Non-indictment of Hillary Clinton will reveal CIA trumping the FBI, a fact that will reveal Continuity of Government in the minds of the greater public. Once COG is well known, it will F the establishment.

292  2016-10-25 by 911bodysnatchers322


"Ultimate Honeypot"

Clinton broke the law. Given the many political donations from foreign nationals, it would appear more and more every day that she created her private email server in order to sell state secrets to foreign nationals.

She created a honeypot with secrets intended to be hacked. We know this because Hillary lived in the white house and everyone from her staff to secret service were very well aware that Hillary had a very strict understanding of security protocols and privacy. In fact, Hillary was widely considered very paranoid, enhancing security protocols and having routine bugsweeps [during her time] in the white house. She felt her conversations (and angry, verbally-abusive catfights) with Bill were too sensitive and revealing, and therefore she demanded the Secret Service personnel leave their post outside the bedroom doors and stay in a room down the hall.

Kommunication Kontrol

It's just a fact that Hillary was always very mindful of carefully controlling communication and demanded the utmost of privacy and control.

So the idea that she was innocent in having her own server is TOTAL BULLSH_T. And we can PROVE IT. Through statements made on video, by quotes from her advisors and staff, from former secret service people. There's mountains of evidence that can prove this, for example, in court.

So the fact that the FBI, under the Dept of Justice is inhibited, misdirected, delayed and obstructed means that there is a standing directive to keep this from happening.

We know Obama is one source of that. But we could just as easily say that it's the CIA. Perhaps this is a CYA maneuver to avoid getting in trouble, seeing as how they must have allowed her to do it. "And we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!"

Howcome no Jail?

Once the public knew, that is, once Julian Assange of Wikileaks leaked the private server and emails, we've had to struggle to come to terms as to why Hillary is not in jail right now. It's created a deep demoralization and distrust of the government and the rule of law.

But more importantly, it's going to lead people to an inevitable conclusion when they realize "the law of the land" has been violated and is apparently suspended. They will be puzzled as to why this is happening.

Deeper Public Inquiry

They will discover a few things if they think about it some.

  • On 9/11 the pentagon was attacked but so was WTC which contained cia,nsa, fbi offices; meaning an attack on the government itself
  • Since 911 was an attack on the government, it started the Continuity of Government plan, which he renewed years later.
  • Obama renewed it twice, extending the 'state of emergency' since 9/11 into 2016 and beyond.
  • Obama SCRuBBED the wikipedia continuity of government article to hide his name, and the fact he renewed it twice.
  • COG governance means the "CIA gets what it wants" (--Obama) and the rule of law no longer applies to them; specifically the constitution.

America is no more

If America is legally defined by the Constitution as the 'Supreme Law of the Land', then COG governance makes America no longer a lawful country, because the CIA is able to act outside of the constitution and rule america 'from the shadows'. I'm using the CIA as a catchall for 'intelligence community' including but not limited to CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, NRO, DIA, DARPA, etc ["the security state"]

No laws, constitutional or otherwise, inhibit the CIA from assassinations, secret wars, voting manipulation, declaring martial law, killing americans in false flag events, suspension of the elections and keeping Obama in a third term. No laws are applicable to the CIA.

CIA can do whatever it wants and no laws apply to it.

This is explains

  • Why illegal wiretapping and mass surveillance happens and they are not punished
  • Why PRISM and so many other nefarious domestic spying, propaganda, and subversion by the military intelligence are happening now, unpunished
  • Why were were able to legally torture and detain people without allowing them legal trial
  • Why we were able to declare people to be 'enemy combatants', removing their citizenry
  • Why we were able to create ISIS
  • Why we were able to maintain perpetual war and fund it, despite the protestations of people on both sides of the political continuum
  • Why we deal with bots and shills and forum spies on a daily basis
  • Why this post will be artificially downvoted to 67% or 33% upvoted or end up with no more than 33 post karma
  • Why congress is not allowed to talk about COG
  • Why mainstream media refuses to talk about COG
  • If Alex Jones talked about COG, then maybe you should question the assertion that he's a gatekeeper (he did, many times)

COG governance explains it all. Tell everyone you know.

All Part of the Plan

Its beyond the scope of this essay, but it turns out, the real motivation for 9/11 was to cause the COG plan to go into effect by the bush administration, coordinated for decades by bush sr. As a crowdsourced detective investigation, 911 has been proven over and over as an inside job thanks to the internet and many truth movements, but COG inhibits further action and the local police forces know this. Their orders are to STFU and take it. Just like us.

So instead of talking about 9/11, it's much more important to talk about COG. You'll see active resistance against it as it will become VERY apparent that COG is the big 9/11 secret they don't want you to know.

I hope this helps you understand 9/11. Sorry there are no sources but by all means fact check them and if you like this post, let me know you want sources and I'd be quite honored to produce them for you very quickly as they are all just a google search away.

Google " continuity of government conspiracy rummsfeld"





this is SO well done! Thank you for your work and efforts

As always, top notch research and presentation!

Highly recommend the pod cast from Guns & Butter w/Peter Dale Scott! This is a snap course on COG that involves Oliver North and (Iran Contra...) without having to watch hours & hours of hearings. I saw every minute I could, as depressing and frightening as it was.

In my late twenties when this was on C-SPAN and nobody my age or others around me, paid any attention!

Use this excellent resource laid out by u/911bodysnatcher322 and educate your friends, family and your community!

i wish Soros electronically operated the upvote button for this; one vote is not enough

That's nice to say. Make corruption work for us for a change.

In 1984, Clarke was selected to take part in one of the most highly classified projects of the Reagan Administration. This was the secret Continuity of Government (COG) program run by the National Program Office that continued up to and after the attacks of September 11. Other than Clarke, the members of the COG group included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George H.W. Bush, Kenneth Duberstein, and James Woolsey. If not a formal member of the group, Oliver North reported to it and acted on its behalf. Although Cheney and Rumsfeld were not government employees throughout the twenty years that Clarke participated in this official government program, they both continued to participate.

COG was developed to install a shadow “government in waiting” to replace the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Constitution in the event of a national emergency like a nuclear war. In 1998, Clarke revised the COG plan for use as a response to a terrorist attack on American soil. The first and only time that COG was put into action was when Richard Clarke activated it during the 9/11 attacks.

Richard Clarke activated it during the 9/11 attacks.

Aaaahh. I thought Cheney Activated. Oh look he's another "Dick". Is it fair to say that america was double dicked on 9/11?

Anyway, great resource Orangutan. Thank you for digging it up for us.

Peter Dale Scott is the one who opened my eyes to this. Great write up and explanation here though! This is key information. Here's some more sources on this subject that I've not seen enough of throughout the years.

Thanks for bringing attention to this rarely talked about, but largely important issue.

Thanks Orangutan.

You may enjoy this map I made of COG. I added your links and the other thing you gave me to that map.

[map of cog]

If you don't like something about the map, please tell me about it, I can update.

This map needs a login & password. Do I need to create an account to view? This is all so very interesting.

I have started telling people the reason things are going in this direction is to have COG. The terrorism thing is unsustainable bc many people are starting to turn away from it and the MACHINE cant hire enough mercenaries to keep this faux war alive so they are starting to fire up the NUCLEAR war so that they can make their bigger global grab in the wake up a controlled nuclear war. I am very curious what they will do when someone builds a clever enough legal case to that the government has to admit we are in fact in COG and that the rules are suspended.

I am very curious what they will do when someone builds a clever enough legal case to that the government has to admit we are in fact in COG and that the rules are suspended.

This will never happen. The government will never admit any of this.

Once the public knew, that is, once Julian Assange of Wikileaks leaked the private server and emails

The public still doesn't know. Wtf am I talking about?

Yes, wikileaks has put a ton of information out there. Yes, people who get their news online know about some of it.

But most people get their news from the TV. A lot of people watch the news as a form of entertainment. If the MSM hasn't covered a story, it doesn't count (for them).

Yes, there's probably a significant % of the public that knows about the wikileaks releases and finds them trustworthy. But the majority of the public either doesn't trust them or is too apathetic.

This is part of why no jail and no MSM coverage. I think there's also some sense of "not interfering in the election process". Also national pride... nobody in the press wants to air someone's dirt in front of the whole world while they're actively campaigning for POTUS.

For Hillary, this is an end run. Make it into the White House and you're home free. If Trump gets elected, it's all over. Her MSM wall of silence will come down and her enemies will have a field day.

For Hillary, this is an end run. Make it into the White House and you're home free. If Trump gets elected, it's all over. Her MSM wall of silence will come down and her enemies will have a field day.

Hi stakes marbles. Let's make that home run slide just a little bit short shall we.

But most people get their news from the TV. A lot of people watch the news as a form of entertainment. If the MSM hasn't covered a story, it doesn't count (for them).

What's funny is that these people are still getting their news from MSM, so that means they are getting the wikileaks story from liars, as if to suggest, "hey guys, sorry we lied, but we promise we won't from now on. And in other news...."

This to me is the saddest thing. That they are getting the 'new got caught lying' on the same news outlet. Because people are straight-up incapable of turning to any other place to understand what reality is, and that includes other people, like here on reddit.

I get my news from you guys. Because it's news+ what you think, which I value, more than what 'corporate wants me to think'

Excellent post. Thank you

I appreciate it.

Well done.

Thank you .

I'm starting to wonder how much Clinton/Obama were paid to let Jonathan Pollard go free? Hopefully it will be released in an upcoming batch of emails.

I agree in principle.

I don't think it's necessarily as well-coordinated as you're alleging. But I agree that continuity of government exists, and that therefore the government is acting without consent of the governed.

This is why we must engage in resistance beyond simply voting, but into other, non-aggressive methods of restoring power to the people.

I don't think it's necessarily as well-coordinated as you're alleging

Just out of curiousity, why don't you think so? We have seen in the podesta emails that Obama is working with Hillary to defraud the public with illusion through controlling the media--and they also used violence and psyops which will put them in jail eventually.

Keep in mind, Obama has continued the COG every year since 2008 (and w Bush before that since 2001); the COG plan was crafted by Cheney, Rumsfeld and key people within the security state, in private, since Nixon and thus Cheney was the only person on this earth with the unique position to initiate the cog plan by subverting our MIC secuirty protocols on the day of 9/11, allowing those planes to crash into two buildings...the third one was bound for wtc7, but it crashed into shanksville because someone didn't get the 'stand down' memo and actually did what they were supposed to do.

Obama, Hillary, Google are CIA confirmed; And Jeb, HW Bush are CIA; Prescott Bush worked with Nazis and with Dulles and Dulles with Hitler in 1933 and again with post ww2 nazis and a suitcase shell bank from switzerland called Octogon Trust Corp to proxy exfiltrated monies from nazi germany to one of 20 other shell banks around the world only to give it back to the CDU later (ie: Nazi germany got their money back); and in 1953 Elizabeth II--of german lineage btw (saxe-coburg-gotha) gave the Germans back the money they had to give up after WW1, which was the crippling economic blow that started WW2 in the first place, meaning that they did a huge war, killed some folks and got almost all their money back, after impoverishing the middle class of Germany by taking taxes to fund a needless war (which is what USA has gone through since 9/11...btw, and you wonder why it feels like pre-nazi germany here, but I'm telling you the nazi here is NOT trump but the other guy....)

We're up against ideological nazis. Call them what you will. Neoliberal corporatists, etc. They are nazis, and they are using the COG plan to destroy america from within. That is my opinion, only I have a lot of evidence that I can put together to form a narrative to support this evidence

It's like I'm finally seeing people talk sense. I'm not so sure that trump isn't some kind of back up plan which should at least be considered a possibility if you know anything about anything. But I do also consider that there may be some kind of internal division among the elite such that when they saw Clinton set Trump up as her intended opponent to easily beat, they decided to help trump in order to fight back. Peter PayPal Palanter and Rudy G are serious holes in the thesis that Trump will do something about cog or intelligence community lawlessness. Please refute me because I would like to hope.

CoG isn't well known? News to me.

She won't be charged until Obama is out. Can't risk a presidential pardon.

Thank you .

It's like I'm finally seeing people talk sense. I'm not so sure that trump isn't some kind of back up plan which should at least be considered a possibility if you know anything about anything. But I do also consider that there may be some kind of internal division among the elite such that when they saw Clinton set Trump up as her intended opponent to easily beat, they decided to help trump in order to fight back. Peter PayPal Palanter and Rudy G are serious holes in the thesis that Trump will do something about cog or intelligence community lawlessness. Please refute me because I would like to hope.