JFK Jr. was declared the front runner for the NY senate seat in 1999. Days later, his 'plane crashed' and Crooked Hillary became the new senator.

941  2016-10-25 by Ivo22


He did not run that year.

He never ran for office.

There were polls showing that he would have been the most popular "candidate" for the NY senate, but you're right, he never ran for the seat. Also, I can find sources saying he definitely decided not to run against Hillary once Hillary declared her candidacy.

So how is this being voted up, up and away...

edit: Those that are downvoting, I'm simply asking if this post is factual incorrect, how is that you still go for it.

Probably because it's juicy dirt on Hillary. It isn't correct information but juicy dirt to anyone who won't check facts or even read past the title.

This is /r/conspiracy.

Which has become just another right wing echo chamber.

There's plenty of former Berners here


Reporting for fucking DUTY. Let's bern this fucker to the ground.

  1. Convert all of your 401k into an Ira
  2. Invest in BDS fund
  3. Repeat yearly
  4. Share this task

I'm not going to pretend I understand any of that. Also I'm poor (obv, Berner.)

Fair enough. The plan is still in the works anyway.

Sadly we're drowned out by the constant attacks on the left and pro-trump rhetoric. Conspiracy has been co-opted

Yep, getting there

just another right wing echo chamber

Because that's just the author's conclusion. Kennedy's own friend said otherwise

" Although Kennedy never publicly ruled out the possibility, it was thought that he privately ruled out elective office for himself. The two friends, however, told a different story. The friend who expected Kennedy to seek office in the "foreseeable future" also told of speaking with Kennedy earlier this year about the Moynihan seat. "I asked him was he casually thinking about it, or was he serious. He sort of said, 'I'm not sure. Let me think about it.

' " But the second friend called Kennedy's interest "pretty serious," adding: "I think he was intrigued by the idea. . . . Would he have decided in the end to go for it? I don't know. But he was clearly thinking about it. He talked to a few people about it. Then the Hillary thing ended it pretty quickly.

We really have no idea if JFK Jr. would have run.

Upvoted by people that read headlines and not content; upvoted by people who think /r/conspiracy and /r/The_Donald are the same sub.

Good ol' disinformation. They flood this sub and others with random stories like this to keep the real stuff suppressed.

because anything that makes insert canidate they dont like here look bad and anything that makes insert canidate they do like here look good is posted again and again, while things that make they person they are rooting for look bad, or at least not the infalible person they are making their canidate out to be is convienently ignored.

What is this fact stuff you talk of? The only truth is conspiracies clinton is involved in. Didn't you get the memo? /s

Cognitive bias.

Fact free is in.

It might be one man's ticket to the White House.

because of the kookiness factor

Yeah, but remember the context: JFK, Jr had launched "George" magazine as his first tentative foray into politics. It was widely seen as his initial toe-testing before he ran for Senate or Congress.

Everyone talked at the time of his new-found ambition. (I remember: I was alive back then. An adult, even.)

I bought the first issue of "George" magazine, with Cindy Crawford on the cover.

And I recall that he did in fact consider running for Daniel Patrick Moynihan's open seat after he died. Here's an article on it, entitled "JFK, Jr. Mulled Run For Senate": http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/jfk-jr-mulled-run-senate-2000-article-1.847866

So it's simply not true that he wasn't thinking of running.

There was great social pressure for him to run, too.

Maybe it's the Wikileaks disclosures speaking . . . but (knowing Clinton collusion with the media and their wide network of operatives) is it just possible that the narrative that JFK, Jr. wasn't going to run a talking-point put out by the Clintons themselves? An attempt to gas-light the public that there was no connection between JFK, Jr.'s untimely death and Hillary Clinton's abiding good-luck?

Let's quote the article: "Two friends said yesterday they believed he would have run for office some day. Earlier this year, in one of the best-kept secrets in state politics, Kennedy considered seeking the seat of retiring Sen. Daniel Moynihan in 2000, friends confirmed yesterday."

So this claim that's being floated on this thread that he wasn't thinking of challenging Hillary seems bizarre to someone like me [who was alive at the time and remembers the media cycle]. The John-Was-Never-Gonna-Run narrative seems like a talking-point of dubious authenticity.

Just sayin'.

  • Footnote: The reason why the public at the time suspected a Clinton hit was that that's how the Clintons took out Ron Brown. In a plane crash. They used the plane crash methodology a number of times, if you go back and research. So the JFK, Jr. death didn't take place in a void. It took place after a string of coincidentally lucky deaths that personally and professionally benefited the Clintons, related to plane crashes.

I read something about how he had been planning on doing an expose in his 'George' magazine. I will try to find it Edit: Yeah it's probably also just a theory, but it does make one think

correspondence with a health food store owner in Utah named True Ott

Nobody knows more about the dark side than a health store owner. Especially ones from Utah.

Especially one named Truth.

He was young enough that he could have run for office in the future.

Just go back to r/Donald and be with your kind.

I thought only dictators got "The" put in front of their name.

Such as The Furer. Aka Adolf Hitler.

The Dude

I'd say Trump leans more towards The Furer then The Dude, because even The Dude would say "DUDE you don't grab a lady by the pussy, you make love to the pussy."

As Trump has admired publicly one of the Axis Allies.


Sad but Jr. was told not to fly with the broken foot and choose to do so otherwise. He wasn't the only one in the plane either. No mention of the woman who died with him yet.

Man, r/The_Donald really has infected this sub in that it's impossible to tell if this stuff is genuine or folks mocking with idiotic craziness.

Yes... Before /r/the_donald there were no conspiracy theories surrounding the Kennedys.

Right, because the criticism is about Kennedy conspiracies, not pathetic nutballery. Nice try.

Next your going to tell me that there's no such thing as a rich man's trick.

The funny thing is, is that it's that same "accept all things these people say as fact" attitude that lets things get this out of hand. Trump just represents new problems instead of continuation of old ones in my mind.

E: Extra word

Excuse me?

A good wholesome American family with no deep dark sercets!


No..actually, it has...http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/11/09/who-stole-jfk-s-brain.html

Want to see something interesting? Look at OP's post history. For quite a while all they did was post pretty right-wing stuff in eastern European and Russian subreddits, and then suddenly 3 weeks ago it's all pro-Trump and anti-Clinton posts in the_Donald and here.

Op is actually Putin.

That's what the "p" stands for.

A link to a reddit investigator search for OP:


I know they have no where else to go but they throw around conspiracies like candy now. We've been digging much longer than this. I never saw that conspiracy theory, just the Kennedy Curse.

Half the shit on this sub has always been stupid and people would rarely fact check.

people would rarely fact check

Why fact check when you can harvest that sweet, sweet knee-jerk karma.


Your points, while totally valid, are therefore totally irrelevant.

Nice try, HRC.

I miss him in politics. He made such a splash.



I know. And this is my shitposting name.

This one is right up there with "Hillary murdered Scalia!"

He was going to run, numbnuts. He wanted to be governor and eventually president. Although why am I explaining this to a Hillary shill

If he was going to run for governor why would Hillary have him killed?

She was running for senator.

Also, you need to step the fuck off with that Shillary shit.

If you look at my post history you will notice I am a proud red pill shitposter.

I am going to save this thread and comment. It perfectly sums up this subreddit and actually a lot of reddit!

I remember this event and he was not running for office.

Also, he was flying in poor conditions and was not trained to fly using instruments only.

ugh, now Hillary can even control the weather? what a nasty woman

You're in conspiracy.
She controlled the plane mechanic who messed with the plane. Duh

she was actually the pilot, and used her late-term abortion powers to survive the crash


Conspiracy isn't usually this stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if CTR shills posted and got this to the front page to make real Hillary conspiracies lose credibility.

Conspiracy isn't usually this stupid.

Since about July, yes, it is.

That sounds like a.....conspiracy to me.

Btw, i wouldnt put it past her.

This is probably right, they know what they're doing

Have you ever tried to get life insurance?

They specifically ask if you are into aviation other than commercial airlines because life insurance companies understand that it's a high risk activity.

There isn't a conspiracy here. He flew a small plane in poor conditions and crashed.

It's happened to many people and is well known to be a high risk activity.

I appreciate your input. That nearly every male Kennedy has been compromised or erased from the political landscape is certainly not a warm, fuzzy happenstance, to those who have read more than news headlines, as it confirms the existence of political assassination.

The larger conspiracy is the Shadow Government.

I do not have access to the secret FBI report due for declassification on 7/22/2029. Have you read it?

As a pilot or aviation expert, would you care to talk about the 9/11 pilots?

Watch Dark Legacy 2 and you'll change your mind.


no no. you don't get it. Hillary is the world's greatest Hitwoman.

Also, the Clintons are not part of the same cabal that killed JFK. Dems were not welcome, at least then, in that club.

WJC (bubba as the Bush's call him) was set to speak at GHWB's funeral.


"In a December 26 e-mail to his siblings, George W. Bush wrote that he was 'thinking about eulogy' and solicited stories that best illustrated their father's sweet nature, favorite jokes, and acts of kindness. 'Hopefully I'm jumping the gun,' noted Bush, who added, 'But since the feeling is that you all would rather me speak than bubba, please help.'

"The mention of 'bubba' is apparently a reference to Clinton, whom Bush has referred to as a 'brother' due to his close relationship with George H. W. Bush."


Also: Neil Bush's daughter Lauren, is married to Ralph Lauren's son David.

Ralph Lauren WIKI

He constantly draws inspiration from his heroes including Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, and John F. Kennedy.

So......her name is Lauren Lauren. Unreal. I get that she kept all her names to make it seem less idiotic.....but it's still idiotic.

Lauren Pierce Bush Lauren is her full name. The Pierce is reference to Franklin Pierce (14th POTUS) who is Barbara Pierce Bush's (GHWB's Wife) fourth cousin.

Good to know, thanks. Connected beyond belief.

/r/the_Donald would ban you for pointing this out.

was not trained to fly using instruments only. source?

You're right, he was flying in poor conditions, and he wasn't instrument rated. He had also recently purchased the plane he was flying.

It gets interesting when you learn that JFKjr always took an instructor with him on flights, and that this would have been his first flight w/o an instructor (at least in that plane, maybe overall). He and the two other passengers were also seen waiting around in the lounge before they departed, even though ostensibly their whole party was there.

I realize that's all circumstantial, but there's a lot of other circumstantial evidence, that when taken as a whole makes this incident look suspicious.

There is a reason why these class of planes are often referred to as "Doctor Killers."

That's not even true.

Not sure what he flew, but the Bonanza is definitely called a doctor killer.

He wasn't flying a Bonanza.

I can use google and can confirm.

Certain light aircraft absolutely have a reputation for being deadly, due to relatively frequent deaths from pilot negligence. There was a Cessna crash in the news just a week ago, iirc.

I'm well aware. But what Kennedy was flying wasn't referred to as a doctor killer.

OK someone explain why its called a doctor killer?

Just google it

Edit: that was rude of me. The term refers to a different plane.

Yup, retired Canadian politician Jim Prentice and three friends just died.

Suspicious that an entitled douchebag would fly beyond his capability and bully a passenger who was afraid to fly with him in those conditions to fly anyway?

This seems par for the course for a Kennedy. Sorry, nothing suspicious about a Kennedy believing the rules don't apply to him.

If there's nothing suspicious here, I'm sure you'll be able to find me many examples of small civilian plane crashes being cordoned off and investigated by the military.

I'll be waiting....

A Kennedy is not just any civilian

And the search was delayed. I saw it in a documentary that they took forever to search the crash site.

True. But changing normal investigative procedure midstream is fishy. So is the delay in investigating.

Also, I don't think members of government even get that sort of treatment. I see no evidence the plane crash of Senator Wellstone (who was sitting at the time) was handled by the military.

The Kennedy family could be more well connected than a senator not from a powerful family, or maybe JFKJr had something on him embarrassing that they wanted to take away (like drugs). You could think of many more scenarios way more likely to have happened than Clinton taking them down to make it easier to run for the senate.

I'm not floating any theories as to who did it. Just that the investigation wasn't standard, which is fishy.

And my counterpoint to that is a Kennedy being involved makes it not a standard accident.

I agree, JFKjr makes it not standard. I guess what I'm saying is that even though this isn't a standard case, the response was still incongruous.

I see your point, but I don't know nearly enough about plane crash investigations to say one way or the other.

Caroline and Ted Kennedy asked Bill Clinton to order the navy to search the area. At the time he actually took a lot of heat for it because it was a personal favor to the Kennedys and an abuse of taxpayer dollars. Citing it as evidence of a government to conspiracy to kill JFK Jr. is asinine unless you think his sister and uncle were in on it.

Caroline and Ted Kennedy asked Bill Clinton to order the navy to search the area


That article doesn't say anything about them asking WJC to call in the Navy.

I added a second article with a little more information. I realize that it doesn't have direct quotes from Ted and Caroline but it was widely reported at the time that they called the president to request additional search and rescue operations and to be honest it makes sense that if you're on the phone with the most powerful person in the world you might make that request.

That makes sense, but w/o any evidence...


You are willing to accept that Bill Clinton used the military to obstruct the investigation with the implication that Hillary Clinton was involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK so she could become a junior senator. This without any evidence at all.

When did I accept any of that?

I will admit that it's hard to get a read on you but you seemed to imply there was some evil motive behind the military assisting with the search. I can't imagine what else you could have meant by this:

If there's nothing suspicious here, I'm sure you'll be able to find me many examples of small civilian plane crashes being cordoned off and investigated by the military.

So that along with the topic of the thread we're in leads me to the conclusion that you believe Hillary was involved in assassinating JFK Jr.

All I believe is that the investigation was irregular.

Yes and I am trying to explain that this is not surprising when the person missing is a president's son, a senator's nephew, and personal friends with many people in the ranks of the government elite at the time. I think it would actually be a lot more suspicious if none of these people bothered trying to do anything to help. An irregular overkill of an investigation is exactly what you'd expect IMO.

Nobody would disagree that the investigation was irregular, as I said in my first post it was widely criticized at the time for going well beyond what they'd do for any normal citizen lost at sea.

examples of small civilian plane crashes being cordoned off and investigated by the military

So still nothing.

Edit: I knew you'd fail.

Great. You win. Now explain the significance?

First I acted like a dick. I'm sorry.

Second, it's significant bc it never happens.

It's alright, man. I was a dick too. Truce.

On topic, the involvement of the military, while unusual, doesn't seem so far an excess when compared to the additional effort that goes into celebrity crashes. So if we pulled out a lot of stops for John effing Denver, why wouldn't the NTSB pull out all the stops for the son of a ranking senator?

Of course its excessive. But that doesn't automatically imply anything other than the NTSB going all out to find the cause. If your point is that it's excessive and that the public is treated differently than the elite, I agree.

If your point is that this had some broader significance, or that he was murdered, I don't know who gained from it or what the motive was.

Him being a Kennedy probably had nothing to do with the military showing up.

What's the significance of the lounge thing?

Also if he wasn't instrument rated, how was he cleared to fly?

how was he cleared to fly?

He already had a private pilot license for flying in visual meteorological conditions. He got into his aircraft, took off, encountered instrument meteorological conditions, and crashed.

The lounge thing is circumstantial evidence that they were waiting for another member of their party.

I have no idea how clearance works.

yeah i think alot of people havent seen that youtube video. there is, a LOT of sketchy shit around it. Google Killing JFK Jr. for anyone interested. very well done, plenty of media pieces that corroborate the story.

You've seen it too? It's funny how much flak I've gotten on this sub given that not too long ago the movie that it is a sequel to was the pic on the sidebar of the sub.

I also would like to know your opinion of those films? I thought they laid out the evidence well, but the production was so bizarre. It seemed like the narrator's accent was all over the place. Weird phrasing of things. The abrupt shift to calling the conspirators 'devils.' Which might sound normal in print, but was a truly odd thing for a narrator to do.

i came out thinking, between all the conflicting reports of generals and search teams, them confirming information and then going back on it, the time frame, looking in areas that didnt make sense, the missing co pilot seat after them seemingly waiting on another pilot to make the trip. Fuel cut off switch. No logs. The path the plane took into the ocean. It was pretty cut and dry for me. Narrorator is a bit odd, but the information is plentiful and when examined as a whole really makes the whole thing look pretty damning. It kills me when people just throw out that he wasnt trained well enough and made a dumb mistake.

I actually thought this was /r/circlejerk for a moment

It is

It always is


Yall realize everytime you go a little schitzophrenic and make stuff up for some karma that it makes it so when real conspiracies happen theyre that much harder to discern right? Boy who cried wolf is apparantly an important book u should read

Poisoning the well is a technique proven effective, see aliens, micro thermite 9/11, fake moon landing, etc

implying all of those things are legitimate conspiracies

No, implying aliens were to distract from military tests, microthermite to distract from the Bush-Saudi connection and the almost certain foreknowledge, fake moon landing to cast doubt over anyone who would question official narratives, a sort of guilt by association if you will.

Note with the microthermite I'm not dismissing the possibility that it was used, but evidence is scant and proof is highly unlikely, whereas there is considerable evidence for foreknowledge.


Wait, are you saying that there's a conspiracy to defame conspiracy theorists by posting clearly false information on reddit?

I'm saying that this sub has been compromised and filled with junk that hides the rather important revelations for years.

Additionally, patently false information is most certainly used to muddy the waters and push the herd mentality toward acceptance of the perspective served by the MSM.

Edit: In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

I love how you explain away stupid-as-fuck conspiracy theories with your own stupid-as-fuck conspiracy theory.

I know I feel safer with you owning handguns.

When you are not at the range, honing your skills; here is some reading material.

"The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies"



A second highly effective technique (which you can see in operation all the time at www.abovetopsecret.com) is 'consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus crack, the following technique is used. Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made - but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth. As postings and replies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in your favour is slowly 'seeded in.' Thus the uninformed reader will most like develop the same position as you, and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped. However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' the consensus cracking by initiating a 'forum slide.'

Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'

Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.

That would explain the flat earth thing...

nothing can explain the flat earth thing...

According to something I saw somewhere (!), he was at the same time working on an expose on GHW Bush and the role he played in killing JFK.

"But he was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a conspiracy in his father’s death. He not only acknowledge it, he published an article by Oliver Stone, in his magazine, George, about assassination, conspiracies, and lying history books. Who would want to kill him? The people who killed his father had to kill him. Kennedy Jr. was going to go after them."

I'd love for there to be a link to that article...


"In present day life, it is ironic that the media, like the Greek Furies of old, have inherited the malevolent capacity to drive any one of us mad. In essence, with the echoing power of modern communications, they have replaced the assassin's bullet as the means of political destruction. Their capacity for malice has been phenomenally effective in ending the presumptions of outspoken iconoclasts by simplifying and marginalizing them." - Oliver Stone, Our Counterfeit History, George Magazine, October 1998.

Link to archived page for article with quote.

But why would anyone want to kill John Kennedy Jr.? He was planning to run for National office according to Newsweek and People. He told friends he would have run for Senate in New York, but let Hillary Clinton run instead. And he would have won. He was the most popular man in the US. And for good reason. He was a great guy. But he was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a conspiracy in his father's death. He not only acknowledge it, he published an article by Oliver Stone, in his magazine, George, about assassination, conspiracies, and lying history books. Who would want to kill him? The people who killed his father had to kill him. Kennedy Jr. was going to go after them.

Article which mentions Oliver Stone interview in George Magazine, along with several other noteworthy pieces of information.

Another alt source with links and back story.

But he was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a conspiracy in his father’s death. He not only acknowledge it, he published an article by Oliver Stone, in his magazine, George, about assassination, conspiracies, and lying history books. Who would want to kill him? The people who killed his father had to kill him. Kennedy Jr. was going to go after them.

google brings me this:

but the link where she cites that passage from is dead.

But he was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a conspiracy in his father’s death. He not only acknowledge it, he published an article by Oliver Stone, in his magazine, George, about assassination, conspiracies, and lying history books. Who would want to kill him? The people who killed his father had to kill him. Kennedy Jr. was going to go after them. google brings me this: but the link where she cites that passage from is dead.

This one?

Remindme! 2 days to check for article source

Edit: no article :(

I will be messaging you on 2016-10-27 12:35:52 UTC to remind you of this link.

8 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam.

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I hear you but am having a difficult time with the commas and the peculiar placement of the word "George".

George was the name of JFK Jr's magazine.


Who says?



And why is it in quotations?

Not OP, but it's because it's from a source: http://northerntruthseeker.blogspot.com/2009/07/was-john-f-kennedy-jr-murdered.html

I just googled his quote.

Happy cakeday

It's generally considered polite to link a source when you quote it.

I think he was joking

...and to not end sentences with prepositions.

not to*

A conspiracy theory about JFK's death is that he messed with the wrong bankers

Those bankers are essentially the ones that created the CIA. Not only the bankers, but certainly not without the bankers.


And the IRS. And the Federal Reserve.

JFK was also the one who said no to operation Northwoods, a plan to fake a hijacking of a commercial airliner to gain support for a war with cuba. Sound familiar?

He was also actively trying to keep Israel from getting the bomb. He wanted nothing to do with Vietnam, while LBJ was frothing at the mouth to get the US involved. He wanted to end the Fed.

He pissed off some of the most evil people on the planet. JFK's brother Bobby had the same outlook for the US. He was assassinated.

Maybe Clinton had to be in place in NY to make it easier for 9/11 to happen...therefore JFK Jr. had to go.


Remote viewers say


remote viewers huh? great source

Ancient astruanaut theorist say yes.


fabric of reality my ass. RVers should stick to Kennedy assassination theories, so they will never be proven wrong.

Surely we can just get a medium and chat with JFK himself.

as usual for r/conspiracy, all the real info is at the bottom of the comments thread. it seems pretty clear that Kennedy wasn't running that year

You're rufflin the tin foil pal

"according to something I saw somewhere"

r/conspiracy everybody


He was flying at night and didn't have an instrument rating, was an amateur pilot and even one of his family members commented that they wouldn't fly with him... Is it impossible that he actually crashed?

No it's not, it's the most likely possibility.


He agreed with you that it isn't. Are you not well?

Deleted comment. I obviously misread it. I was in combative mode.


so you're blatantly ignoring science in favor of an OP's idea that has zero backing evidence beyond "these two things happened in the same year! DAE conspiracy????"

remind me to tag you as "never listen to a word this person says"


Kennedy jr didn't even run for office

Go fuck off back to politics, shill.

Sorry I don't take advice from bot accounts.

All you post about is how great the Clintons are and how much Trump sucks. I agree with you on one of those points but you're obviously CTR.

You cant pick out important facts from a discussion and repeat old talking points = shitty bot.

I love you too.

"Get out of here with your facts that don't fit my narrative"

Wow, you got really upset at someone potentially believing in a conspiracy, on a conspiracy board.

How DARE YOU??? Give me CNN or give me DEATH!!!

Nice psyops, bro

I hear Hillary also dated Ted Kaczynski and gave John Wayne Gacy his first clown nose.

Just something to be aware of: I dislike Hillary as much as you do... But even for me, the moment you say "Crooked Hillary," you lose all credibility.

How so? She is the most corrupt, two-faced politician in the history of your once-great nation...by a country mile. There's a reason that nickname sticks...

To me, (and others--as the upvotes can attest) it sounds like a childish attempt to discredit her. That's the kind of thing six-year-olds do: give nicknames to those they don't like.

Leaving out the nickname makes an accusation sound more serious.

To be fair, calling her Shillary cLIEnton is a childish way to discredit her. Calling her crooked is just pointing out her own patterns and habits. I think at a certain point, you should be discredited if your justly deserved nickname is "Crooked Hillary". I agree that if you're calling her out on a particular misdeed, the nickname is a bit tacky, but overall I'm glad the name has stuck.

Haha "Shillary cLIEnton"--that one is funny!

It's not a matter of fairness. It's human perception. Psychology. You can call her all those names among peers who use the same nicknames and you'll be fine. But if you're looking to persuade others, you're better off sounding more professional.

It really isn't funny. I used the most cringey nickname I could think of, like when my old man says "Obummer".

Beyond that we're in perfect agreement.


an everyday garden variety American politician. No better, no worse

Holy hell....history is about to repeat itself and I sometimes wonder if humanity is worth saving from itself.

When you saw, 'the most corrupt politician in history," it means you need a history lesson.

Here are the actual 10 most corrupt politician in American history. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/lists/most_corrupt_politicians/boss-tweed.html

Tweed - give a 12 yr sentence
Bud Dwyer - Killed himself after being exposed

Edwin Edwards - FBI raided home to seize records and 400K in cash

You see, this is actual corruption, when you spew Trump talking points you just sound like an idiot.

Jesus F'ing Christ....you actually believe those petty crooks can hold a candle to the person who's been selling out your country for private gain...for decades? How many of those people were instrumental in hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent lives being lost in places like Libya, entire regions destabilized and thrown into chaos due to her political machinations.

You see, this is beyond mere corruption, it's treason against her country and war crimes against humanity. When you fail to recognize that as fact, you sound like one of the many brainwashed, useful idiots which I suspect you are...

Except he was an idiot and a pilot for only a year

Dunno about the idiot part, but he had about 3 whole days (around 72 hours solo) solo flight experience, was barely IFR qualified, and didn't string together a lot of flight time with any one instructor, so he had pretty much the worst flight training anyone could get.

But the narrative!!

Sorry, but let me stop you there. This is not only a political topic, but a story of the dangers of aviation as well. IIRC, JFK Jr was flying IFR (Instrument Flying Rules) in horrible weather with no sight. He got the feeling that he was flying high, so he nosed down. What actually happened, however, was his body tricked him and he didn't trust his instruments, so he flew himself straight into the water. It's a strong lesson on why you can't trust how your body feels during flight and must use your instruments, especially in no-vis conditions!

That's some amazing insight you have into the incident and JFK Jr's thought processes at the time!! /s

Actually, it happens so often there's a name for it.


*edited to correct non-mobile link. OR WAS IT?

so how did Evil Hillary do it? did she shoot down the plane? did she sabotage the plane? and then when the NTSB did their investigation, did Hillary and Bill pay off/threaten everyone on the team?

A reputable blog told me she PERSONALLY operated the surface-to-air missile launcher that took him down!! DISGUSTING

you wordpress too bro?

I get all my news from shared facebook memes which I REFER to as blogs. Wordpress has been proven to be a Hillary shill site for years.

no shit?! yeah i saw a meme about that, don't remember the link tho, but that confirms it. thank god for memes.



Too bad Hillary wasn't on that plane...

Too bad your shitty attitude wasn't either

Too bad 65 journalist and George Soros were not on that plane. I will take Hillary without the media and donor influence. She would not last and would end up being thrown back in that van.

What about donor kebab?

; (

Record corrected! Checkmate, centipedes.

Cmon, guys! I need more downvotes to become popular. Even Hillary downvoted me!


Wow with such endearing rhetoric from you people I just can't believe Trump isn't winning!!!

Implying I support Trump...

Also who do you mean "you people"?

Sorry your rabid eagerness to call someone you've never even met a cunt made you seem like a psycho neckbeard Trump supporter. I guess it's just psycho neckbeard. My mistake.

Exactly. I'm perfectly fine getting downvoted for my trolling comment.

But the fact is that spewing hate about who you think should die, how traumatically they should die, and being satisfied with your comments makes you get downvoted IRL by everyone you encounter.

Have a glass of water and relax.

Fantastic hypocrisy, I almost took the bait

Fantastic bow out.


Guillotine, IMO.

At this point I just come to this subreddit to read in the comments section how ridiculous every post is.

That's what I like about /r/conspiracy, at least. Incredibly dumb posts get upvoted, but at least the comments call them out on it. Better than I can say for other subs.


jfk jr made radio contact with the control tower at martha's vineyard.

the pentagon, as proven in newcast video footage above, silenced the coast guard and pretended jfk jr was lost hundreds of miles away.

jfk jr's plane also made a sudden nosedive as they were just a few miles away from martha's vineyard. flight record logs prove that.

conspiracy and coverup confirmed.

edit: and who could forget the fact that his plane's fuel control valve was switched off (the reason for the admitted nosedive off martha vineyard's coast). either jfk jr was suicidal, or someone on that plane wanted him dead/them dead. it is no surprise the passenger seat was missing.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjmT5Eip6ho (10 min duration)

When you read the book about Allen Dulles, you can just about believe all conspiracy theories about the death of JFK and probably JFK Jr.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but alot have people have conveniently died that were connected to her?

What about the missing pilot dude. Wasn't one of the seats missing or moved?

The Clintons and Bushes are the Anti-Kennedys.

True history. Good v. evil. Evil wins every time.

Doesn't Caroline Kennedy run the commission on presidential debates? Isn't Arnold married to a kennedy- and isn't he basically being groomed to be hillary's successor? Didn't Ted love Hillary?

I did like Joe kennedy III's DNC speech, though. He didn't mention hillary once- just introduced pocahontas.

At least Obama didn't get assassinated when she made that remark running against Obama, then it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory anymore

Her being a bad politician and saying that out loud may be the only thing that saved him.

What remark?

Don't have a link or direct quote, but in summation, she was questioned for not dropping out of the race before the primaries when losing to Obama, and her answer was that you never know he could be assassinated, and brought up RFK being assassinated at the last second during his run.

Obama pussy out, if he did not play ball he would had been dead

The thing is, as much as we liked Obama, he was still very much an establishment candidate and took money from all the same people as Hillary. He just happened to be black and got most of that vote over Hillary.

I've been less than impressed with his outsider spiel and then complete 180 when he got in office. Promised transparency and open information, ended up closing more doors than he opened.

I don't like trump I think he is a Jackass he is well represented in South park as mister garrison, but I really really dislike Hillary she is well represented in house of cards

I too form my opinions based on South Park and House of Cards. Consumers UNITE!

It's satire!

The thing is, as much as we liked Obama, he was still very much an establishment candidate and took money from all the same people as Hillary.

Just like literally every politican who is forced to pay for the campaign and isn't a billionare.

Bernie did it pretty well without them.

In the primaries. And I'm not so sure if Bernie would have declined the money from said sources if he would have won the primaries - not as if it would have made any difference because with Trump as opponent Wallstreet would have still opted to support Sanders..

Btw.: Sanders did something else: He forced Clinton to adapt some of her positions as a trade in for his support for Clinton which could very well be the best case scenario - something I'm pretty sure Donald Trump would never even have tought about...assuming that Trump has political positions aside from witty oneliners..

Who liked Obama? Not I.. Like saying I like aids better than herpes cause it doesn't itch as bad..

Honestly, I stared at this for a while wondering in my head which I would rather be stuck with and I'm ashamed it took me so long.

Murder most foul!

Sounds super similar to how Paul Wellstone died. Was there a rushed investigation as well?

Kinda like how Obama got his senate seat, after a popular incumbent stepped down.

JFK Jr. Never even declared that he was running for senate.

Others can still declare him a front-runner if they so choose

What would stop the Hildebeast from committing such a heinous act? Morality? A sense of decency? Christian ethics? Answer. None of the above.

And she had her husband, CIC at the time, to easily cover it up.

Ah yes the infamous presidency seat, shrouded in mystery... Give me a break.

The documentary on the plane crash is excellent. It goes over tons of stuff.

I have evidence that links Hillary to Abe Lincoln's assassination. Hope I don't get killed guys!

The movie Dark Legacy 2 covers a lot of oddities about his plane crash.


Okay so he may not have actually run for the seat but the events surrounding his death are very suspicious. He was a very tedious and calculative man and was not keen to flying without a flight instructor. Especially as he had only had his new plane for a little more than a month. The search did not begin for 15 hours after the last contact he had with the air traffic controller and the Air Force took over the search operations and delayed it well over when they should have actually gone looking. They had reasons to oust him early. He would have been what his father and Robert were supposed to be, the leaders of a new generation of America that would hoist us from the clutches of big bankers and the elite. They knew the power he possessed and his smarts and good looks were a threat to the establishment. Conspiracy or not the death of JFK Jr. was suspicious and we should be looking at that aspect of it and not if he was running for a seat or not and arguing over that one simple little misinfo.

if they could prove that she would be torn out of the wh.

Was getting caught part of her plan?

Funny/mildly interesting story that'll probably be buried. I bought this pack of magazines from like 60/61 for five bucks from this dude at an outdoor market. Like Time and Life that kinda stuff. There was one Magazine that had an expose kind of thing about John F Kennedy and Kennedy Jr. About how he would play in the oval office and stuff. So there was one paragraph that described about how Jr was obsessed with playing with his toy planes and one day wanted to be like a pilot or something. I thought it was kinda foreboding (if thats the word) it got really into planes and Jr though. If anyone wants to know the issue/mag I can prob find it quick.

You do understand he was a relatively new pilot who had only recently gotten his IFR. It was dark, and a little turbulent. He was asked or told by more experienced pilots to wait until morning. He chose not to do this. It's really easy to flip a plane upside down, and not realize it in those conditions. So, when he thought he was going up, he was going down, and believed that his instruments were giving him bogus readings.

'Plane crashed'. --meaning what exactly?

An email that says it was an amateur pilot and even one of the way.

But he was a great guy.

he didnt run but there were rumors he was interested and lets be honest, Your telling me as America's prince, John John, Running for senate then President didnt have a chance, please, he would have walked right in. But look at that convenience of him dying huh. What are the odds.

Her Kill List is getting longer.

You are on it.

If Hillary has successfully done one third of all the devious illegal shit she is accused of doing and thus far been unable to be even arrested, she's gonna be a fantastic President.

Reason she is given millions to run her campaign.

I was surfing the net one day & something popped up about JFK Jr.'s plane crash being a conspiracy. I thought that was ridiculous but then read the article--which led to another, then another--and began to have second thoughts. Nothing's definite, of course, but it's all interesting reading.

Initial news reports said that the haze was bad on the flight from Teterboro Airport to Martha's Vineyard. He filed no flight plan, made no contact with any air tower after leaving NJ, ended up w/spatial disorientation & spiraled out of control into the ocean.

Supposedly he did not file a flight plan, which isn't always required anyway, BUT I think it's a law when the weather is questionable. Would the haze in Teterboro qualify? I definitely would have filed one just to be on the safe side. If the weather was bad, couldn't he have used the autopilot? The media also spread the story that JFK was a careless, reckless pilot, but one of John's best friends said he would have flown anywhere with him; he was a good pilot, he certainly wouldn't have endangered anyone intentionally.

The haze did not extend to Martha's Vineyard, eastern Massachusetts was perfectly clear for around 8 miles to the east (the direction JFK was arriving from).

John supposedly did make contact w/Martha's Vineyard even though he was past his ETA time due to a late start in leaving NJ. He radioed around 9:30 p.m. saying he'd be landing w/in 30 minutes, dropping off his sister-in-law, then leaving shortly for Hyannis. He may have even had the lights of the runway in sight, they were certainly bright enough because local residents had been complaining about the brightness.

Around 9:35 p.m. a fisherman on the beach saw a flash of bright light, followed by a LOUD explosion, apparently in the direction of where John's plane was coming from. What could it have been?

The hasty burial at sea struck me as odd & makes no sense to me whatsoever. Why did the Kennedy family agree to it? John was never in the Navy like his father. I doubt he would have wanted it, neither would his wife. To this day I can't figure out why he wasn't buried in NYC, a city he loved & considered home.

I read somewhere that John was thinking about announcing his candidacy for the vacant NY Senate Seat in August of 1999, which ended up going to Hillary. We'll never know what he was thinking, but I believe he was going to end up in public service eventually. No doubt if he ran he would have been elected due to his image, good looks and pedigree, even if he had no experience. None of that would have mattered & I think he could have done a good job regardless.

GEORGE magazine was supposedly started because JFK Jr. always wanted to know who killed his father; the magazine provided a good cover for his investigation. George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA in Dallas in 1963. If the CIA was involved with JFK's assassination, Bush would have known about it. The name of the magazine was a sign to the Bush family that John was on to them and perhaps even planning to publish his findings once he had more proof.

I don't put anything past the Bush or Clinton families. If there was/is a conspiracy for both JFK & JFK Jr., the tracks have been extremely well covered.




I was mocking the fact that this dude put Crooked Hillary in his title.

That was unclear. Look at it around here. We are all on edge m8.

I totally understand haha

JFK and JFK Jr. were sacrificial kings used by the occult elite to sanctify the presidencies of GHW Bush and his son George W. Bush. Dubya would have been involved in the murder of JFK Jr. both for purposes of omertà, as well as completion of the required sacrificial rite.


Anyone else find it childish to refer to her as "Crooked Hilary"? Or just to use these stupid fucking nicknames in general? Like that's the type of dumbass shit I'd expect a super-republican, incredibly biased uncle to say in a chain email he's sent to his entire family. And no, im not saying I support her or anything.

That's exactly the type of people that use these nicknames.

I've seen the video of Hillary and the surface-to air-missile she shot to bring him down. It is powerful!

So we're not blaming George W. Bush for this anymore?

I hope you covered your tracks with twelve proxies before posting this, OP. Hilldabeast and her death squads ARE COMING FOR YOU.

Of course, she's also a weak old grandmother with dementia and epilepsy who can't even walk up a flight of stairs unassisted. Because both of these opposing scenarios can be true at the same time.

I remember some movies called 'The Godfather'.

Apparently money and influence can buy silence and death.. or were you entertaining some kind of thought exercise that every mysterious death surrounding the Clintons was done personally?

People who believe this shit are just idiots. Its called COINCIDENCE people. Look it up in the dictionary. This is a coincidence JUST LIKE Bush's approval ratings were! It's a coincidence that it went up right after that French report saying Bush knew about 9/11. And it just happened to go up after a report stating there was absolutely no link between Osama and Saddam Hussein, it happened to go up when mad cow disease broke and the government might have been implicit in it, it happened to go up whenever Bush's ratings plummeted....it's called coincidence you idiots.

I don't believe in coincidences that involve US government.

Are we really doing this

But how does this account for his shitty piloting skills?

I'm sure he was more capable than ted kennedy was - he only ended up driving a car into the ocean.

Yeah, but Teddy walked away

Everybody should look into the details surrounding the plane crash. Official story has many inconsistencies.

Edit: Thanks puttanum for linking doc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vehk03v23y4

lol...shitty pilot crashes plane.

Where are those details? I never really thought about that one. Just bought the whole stuck in fog, inexperienced flyer bit.


Thanks for that.

Your post is literally you making assumption after assumption without any actual evidence. This thread is so dumb.

Is that all you have? Puttanum's post seemed pretty well researched and reasonable - your "rebuttal" is basically "liar liar pants on fire!" which strongly suggests you're with her...lol

I'm not entirely sure what you expect, honestly. A source? An email that says it was an assassination, but only if said email was legally obtained? He's not saying it did or didn't happen, just that something fishy was going on that didn't quite add up.

Yes, I want FACTS in my conspiracy theories! Oh wait

Please stop. I don't know if you're doing it intentionally or not, but you're making everyone on this sub look like an idiot.


When he wasn't running for office and a r/Thedonald fan wants to spread their religious cancer

Shit post of the century right here.

Interesting how their good luck so often results from the misfortunes of others.

Wait, you actually believe this post? Damn, that's pretty dumb of you.

I posted it. I believe that JFK Jr was thinking about running for elected office. If memory serves, he never publicly declared his intention to do so.

If he had actually run, he might have tried for that NY Senate seat. But he never got the chance because mysterious plane crash.

The curse of the Kennedys strikes again?

Yeah, regardless of whether of not he was planning on running, the National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) report on the accident ruled that the accident was pilot error.

So unless you can find a way to suggest that the Clinton's had control over the NTSB there seems to be no way to claim that the plane went down for any reason other than an accident.

I agree. Talking about conspiracy theories on r/conspiracy, whata nutjob that one!

The original premise of the post is factually incorrect...

Conspiracy Theory - a hypothesis that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event

Ah yes, because wanting to have a single spread of evidence for a claim is retarded. You realize the guy OP is posting about literally never ran against clinton right?

You can talk about conspiracies all you want. But if literally every single piece of evidence on the subject tells you that you're wrong, I'm going to laugh at anyone who believes it.

Yeah, you show em. Here I'll laugh at em too, ha ha ha idiot!

Tell me, do you actually have a point, or are you just salty that I actually want evidence?

I don't give two fucks you just sound like an idiot on r/conspiracy saying "give me evidence11!"

The whole point of this sub is to talk about weird shit like this, if you want to be spoon fed facts go read buzzfeed or some shit.

Are you fucking retarded? So you're saying its fine to post literally anything on this sub, literally just make it up off the top of the head with nothing to back it? You realize that's the reason why people see conspiracy theorists as man children right? Also if you really think buzzfeed is a good place to go for evidence then you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Simply look at rule number 11 of this sub. Without evidence, this headline is very sensationalist.

It still has to be plausible in some way and there is no way this is plausible if Kennedy Jr, never ran for office in the first place.

The whole premise is that he was killed because he put a bid in for the senate.

If it weren't for bad luck there'd be no good luck at all.

Pilot error was blamed for the crash and Jr. should NEVER been flying with a broken foot.

Funny how simple straight forward stories become conspiracies in Trump's America.

This is been a conspiracy since before the apprentice even aired on tv, what does this have to do with Trump?

It was actually never a conspiracy. You are making that up ala Trump 2016 Style. Like all people laughing about 9/11 he claimed to see. The details about his death came out with only a slight delay because it was proven to be pilot error that caused the crash and they didn't want to blame the victim. None the less the evidence came out and it was Jr.'s fault.

Do you know what a conspiracy even is?

No dude I have no idea what conspiracy are. Please explain the difference between facts and reality vs conspiracy.

Sorry let me rephrase.

Do you even understand critical thought process or just mindless regurgitation of "facts"?

A conspiracy is a plausible explanation to an event through an analysis of whom could have pulled what strings and would also benefit, contradictory or even independent of what the "official" explanation is. Mostly based on inconsistencies and inaccuracies as well as new evidence as well as evidence deemed "unrelated" to the situation.

Your using an "official" story as if it is rock solid evidence to support your argument… in r/conspiracy. People call this sub crazy yet this is what we have to deal with

Dude the plane hit the water, and crashed, aka pilot error.

How is that a conspiracy? The wreckage was photographed, I can recall the layout of the crash! So they moved the wreckage?


Okay let me explain.

You're playing a game with very structured coding. However, your particular version of the game had changes made to its code.

The copy you're playing won't let you get passed level 1. You can't win, the game has been broken by external forces. Everything else is that same except the one task you must complete to move on simply doesn't exist in this version.

You are destined to die and never move past level one because someone else screwed around with the code. Do you get it now?

Pilot error = equipment that has been tampered with.

This really isn't hard to follow.

I get that you can't blame the victim, because its in bad taste. Maybe someday you come realise it was a sad tragedy, brought on by Jr's massive EGO getting him killed.

He was suppose to be on a commercial flight, does your little documentary cover that little tid bit of information? He made the choice to fly.

Besides sourcing Tabloids for info is just puke, I'M OUT.

What little documentary are you talking about?

He would also have been an amazing president, and he definitely would have ran (and won). Just like JFK, the NWO needed him out of the way. To think what could have been...

An amazing president based on what? The fact he couldn't manage a magazine, flunked the bar exam twice or had such poor judgement he piloted a plane beyond his abilities and killed three people?

Yes x3. That's the sort of chutzpah your president needs... /s

Well, he was a Kennedy. Isn't that enough?

had such poor judgement he piloted a plane beyond his abilities and killed three people?

Is this the official or doctored narrative?

A prudent pilot would not have done what he did


This time, he was worried about Martha's Vineyard airport. 'I'm really not that experienced a pilot,' he told friend and writer David Heymann in mid-week.


Kennedy had relatively little experience without an instructor aboard


Fact: Kennedy did not hold an instrument rating and was certified to fly only under visual flight rules.

i love how literally your only "evidence" is literally just two things coincidentally happening.

this sub fucking sucks. i come here for well thought out conspiracies with citations, and I get these zero-evidence, half-baked ideas that just because two things coincidentally happened somewhat shortly after another, that LE NWO JEWISH OVERLORDS wanted it to happen.

DID YOU KNOW THAT 98% OF PEOPLE WHO DIED IN 9/11 ATE BREAD WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE TOWERS COLLAPSING?! DAE bread is a tool of the massive jewish global NWO conspiracy to control people??????????

"Hillary Clinton murdered JFK jr because it sounds cooler that way."

- /r/conspiracy

and 20 minutes later:



Then leave dumb ass. You're in r/conspiracy for fucks sake, there is going to be crazy shit believe it or not

But how would they get their CTR shill money if they left

Would have run*

He was not in the race. Was he going to randomly jump in as an independent candidate with 3 weeks left? Your conspiracy makes no sense.


This will be your only warning for rules 1 and 10. Cheers.

lets see what snopes has to say http://www.snopes.com/jfk-senate-frontrunner/

Oh for god's sake. Give it up.

your comment history says otherwise

A 9 year club user with little karma commenting in this sub!

The truth has spoken!

Anyone else find it childish to refer to her as "Crooked Hilary"? Or just to use these stupid fucking nicknames in general? Like that's the type of dumbass shit I'd expect a super-republican, incredibly biased uncle to say in a chain email he's sent to his entire family. And no, im not saying I support her or anything.

wtf is wrong with you and this god awful sub?

I won't even click a snopes link anymore. Garbage

I, too, prefer to stick my head in the sand and ignore rationality.

So you will believe a random unsourced text post over a sourced article with a detailed explanation of why that specific claim is false? Would you believe it if I made a text post saying "The Lizard People are Taking Over" if there were a snopes article saying "The Lizard People are Not Taking Over"?

What his friends said shortly after the crash.
What the accident report said.

So either the web is a lot bigger, or the conspiracy is an exaggerated view of what happened.

Humans exaggerating a story to get more people's attention, that's sounds about right.

The article tries too hard. It basically says NOTHING TO SEE HERE

Pretty telling that this was at +8 last time I checked

Because there actually is nothing to see here. It's a complete fabrication.

Coming from you, /r/hankmeanshenry - a person who spends his days on Reddit insulting anyone with a different view or opinion then theirs. I can't tell sometimes if these people are shills or if they have really just been brainwashed into aggressively believing any idea that questions the official government narrative is a stupid conspiracy. Which leads to my question for you - why are you even on this sub when you have CNN and MSNBC to tell you what and how to think?


Sure, maybe.

It makes its case clearly, with several links. You're an idiot.

All I said is it tries too hard. Sorry you don't get sarcasm.

Pretty telling that this was at +8 last time I checked

Yeah, it's probably a conspiracy of some sort.

Oh yeah they're outside my door

You know that snopes page is Pro Hilary... So I don't think they are a good source.

You know that snopes page is Pro Hilary


The entire site is run by two people, a liberal couple. I stopped using snopes after I discovered that. And if I'm forced to use it, I simply read their sources, do my own research and come to my own conclusions.

So you need sombody else opinion on this ? Just go to the site and count how many pro Clinton articles they have and how many Trump....

So you need sombody else opinion on this

So apprently you don't understand what a citation is. Not suprising, given the subreddit.

This is why I hate Reddit... Everything body has a dick up thier ass

Why do you have a dick up your ass?

Do not include me in your dick up the ass group.

You're apparently the butthurt one, so there must be something lodged up there.

Ahah if I am the butt hurt why are you still responding ? You have nothing better to do? Apart from been the CEO of butt plug worls...

I know you are but what am I...



The thing is, as much as we liked Obama, he was still very much an establishment candidate and took money from all the same people as Hillary. He just happened to be black and got most of that vote over Hillary.

I agree. Talking about conspiracy theories on r/conspiracy, whata nutjob that one!

Guillotine, IMO.

Wow with such endearing rhetoric from you people I just can't believe Trump isn't winning!!!

You're in conspiracy.
She controlled the plane mechanic who messed with the plane. Duh

I'm well aware. But what Kennedy was flying wasn't referred to as a doctor killer.

I will admit that it's hard to get a read on you but you seemed to imply there was some evil motive behind the military assisting with the search. I can't imagine what else you could have meant by this:

If there's nothing suspicious here, I'm sure you'll be able to find me many examples of small civilian plane crashes being cordoned off and investigated by the military.

So that along with the topic of the thread we're in leads me to the conclusion that you believe Hillary was involved in assassinating JFK Jr.

Have you ever tried to get life insurance?

They specifically ask if you are into aviation other than commercial airlines because life insurance companies understand that it's a high risk activity.

There isn't a conspiracy here. He flew a small plane in poor conditions and crashed.

It's happened to many people and is well known to be a high risk activity.

I posted it. I believe that JFK Jr was thinking about running for elected office. If memory serves, he never publicly declared his intention to do so.

If he had actually run, he might have tried for that NY Senate seat. But he never got the chance because mysterious plane crash.

The curse of the Kennedys strikes again?

Yup, retired Canadian politician Jim Prentice and three friends just died.


just another right wing echo chamber

There's plenty of former Berners here

Oh yeah they're outside my door

Dude the plane hit the water, and crashed, aka pilot error.

How is that a conspiracy? The wreckage was photographed, I can recall the layout of the crash! So they moved the wreckage?