Who would go out there way to spend hours advocating for Fluoride? I can't think of anyone I know personally.

33  2016-10-25 by BigBrownBeav

I'm noticing the fluoride topic being hit hard lately. Our town voted to remove it recently and the provincial govt is pushing to make it mandatory.

Interestingly this is the one "so-called" conspiracy that I've had good success with waking my loved ones and friends up with. It's really just common sense.

Like seriously, who the fuck goes out of there way to shill for fluoride?

For the skeptics, feel free to debunk this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eSXBbSw3mk


No medical professional in their right mind would feel that an unregulated dose of any treatment is a positive move. To blanket cover the population with no way of controlling the dosage is ignorant.

Some may not drink tap water, some may only drink tap water.

Couple this with the fact that what they add to the water is actually fluorine an industrial waste byproduct and one may figure there is another reason to do this other than tooth health.

I agree. Just to clarify, all fluoride is fluorine, because fluoride is the ionic form of fluorine.

This guy

Made smoking into a symbol of independence for women also. Real humanitarian.

Dentist... Fluoride in a very small one time dosage as a child MAY be beneficial, but aside from various health risk, long term fluoride is actually bad for your teeth. Though I don't think individual Dentist are in on the conspiracy, perhaps Toothpaste manufacturers? Companies that made dental equipment?

If all fails, blame communism. JK

Dental researcher: always thought the ion was at least beneficial when applied topically but no real benefit when you ingest it. It would be like drinking sun tan lotion

Sounds logical. I don't really know much about the subject. Also, thanks for the laugh, and gag at the thought of chugging sun tan lotion.

I noticed this at the store the other day. Fluoride is like the new vitamin c. Even the single use flossers have it in them. "Now with super fluoride action!" Like wtf?

ADA is just looking out for its own interests. They are the reason we have the most expensive dental service this side of the globe and no innovation in treatment for decades. They will make sure you need to return ever 6 months and need service. I assure you that.

The short answer is that psychopaths would. If anyone wants a longer answer, you can find a mountain of information via this link. https://forcedfluoridationfreedomfighters.com/more-information/


About 6 weeks in changing off of chlorinated/floride water. My anxiety issues of over 3 years are way down. Coincidence? Maybe. But going to stick with it.

Austin tx just recently lost a battle to remove fluoride from its water