I just randomly got banned by that political subreddit.

0  2016-10-22 by [deleted]



If you're subbed to conspiracy you're banned from politics, sorry bout ur luck. The take over is here.

This sub became reality. It was always reality for some. Now it's being set in stone for many.

Yeah keep stringing a good argument together, research everything lol.

There is no point in bothering with that place.

No, because I tried talking about the dead voter thing and got attacked, but that was showerthoughts. All I did was say there had been a few news story about it happening. I was asked for proof so I posted 2 story links, and one by chance posted as unfound page so it was down voted a bunch. I said the first story they found 265 recently registered dead people (DNC party). So I posted another story and everyone attacked me. I said something about the DNC bussing and paying mentally disturbed people to start fights, referring to video by Veritas. Lol.. That freaked everyone out. They said video was just segments put together. Me and another guy asked if it wasn't true why was there firings and why was nobody explaining the truth. I love closed minded people.

its a badge of honor

It's nicer here anyway. Don't mind the flat earthers either. It's a motley crew here.

oh hell yeah conspiracies rocks!!!

That's just what THEY want you to believe. :)

oh no the march o the flat earth videos [the horror!]

The earth isn't a sphere bottom line. The sun changes sizes. Impossible.

By definition they do not rock.

i beg to differ cuz at least we all thinkin outside the box

this is a great place to hang nice digs good company compelling stories

do you think assange is alive?

I don't know. There's so much going on I don't know what to think. From him being a limited hangout, to him potentially being flown to nc. His internet gets cut when Kerry is in London, yet still gets a podesta released. Then it looks like his Twitter is compromised the same time as when we get two distributed denial of service attacks on Dyn. Tonight I read a tweet from Hillary saying "I said no to some jokes that I thought were over the line, but I suppose you can judge for yourself on Wikileaks in the next few days". Wikileaks and the consulate have shared he is alive... Even after he potentially encrypted messages (the hashes?!? Not sure what they are) on Twitter. I'm totally lost. But I also only superficially look at all this. I'm not actively following any of them. Only reading them as I see them. William Casey was on to something.

Point is, this isn't fun to read. They aren't awesome. This is frightening.

Point is, this isn't fun to read. They aren't awesome. This is frightening.

i know you said a mouthful .... its been scary before but they have put so much apparatus in place for themselves that they are gonna totally box us in and then look out i dont like boxes i bet you dont either

I banned myself (unsubscribed) from that shit sub many months ago. If I'm gonna expose myself to propaganda I'll at least get it from Fox or CNN (or any MSM outlet, really), where there are at least some production values.

It's this comment.

If you mention that he might not win, you will be banned.

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Come on down to here, friend! An island of free flowing true and false information - it's up to you to decide/discover what to believe.

Haha, I've been here for a while. I just can't believe I'd be banned from that place. Back in the good ole days before HRC I used to frequent it regularly.

Ahhh, so you know

I got banned by 4 subs today but I was being an ass in one of them and then bots in others kicked in. Oh well, no loss

I guess the only worrying thing for me is that the CTR mentality will continue to engulf major subs after the election. And important info won't reach the major subs because dissenters are banned.

i don't think it'll be long until conspiracy theorists become enemy. They'll give them a reason to discredit us.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Final warning.

I told Clinton she was going to jail on her post in her sub and was banned. Was a good time.

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