Bill Maher, Producer of VICE, connected to George Soros and Hillary's Campaign via the Off-the-Record Journalism Cocktail party at Joel Berenstain's house (Berenson Strategy Group) to discuss talking points of how to influence the media in favor of Hillary; as revealed by Podesta email leaks.

145  2016-10-21 by [deleted]



Funny cause my criticism of vice is that it's funded by news corp aka Fox News.

Wake up people it isn't GOP good DNC bad or vice versa.

They are both machines that need to be stopped because they do not represent average American citizens.

I was thinking the same thing. Somehow the conspiracy theory crowd has turned into a bunch of right wing nut jobs instead of seeing the game for what it really is.

Yeah man between that and what places likes r/politics turned into Reddit has become a strange place.

Maybe, just maybe the polar opposite sides have more in common than they think?

I mean I see some truth in both sides. Hillary's corruption seems to be limitless, while the fact that The Donald has made it this far in the political process is a joke in itself.

The problem is this notion that if you criticize one if their darling candidates, you automatically support the other. Some of us are able to look at things objectively, which is what this whole "conspiracy theorist" thing is supposed to be about.

It's amazing how long people have been using divide and conquer and that shit still works because people are totally ignorant of it!

The divide isn't even right left IMO but urban vs rural. Rural laws do not make sense in urban places and vice versa. The sooner urbanites stop trying to force their rules on rural people, and vice versa, the sooner we can move forward.

If my nearest neighbor is an acre away, I don't give two shits about noise, guns, whatever. In an densely populated urban environment you better believe there need to be more rules dictating behavioral norms.

Good points, but my hometown is a small city with extremely tough gun laws and an extremely high murder rate. They sure could use some more responsible gun owners there. It's a city with a population of 85k that has 30-40 murders per year. From the outside looking in, it seems like a war zone but in reality, the majority of the people living there are good people. It only takes a couple hundred crazies to ruin a small city. More good people on the streets with guns is a positive IMO.

The problem is this notion that if you criticize one if their darling candidates, you automatically support the other.

It seems like you just did that to me (the OP).

Somehow the conspiracy theory crowd has turned into a bunch of right wing nut jobs instead of seeing the game for what it really is.

Read my username. Then you'll know Im not for either of these 'sides'. Wish you'd get your talking points straight. Unless I'm just misunderstanding you.

Whaaaaa? Who's my candidate? I think there's a misunderstanding, the only thing I called you out on was the fact that you said a producer and owner are the same things. Wasn't trying to imply you were a right wing nut job, that was more of a jab at many of the other people on this sub.

That is interesting. You taught me something. I've not spent a lot of time investigating Vice, so I'm glad you brought this forth.

Big news in what is considered the "leftist" media at the time.

If people ignored right/left divide and conquer and just focused on corporations vs people or profits vs people we could build a much larger movement. (Profits aren't bad but if a company is making 15% profit in America with middle class jobs and environmental protections, moving it to a developing nation for 200% is not ethical and is selling us all out).

If people ignored right/left divide and conquer

Oh you mean divide and rule, or nonlinear warfare generally, as part of the technocratic control grid?

Both him and John Oliver for that matter. They spent the whole election season mocking Trump and giving Clinton a free pass. They're shilling for Time Warner after all. One of the biggest financiers of Clinton's campaign.

I knew he was a shill the moment he started trashing Bernie.

That was the moment for me also. I posted something about this. I'll tellyou the specific moment on his show. The news had announced Bernie proposed a bill to federally legalize marihuana [sic], and the next day on Maher's show (live mind you), he made absolutely no mention of it. Big time self-proclaimed potsmoker Bill Maher makes zero mention. But instead, in his opening monologue, he said, 'oh it's a bad day for democrats...bad day...medical pot legislation fails in ohio"

I think it was ohio...some state that sucks and doesn't matter because they didnt' legalize pot.

The minute he trashed Bernie I was done with him. For many years, he was for everything Bernie stood for. Suddenly, he no longer was and the game was up.

Chrome really hates these long post titles. I cannot drag/drop this URL to a folder, the filename is too long and nothing happens. Gotta fire up the Fox and do it.


I said that to throw off the man.

IP addresses everywhere.

They fly out the void and befuddle intelligence agencies.

Remember that tip I gave you a while ago?

If you ever bought Reddit Gold with a Creddit Card, the NSA and Alexis Ohanion himself (Stratfor secret agent, re: Wikileaks) both know who you are ;)

In which of the attachments is Bill Maher mentioned?


Keep in mind. What they were doing is illegal. They were trying to create a 'wag the dog' campaign to fool the public in a coordinated way.

I thought that blasting propaganda to the US citizens was made legal as of recent ...


Male circumcision also injures public and it is legal. State = opinion with a gun. That's all legal means. It does not mean moral. Also, morality is relative. If you think that killing 4 yo children is immoral, then you ought to believe that killing pigs is immoral as well.

Second hand smoke injures public in that it increases your chances of getting cancer and premature death. But so is driving a car or flying an airplane. You are risking killing some people in the process. And yet it is legal ...

In what language does producer mean owner?

Bill Maher produces a show for Vice, but Rupert Murdoch's conservative media conglomerate 21st Century Fox owns a large stake in vice.

I think you're reaching pretty hard here my friend.

NO doubt whenever he writes those million dollar checks to the DNC he's getting it all back and then some.

I excuse Bill Maher from his hate of Trump simply because Trump did try to sue him for a ridiculous reason. If Trump had tried to sue me for something that stupid I would probably hold a grudge too.

The Soros/Maher connection is however troubling.

I feel like I'm stan in the ass-burgers episode of south park and everything just suddenly went to shit almost over night. Granted I'm a bit less cynical and wise enough to find mediums that arnt "shit" per say. I just can't fathom why everything in the lime light sucks so hard. Music, movies, politics, business, geopolitics, news, social media... It's all just shit.

I could have sworn it was "Berenstein."


Bernstein is two presidential candidates.

What do the portions that say "implicated ritual abuse" mean?

thats a blackmail phrase !!!

sounds like an invitation to a pedo party, fcuking children seems to be a bonding thing for the moneyed 'elite'

some VIP names for the MSM/FBI to investigate then. Maher and Berenstain et al.

Can you elaborate please, maybe a little more relaxed? Just saying, you're tone comes off as if the twin towers just got hit.

Yeah man between that and what places likes r/politics turned into Reddit has become a strange place.

Big news in what is considered the "leftist" media at the time.

If people ignored right/left divide and conquer and just focused on corporations vs people or profits vs people we could build a much larger movement. (Profits aren't bad but if a company is making 15% profit in America with middle class jobs and environmental protections, moving it to a developing nation for 200% is not ethical and is selling us all out).