The Establishment is F_CKED

24  2016-10-25 by 911bodysnatchers322

They have no idea what it's like out there. They've spent so much time in PRISM, they're absolutely clueless that they are ALL going to PRISON.

They have no idea what people are saying, because they're too busy trying to manipulate social media.

Sure they're collecting it all in realtime, as they have been since the 70s with echelon and 641A and all that. But like Snowden said, it's now looking for a needle in ten million haystacks.

Well those haystacks, they just got set on fire, ya'll.

We're coming for them and they are all super duper fucked.

Don't believe the robot people with low karma that you've never seen before. They are symptomatic of the last desperate gasp of freedom these peoplewill ever enjoy again.


This resonates with me. Their crimes are being exposed so fast by leaks, their global free trade plans actually got read and countries are backing out, the currency game is faltering..They are being exposed at a exponential rate and are desperate as hell. That's the only part that is scary. .

Seriously I so sick of fucking bullshit politics. When are people going to band together as Americans to take back our country

After these commercial messages.

I think we are witnessing the beginning of the establishment's downfall, but I don't agree that they're fucked because they will just scapegoat people like Hillary Clinton, while the people pulling her strings will get away with it and remain an unseen shadow power.

they will just scapegoat people like Hillary Clinton, while the people pulling her strings will get away with it and remain an unseen shadow power.

Absolutely this. You think guys like George Soros give a fuck about Hillary Clinton? Hell nah. Like Bob Dylan said: "Only a pawn in their game." The second it suits him, she will be hung out to dry just to save his slimy ass. That said, maybe the Joker is a more appropriate source to quote: "Let's see how loyal a hungry dog really is."

Almost makes me feel bad for her. Almost.

That's a great quote!

Scapegoating these people is ok with me. It's a short list we can start with:

  • Dick Cheney
  • Donald Rumsfeld
  • Both Clintons, and maybe Chelsea also
  • Both Bushes, and Jeb
  • Obama
  • James Comey
  • Every director of every intelligence agency
  • Every employee at NIST, then you close NIST and you pay an annual membership to German NIST because we failed at science

They can still have their shadow horseshit, and it will continue to produce more baddies: that's expected. But meantime they WILL be giving us these people in chains. We also need to legalize pot and take all the pot offenders out of jail and give them their money / pot back, give them a job at the national cannabis hydrofactory.

The one and ONLY way the real higher ups in the establishment are fucked, is if the Army decides to revolt. At the moment this isn't going to happen, but if Clinton gets in and it was obvious TPTB took her there and then sent the armed services off to fight another war for oil and shit, well? Who knows?

who are the robot people? what do they say,

Beep, boop...


Lol! Ah, what the hell...for the youngins...

So glad you know what I mean. Can't believe they lit a million pounds on fire. Talk about r/madlads

Robot people are people who parrot establishment tropes and when you give them evidence against those tropes they say, "i don't want to hear this right now". So they pull up their shirt and press a button on their chest labeled "timer reset". A panel between their eyes opens, a plank unfolds, and a nanokissenger emerges in his bathrobe looking disgruntled, silently, he flips you off, retreats, and panels closes. Then like others say they go bleep boop and blerp and blop their way through life talking bout Cardassians

Oh i thought so. Most people call them liberals or useful idiots. Yes the establishment is in trouble. Most unpopular presidential candidates in history.

I like you because you give enough fucks to not give fucks.

Keep up the good fight, sir.

:) If you said I was crazy you'd not be wrong. Thanks for your support.

Is the antidisestablishmentarianism still ok?

Good word. And yes for the time being but not for long. The antidisestablishmentarianismfags are going down because of the podests emails. Social pressure cannot be contained. Pressure cooker bomb!

Trust me, the establishment will relinquesh the illusion of democracy, long before it abandons control.

What is prism

How are they going to prison? They made the laws.

Because that's not how laws work. This is not the wild west, and if they start acting like it is, then all of society will let them know what it's like when there are no laws

Civilization itself is defined by the rule of law: the social contract of all of us adhering to these laws is actually the point of civilization; this goes back to ancient mesopotamia and hammurabi.

They are more than welcome to undo over 3000 yrs of progress because they want more numbers to show up on a computer representing and account which is only more numbers.

Did Silvio Berlusconi go to prison at all for crimes he committed before being Prime Minister of Italy? No. He changed the laws that he broke once he got into office. In the revolving door of politics that is the United States, where a lawyer, banker and doctor can come from the private sector, become a Senator, Representative or Governor, do their terms, then go back to the private sector and earn lucrative money off the laws they helped formulate, I'd say this is very much the wild west, only we don't think we can do anything to counter the corruptness in the town. These families that are in (real) power today have been in power for hundreds of years (many can be surface web traced to the 1400's and some even as far back as the 1100's). Sure there are some scapegoats for each era of chaos, but factually it is naive to argue that laws don't work that way. Certain connected people's feel they are above the law. That has occurred since the code of Hammurabi.

Define the "Establishment"?

they will just scapegoat people like Hillary Clinton, while the people pulling her strings will get away with it and remain an unseen shadow power.

Absolutely this. You think guys like George Soros give a fuck about Hillary Clinton? Hell nah. Like Bob Dylan said: "Only a pawn in their game." The second it suits him, she will be hung out to dry just to save his slimy ass. That said, maybe the Joker is a more appropriate source to quote: "Let's see how loyal a hungry dog really is."

Almost makes me feel bad for her. Almost.