Wikileaks is using a red herring to avoid the request to sign messages with their encryption key - tweets a poll

56  2016-10-24 by austenten

The following Twitter user was blocked from contacting Wikileaks via Twitter because he asked them to sign a message using their PGP key (encryption), but instead of proving their identity using encryption keys, they blocked this user. Suspicious much!

Using a red herring technique, Wikileaks is pretending the option of signing messages using their PGP key does not exist. So instead, Wikileaks tweets aNOther diversion poll tweet asking who wants to see a video, or statement by lawyers or blah blah...

This is all a con to delay until the election is complete and Hillary has been planted. Don't be fooled. Wikileaks yesterday tweeted they were going to release a statement ABOUT ASSANGE "tomorrow" - meaning today. They ended up tweeting a screenshot of some document with zero substance; it was more about the Ecuadorian Embassy and the background of WIkileaks than what they promised, a status of Assange.


The only secure way is PGP signature that they don't offer as a choice. That is very worrying. You can PGP-sign a message in 30 seconds. Why don't they do it?

PGP is the only real secure way of verifying Julian Assange is fine and that Wikileaks is not compromised. Because you can fake a lot visual evidence. Julian put PGP in place for the exact purpose of verifying it's him and that he's alive. Until Wikileaks doesn't sign a message with their PGP key, we should consider that Wikileaks has been compromised.

People, it's so easy for them to authenticate themselves with a PGP signature, we should all have already moved into DEFCON 2!


How he is supposed to sign something with PGP if he doesn't have internet access? What if he doesn't have an uncompromised way of using his key without giving it away right now?

Look, he can redact any shoot text on his laptop or on any computer, give it to any person on a usb stick on the person's phone that can visit him at the embassy or even write down the characters on paper and this person can publish it anywhere. We can verify the message with the public Wikileaks PGP key. It's that simple. That's also why what's currently happening is so scary.

what are the chances he's ok but under full surveillance and therefore cannot type the password to auth his key?

why hasn't the dead mans switch been activated then? He certainly doesnt have access to a computer.

Im not very "techie" but I thought there was some saying it was activated 2 days ago?


See my other long winded comment

tl;dr - there's a chance he escaped before interpol and MI6 and CIA busted in, but he'd have to stay dark for several days before re-emerging. There are a log of positive forces out there driving to shine a light on all this corruption, but unfortunately, even shills need to get paid for voting threads up and down and posting manipulative comments to throw people off.

Wikileaks has definitely been compromised given the signs. Wikileaks signing with their keys merely means keys associated with Wikileaks, not bad, but not Assange's personal keys. The fact they aren't doing it is a very bad sign.

I'm not sure if Wikileaks would offer the option of seeing Assange at the window if he escaped though, no?


A very old wiki of JA's distrust of PGP -