I will be heart-broken with the news that Assange is dead (or worse), but the idea needs to be considered and openly discussed.

31  2016-10-21 by lily_levasseur

Wikileaks appears to be compromised. :(


I think he was transported today. They tweet a pic of cops at the embassy, then a "chemical leak" happens at the same time as the Ddos attack. Then they report that no leak was found.

If there are supporters in the vicinity of the embassy why doesn't he just go out on the balcony?

Because snipers? Or he isn't there. He could signal the public if he was.

Would be sad for him of course. But hopefully the truth keeps coming out. Whatever it might be.

This will probably get downvoted/be very unpopular, but here is a comment I made somewhere else on reddit:

I have a theory that the Eastern Orthodox Church (Russia and co) are behind Assange and Wikileaks. Snowden is more of A Vatican (West) front. Both are fighting with each other, in a way in which neither is truly called out or destroyed. We're entering a great Awakening, and instead of the flood gates being opened, they are being dripped (leaked) in a controlled manner... Just a little pet theory of mine.

If that is true, would you still feel the same? I'm not saying here or there, but it's a theory of mine.

I like the hell out of this theory.

Idk how I feel about this theory. Would you care to expand on it?

Of course, which parts?

Run it all down for me, man. Let's pick it apart.

Okay. So my theory states that JA is a front for the Eastern Orthodox church in England (Russia and ME/East countries), Snowden is a front for the Vatican in Russia. Both are at war with each other. Each person is releasing information, but tame information via "leaks". JA is releasing info to turn people on the West. Snowden is leaking info, merely to scare the West back into compliance. Think what Snowden actually released, nothing but confirming what we've known for a very long time. Panopticon. Self censor, all seeing eye.

Each side knows we are entering a great awakening, and it will affect their power (they're also diametrically opposed to one another). They cannot destroy each other completely, but they can throw blows, while they remain in the dark and retain control. This deals with astrology and the esoteric. Like I've said many, many times, the end of the Mayan calendar was the Great Unveiling of truth. Each side needs to control the awakening. What better way to have control mechanism on both camps "leaking" truth. Like I said, cannot let the flood gates open, got to control the exposure of truth as much as possible.

Like I said, just a pet theory of mine...

Ok, I'll bite. I practice astrology. Explain how this fits, please.

Explained brilliantly by another user, who commented on my comment. Not sure if they would like to be named or not. So I wont.

We have just entered or are entering Aquarius which is the age where we throw off the shackles and restraints and deceptions of the Piscean age, and where all that's been hidden will be and must be revealed.

It's inevitable, and TPTB know this. They need to control it, what better than controlled leaks?

Ok first, I'd love it if you linked back to the og thread.

And second - the age of Aquarius isn't some sweetheart dreamland. It's the age of revolution, tearing down & getting bloody. This "mass awakening?" is the kind that no one really wants to see happen. It's the kill-your-grandma-for-that-crust-o-bread kind. So don't invoke it, yo. The "assension" you're all gabbin about ain't cute no matter what new agers say.

There won't be control. They are bound by karma to spiral into cray cray. This drip-drip of info is inciting a revolution & if Assange is dead? It's on. Idgaf what church he's associated with.

And look - I just became more unpopular than you. Lol

I can't link it, and I wont say too much where it was written or who wrote it. Anyways, I know it wouldn't be. I'm not a "new ager", or anything. I'm a middle level in astrology and esoteric. We are entering a time of chaos, and controlling it, is possible within their matrix. It's not 100%, but more 70/30. They are throwing a Hail Mary. We can intercept it though... Risky moves.. We truly live in interesting times..

And look - I just became more unpopular than you. Lol

Badge of honor ;). I can think of maybe 2 other people more hated here, than me, apparently...

putie wiesz, że nie są w nienawiści

jesteś super star


so do you think assange is dead or have they grabbed him or has someone else removed him first

i dont know what to think

I have no idea, tbh. I'm just provide commentary... Sigh...

do you feel his heatbeat

someone said he was buried today at the airport

so much disinformation youre theory before is interesting like a chess game they each put out their knights to reveal the truth

there is a ring of alot of truth there for alot of power sits in both houses

i voted you up no worries i got both your backs this is such an great interesting read

At first, it probably will be a terrifying shitshow. Birth is a painful, frightening process. But life follows.

there are alwys alot of growwing pains

then its a retrgrade trascendance

Like I've said many, many times, the end of the Mayan calendar was the Great Unveiling of truth.

when have you said this?

Many, many times before on here...

I like it. I have always lived this conspiracy. http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/08/jesuit-order-all-roads-lead-to-the-black-pope/

Also love Grace Powers one about Jesus being Cleopatra's and Julius Caesar's child.

So many possibilities.

Truth is stranger than fiction...

i m sure you have conspiracies is weird because the pages flip so fast that you could post within an hour and never see the thread again

this is such a good read you and lily are delving into theological space kinda off beat [my fav!]

Panopticon. Self censor, all seeing eye.

never quite saw it put this way before

The Panopticon is bigger than Bentham ever imagined.

literally figuratively or both

Both imo. He imagined a prison of limited size, but had no idea what would be capable with digital surveillance and a culture of cell phone users

so scary true!

what a theory putie ,,,, you know something was up when the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow went to antartica wasnt for penquins blessings ... isnt he the head of the whole shabudah now?

didnt the vatican aquiese to him [their pope?] whaats your take please

Pope Francis tried. The Patriarch wasn't having it... You gotta realize, this is thousands of years in the making. They hate each other for many reasons.

can you name some of the reasons

Dzięki Bogu jego piątek i ja znalazłem się na najlepszej wątku

It's not public and it wouldn't be right (I don't know if I crossed a line posting it - I hope not)... Just take it for what it is...

we are probably so downthread it wont matter ... i can fill it with junk so it drops a page or two if you wish ... i can go on and on ;0

Works for me. Someone has to fight the Zionists.

Where will the encrypted/unlocked files be posted for the masses to analyze.

i hope he's ok, too.

Per the Wikileaks Twitter, he's alive: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/789574436219449345

Yanno those pics they post for ama's? Like dude holding a sign that says "hi Reddit. I'm me. Here's the date." Why can't Assange do that?

That would be good. r/conspiracy is saying the Wikileaks Twitter has been compromised. At least that way we'd have proof one way or the other.

r/conspiracy hasn't said anything. They're neutral. I said it.

Not trying to rock boats. I shouldn't have said it, not least without being certain.

your saying it lily is good enuf for me

hard to do if he doesn't have internet access anymore.

well lets hope the true wikileaks will return after these brats crap themselves into oblivion

I am Spartacus. I am Bernie. I am Assange. We keep fighting.

Ugh don't put Bernie on that list. Right after DWS stepped down over proven corruption, and Bernie took the stage at the DNC, this is what he said- "Shhhhhhhhhh!"

He also said we have to keep the revolution going. And as one of the Nevada delegates who voted for him, I damn well am.

Agreed, we have to keep the revolution going, but it's not Our Revolution or the Bernie revolution.

What is the real meaning of a revolution?

Is this an example of what is called concern trolling?

He deserved as much, leaking sensitive data is one thing, but flogging Russian propaganda to try to influence an election is terrible.

GTFO with that shit. Fucking sheep.


So, death? No trial? No mercy? Just, death?

Well they never gave Bin Laden is a trial either...

That doesn't make it okay, or legitimize what you said in anyway.

Cuz he died in 2002 of some liver thing.

Always enjoy seeing your shit on the very bottom of the page, like the bottom of the barrel. Then I throw another down vote your way anyway.

do you feel his heatbeat

someone said he was buried today at the airport

so much disinformation youre theory before is interesting like a chess game they each put out their knights to reveal the truth

there is a ring of alot of truth there for alot of power sits in both houses