Why I believe the United States Government is greatly exaggerating their capabilities of surveillance, intelligence gathering, and managing perceptions via software.

38  2016-10-25 by 911bodysnatchers322

I'm sure many of you have had a similar experience as I have. The US government is composed of many agencies. I've seen each of them fail in very similar ways. I suspect that the US Military intelligence agencies are no different. After all, if they were actually good, they wouldn't keep proliferating agencies, instead, they'd consolidate them. Because consolidation is how successful businesses work, not the other way around. We now have over 17 agencies, when we started out with far fewer. ANd what's the deal with homeland security. I mean we already had an FBI, NSA, USMS, SS...did we really need an additional, shittier version of an FBI / USMS? The answer is no.

Here is why I think they are greatly exaggerating their ability to achieve "total information awareness", panopticon, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, and all the other omni's they think they have.


  • The DMV. I don't need to say more than that.

Voter Registration

  • I just checked my voter registration and the website crashed. "Cloudfront wasn't able to connect to the origin". Sigh.


  • When I submitted a FOIA to the FDA, their whole website crashed. Again ASPX (incompetent microsoft tech government people).
  • It double submitted, which meant both FOIA requests were invalidated. I had to send in FOIA via fax.
  • They greatly exceeded their 20 days, and had to give it to me free of charge after roping in the ombudsman. I eventually got something from them. They were resistant because it was about cannabis. It wasn't what I asked for, and it revealed that they cherry picked data and didn't do a good job.
  • I'm going to be FOIA-ing much more information from them using this information they gave, which I've already put online here.


  • I was excited to use the Obamacare website. My first experience was it crashed and erased about 30 min of my work.
  • I sent in some emails to Obamacare's website, volunteering to help fix their website. I actually knew what the problem was, because I'm a veteran web developer and was confident I could fix it. No response.
  • I asked around at the Dept of Health and Human Resources who I could talk to, to volunteer to help fix the Obamacare website. I would have worked at least 25 hrs a week for free, or more depending on how well it went. They didn't know how to get me to help.
  • I gave up trying to volunteer my time and skills to fix our public website, that was still fucked. Fucked in a way I knew how to fix, mind you. It was ASPX (microsoft app, which is not my expertise, I still knew how to work on it)
  • I checked back in 2 months, it crashed again and screwed everything up.
  • I watched as Obama panicked and felt terribly for him. Back then, I still thought he was a nice innocent black man fighting for all black presidents that were to come. Now I realize he's just a black skinned liztard from the illuminaughty and I didn't even need "They Live" glasses to see it.
  • I had to be on the phone for an hour to fix the situation.
  • My obamadontcare insurance was cancelled because the insurance died. So I had to sign up for new coverage and my profile was messed up and I couldn't choose anything, so again, I had to call.
  • The Obamacare website, to my mind, was a big, stupid illusion. And that it didn't do anything but force people to call a bank of people who can do it for you.


  • The state of SC where my whole family lives, had a data breach from not following best practices.
  • Millions of SS numbers were stolen
  • Nikki Haley decided to buy some kind of identity theft protection for millions of people at a cost of millions per year. That's millons that taxpayers have to pay. I suspect this is a money laundering strategy because it's so stupid I can't get my head around it.
  • It would cost less for SC to launch it's own ID theft protection company, because then they could resell their services, but NOOOOO
  • The government would rather fuckup and then make everyone pay for it instead of being actually smart about stuff and make wise business choices.
  • Nikki Haley is considered a hero in all this, of course.


  • NIST -- if they weren't "in on it" in the reality model that makes 9/11 an inside job, then they were clearly the most incompetent, anti-science, ridiculous, romper-room level (that's preschool), lowest of the low unskilled people in the history of science and engineering. So which is it? Are they shitty as fuck scientists or are they crimnals. They get to choose, because either way, because of WTC7 evaluation's results and the Justice in Focus group, they are in the process of being sued internationally, and 2 people specifically are going to get raped for real: Shayam Sunder and John Gross[1][2][3]


  • Once the industry for organic was making money, they wanted a piece of the action. So they created USDA organic, which is a certification that doesn't mean anything, because it allows for some chemicals to be used (that are banned in other organic certs) and for GMO products to be used on input, defeating the purpose. In other words, it's just a label for corporations to hijack the "perception of superiority" of a product while giving consumers the opposite of what they think they are getting. The USDA has effectively enabled corporate duplicity.
  • I conclude they are worthless and bad at their job.
  • Searching for numbers on toxicity of iron, I get different answers each section of website


  • A friend of mine worked for EPA and would give fines. He was threatened in some cases, and in other cases he was intimidated by his boss to not look into certain accounts of corporations that were doing things wrong and harming the environment. By being intimidated inter-departmentally, this friend left, thinking his job there was pointless and it was. Corruption made it pointless. The moment a company threatens the US government employee, they should be treated just like any person and sent to jail. Except you can't jail a corporation, but you can shut it completely down and take everything away from them. If I were the head of the EPA and for example Wal Mart threatened my employee for giving them a fine for building on a wetland, I would dissolve all of Walmart and take trillions of dollars and put them into the government to clean up wetlands. I would do this because you set an example of how you don't fuck with the government and you don't corrupt them and you don't threaten our people. Because the governmnet IS the public, so you are really threatening the public if you threaten the government.
  • I conclude the EPA is bad at it's job.
  • Searching for numbers on toxicity of iron in food and water (for consumption), I get different answers each place I go, same as with FDA, USDA. It turns out, if they can't give a consistent answer, they don't really know.

Property Taxes

  • Every county has a tax assessor office and 1/2 the websites work and 1/2 of them don't
  • Literally every county in america has their own shitty website that sometimes connects to GIS and sometimes doesn't work right
  • It's like herding cats. No uniformity whatsoever

Business (LLC) Meeting Minutes Submission

  • In 2/2 states/counties, I've seen the ASPX websites fuck totally up, making me have to start over.
  • If I did this every day, I'd be super pissed off at the Sec. of State's website

Evey single online interaction with my government has been broken, non-uniform, shitty as fuck. I feel they only give a veneer of uniformity. So my question is: why should I be so terrified of a panopticon being run by a bunch of shitty inept morons who can scarcely handle a very dead simple ASPX applcation that consists of literally making 1 fucking FORM that submits to a SIMPLE BACKEND DATABASE. That is web dev 101, a simple form like this. If you can't make that work, then you LOSE at IT.

So if you have all these agencies, all federated across all these states, with each one going on loose guidelines and doing all these different things in different ways and being shitty and using ASPX because you don't actually know linux and java or php or python or nodejs and how stuff works generally, that you can't even take a microsoft product designed for turnkey 'easy' webdev and make it work....

... then why the HELL should we all be so scared of some dominator government that 'knows all'.

I could have simply said: The CIA is being run by the same people who brought you the DMV, but I wanted to rant some more in detail on all the failings I've personally experienced with our government and their "super advanced technocracy powered by microsoft and " I'll make a VB application and trace the killers IP in realtime"-type people who don't know how to administer it properly".

It is literally smoke and mirrors.

The "all seeing eye" is some little OZ man pulling levers. The media did this to us. They lied about everything.

Have you seen those pictures of their war room? Their data processing center is a room with a panel longwise against the wall with early 80s era APPLE IIe looking computers sunken in ever 2' with screens. Give me a fucking break. Do they think this is star trek from the 60s? They are ridiculous. A modern workplace would look industrial light and magic, 3 screens per user in a cubicle, or open floor design where people have tablets and sit in bean chairs like they do in google.

What the shit.

These people don't know what they are doing. And it's evident if you use your experience versus consuming the readymade TV illusion that shows like homeland and 24 fools us into thinking they are.


A bit like Reagan's Star Wars plan. Found out later to be all smoke and mirrors.

I believe the data is recorded, stored away in some super gi-fucking-normous computer in Utah or some shit, and if they you warrant further investigation they can go look. I don't think they have real-time surveillance on Average Joe.

Great post btw!!

I think you're totally right. They've had the idea to 'collect everything' as far back as ECHELON, which was really just a way to circumvent privacy laws of americans and allow foreign nationals to spy on us citizens on the spooks' behalf, and putting that into a kind of 'dropbox' for international spooks to share.

The problem is not collecting data, as the government generally just forces the private entities to do this for them.

Sorting through the noise of all that data though has got to be a bitch. Unless sentient AI is working for them then I assume government capability is primarily reactionary.

Yeah, for now. You have to look at the big picture for these kinds of things. They might not be to panopticon yet but they are seriously working towards that end and with the pace of technological advancement it won't be long. They are laying the foundation and they have done it disturbingly fast.

The "all seeing eye" is some little OZ man pulling levers. The media did this to us. They lied about everything.



After all, if they were actually good, they wouldn't keep proliferating agencies, instead, they'd consolidate them. Because consolidation is how successful businesses work, not the other way around.

Let's not fool ourselves into believing the government is actually trying to be "successful" in running itself by private sector business standards. That would require fiscal responsibility, which, quite frankly, the citizens are too lazy to demand & oversee.

The very nature of government is to grow. It first creates a need to justify itself, then expands to cover the need. All governments are insidious in nature, even those with seemingly good intentions. From that perspective, the US government is actually very successful, and rapidly expanding its tentacles' reach into every possible venue is exactly what it wants.

Yes, they are a legion of buffoons. It's not them I concern myself with. It's their, brighter, more capable corporate-crony-partnerships with those who have resources to actually do what our dim-witted, blue-blooded "leaders" typically screw up.

Great post and answers to this. You picked some great agencies to shit on for sure. I think we probably have some fairly decent ops, tech and connections in the intelligence agencies and our military seems pretty solid with weapons etc. Not trying to argue for government. Just an observation. If the government appears remotely competent in anything then most likely the work is outsourced.

But on a more serious note most, if not all, government agencies etc. are inefficient by design. They have to spend and waste all that money so they can say "look, we're spending all this money, we don't have enough, we need more etc. etc."

I know, it seems ass backwards but if you look at it from the other perspective, government's primary objective is to ultimately serve itself. I try not to dwell on it a whole lot.

They have to spend and waste all that money so they can say "look, we're spending all this money, we don't have enough, we need more etc. etc."

Very true. They have to waste money to justify their future wastefulness and the money that will pay for it.

It just would be nice if they said, "here is this other super expensive thing we want to do but we can't afford it until we stop being wasteful here in this other thing"

But then, they'd be running the gov like it's a business. And by that I mean efficiently.

I'm sure they have all the tools to be all powerful, but just like anything else that's run by the government, it's inefficient as fuck.

If they were smart, they'd learn and use open source tools and then contribute back to them any improvements, because that's how democracy works in a tech context.

However they are not smart. They spend an incredible amount of money on microsoft software that is super shitty and turns out is just as difficult to use because you're constantly trying to keep it from fucking up in various ways.

Open source software isn't perfect, but some of it is actually pretty close. linux mint is an example, so is 'the gimp', so is VLC, etc....

Libraoffice is a Microsoft office clone that manages to accomplish the exact same things, except that the bugs in office are not present in libraoffice and libraoffice is FREE and office last I checked is 500+ per per person

Each copy of office, each copy of windows and each copy of server and the seats are paid for by taxes and if they did open source, they could spend those taxes on rockets to mars instead.

There's this wrong way of thinking when it comes to these controllers/tptb. People know that they are too powerful, but they tend to forgot that they are also human. They are still restrained in terms of fully implementing their plans. They can also easily lose control over the narrative, just look at this election, its a fucking disaster.

People need to watch Wesley clark's video on the wars that were planned. He essentially said 7 countries in 5 years. It's been about 15 years since then and they still haven't completed their military objectives. After 2001, you had these neocons essentially showing their true cards. They were so greedy that their warhawkish stance made them look like psychopaths. They've aligned themselves with Hillary now.

You are right. Let me show you who "they" are.

Media Collusion (podesta emails) -- this map is me pretending to be the intelligence agencies since they're not doing their job correctly

best post in /r/conspiracy today

The greatest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. Indeed, those who profit from the status quo are overjoyed when ordinary folk point towards deliberate conspiracy - because it lets them off the hook and deflects criticism from the prevailing social system: capitalism. Messed up, inhumane, anti-working-class political outcomes are the result of the actions of countless thousands of barely-competent individuals acting for self-interested motives under conditions of market anarchy.

I can prove that what you are saying is not true. What you are suggesting is 'coincidence theory' and it's already disproven many times.

In your defense, it's possible you are thinking there is a suggestion of a "grand conspiracy". I think you're correct in suggesting there is "no grand conspiracy"--putting it another way, there's "no one NWO" or *"illuminati" or something like that. I agree with that, but I can prove to you there is a federation of different simultaneous shadow groups that are working sometimes together; one of those for instance is the Round Table group, which is constellated by the club of rome, the CFR, the bilderberg group, the UN, etc There is also an international group of freemasons who have enormous power. In the catholic church there is the jesuit order and the opus dei both of which have operatives that have infiltrated many key organisations with tremendous political and administrative power.

They've all got their own conspiracies, many of which are confirmed and outlined in the sidebar wiki list of confirmed conspiracies, with a legend of which entity was responsible

I cannot agree with your conclusions, that they are not very powerful.

What makes an institution or agency is its budget.

I would suggest you compare the budget, maybe on an average salary basis of employees, or overall budget between the various DMVs, the obama Care project and agencies like NSA, CIA, DIA, NRO etc.

I think you will find the budget, average salary and probably average employees intelligence to be higher in intelligence agencies.

I'm not a fan of them, but someone involved in computers such as yourself should have realized the power of the spyware, viruses, hardware, data collection centres et all that they employ are absolutely competent.

The restriction they have is they collect too much data to sift and organize. Therefore they can only shine their light in specific directions, at least until we know they go quantum.

My 2 cents...

I cannot agree with your conclusions, that they are not very powerful.

I'm not saying they aren't powerful. I'm saying they are more incompetent than they present themselves to be. You can still have a very expensive derpaderp squad completely F up and lose everything.

In fact, we have a recent example of that: it's called Hillary's campaign and that includes Obama, the CIA, the media, Soros, policy/strategy institutes, and many many more. We're going to find out they death threatted Sanders and Silverman, and probably killed all the people we think the Clintons killed. Just a few days ago, we found out the Clinton Foundation has been colluding with pharma industry to artificially keeping aids med expensive, pocketting along the way; and then bragging about how much they fight for AIDS in the debate--wholly fooling the social justice lgbt people who haven't a grip on history--not 2 decades after the Clintons knowingly ran the biggest most awful AIDS scandal in history, causing 60k hemo kids to get aids. Search this forum for "arkansas prison blood scandal Factor 8". And for ryan white. You're welcome

They are going to lose everything.

They are powerful, but the bigger you are the harder you fall; and "if you are a big big tree we are a small axe", ....and we have chopped you down....waiting for you to fall down

Not enough links for my taste.

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