podesta releases day-by-day, the back and fourths with journalists, etc?

Twitter / Github / Reddit DDOS attacks could be related

There was also a tweet from @turingthe2nd that gave a bunch of letters and numbers to @wikileaks saying you would need this later. That tweet was as everything was going down

Please tell me you got a screenshot.

I did, but i have no idea how to post it here

imgur - just name it lolcats


He posted the screen shot further down this thread.


Phew! Glad he's alright

are you kidding me? U CTR?

The most infuriating tweets I've ever seen: "We were so worried", "Glad you're alright", etc.

Wtf is wrong with you people? What year is this?

edit: actually I take that back.. this mother fucker wins cuck tweet of ever

The fuck is CTR?

Yeah that proves it. one tweet. Sorry not buying it.


Yes, that confirms it. They're smearing themselves.

I was hoping they would provide more information afterwards, but they haven't yet so I'm back to worried.

u/maradesu You should probably add today's cyber DDoS attack against US companies to your list. It is very likely connected to everything else going on.

As for Twitter, someone is else or someone new is clearly writing Wikileaks latest tweets. I agree there is a change in tone.

I'm not sure Assange is dead, but he certainly is no longer as visible or has access to Twitter.

What's also interesting is Snowden's silence throughout this election. I know he's asking to be pardoned by the White House, but I doubt it will happen.

At this point its clear there is more to the story then we know, but I'm not sure either Assange or Snowden are dead. I think they've simply been minimized, but not taken out.

What could snowden even say that would matter at this point?

Valid point.

Yeah. He was right about everything. People saying how dirty politics is was right. Your probably right too.

How often does Wikileaks make a typo? In this tweet there are extra spaces after US but I can't find any other errors.

There is an anon on 4chan right now, talking about a wikileaks smear. If i knew how to internet better, then i would link

I wonder is the web server well protected enough that it hasn't been updated due to well... no one having access to post... maybe the DDoS attacks were to prevent the dead man switch from reaching it's destination at a specific time... you know... maybe someone knew the info around how the switch worked and it's details, then got a glass of water poured on their face if you know what i mean.

Escape suggested here (read the exchange):

I suspect he got out of the embassy and he's splitting his time between chomsky and zinn.

that pied piper tweet is really interesting. i'm reading that as trump is a controlled op meant to clean the GOP of their basket of deplorables. Next election will be arnold ironpumper running on the dempublican ticket.

edit: this theory probably deserves another post- but I'll throw it in here. the failed columbia peace deal is symbolic. "Columbia" is a symbol of "peace"

  • the columbine (dove/ songbird) carrying the olive branch

it's also the deification symbol of the United States.

Arnold technically can't run for President. He's not a born citizen of the USA.

Although, we did throw the law out of the fucking window in this election, so maybe not.

and he'll win with 90% of the vote. he'll be the first American emporer.

Well the country is not Columbia, it's Colombia. So Colombia Peace Treaty. I do not think there is a link between the two to be honest. If so - please point me in the right direction.

I do not think there is a link between the two to be honest.

between the words "Colombia" and "Columbia"?

Well both spellings derive from Christopher Columbus' name.

I was referring to the peace treaty and US link specifically.

the peace treaty and US link specifically.

I'm not suggesting you're going to find a wikileak email from podesta saying that Hillary crashed the Farc deal to symbolize how trump is destroying the union. I was referring to esoteric symbolism. It's not something to argue over- just a perspective.

as far as things being named after "Christopher Columbus"- Columbus is a anglicization of the Spanish Cristóbal (Crystal Ball) Colón (as in Colony of Christ). His name in italian (Colombo) refers to the dove- as in the dove which brought back a sign of earth/ life/ refuge to the ark- new world. As such, columbus is a symbol of the new world colony/ new world order- though it's interpreted for the masses as a symbol of "peace"- really it's about "hope" as in hope for a peaceful FUTURE.

You can take it or leave it.

"Pied Piper" could also be Bernie. In the story, the village wouldn't pay the piper so he enchanted all the children out into a cave.

If you read children as the young vote (that was swinging heavily toward Bernie) then he could be the piper.

Are there any other countries offering him asylum with embassies in the area?


How relevant is the Gulf Stream V that took off from near London and landed at Raleigh, NC at the same time Assange's internet was cut?


Do you have the link to the email? And are you sure that there does not exist an email that states such?

i will not read anything after release 10, as 11-14 have some out since his capture.

"Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research."

William Cooper


Thanks for compiling the information. However, the Pamela Anderson stuff was clearly dark humor dead pan jokes about the fate that awaits Assange. Vegan meals as torture and such, come on.

However, the Pamela Anderson stuff was clearly dark humor dead pan jokes about the fate that awaits Assange. Vegan meals as torture and such, come on.

If it was gallows humor then the hanging seems all the more likely.

He's alive. Here he is.; Start listening at 3:29. The buzzing goes away. Listen carefully through 4:05

Keep posting lad. U see hillary tweet about wikileaks

Na. Sure didn't. What did it say? Probably something like "Fuuuuck!"

I don't have twitter, don't belong to it, don't know how to "twitter". If you want, you can link me to what I'm supposed to be looking at though.

I think they will blame Russia for this regardless of who it is and tie assamge to it

Who knew she was such a natural? Shoutout to Canadians and Australians man, they real as hell.

What is a key dump?