Money = Pandora's Box

2  2016-10-25 by LightBringerFlex

We are putting our earned energy into this paper which is so easily stolen and manipulate by the elite and society in general.

The only economic system I believe in is sacred economics which doesn't use money and there is no ownership. Before you yell communism, remember that communism uses money and the elite steal a lot of it before dividing it up.

Sacred economics is based on sharing. Capitalism is based on greed and selfishness. Sacred economics is based on love.

Everything is free.

We all work our passions.

Switch jobs at anytime.

No bills.

Rough jobs like janitor work is now respected instead of looked down on.

No accounting.

No banks.

No elite.

No financial worry.

No superiority or inferiority complexes (related to money). Increased cooperation and love for mankind.

No hoarding of wealth, technology, or resources for profit.

No homeless.

No national debt.

Faster societal progress since everyone is mostly working their passion which helps a lot.

Probabaly less than 8 hours a day of work. I can see 5 hours a day easy if 95% work.

Work becomes honorable and fulfilling.

There are so many benefits, it's mind boggling. Jesus was right. Money is the root of all evil. Evil is actually regress while good is progress. Money is literally a ball and chain on mankind and it's holding all of us, except the elite, back.

People are bombarded with bills. This is slavery. It's no wonder why so many are doing drugs. The drug trade is run off of money. Take the money out and people won't be incentivized to commit criminal acts. Better yet, legalize drugs and create social systems to get people off them and aware of the dangers.

We need to get off our dependacy on money. We can start in 1 state as an experiment. I'm positive it would work. I got this idea from conversations with God months ago and have thought long and hard about it.

Money is Pandora's box.


Sounds like /r/basicincome

Faster societal progress since everyone is mostly working their passion which helps a lot.

What about the jobs no one is passionate about? Who would clean toilets without a financial incentive? Who would work in factories? I've worked in factories. You can feel your soul being drained a little every day working in a factory.

The whole perspective is flawed and hinges completely on ignoring the realities that don't fit the narrative.

We would have volunteer workers running jobs that are so unwanted that they leave big vacancies that harm the flow of society. People who volunteer for these jobs are honored by society since they are literally serving society by volunteering. Also, we would harness our technological abilities to create robots to work the most undesirable jobs and beyond. Eventually, the robots will do 90% of all the work.

I don't mind picking up the trash for a year to fill a slot. I would make it fun.

80% of jobs are undesirable. You will never get enough "volunteers" to fulfill even the most basic needs of society. And that is the point at which government appoints people to the undesirable jobs by threats of force... It's a half heated fantasy that doesn't hold up to reality. It's called the Communist's Utopia.

I don't believe in forced labor. We have to regulate ourselves with logic instead of primitive force like we do in society today. It's time to grow up and achieve peace.

When no "volunteers" want to work the most dangerous job there is "logging" and no volunteers want to work in the toilet paper factory....And the whole Utopian nation runs completely out of shit paper, then what?

You have such little faith in the human heart. People are a lot more human than you think. They run capitalism on the basis of greed and greed is NOT human nature. Greed is a learned trait and the only way it can be learned is by teaching it and forcing people to engage in greed regularly.

Love is the natural material the mind is made of. Once people get a taste of it, they want more and more. Giving love by taking odd jobs is utterly satisfying for many but some people need to experience these things on a daily basis as they don't understand who they are yet. This is the core feature of the natural mind when self actualized. It's what keeps society together and we rarely practice this in media or in systems such as the economic system.

Have faith in others. Have faith in yourself. The more we cooperate with each other, the better our quality of life becomes. We will have a town hall like Reddit where we discuss strategies among ourselves the keep the planetary machine moving and solve issues. No laws, no jails, just self regulation.

This would be a huge pathway for the 5 things the self actualized mind truly wants to experience across the masses which are:

Love - we work for each other as equals and therefore give and receive love regularly based on humanity rather than based on how much money someone has. This is a huge jump and has insane benefits to the mind as love heals all and puts things in order. The 4 others below are subcategories of love.

Peace - everyone wants to sleep in peace and wake up in peace. We all have each other backs in the new economy wile capitalism is an "every man for himself" system that I should brutal and cold.

Freedom - Money restricts freedom and so does hoarding. Most of the hoarding is done by the elite but we all have garages full of useful stuff that we can share and imrpove society as a whole.

Unity - we are a giant army of humans and a United front against poverty and helplessness is a sweet gesture.

Joy - believe it or not, having fun I should a core and very important aspect of the mind. Lack of fun leads to sadness and then to depression. We can have a lot of fun. Most people will need to work a passion or desire to have fun. In our town hall meetings, we can figure out agreed upon systems to volunteer for shit jobs. Honestly, with 7 billion in the world, there are plenty who will do so with love towards mankind and the new way of life. Look at all the shit you do now to survive in capitalism.

It's hard to understand how this would feel as there are so many benefits. Let's share our world. Why does the Middle East take all the oil just because it's sitting on it? Why are we hoarding and spending some much time with money that I should being stolen from us at every single passing second? This is unfair and the flaw in the system is that money can't be tracked. We can turn the slaveship around.

They run capitalism on the basis of greed and greed is NOT human nature.

Greed would not exist if it were not human nature. Never in the history of mankind under any system has there not been greed.

It is nature's system to reward actions and punish actions. If sex was not pleasurable would humans/animals reproduce? If not for pain would you be careful not to damage your body? If you never felt hunger would you forget to eat?

The incentive/punishment system is nature's system and is hard wired into the brain.

No one would work without incentive. That is the flaw in all utopian fantasies.

Greed would not exist if it were not human nature. Never in the history of mankind under any system has there not been greed.

Greed is a learned trait. We aren't born with it. It has been taught to us for thousands of years by the elite.

It is nature's system to reward actions and punish actions. If sex was not pleasurable would humans/animals reproduce? If not for pain would you be careful not to damage your body? If you never felt hunger would you forget to eat?

I'm a psychologist myself and let me clarify reward and punishment. Reward is great. That is natural. Punishment is not natural and it is inflicted. Whenever humans make mistakes, there is something called "consequences". These consequences are painful and are built into the system to teach us not to commit certain behaviors. Punishment from man is a kind of "double punishment". We are crushing each other on top of the natural consequences and so punishment is yet another failed belief that humans hold. Once the iron fist is removed, behavior resumes. The only way to change behavior is to change beliefs.

Greed is a learned trait. We aren't born with it.

LOL.. You obviously have never raised a kid, especially with a sibling. If you did you would know you are wrong and even before they can walk they can be greedy and selfish. We have to teach kids to share. That is a learned trait.

Kids can be violent too but it doesn't mean they are violent by nature. You have to guide development.

Everything is free.

So no one does anything, so everything is not free.

We all work our passions.

So no actual jobs are done and society collapses.

Switch jobs at anytime.

By order of the government.

No bills.

That’s literally not how anything works.

Rough jobs like janitor work is now respected instead of looked down on.

In what capacity?

No elite.


Increased cooperation and love for mankind.

lol, warlordism.

No hoarding of wealth, technology, or resources for profit.

And you stop that how?

No homeless.

So homes just magically start existing, then.

No national debt.

That already doesn’t matter.

Faster societal progress

  1. Explain why that is good.
  2. Explain how it magically happens.

What do you mean nobody does anything? We cooperate as a team to keep the world machine growing. Some people cut logs, others build tables. The idea is to source a job that you like so you can enjoy it and do it with love which usually enhances performance. We all work and figure out issues as we go. The alternative is the shitstorm you wake up to every day.

What do you mean nobody does anything?

Explain why people magically keep working.

We cooperate as a team to keep the world machine growing.


Some people cut logs


others build tables.


The idea is to source a job that you like so you can enjoy it and do it with love which usually enhances performance.

Why work when you ostensibly don’t need to?

The alternative is the shitstorm you wake up to every day.

False dichotomy.

Explain why people magically keep working.

Why do people need to work? So they can earn paper or digits in software created by those with the "right" to print paper or grant digits?

My guess, in a society that doesn't allow itself to be deceived into chasing bright shiny objects, is people don't want to starve. Ideas tickle their fancy and they chase them.

I know it can be hard to imagine a life not jumping through hoops for a master.

Modern society, capitalism, Marxism, they're just different names for master. Memetic viruses that pretend to be reality by infecting your imagination.

Why do people need to work?

To farm the food you magically made free. To mine the minerals required to maintain civilization, which is apparently free. To manage the sewers. To take out the trash. To lay the roads. To build the housing. To do all the terrible things people wouldn’t do unless it paid.

My guess, in a society that doesn’t allow itself to be deceived into chasing bright shiny objects, is people don't want to starve.

Your plan commits genocide on six billion people, minimum.

Modern society, capitalism, Marxism, they’re just different names for master.


Memetic viruses that pretend to be reality by infecting your imagination.

Like anarcho-communism, which is what you want.

To farm the food you magically made free. To mine the minerals required to maintain civilization, which is apparently free. To manage the sewers. To take out the trash. To lay the roads. To build the housing. To do all the terrible things people wouldn’t do unless it paid.

So, taking a big leap and assuming that all those things are necessary, we couldn't figure out how to divide all those "necessary" activities without money? Cause right now paper pushing and creating disease make up most of the "economy".

Your plan commits genocide on six billion people, minimum.

Oh does it? Methinks you're either talented at pulling numbers out of your ass, or quite gullible.

Like anarcho-communism, which is what you want.

Nope just anarchism. You're free to rejoin the slave plantation. I'll stick with those who are capable of self governing.

So, taking a big leap and assuming that all those things are necessary

I’m going to stop you right there. If you want to live in the forest and die at 35, go be my fucking guest. No one is stopping you. Seriously, go do it right now and never have contact with civilization ever again.

If you’re so brain dead as to think that civilization is not needed, you revoke any right you had to hold this conversation.

we couldn’t figure out how to divide all those “necessary” activities without money?

By divide you mean “force people to do them and receive no more recompense than the people who do things they actually want to do”, so congratulations, you’re a communist. IT DOESN’T WORK.

Cause right now paper pushing and creating disease make up most of the “economy”.

Not an argument.

Oh does it? Methinks you’re either talented at pulling numbers out of your ass, or quite gullible.

You refuse to explain how civilization is maintained in your bullshit idea. Civilization is not maintained. Without civilization, six billion people easily starve or die due to lack of resources and protection. Hoo-fucking-ray.

Nope just anarchism.

Anarcho-communism, by what was already said. Learn the definition of your own words.

You’re free to rejoin the slave plantation.

Why would I rejoin you guys?

I’ll stick with those who are capable of self governing.

So not anarchists. Got it.

I reject your supposed right to define civilization "as things are". I suggest that your attempts to trap and confine the expression of human existence to either or statements are nonsense.

I applaud the memetic virus that has captured you and done such an excellent job of suppressing your capability for critical thought.

I do not propose that civilization, as manifest, is capable or worthy of continuation.

Your meme's violent resistance to imagination suggests that when the wind blows strong enough the roots will indeed fail.

Many of us will enjoy and be sustained by the fungi that grows from that dead tree after it finishes its fall.

Arguing is different from what I'm getting at. Thank you for your gift of energy.

I reject your supposed right to define civilization “as things are".

Did no such thing.

I suggest that your attempts to trap and confine the expression of human existence to either or statements are nonsense.

Prove your claim, then.

suppressing your capability for critical thought.

The communist said.

I do not propose that civilization, as manifest, is capable or worthy of continuation.

Then go live in the fucking woods and never post your shit in civilization again.

the roots will indeed fail.

Yes, all the communists will be hung. We know that.

Many of us will enjoy and be sustained by the fungi that grows from that dead tree after it finishes its fall.

And then you’ll starve to death since people can’t live on fungi and you’d be too stupid to figure out how to manage the necessary infrastructure anymore.

Arguing is different from what I’m getting at.

You have no refutation to anything I have said and no answer to any of my questions.

I don't seek to refute your nonsense.

I harvest joy watching you beat against the wind.

Ask real questions, not ones that assume all infrastructure is necessary or desirable.

Plenty of us have no problem with self sustenance.

I wonder why you're so resistant to the thought?

I don’t seek to refute your nonsense.

By calling it ’nonsense’, you automatically seek to refute it. By not proving your claim, you prove your insanity.

I harvest joy watching you beat against the wind.

The marxist said.

Ask real questions

I did. Answer them or admit your failure.

not ones that assume all infrastructure is necessary or desirable.

Strawman. Try again.

Plenty of us have no problem with self sustenance.

Except, you know, the people who can’t do that. Which is literally every single person on Earth.

I wonder why you’re so resistant to the thought?

Because you’re a filthy fucking communist who would commit genocide on the entire goddamn planet.

I am how I am how I'll always be! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

Brilliant, someone get this guy a trophy.


Yes, thanks for admitting you never had an argument in the first place. Next time just don’t post at all. You’ll save yourself embarrassment.

Seems your entire argument can be expressed in, 'is'=='good'.

I don't claim to have a philosophy that can be articulated from abstraction.

Neither do I have a need for plumbing, this piece of glass and mineral in my hand, multitudinous screens, or anyone else to feed me.

Try living, you just might find it enjoyable.

Seems your entire argument can be expressed in, ‘is'=='good'.

Even if that made sense, it wouldn’t be correct.

I don’t claim to have a philosophy that can be articulated from abstraction.

Then you don’t claim to have a philosophy.

Neither do I have a need for plumbing, this piece of glass and mineral in my hand, multitudinous screens, or anyone else to feed me.

Then go live in the forest and shut the fuck up. You’re wrong and no one agrees.

I take immense joy in causing you to regurgitate nonsense.

That's why I visit here some times.

The more abusive and rigid your meme, the more it brings me dee light.

You younguns have much to experience.

I take immense joy in causing you to regurgitate nonsense.

Said the communist.

Cooperation =/= Communism

Thanks for asserting something no one questioned.

Consistently for this entire thread you have posited exactly that. 😀

Nope, sorry.

Magic isn't bending reality to your own will, son. 😉

Marxism isn’t viable, boyo.

Did someone propose Marxism? It certainly wasn't me.

Just knock it the fuck off. It’s not funny or cute.

Knock what off? I'm lost, can I borrow your meme?

Walla hurts my brain to even read his opinions, sad reality is people are really that dumb.

That which is brittle quickly breaks.

Their philosophy will die quickly as it encounters natural forces.

I enjoy the emotional response when unimaginative minds meet ideas for which they have no vocabulary.

Funny how I saw this quote 30 seconds after I read your comment. We're all laughing at you WallaWalla.

I believe your skull might be 4-6x thicker than average. The fact that you think it's not possible and we will have all kinds of people sucking the tit of the system is hilarious. How many people are currently unemployed in the US? 93 million according to my quick google search. That's over 1/4 of people in the belly of the beast.

Your mentality is so illogical.

Let's have it your way then, we'll cram the ground full of chemicals to extract clean water. We'll feed everyone poison to reduce human life span and kill them with big pharma right when they start to get sick.

We'll continue to fly air planes into our own buildings killing our own people so that we can invade a country to kill more people and use it to pay all our slave masters.

Then we'll continue to destroy the environment and killing any last thing we have left that resembles alive. Kill the trees, kill the animals, kill the fish, kill the bugs, kill the grass nothing alive is left. Anything alive must be GMO'd.

Next we will add more fluoride to the water so that no one will ask any questions and everyone will become even dumber and be happy with it.

After that we will make meth and crack more readily available to anyone. We will increase opium production in afghanistan to reduce prices over here in good ol' USA.

It's the american dream because you've gotta be asleep to believe it. Keep them sleeping up the chemicals and implement virtual reality. From there we will have everyone on a routine like so.

Work 8 hours - sleep 8 hours - touch yourself 2 times a day - eat as many meals as you can a day to keep the sugar high as consistent as possible - feed everyone mass anti depressants in the water - more frequent vaccines going later into your life in the name of disease prevention. - Television everywhere filled with more and more bullcrap facts than ever before - watch every citizen and make sure anyone who is peering through the fake world is quickly dealt with by cramming tons of "facts" down their throat until they somehow go back to believing the lie - Next we'll up the police state and put army tanks and assault rifles in every city just so everyone knows they are watching - By then no one will ask questions and any who do will be met with a massive penalty in the name of debt.

Anyone who wants to pay off the debt must be a debt slave. If you are not a debt slave you are 10% free because you have the choices of which brain washing you prefer to listen/watch/play today. Welcome to the new world I hope you have a great stay

After we've done all that we can easily implement our scheme of knowledge to fit our means. People will be too stupid to read between the lines so we can easily make it idiocracy(if it isn't already that movie as it is)

"Brondo's got what plants crave, yeah it's got electrolytes."

Do you think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb shits? I sure as hell think he did.

When you put it this way, it's scary as hell that people are so resistant to trying anything else. Sick world.

When he puts it WHAT way, exactly? In a way that just invents complete bullshit we weren’t discussing? What good does that do?

Anyone with a brain and see you are saying nothing and ridiculing others. It works on normal people but doesn't work on anyone who has any senses. Your argument is "Communism is bad" and you have nothing supporting it. Even if you did you would say "There isn't enough for everyone" "If there is 9 billion apples who gets the big ones and who gets the small ones?" That's the level you're speaking from. I suggest you read through what you have posted through this thread and actually think of a single place you aren't just saying what other people have said. If everyone just says the same stuff then everything just gets repeated nonstop because they have conformed your opinions. All you say is what TPTB want us to hear and believe. I don't buy it.

Anyone with a brain and see you are saying nothing and ridiculing others.

So prove it.

Your argument is “Communism is bad" and you have nothing supporting it.

The entire history of communism and the 100,000,000 people and counting slaughtered to keep it in power.

Even if you did you would say “There isn’t enough for everyone” “If there is 9 billion apples who gets the big ones and who gets the small ones?” That’s the level you're speaking from.

Nope, your strawmen don’t matter.

actually think of a single place you aren’t just saying what other people have said.

  1. Read what was written.
  2. Irrelevant. “It’s wrong because someone else said it before” is so laughably pathetic that it makes me want fly to Somalia and slaughter commies right now.

All you say is what TPTB want us to hear and believe.

Yes, the jews want us to IGNORE communism, which is why they explicitly created it and push it on the goyim everywhere they exist and why it’s the end-game for all globalist ideologies. Sure thing.

Fuck off already. You’re a genocidal maniac and you have no argument.

God please help this man he really needs it. Give him at least a couple brain cells of his own.

Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

I've read your comments enough to know you have the brain power of a monkey.

Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

I believe your skull might be 4-6x thicker than average.

Great argument.

The fact that you think it’s not possible and we will have all kinds of people sucking the tit of the system is hilarious.

Almost as though that’s exactly what we have now or something.

Your mentality is so illogical.


Please get help.

Let’s have it your way then, we'll cram the ground full of chemicals to extract clean water.


We’ll feed everyone poison to reduce human life span and kill them with big pharma right when they start to get sick.


We’ll continue to fly air planes into our own buildings killing our own people so that we can invade a country to kill more people and use it to pay all our slave masters.


Then we'll continue to destroy the environment and killing any last thing we have left that resembles alive. Kill the trees, kill the animals, kill the fish, kill the bugs, kill the grass nothing alive is left. Anything alive must be GMO’d.


Next we will add more fluoride to the water so that no one will ask any questions and everyone will become even dumber and be happy with it.


After that we will make meth and crack more readily available to anyone. We will increase opium production in afghanistan to reduce prices over here in good ol’ USA.


Do you think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb shits? I sure as hell think he did.

Einstein was a plagiarist, you have absolutely no argument or refutation to anything that I have posted, COMMUNISM CANNOT WORK, BY DEFINITION, and you refuse to back up your claims. You have NOTHING. Don’t post again unless you are going to respond to something that was ACTUALLY SAID.

Fuck communism. Your premise is faulty.

See my comment about people jumping to conclusions and crying communism.

FUCK. COMMUNISM. I don’t give a fuck what name you try to give it. It’s the same goddamn thing every time.


Can't talk to those people it's called brain washing and them being convinced with no other possible explanation. Yes you are 100% right in my opinion. I have always described it like this -

There are 8 billion people in the world, do you think it's possible we just set up massive buildings/fields of food to grow for everyone on earth? The answer is quite obviously yes.

Next you take Tesla's free energy model they claim to be "dangerous" and you implement it. There is food for all and electricity for all in 2 simple steps.

Take out all the BS paperwork people have to do and bring out better technology that is made to last and not to break. Make proper housing everywhere for people to stay at. Fix the world issues like environment by simply reinventing the way we get things.

For example instead of throwing out 4 water bottles a day create a way to harness water straight from the air we are surrounded by. It's already complete and runs off electricity, the free energy we can implement. Get machines to create whatever we need in mass. Like glasses and plates. Have people do pottery as a job and create unique plates. Hell, make people instructors so that we can make our own plates, do glass blowing and create your own glasses. I'm sure there are people who will do what they want and also create for other people. I work at a job right now in a factory in a positive environment and as much as I hate my slave wages I don't even mind working because it's pleasant to be around people who are positive and nice. Create that environment around the world is the true goal.

Yup, the system would be so,much more efficient. We need to run an experiment in a state and there is no need to wait for an economic meltdown. We have had many meltdowns and should experiment with something different.

Yup, the system would be so,much more efficient. We need to run an experiment in a state and there is no need to wait for an economic meltdown. We have had many meltdowns and should experiment with something different.

Just knock it the fuck off. It’s not funny or cute.