Julian Assange has been smuggled by the Russian Patriarch Kirill, to Russia. More inside..

3  2016-10-23 by Putin_loves_cats

This is my theory, that I've said in a few places here:

I have a theory that the Eastern Orthodox Church (Russia and co) are behind Assange and Wikileaks. Snowden is more of A Vatican (West) front. Both are fighting with each other, in a way in which neither is truly called out or destroyed. We're entering a great Awakening, and instead of the flood gates being opened, they are being dripped (leaked) in a controlled manner... Just a little pet theory of mine.

General.. More in depth:

Okay. So my theory states that JA is a front for the Eastern Orthodox church in England (Russia and ME/East countries), Snowden is a front for the Vatican in Russia. Both are at war with each other. Each person is releasing information, but tame information via "leaks". JA is releasing info to turn people on the West. Snowden is leaking info, merely to scare the West back into compliance. Think what Snowden actually released, nothing but confirming what we've known for a very long time. Panopticon. Self censor, all seeing eye.

Each side knows we are entering a great awakening, and it will affect their power (they're also diametrically opposed to one another). They cannot destroy each other completely, but they can throw blows, while they remain in the dark and retain control. This deals with astrology and the esoteric. Like I've said many, many times, the end of the Mayan calendar was the Great Unveiling of truth. Each side needs to control the awakening. What better way to have control mechanism on both camps "leaking" truth. Like I said, cannot let the flood gates open, got to control the exposure of truth as much as possible.

Like I said, just a pet theory of mine...

I've just been made aware:

  1. https://www.rt.com/news/363222-patriarch-kirill-elizabeth-meeting/

Eastern Orthodox Church Russian Patriarch Kirill visited queen Elizabeth in England on the 18th.

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/18/ecuador-cuts-julian-assanges-internet-access-after-hillary-clint/

Same time frame Ecuador cuts JA's internet and he goes dark, following infiltration rumors, and odd occurrences involving wiki leaks, and now their sub is completely a cluster fuck...

My theory is that the heat was getting too hot, so their man was rescued. What has Snowden been upto? I'm not saying here or there, but it's some oddities that have been brewing in my mind, and I thought it was imperative to post this. Thanks to those (you know who you are , who lead to me to certain leads).

Internet, do your duty. This cannot be a coincidence. I do not believe in coincidences.


and Pamela Anderson.

And her bewbs

Why, what an informative comment. Shouldn't you be redesigning your 9/11 Truth blog? You know, the one that you pimped here when you were a mod ;)

Your point?

I was trying to provide context to my original comment you didn't take kindly to. She's a part of the plot in my opinion, could be.

This week ROC has lost a third of its money (and that's a lot, they are rich) because the bank where they kept it went bust (foul play). I wanted to present this as the reason Kirill was not behind anything Assange-related since he was busy with other things, but now I want to see how you work it into your theory. Perhaps Assange is subcontracted to locate the money or people responsible.

What's ROC, definitely will check into it..

Russian Orthodox Church.

Thought that's what you meant, just wanted to clarify it wasn't some ticker organization. Interesting lead, looking into it!

If he sets foot outside of the Ecuadorian embassy he will immediately be arrested by Scotland Yard.

Not if he is with the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Russia. That would be like trying to arrest the Vatican Pope's guest. Swiss guard aint having that...

But there are no accounts of Krill visiting the Ecuadorian embassy.

If it was an op, do you really think it would be broadcasted? Think about what my post is proposing. In light of all of this. I'm not saying here or there, and fuck Cunton (glad he is dropping shit on that crooked/criminal bitch). Just think a little bit outside of the common narrative. 3D chess. We are living on a grand chessboard....

What you are positing is exactly the kind of stuff Hillary wants us to think. If we are to believe it we need evidence. The Patriarch of the Orthodox chucrh visiting the UK is not enough to believe he smuggled Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy against the wishes of Mi5 and Scotland yard.

How is that what Hillary wants us to think? Hillary is a whore to the Deep State and is not as powerful as people think. We are at odds with Russia right now, damn near WW4. This goes above her pay grade. Tell me how this is what Hillary wants us to think. He's not a Russian plant, but I propose working with the Eastern Orthodox Church. Them and the West (Vatican) are at war. If anything, this blows the whole shit out of the water. I hope JA is alive and continues taking down the West. I do not support the EOC, but shit...

The downvotes on this post is amazing.... Think for a second what this could mean for humanity...

Even though you're kinda seeing some flak in this thread, I appreciate your theory and I actually find it to be plausible.

To me, it is absolutely naive to think that a blackop couldn't have went in and rescued him with no fanfare, no news of it, no witnesses....that's why it's called a blackop....

On the flip side, the very same could be said for a blackop going in and capturing him. I'm not sure whether he has been captured, or rescued, but I honestly believe the DDoS attacks and the evacuation of Heathrow were a part of it one way or the other. I'm leaning towards he has been captured, Heathrow was evacuated to get him out unseen, and the internet went down to stop the flow of information and initiate a takeover of wikileaks.

Either his allies rescued him, or his enemies got him. Whichever the case, I no longer believe he is at that Embassy.

Quite honestly, I'm not sure what the fuck to make of it right now. My brain is damn near melted from keeping up with, and researching all of this. I'm having a tough time discerning the events of the past few days.

Thank you for at least being objective, unlike so many here. I'm not saying on way or another. Just proposing something, and tbh, what I'm saying actually helps his cause in the broader picture. I hope he is ok and not in a CIA black site. I don't know what to make of any of this either, and a few good people here (I talked to) pointed me in a possible direction. So I posted. Man, I knew I was hated here, but shit.... Think objectively people... Check my damn history, I'm not trying to smear Assange nor am I working for the cunt Hillary.. Fuck... SMH...

There are maybe 4-5 posters in this sub who I pay very close attention to, and you're one of them.

I think I am one of a few here who actually enjoys nearly every post or comment you make. Your thinking outside the box and viewing it all as 3D chess is why people have hatred for you. Your words force people to think and look deep inside, and for some that thought and process is terrifying, me? I welcome it, no matter how much it may or may not rattle my inner being.

That kind of thinking is what's needed for us to grow...intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Far too many have become complacent and refuse to continue their own personal growth for whatever reason.

Any discussion which could bring forth knowledge and other viewpoints should be welcomed, not chided.

One thing is for sure, I'd hate to actually play you in chess, but I'd give it a shot. ;)


You are not comprehending what I'm saying. Re-read.


Believe it or not, there are two major religious factions fighting. Whether you want to believe it or not is up to you. You don't have to believe in religion to know there are:

  1. Catholics - Holy Roman Empire
  2. Eastern Orthodox Church

Well established before your great great great daddy had a sparkle in his eye before he impregnated his wife.. Thousands of years of fighting...

Re-read what I said, and what you said. Reading comprehension, such a lost gift...


So where do England come into that?

Tri-Sovereign States, City of London.

The Royal Family still hold sway.

Not really, compared to these people...

And no Jews or Masons in your plan?

Of course there are, they run the City of London, both.. Tis' a Roman outpost though..

I get the picture I simply don't agree with your analysis.

Which part?

We can go back and forth as much as you wish.

I'm straight forward, you've offered nothing... If you do want to offer something, tis' my thread, and I'll wait...


The intelligence agencies in the US are absolutely a Jewish owned project.

MMM.. no they are not, you should look into the heads of the NSA and CIA...

I don't believe the Vatican want or need a part in geo-politics, that is why they have the Jesuits.

They control the Tri-Sovereign States....

They have wealth beyond measure, power where they want or need it.

They own the world, hence Court Jews do not, ie. Rothchilds, you just admitted it... Look into the Chair of St. Peter and Divine Domain.

Look at the wars. They don't benefit the orthodox or Catholicism. It makes no sense.

Look deeper...

Rothschilds et al certainly don't sit on any Christian side of the table either, and ignoring them is insane.

Court Jews, Zionist Khazars have been working with Rome for thousands of years. Red Shield, look who has the Red Shield. That would be the Swiss, the Guardians of the Vatican - Swiss Guard. Try me, with all your low level Jew - Rothschild vitriol... You are a child talking to an adult....


So you wont look into what I said because of fee fees? Sorry, I don't give two shits about your fee fees. Look into it and educate yourself or stay ignorant. You're just another ignorant person on the internet spouting: Rothschild, Rothschild, Rothschild! I've been there, done that... I don't give a fuck... If I wanted to educate those kinds of people, I may try Youtube. Maybe go back there? If not, you'll fail here because of ignorance. Some of us know what the fuck we are talking about. I gave you enough. Too-da-loo..

Some of us know what the fuck we are talking about.

Laughable. Can't believe that a disinfo agent spouting concave/hollow/expanding Earth theories could simultaneously claim this. Your ability to ignore information while making claims without any evidence is incredibly suspicious.

Didn't JA recommend ES seek asylum in Russia and aid in his journey from China to Russia?

Got any good links or info on how the split happened between the vatican and the eastern orthodox religion or Any reason to believe they both cooperate behind the scenes? Or do the seem to be real adversaries? I don't have a super solid background of the split and what that split might look like in the context of today.

This is very interesting — thank you. Also, any chance you've read Franzen's "Purity" ? from last year.

To be clear: I'm in no way trying to discredit, I should have said that this reminded me of a character in the book that many critics speculated bore a similarity to the Editor.