If you can make people believe in the moon landings you can make them believe in anything.

3  2016-10-23 by NonThinkingPeeOn

What if we were meant to uncover the truth about the moon landings? Like they planned it that way from the beginning. Disregarding the fact that it's taking an embarrassingly long time for people to wake up.(And they're laughing about it, I assure you.)

They are waiting for the population to wake up collectively. Lets be real here. The moon landing hoax is pretty damn obvious for anyone with half a brain. Apparently, most people are working with less.

Don't feel clever for "uncovering" the truth. Because once the moon landings are finally blown open for the farce they are, that's not the true deception. And it's not the all the other dominoes that fall with the moon landing hoax, like the mountain of countless other lies that have been perpetuated for decades. No that's not the decpetion. And people may feel special and prideful for getting the truth out.

That's what they want people to think. But they are one step ahead of you all. Those conspiracies are in the shallows. The real deception is much deeper.

Its all a distraction from the real game they play.

You think your a free thinker? You think you have it all figured out?

They fucking made it easy! They want you to figure their bullshit out. They want you to blow it open. They are getting impatient with the stupidity. Figure it out already! they are saying. They want to get to the next stage of their game. The fact there are people alive today who still believe the moon landing happened is the epitome of stupidity.


You are absolutely right, dont mind the people who wont get it. Plenty of people do, just not most people yet.

Even the tiniest bit of research into the Apollo program blows the hoax wide open but the sad thing is that

  1. People dont WANT to see that

  2. National pride and human pride cloud their ability to be objective

  3. The people who realize it was likely fake cannot talk about it because our peers fall into the other 2 categories

Anyways, I like your thought. Thanks!

I'm not talking about the moon hoax. Thats the obvious part they planned for people to see through. And it will be quite the sensationalist event. But I'm talking about it as the distraction.

Oh, I get that. And I believe you are 100% correct. I was just pointing out most people, even here, wont even accept your first point.

Personally, I think the biggee picture has something to do with alien life either currently living on our planet (possibly for centuries now) or controlling our planet from outside.

What proof do you have of alien life?

Look up at the night sky. There are a billion trillion suns out there and they all have planets.

Look at us on Earth, we are already fucking with space and we arent even that ancient.

Not to mention the millions of reported alien/UFO sightings since the dawn of man.

But above everything, I saw something very convincing once with my own eyes. Not in space or far overhead in the night sky. It was about three stories up, I could have hit it with a rock. It looked like a thousand glowing gems all vibrating and moving like a herd, like each one was aware of its own existence. I will talk about that night on my deathbed, no joke.

Not to mention the millions of reported alien/UFO sightings since the dawn of man.

None of those sightings have been proven because there is no tangible, physical evidence like a piece of spacecraft or an actual alien. You can say the Roswell crash is proof but there still is no physical proof.

But above everything, I saw something very convincing once with my own eyes

Were you high?

If I was on hard drugs, I obviously would have factored that into the sighting. This isnt amateur hour, as much as you need it to be to convince yourself that I didnt see something that night.

Either way, there is no way to convince anyone who wasnt there. Luckily I wasnt alone, or else I would probably be close to lying myself out of it. Even then though, I would be "close", because I know what I saw. Even if I had been alone, I know what I saw. Dead sober and eyes wide open.

Even then though, I would be "close", because I know what I saw. Even if I had been alone, I know what I saw.

I get it man, I'm trying to sympathize. But theres just no way for anyone to really believe a statement like that.

They have events planned for when the general population wakes up to the major lies and deceptions. It will start to accelerate.

They've layed it all out for us.

Wait and see.

Things will get interesting.

Yeah it was laid out like 2000 years ago. It's called bible prophecy.

The moon landings are real. That's about as debatable as living on a round earth. All you need is the right equipment and what to look for and you can see for yourself.

Show us then.

Nope, thats a lie that has gone viral. You absolutely cannot see for yourself. Show me a single photo of the Moon artifacts that isnt a photo of random pixels with arrows pointing at said pixels.

The biggest lie to me is the monetary system, which in essence is the current social control mechanism like religion was in the old days.

Around ten families control the money system. They print notes with no backing whatsoever. Lend it to nations at interest. And then claim they own everything.

And yes the moon landings, nukes and so much other things are hoaxes

It's all a sham. It's all connected.

How can we land on the moon if the moon isnt real?

At least one person is asking the right questions. Now you are getting closer to real deception.

It can actually hurt to change your mind about something you believe to be true. A lot of smart people will argue all day long with moon hoaxers. Ralph Rene, author of NASA Mooned America, found intellect was no barrier to blind faith in the moon landings when he discussed the subject with his Mensa buddies.

They have great possessions of intellect and will not part them? Then they are Idiots.

I'm sorry that the idea of space travel is so offensive to you that you have to invent such lies.

I never said I was offended by such things. And I invented no lies. Use your brain to come to your own conclusions on where the lies are. In fact I know that we've had the capability to travel through space and already have been to all the planets. But that technology is not allowed to be known to pee-ons.

How about you provide some coherent proof for your claims, otherwise you can't expect anyone to take you seriously.

If you give a shit you can find the truth. Don't expect to be spoon fed the truth. Ask questions and seek the answers. Think.

If you dont give a shit, then continue to live your life the same way the majority of people do, and enjoy the life of a pee-on.

You do know the word is peon and it doesn't mean to be peed on. Right?

A peon is just an unskilled worker.

Pee-on. Not peon. The spelling and meaning is quite clear.

I understand your play on words but my point stands.

Ok, so we didn't go to the moon but we have already been to every planet in the solar system, did I get that right?

No you got it wrong.

They went there for sure. Not the way they told you though. Nasa's public explanation for how they got to the moon is a fucking joke. Nasa is a joke. Nasa is cover sham organization. They don't actually do any real space exploration. Other groups do though.

The technology to travel space is not the primitive explosion technology. That technology is used for waste in order to perpetuate a sense of limitation in scarcity based economy, so that there can be exploitation of an idiotic population of pee-ons.

To travel space and beyond you have to go the other way. You have to work with nature, not against it. Not toward expansion and disintegration and death. But toward integration, compression and self organizing life.

To travel space and beyond

By beyond, do you mean other dimensions/universes?

This all seem a bit much. I think you've been watching to much Stargate, dude.

But you're free to believe in that, no need to be a douche about it though, calling others by your nick, which I think seem a more fitting description for the person going by it.

Question: does anyone here have a powerful telescope, if so, what is the weirdest shit you've seen?

imo, they went to the moon; we just didn't see the "real" video.

How do you explain all the third party evidence from groups not in the government?


That wiki has two sections, without Nasa involvement and with Nasa involvement. Click on the without section and what do you see? Its all quite weak, various organizations from around the world that claim to have picked up Apollo signals. Sounds good until you realize that Nasa ran multiple simulations, saved the data, and could have very easily beamed that data back to Earth, from the satellite they put into orbit before the first Apollo mission. Especially since they knew the Russians would need such evidence or they would call BS.

Another bit of "evidence" is apparently photo renders from data collected in the 2000's by various foreign missions. Funny how nobody can even show us a single actual photo of moon remnants. With all of our telescopes and Hubble and those missions that flew past the moon. Not a single real photo.

Just a couple pictures showing a couple blurry pixels with some arrows pointing at them. Seriously, show me a picture that isn't blurry pixels and arrows!

I can't buy into the moon landing didn't happen conspiracy for a few reasons.

  1. The secret is too huge. There are too many players involved to keep them all quiet for this long.

  2. The science was there. We had the capability to make such a journey.

  3. I can't find any credible evidence that contradicts the official narrative.

Now, I do think some, not all, of the footage is faked for various reasons. Mainly because NASA wanted to present a product to the people and wanted it as polished as possible. Thus when they needed a particular shot and the actual footage was inadequate or didn't exist, they fabricated it.

  1. Thats not proof it happened, at all.

  2. You cannot say we had the capability because the only proof thay we had the capability is that we went. Whether we actually went is exactly whats being questioned. If you broke down this argument it would look like this "I can prove we went, here is the proof = we went". Thats not how logic works.

  3. There is plenty of credible evidence out there. I guess at the end of the day it boils down to your definition of "credible". If you only see Nasa as a credible expert on the subject of space, then I guess you have no choice but to believe what they say, since they hold all the trump cards. Everything they say about the Moon and the journey there could be made up, there is no way to check their work.

And they absolutely know this. Even if everything they say is true, the fact remains that you have to take whatever they say on the subject as truth whether it is or not.

First off I never claimed to have proof. What I said was I don't buy it. It's enough for me that NASA and the entire scientific community says we went. All the astronauts say we went. We literally brought pieces of it back with us The logistics of keeping thousands and thousands of scientists from spilling the beans is mind numbing. The only "proof" I have seen that refutes the fact that we went is choppy video taken out of context which doesn't definitively prove anything. If you or anyone in your movement had any actual proof there would be no containing it, nations and scientists not friendly to us would line up to get behind it.

It's enough for you to believe because someone else told you? Then you are lost.

Someone else told me? It's common knowledge scientific fact. This isn't something a few guys did and said oh look at this. The entire world watched. Tens of thousands of scientists were involved in the project. The real question is how come there is all this evidence that we went, all these tens of thousands of people say we did, millions and millions watched it live, and some jack ass, who wasn't even involved in any capacity, writes a book and makes a few YouTube videos and that's proof for you? Wake up. There are actual conspiracies going on. Actual people doing nefarious things behind the scenes and fucking you over and your sitting here arguing the moon landing. If anything they want you to think the damn thing's fake so you keep talking about it an ignoring the real issues

some jack ass, who wasn't even involved in any capacity, writes a book and makes a few YouTube videos and that's proof for you?

who are you referring to? because i made no mention of anybody.

and secondly, I already told you and made it clear as day that if you believe what others tell you without thinking critically upon it and doing your own research then you are so easily manipulated and lied to.

all these tens of thousands of people say we did.

That's not proof! your drawing a conclusion from an illogical fallacy.

Use your own brain. Think critically. Stop relying on others to inform your beliefs and knowledge. As far as the moon landings go, just fucking think about it. Look at the photos and videos and ask some very basic questions. It is glaringly obvious that they lied about a great many things.

It's common knowledge scientific fact.

what are your referring to exactly? There are only scientific theories. There are no facts, because man's understanding is limited. No man has all the answers and knows all the secrets of nature.

who are you referring to? because i made no mention of anybody.

It's meant as a generalization to describe the person or people that pioneered this movement. The reason it says writes a book or makes YouTube videos is because any time I've asked for evidence or proof of the outlandish claims at the heart of the argument I am referred to a book written by some idiot with no firsthand knowledge or some poorly edited out of context YouTube video. There is nothing that proves we didn't do exactly what we say we did. The only possible logical reason for disagreeing with the official story is that you don't feel the proof that we actually went is solid enough. To that I disagree.

and secondly, I already told you and made it clear as day that if you believe what others tell you without thinking critically upon it and doing your own research then you are so easily manipulated and lied to.

Just because someone or a group of people tells you something it doesn't automatically make it false. As a matter of fact the more people that tell you something increases the likelihood that it is actually true. In the case of the moon landings we aren't talking about a few hundred or a thousand people, we are talking about tens of thousands involved in the projects surrounding these missions. We are also talking about highly decorated pilots and astronauts who carried them out. Not to mention the millions watching live around the world. This all in an era where our video manipulation technologies are nothing compared to present. Surely you cannot believe that all of these acclaimed scientists and decorated heroes are all lying to pull the wool over your eyes. Furthermore, not only are you insinuating that they are all liars but that they are such good liars and so organized that in the 50 or so years since this happened not one iota of verifiable proof has surfaced? Please.

It is glaringly obvious that they lied about a great many things.

Please do elaborate. Every shred of "proof" I've ever gotten has been some unfounded accusations passed off as facts or some video/audio taken out of context.

There are only scientific theories. There are no facts, because man's understanding is limited. No man has all the answers and knows all the secrets of nature.

This is a philosophical argument. There are things that we can say with reasonable certainty that we call scientific facts. We are not talking about the birth of the cosmos or whether or not there is a God. We are talking about one of the most well documented and established events in our history. It is something that the scientific community, historians, academics, and the world as a whole agrees on. Established fact.

I'd just like to add to your points that if the moon landing was a hoax the Russians would have done anything to expose it.

The Russians and America worked together.

But of course they didn't. They started working together in the mid seventies, well after all the moon landings took place.

No. They were working together the whole time.

Have you heard of the Cold War? I don't think so, but if you have evidence bring it forward, I'll look at it.

You won't find direct evidence. But the proof comes from a greater understanding of how the global elite operate.

Why did Russia drop their space program? They never tried to get to the moon. That's weird, isn't it. Hmm curious.

So are you saying that I don't know how the global elites operate and you do? What gives you this understanding if you need no evidence to make your assumptions?

Russia didn't drop their space program. There is no glory in getting to the Moon second, especially after the US has been there several times. Russians had the first satelite, the first man in space. After that they concentrated on developing and building MIR so once again they had a win - first permanent space presence.

There is no glory in getting to the Moon second

Lol. So that's why they never went to the moon? Please try harder.

So the moon has been tapped dry? Lol. We know everything about it? Nothing new to explore or discover because we visited several times for few hours?

There's only so much you will get from exploration of the moon at certain scientific development level. As I said, the USSR once again one upped the USA by establishing permanent space presence. As you might have noticed, since you are an expert on global elites, appearance is everything, especially in politics.

There's only so much you will get from exploration of the moon at certain scientific development level.

Yes. and science constantly evolves and technology constantly develops, which would make exploration and research of the moon a constantly developing scientific endeavor.

But, oops! Nope! Russia never went to the moon. And, no one explains why. Nor has ANY other nation ever been to the moon. Nor has the U.S. ever returned to the moon.

You'd think that with our highly developed scientific understandings and technological advancements since the moon landings 40 years ago we would be making trips to the moon constantly. I mean we made it to the moon so easily back then.

What's you obsession with going to the Moon? While there are many countries with some form of space program, there are only 3 that have sent their own cosmonauts into the space, that I'm aware of. Smaller countries simply cannot afford the expense of it. There are still a lot of research going into the moon with probes and orbiters and whatnot, just look it up. Because nobody sends people there (mind you the US went 6 times so they definitely returned) it doesn't mean that Moon programs have been abandoned.

Just because someone doesn't do what you think they should do doesn't mean it's a conspiracy or some sinister plot.

We were lied to! does anyone care anymore?

They said they went to the moon and made a sensationalist media frenzy out of it. Going on past forty years later and not a peep about ever going back to the moon from any country, despite the incredible development in technology since then. Many things don't add up about the whole thing. Something stinks.

If there is something wrong with the apollo moon landings, then there is something wrong with a whole lot more. If they lied about the moon landings then everything they say, everything they have said, becomes suspect.

Except now they're talking about going to Mars. Do you think they just faked the Moon landings and then they thought "let's wait 40 years and then start talking about going to Mars and fake that one too"? To what end?

It's perfectly fine to be sceptical but thinking that everything is a lie is not healthy. Especially since you don't need any evidence to justify your thinking.

Yeah, musk says we'll get to mars by 2022!? What? No test runs to the moon? Might be a good idea after half a century of zero space travel.

Nah, no practice runs. We'll just skip off to mars. We'll get it the very first try just like the moon landings. And we'll record live for every body to watch on YouTube.

Yeah totally believable.

And why would they fake it? Already said Because they are hiding the implosion technology.

Where did they practice before landing on the Moon? There are differences between Mars and Moon. Mars has an atmosphere, Moon does not; Mars is much larger than the Moon - which has implications for gravity and therefore landings would be much different.

There are people in space as we speak so there is space travel and has been for decades now.

What does implosion technology have to do with going to space and why would the way to hide it be through "fake" space programs?

Where did they practice before landing on the Moon?

They practiced in water. Lol. Just like the real thing! And then despite all the unknowns of space travel and countless variables unaccounted for they fucking nailed that moon landing on the first try. Flawless. In fact they were so cocky they broadcast the landing live because they knew they wouldn't fail. Damn they were good. Amazing.

Mars has an atmosphere, Moon does not; Mars is much larger

You forgot to mention about a million other things that are different as well.

What does implosion technology have to do with going to space and why would the way to hide it be through "fake" space programs?

You can't travel in space with explosion technology. You have to use implosion.

They launch into space with rockets. Massive dildo looking ships, appropriately. the reflection of a male force dominated society. They make a huge explosion out the back end. Loud, violent, aggressive. Not exactly elegant. This is not how nature operates.

Nature operates on the female side. Implosion force. This is the force of life. This is the energy that frees people. Explosion energy is the force of death and destruction. It is used to control people.

All of our technology is explosion based. And this is why the world is the way it is now.

So what you are saying is that having practice flights to the moon is completely unnecessary and all preparations to fly to Mars can be done right here on Earth? Makes sense, it's also heaps cheaper.

Reality seems to be proving you wrong. People do travel to space in big dildoes powered by explosions out of their rear ends. I'm sure if someone could build a ship operating on implosion it would already have happened or we'd be getting close. There is such a thing as the EM drive being developed right now - those won't be powered by explosions.

So what you are saying is that having practice flights to the moon is completely unnecessary and all preparations to fly to Mars can be done right here on Earth?

No. not even close to what I'm saying.

I'm sure if someone could build a ship operating on implosion it would already have happened.

Indeed. it did happen many times. and whole lot more happened far beyond your imagination. But see, the government doesn't want anyone to know about that. Nasa still uses the dildo rocket ships as a publicity stunt. people like to watch explosions and light shows. it is very easy to fool the public. they enjoy filling up their gas tanks, and paying their electric bills. The government cashes in on people's stupidity.

real space flight technology is silent and inconspicuous. nothing dramatic about it. in fact, it's all around us and no one notices.

Do you have a proof for any of your claims? Without any evidence what you write is just a conspiratorial science fiction.

implying it's that easy you could've probably figured it out yourself in the last 15 minutes of you spamming your keyboard to bring us a useless opinion

The post went right over your head. Don't worry maybe someone will explain it to you.

I remember the thoughts running through my head the first time i watched West World too

The moon landing hoax was needed for national pride during a time of unprecedented domestic uncertainty. Russia was winning, Vietnam was going bad, hippies, etc. We needed a win.

Sometimes the lie is necessary.

Or are you going to uncover the Santa Claus conspiracy next?

That wiki has two sections, without Nasa involvement and with Nasa involvement. Click on the without section and what do you see? Its all quite weak, various organizations from around the world that claim to have picked up Apollo signals. Sounds good until you realize that Nasa ran multiple simulations, saved the data, and could have very easily beamed that data back to Earth, from the satellite they put into orbit before the first Apollo mission. Especially since they knew the Russians would need such evidence or they would call BS.

Another bit of "evidence" is apparently photo renders from data collected in the 2000's by various foreign missions. Funny how nobody can even show us a single actual photo of moon remnants. With all of our telescopes and Hubble and those missions that flew past the moon. Not a single real photo.

Just a couple pictures showing a couple blurry pixels with some arrows pointing at them. Seriously, show me a picture that isn't blurry pixels and arrows!

Pee-on. Not peon. The spelling and meaning is quite clear.