RIP /r/Wikileaks

239  2016-10-22 by inbetweentime


Just in case you missed it, amidst all the current controversy they added 2 new mods yesterday "because they volunteered". I was among many who questioned their method and motives for doing so.

Today, they added more new mods and I posted this comment:

Now I'm banned. I inquired what the reason was and got this response.

RIP /r/Wikileaks. You and /r/Politics can share a grave.

Edit: Well, update, /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway removed my ban, then I inquired about my ban, and now I'm banned again.

So I'm getting more curious as to why our newest moderator here in /r/conspiracy is so complicit in the spectacle over at /r/wikileaks. As he/she said themselves, they were brought on board there for "oversight".



I've been banned from several subreddits for simply questioning the post. Wikileaks & The_Donald being the two most recent. It's ludicrous that you can't have an actual discussion anymore without being banned in some subreddits.

r/The_donald is a pro donald trump subreddit. If you're not supporting donald trump there they will ban you

r/politics is supposed to be a non partisan board where discourse takes place (it's not)

if you go to r/hillaryclinton and post anything questioning her you're immediately banned. I was banned from there for saying "bring them to heel" litterally banned for quoting the person the board is named after

Lol, you want the same standard of impartial moderating and rational discussion on the_donald as you do of wikileaks? How amazingly impartial of you, thank you for correcting the record.

He's raising an issue of group labeling. Arguably a serious problem for this website. This activity shares a common thread with fascism and labels certain/groups of people, making it easier to discredit the individual(s). For example: I was personally banned from r/offmychest for commenting one time in r/The_Donald. My comment was about journalism. It wasn't even political. Nonetheless i was issued a ban for participating in a community that "propagates hate".

I'm not saying T_D doesn't have bigots. In fact, I'm saying a lot of subs have bigots, including r/politics. The very definition of bigot is intolerance of those who hold a differing opinion of you. But yet users of T_D are subject to a site wide ban for merely mentioning r/politics, even to praise it.

I said nothing hateful or even offensive, but i got banned. Its extremely hypocritical of these subs to subvert other people because of differing opinions. To label them an X,Y, or Z group. That's how fascism works. It starts small. A few here, a few there. But the goal is hyper sensitivity. Labeling others little by little, until everyone participating has chosen a side. And it becomes normal.

Would you agree that you should be labeled for simply commenting in r/conspiracy because a few people said some anti semitic bullshit? I doubt it. Thats what this is about. It's about getting a narrative going pointed toward groups of people and labeling them. Future voters or redditers won't participate in these labeled groups for fear of exile. No matter how smart and poignant some of their submissions/opinions.

It's a long time problem with democrats and republicans. As an ex dem, i myself fell victim to this line of thought until i started to see the hypocrisy of the party. That's not to say I'm a republican, just that i no longer dismiss others ideas so quickly simply because they align with a different group of people.

Is this the /r/wikileaks banned users club?

That's how /r/politics was taken over .. By banning the real user base and bringing in shills

Same in /r/news. I am perma-banned and muted from messaging the mods.

Lol how many of us are there?? I was so pissed I made a self-post about it.

Proof they banned me for some pretty tame question

I got banned as well for pretty much nothing. They are getting rid of the core user base for sure.

I just got banned, simply for asking for an open dialogue about the matter. Was told it was to clear the trolls. So I asked why ban people for legitimate concerns. Then, boom. Banned. What a fucking shit-show.

I suspect this subreddit is under assault as well. They deleted a Wikileaks critical post as duplicate that wasn't.

I'm a mod on another popular subreddit (investing related) so I know how to search for duplicate posts.

Supposedly some of the mods are now sharing responsibilities here and there.

I'm gonna have to go out on a limb and guess wsb haha.

YOLO $JNUG to the moon, GFY 😂

Brb, gonna refi my moped to refill my rh acct so I can get in on this.

Love that place.

All my student loan money is going to DD on DWTI in the morning

Those are the best ones. And foscmeow. Oh man

You mean inverse fosc, you have 13.7 minutes to buy $YUM

There is a new conspiracy subreddit set up in case we need to move and as an alternative. /r/conspirators

Happy cake day btw.

one of the new mods is also a mod for r/conspiracy

AssuredlyAThrowAway (220715) 27 minutes ago full permissions

Never trust someone who mods for worldnews

....almost like he's paid to be a mod?

As a subscriber to r/axolotl_peyotl this was definitely a WTF moment. Shit is definitely weird right now..


Don't worry, they're a troll.

We've been comprised. The canary is gone I repeat the canary is gone. Time to launch a full scale witch hunt on that motherfucker fuck the rules! They ain't playing by them so we shouldn't either.

Its been quite awhile since the canary has been removed.

you might enjoy

i can never forgive the jew sjw redditors such as those poopeaters at r/topmindsofreddit for ruining moose archives.

And they're very much involved in the spectacle over there

Well guys you witnessed first hand how truth gets hidden. Remember it and let other people know.

Assange internet cut by external parties. Armed forces outside Equadorian embassy. CHEMICAL ATTACK (possibly staged, or government conspiracy) in airport at the same time [NOT REPORTED IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA; odd considering threat of terrorism, no?]. Wikileaks Reddit and Twitter (most likely) compromised. FBI/CIA now using social media to taint the name of Wikileaks. USA blames internet outages on Russia ahead of its planned cyber war on Russia.

I'd say we have strong (albeit circumstancial) evidence to believe Julian has been captured and taken into custody (in US) and is either being tortured, or is dead. We won't find proof of this till after November 15th, when Clinton is elected US president.

This is war. #showusjulian

Don't forget the CIA rendition plane showing up in the area during thst time via tracking info

Just an FYI, there were never any armed forces outside the Ecuadorian embassy. Friends of mine in the next street over told me they saw nothing unusual, and there were videos/pics posted almost immediately as the event happened with no unusual activity. If you have pics/video to the contrary you should post them however, needs to be out there.

fyi - the armed forces part isn't true. except that there are always a few armed diplomatic protection force officers by most large embassies.

Yet when you bring it up you get berated for it. I fear that reddit may be nearing the end unless we can have full transparency inc mod logs on subs. Bringing it up in r/Wikileaks got me banned/

I just hope Assange is still alive

This. This is why I'm concerned about all this. Why is all this weird Wikileaks shit happening all at once??

You gotta put the Pawns in place before you take the King.

I'm also banned for whatever reason,I didn't say anything ban worthy...

What I can gather from my correspondence there over the past 24 hours, is that new mod /u/Here4Popcorn is blanket banning anyone who questions anything, while the new mod takeover itself was facilitated by /u/Devistator

Is it possible that all (major) parties involved in Wikileaks have been compromised?


Lol. What we have is people questioning a foolish method of adding new moderators, then these new moderators erasing and banning the people who questioned it.

Do you really think we're this stupid?

What we have is someone trying to correct the Record.

I get it, they plant the "CTR staff message" with concern trolling (the oddest sort of trolling) in order to plant a scarecrow they can knock down when it comes to start banning legitimate users.

In case anyone missed the comment above me, it was the new mod saying that he/she banned the OP for concern trolling. They knew that the term concern trolling would stick out in our minds like a sore thumb, while the concern about the source or legitimacy of the staff note would fade.

Time to go to

Also banned for making a (fairly benign, I mean come on, ) post on the "let's have a discussion" post

I was just banned too...

But I have no idea why? I then asked the mods why I've been banned and then they muted me... I don't even use Reddit that much.

i just created:


let's switch. i pledge a no shills/no trolls/pro-wikileaks forum.


/r/wikileaks has never been useful, best to ignore it.

Holy shit, the entire post is locked down now. Not even attempting to be discrete about it.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Strangely enough I got those same type of messages from The_Donald subreddit as well, after minor critique. The psy op might be larger than we think in this thing and the opposition larger than many imagine. By the way your original comment is no longer showing up.

Here's some background on the way Reddit has gone over the years:

How Reddit Was Destroyed


Don't suggest brigading, that will hurt our sub.

I think /u/SmokeyBare meant the hostile takeover by the new mods.

They edited their original comment, so never mind.

I was also banned.

Another one bites the dust. Not many usable subs left on reddit, these days. Sad sad sad

r/politics1 is doing well. We're on the way up.

I feel this youtube channel is suspect also.. a few days it posted videos of Assange's 2012 balcony speech as NEW!! and hundreds of old videos in the last week or so.. (maybe to make the channel seem more valid at first glance?)

Ive posted this around a few places and its been mostly dismissed.. maybe Im being paranoid, but i thought it was worth sharing.

Its not about the reddit sub, it's about Assange and his direct reports. We hope you are all still well.

people say the ones saying wikileaks has been compromised are the shills but those people saying that are probably the ones spreading misinformation

or something

With this same post in r/Wikileaks, it is nothing but concern trolling about "video proof with time stamp or it means nothing" , "hey guys, I don't think we can trust theses leaks" and "I'm worried these aren't going be enough to help Trump" bs. It has left the realm of Wikileaks to CTR smear of smearing Wikileaks and promoting Hillary Clinton and demoralizing Trump supporters. Even dncleaks is doing the same behavior. I can't wait for this election to be over and some normalcy can resume. Everywhere is paid shills.

I wish more people here realized the first reddit exodus was from conspiracy to whoaverse (now voat) years ago

In case you're curious we also added a r/Conspiracy moderator. Stop trying to make something out of nothing.

You sure work efficiently. In 2 hours of being a mod you've managed to begin to discredit an entire subreddit.

Not everyone was trolling in the last days, I still don't understand why I was banned, I even welcomed the changes.

Banning people without giving a reason or a chance to respond is not ok, even for a "clean up" mission.

This is CTR attempting to muddy the waters. Do not engage.

From your sticky post. Can you give any evidence of this? Also why did you make a subreddit WikiLeaks2?


You ignored my first question. I'm hesitant to ask another because you might ignore one or both. Anyways, you keep using the term "concern troll". Are you talking about CTR people? Or are you labeling people with legitimate concerns in order to silence them?

Also how do you know CTR is "attempting to muddy the waters"? You're stating that as fact but giving no evidence. Something the previous two new mods tried hard to fight.

/u/Here4Popcorn is a mod at /r/DNCLeaks and I have been following that sub since the first batch of wikileaks was released. While I feel like whats going on at /r/wikileaks is weird /u/Here4Popcorn has not given me a reason to distrust him.

1.00$ USD has been added to your account

I have a few reasons to distrust him, which is why I asked the questions he's ignored. This is a recent comment of his:

The goal is to ban people who focus on stupid made up drama instead of the actual leaks. We're here to discuss and share the leaks. If you want to focus on mod drama go somewhere else.

He gets to decide that it's made up drama, while also refraiming the situation. Instead of "possible takeover of an entire organization", it's just "mod drama". Instead of legitimate concerns and questions, they are "concern trolls" focusing on "made up drama". Even if it's made up, the rules of r/WikiLeaks still say

Welcome to r/WikiLeaks. This sub is for all news and questions related to WikiLeaks and their founder, Julian Assange.

People have questions related to WikiLeaks, and you're banning them for it. That raises red flags and causes more people to ask questions...and then get banned.

Those are the best ones. And foscmeow. Oh man