AT&T Time-Warner Monopoly
27 2016-10-23 by uncertainty3000
They now control content and distribution. Fucking monopoly.
This is all about the control of online data. Watch your online data plans skyrocket as the flow of online content gets dispersed according to what AT&T/Time-Warner prefers.
It's all a racket.
3 [deleted] 2016-10-23
I'm going back to smoke signals.
3 Lo0seR 2016-10-23
Room 641A
1 Retroleum 2016-10-23
First, this comment is neither in support of, nor opposed to, the proposed transaction. But, just as a matter of context, this deal is very similar, if not identical in principle, to Comcast's successful acquisition of NBC Universal, controlling both content creation and content distribution. So just so we're all aware, it's basically already been done. Again, this is just to aid the conversation. I'm not arguing that more such deals should or should not be allowed. Others can chime in on that with their opinions.