They are *scaring* you to vote for Hillary/Trump

115  2016-10-26 by pholmq

I may be preaching to the quire since this is r/conspiracy, but seeing almost only Hillary/Trump/Assange/Wikileaks posts on the hot section I feel compelled to say something.

Propaganda 101:
How do you get people to act? You scare them into action.
How do you get people to act the way you want? You only present them with actions you want them to take.

This is what all the crazy news around Hillary and Trump is about. They want you the get so scared about either one of them that you vote for the other. And they only talk about these two candidates.

And I’m not saying there is no truth to the stuff leaking, but this is the reason we see it now. If you are voting in the US election, please keep this in mind.

/End Rant


That's why I'm voting for Jill she's the least likely to rape or kill me.

But once again and I have zero faith that my vote will be counted correctly. So I'm not putting any faith into it.

Yeah, I'm sure machines will be hacked to hell and back to turn third party votes into votes for Clinton, but it's still better to try and do the right thing than sit back and just let these criminals have their way with no objection.

I understand what you mean. The only reason this is going on now is to scare enough people into voting so that the "winner" has legitimacy.

And sadly, the special twist with this election is to cause civil uproar. If Hillary wins despite all the corruption she's been involved in, it will lead to that. And then the militarized police and the FEMA camps will come to use. This is their plan I think.

I agree

i wish I could. Nevada doesn't have her on the ballot. Our options are Trump, Clinton, Rocky, Johnson and someone from AIP. Instead of a "write in" option, we have a "none of the above"/"I'm throwing my vote away" option.

Hell yes!

It's a vote for Clinton. JS has some good ideas but she will never be president. She is likely to get the 5% they need, so literally every vote above that is a vote against the only option that can beat the witch.

No it is a vote for Jill.

Jill Stein will not get more than 10%. Donald Trump has to fight against fraud, rigging, and the entire establishment. If you vote for JS or GJ, you give Hillary your endorsement. That's a fact.

Sorry. I disagree. But I hear your point.

Which part do you disagree with?

It's ok, we don't have to discuss it, I'm not up to it.

That's cool. But you need to seriously consider how you'll feel about a Clinton victory if you vote 3rd party, especially if you are swaying people to vote 3rd...

Then why do you try to jump in? If you have nothing to say, then keep it to yourself. You seem "up to" making a lot of generic statements throughout this thread as long as they go unchallenged.

Ah yes,, censorship is the way to go, I will keep to myself. Great idea.

Yeah shut up and let the shills do their work. Sheez. They are really keeping it friendly. Not. Please don't hesitate to post/comment. Thats what they want

I finally got called a shill today and not a schekle to show for it.

It is enjoyable sometimes listening to them and seeing how David Brock's programing is working. Poor enslaved nerds.

But you censored yourself out of laziness and fear of being challenged.

Oh that is it! Thanks, I am glad you are hear to read my mind what a cool skill to have.

shrug do you, I guess.

Maybe I get it at David Brock's next seminar, not sure.

If you vote for JS or GJ, you give Hillary your endorsement. That's a fact.

Disagree with this part. A vote for JS is an endorsement for JS, not hillary.

Donald Trump has to fight against fraud, rigging, and the entire establishment.

Disagree with this part because little donny boy isn't going to do any of those things. He has a history of committing fraud of his own, to help himself make money, and long history of being complacent and participatory in the establishment. Donald is just as much "the establishment" as any other candidate, it is naive to think otherwise.

He has done nothing to lead me to believe he is honest or that his words are anything but hot air, marketing himself to the republican base. He could have been using his vast wealth to fight the establishment for years if he really wanted to, but he was happier sitting back, participating in it, and collecting checks. Fuck donald.

Do you think there is any possibility Donald is truly interested in nationwide betterment after seeing his particular perspective of the media, corporate interests, etc? I heard he was funded by similar people to Hillary although didn't check too much into it. Even if misguided I could see the government encroaching less upon the individual under a Trump presidency. Regardless of how perverse his decisions are, they would not be the key piece to achieving a goal set by God knows how high.

Sorry but this argument doesn't hold up w/the Electoral College. I live in "will never turn red" state, so my vote for Jill will have zero effect on DT or HRC because my state only goes blue. I'm annoyed more people in non-swing states aren't voting to help third parties gain traction. After this shitstorm of an election, you'd think people would see the importance of trying to build a party outside the corrupt DNC and GOP.

There's some legitimacy to that, but the electoral college might fly out the window on this one. Trump isn't a republican and who knows how many Hillary supporters will jump ship because of the things that are coming to light. It's very easy to see a bunch of flip states this year.

While I agree with you that the EC might not be as hard and fast a rule in this crazy election, I live in forever blue CA, so I'll be voting for Stein w/o worrying that my vote is changing anything in the slightest, but at least it'll count helping a third party.

In forever blue CA, they are busy tricking homeless people and drug addicts to vote for Clinton to get a $300 rebate...

Wow, yikes! Where can I find out more about this? Not like CA can be saved but now I'm really curious to hear more.


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Hahahahaha! The Dems always say it's a fact that by voting for a3rd party choice, you are endorsing (giving your vote to) Trump.

So many 'facts' this election. Lol

Yeah, well, a lot of 3rd party voters are voting that way because they hate Hillary and think Trump is a joke candidate. Those same people also can't typically quote a single policy Trump pumps, but they can quote all the left-created Trump memes...

In what way is a jew least likely to betray its host country?

Confused I don't know what you mean

Her last name kind of points that out. True.

so was sanders

so am I

but not tricked by the same kind of propaganda and disinfo as this stuff which says all jews are evil.

Trotsky was a good guy

Not all rothschilds even are bad, I mean they made some good wine.

I judge people on an individual basis anyway :)

Compare her against the alternatives. She's least likely in all the ways. Guess you're a big fan of Jews now, huh? What a change of pace that was, to go from moron to enlightened in a fell swoop. Enjoy your newfound mental freedom.

Compare her against the alternatives. She’s least likely in all the ways.

I’ve read the Talmud. She’s the most likely. She’s inherently predisposed to said action.

Guess you’re a big fan of Jews now, huh? What a change of pace that was, to go from moron to enlightened in a fell swoop. Enjoy your newfound mental freedom.

You have no argument. Thanks for confirming I am correct.

I didn't make an argument, I laughed at how pathetic your comment appears to everyone who is not you.

I didn’t make an argument

All the more reason to ignore what you have to say.

I laughed at how pathetic your comment appears to everyone who is not you.

You have no argument, no proof of your claims, and I have already proven mine. Get out.

Spot on. Its social engineering at its finest right now. The real problem is people feel forced to vot3 for 1 ot the other

I'm sorry, but until the US abolishes the winner takes all system, the third party is going to do nothing but soak up votes. I wish it was different, because the two party system is a fucking disaster.

so lets soak em up

I hope Gary Johnson and Jill Stein get at least 5% of the votes each.

hey ross perot once got 18.9% so never say never

every vote soaked up is a vote for Clinton

You are perpetuating the problem.

No, you are. The problem of a 2 party system can be discussed going forward, but you are putting your head in the sand if you think this is the year a 3rd party candidate will do it. No third party candidate will beat Donald Trump. It won't even be close. And if no 3rd party can beat him, then they damn sure won't be beating Clinton.

This is the election that will determine the fate of America. It's not fear mongering to say that. It's reality.

This is the election that will determine the fate of America. It's not fear mongering to say that.

Except for the part where I'm educated enough to know that's been said during every Presidential election of the past 50 years.

Fair enough. But you still can't deny the fact that a non-vote or a vote for 3rd party is a vote for Clinton.

So if I stay home on election day and sit on my ass is that a vote for hillary too? Because that is no different than voting for a third party, except that when you vote for a third party you show that you're not just some bum who is apathetic to the system.

Those are my options right now. Either stay home or vote third party. I will not give my consent to either of the mainstream candidates or show my support for what they want to do to this country. They are both awful. This election is depressing.

This election is depressing. And yes, staying at home is a vote for Hillary.

I understand not wanting to put your faith in Trump, but if you vote 3rd or don't vote, you are putting your faith in HRC.


you must be a nightmare.

you know who would post this shit ^ that meme chick with the dreadlocks...

That's you.

Left right left right left right red blue red blue red blue pepsi or coke pepsi or coke MARCH MY MINION, TO THE BEAT OF THE WAR DRUM

One of them will win. One of them is less likely to send you to war. Vote for that one? No? Throw my vote away? Ok.

who will be the last man to die for a lie

don't fall for lesser evilism lies. all you get is a race to the bottom

No all you get is a slower descent into hell. I'll take it.

hell no to that

You'd rather a fast ride? Don't be so impatient.

give me full on hell sooner than later, the ride is what hurts. need total war to burn it all down then rebuild.

the rich know this, it's called shock doctrine. but in my view it's their world that needs shock therapy.

How is killing a bunch of non-combatants and relative-innocents the solution? If you think it is, then yeah you're probably winding up in hell regardless of the speed of the ride.

it wouldn't be my fault it'd be the elites killing them

but your argument is to give more/continued power to the elites so that they can do it. You are leading and complicit, which makes you equally guilty.

how is that my argument

It's naive and foolish to say that this election will determine the fate of america. You've been drinking the kool aid.

it is naive...but Trump represents the possibility for real change. It may be naive to believe it's even possible, but it is far too cynical and hopeless to ignore the opportunity to vote against the system (which is a vote for Trump).

And Dems say every 3rd party vote is a vote for Trump, lol.

They got everyone so worked up into the propaganda, lol.

We all see how "in-your-face" this election rigging really is. To be this blatant you have to be working on the premise of reaching the goal no matter the means. If i have a fear it's that it doesn't matter to them anymore how obvious their crimes are. Hillary will be president if that's what the "masters" called for.

Vote for the people you like, anyway.

Remember this; in real life, the Trumps and the Clintons are friends. It's equal to saying that Madison and Washington and Adams and everybody hated each other; true, they did, but they weren't bitter enemies behind the scenes.

Vote for the people you think represents you best. If you want to vote Libertarian, do so. I'm voting Green. If you want to vote for Dems and Reps, fine. But vote.

The act of voting itself, matters. By voting, it tells your local politicians and police and corporations and everyone else that you're not someone to fuck around with for this.

not scared but definitely annoyed by this fake election

what will happen? WW3? Depression? Maybe, but not due to whatever puppet is on TV pretending to be in charge.

Anything that makes us scared or discontent. Because that's what keeps them relevant and in control.

some more small scale muslim bombings/attacks then

that cold war wasn't so bad. small proxy wars all the time yes. not nukes tho at least!

WW3 if Clinton elected, country turned over to anyone who hurts little Donnie's feelings if Trump elected. Both options are horrific.

what do you mean country turned over to who hurts his feelings?

He's a wimp. He tough talks, but check his record - constant caving. He also owes some favors (but so does Clinton).

I think it's fair to say that Clinton owes many, many more favors. Or, at least, we know how many banks, multinational corporations, pharma companies, foreign governments/foreign nationals that Clinton owes favors to. Trump may owe some favors we are unaware of.

We have no idea who either are beholden to. All points to them being beholden to the same masters. While we scrabble and fight amongst ourselves over which tool of the elite and enslaver will enslave us best. It's all bullshit.

We have a very clear idea of who Hillary Clinton is beholden to. Start by looking at those groups and individuals who have donated millions to her campaign. We might not know all of the people who she is beholden to, but we know many.

You're right, for sure. Pharmaceutical companies, agrichemical companies, oil, weapons companies, so on and and so forth. Saw an article today that said Trump was tied in with the DAPL pipeline company and was genuinely surprised - wouldn't be surprised to know Clinton was.

Oo that is interesting, didn't know that. I have the same reaction as you exactly--wouldn't be surprised if Clinton did but am a bit surprised about Trump.

On that same topic, I don't know what will come of Trump's businesses if he becomes Pres. His son said they'd put them in a blind trust but that's not what a blind trust is. You can't have a blind trust where you know all of the investments, property and assets in the trust. Could definitely be a conflict of interest.

Absolutely a conflict of interest. In any other year, both candidates would be disqualified solely due to their CoIs (not even moving forward to their other disqualifying factors) - I'm convinced this is a test, to see how much blatant corruption the American people will swallow.

He has a history of navigating the American landscape for business. That's pretty tough to do. There are tons of obstacles.

You're literally talking out of your ass.

Are you talking about the same guy that would have made more money if he had simply invested his inheritance instead of pumping it into failed business ventures?

People who never try new things and sit back are a dime-a-dozen. Failure breeds insight. Insight breeds success. Trump has a greater understanding of how to create new business than any candidate that has ever run for President. He is the messiah of jobs. If she gets in, things will only get worse.

"He is the messiah of jobs." I mean come on now. Hillary is bad ok but that doesn't mean you should support her pal Donald, you're being played.

lies. ctr narrative. They clearly don't like each other. People see a picture or two and hear some bs quote about liking her and they think that they are buddies.... but do buddies go around promoting the rape allegations being made about their buddies? No. All "same side" arguments die right there.

old pals, trump went to chelseas wedding, ignore the show they put on tv for the cameras. the SNL people do better acting.

seems like ctr rhetoric. A non-vote is equally a vote for Clinton.

do you mean a vote for trump, ctr wouldn't want you to not vote for her

if you don't vote, that's good for Clinton.

That's where the CTR narrative has shifted to: "Voting is for sheep" and "Vote 3rd party to stick it to the Right and Left". Both those narratives will see Clinton rise to power.

I haven't seen that narrative shifting and of course not they want you to vote Hillary so it feels like she has legitimacy

"The messiah of jobs"

No, they won't need as many shills then. And if you really think only one side employs agents, you're in the wrong place.

I'm sure both sides employ shills, but I'm also sure that there's very little legitimate (informed) enthusiasm behind Clinton. It's so hard to find the Trump shills because the Trump supporters are so many. That's why CTR is so easy to one actually believes the shit they say. no real person actually makes those comments.

what comments, that trump has a shaky business history?

Now, the "she's the best, I love her, ya da ya da ya.. " And probably some of the "worst Canadite Ever" about trump as well. Yeah. They do exist, but the last I had heard , the official count was a few hundred, for all of Internet media.

Are you CTR? because that reads like you are.

Trumps business history is least of the discussions CTR is creating.

Ironically, "she's the best" and "I love her" are probably the most real comments she gets. Those are the real fools who will gladly vote for her. And then there are the women out there who would still vote for her no matter what comes out about her, just because she's a woman. Those are just sad human beings. There could be documented proof of her hiring hitmen and they would still gladly follow her to hell.

I actually think less women want a woman president than initial logic would dictate.

Some do, on the woman card, I'm sure, but many women prefer working under a male leader. Just like some males would vote for a beautiful female just because.

But no, just an oddly middle of the road hippatriot. I don't like Clinton. But I like trump even less. And I keep trying to find good in his policies, but it's hard. I agree with a few, to be sure.

I took the quiz a while back and aligned with stein 93%, Clinton and Johnson in the 70's and mr trump a mere 30%.

If I could agree with his ideas more on policy and tax matters, I'd be able to ignore the dog whistling. I agree that she has media support, that there's a major bias. I agree that politicians need accountability, but I also think courts and Leo reform is part of that. It's not RIGHT to scape goat everything on Clinton and Obama, if we're going to start draining the swamp, it needs to be CLEANED. EVERY single one would need to be ousted and investigated.

And that this IMO, would be the best election chance a third party has had in years, yet neither of THOSE options is quite good enough for everyone to unite behind either. If there was 1 strong third party option, they would have a chance, but with a 4 way split, eh..

I'm not sure how Clinton can be more favorable. She has so many skeletons in her closet (and light is slowly being shed on them, with the emails and everything else). And her foreign policy is a nightmare. The current Chairman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff has stated that her no fly zone will result in war with Russia

And she has threatened to erase Iran from the map if they screw with Isreal. And she is responsible for Gaddafi, which is responsible for Syria, which is responsible for the refugee crisis and European hellscape ( watch the first 8 or so minutes of that and tell how you feel...)

And her tax policy will make an already bleak economy even worse.

And she truly is just a nasty woman.

She really is the worst candidate to run for President since W.

It's way too easy to find evidence that both major canadites will pursue harmful forgiven policies and have shitty tax plans. Because it's true.

I'm apparently voting for one woman or another this round though. If I didn't live in Ohio, or another contested state stein would have my vote for sure. She very well still might.

Honestly, they fucked up delaying the appointment to the Supreme Court. Less people would feel they had to vote R or D if that had been resolved, one less purely partisan issue to deal with.

Why would you vote for Clinton? That makes literally no sense.

Thank you, this is what i've been telling to all my friends, im not from US but we discussed a lot about current north american politcs, as of this will be a problem to the wholer world as soon either of these two crap of candidates take the power, is not a matter of choosing the lesser evil, both will benefit the wealthy and companies that backed them up, just like it always was. EDIT: i will never understand how people let bernie sanders fall off from the elections, just kidding, people are dumb and easy to manipulate.

Bernie lost because the DNC worked against him. If he wasn't a real threat to Clinton, they never would have bothered.

oh thank you for the explanation.

ohhh thanks so much i will definetly take my time with this!

It's like vote for this openly outed asshole crook or if not you get this pig who is racist, sexist, selfish, and will set whatever progress humans made back 20 years. Oh yeah and he has all the flag wavers on his team too. This same form of fear is what we have been fed from the moment the 1st plane hit the tower. That fear gets people all onboard with passing something let's say called "The Patriot Act" as David Cross once said "America has a long proud standing tradition of voting against their own best interest"


But, I agree

Could have meant queer.

Propagate the US corruption to bring us closer to a NWO?

Intersting thought. Bring US down in flames and let it be "saved" by UN/NWO. That's probably their long term plan

In a perfect world I would vote for Jill. However, it is far from perfect. Killary has been on my shit list for far too long to risk her gaining the white house because I voted for a third party. So, Trump it is. Maybe in the next round, if Jill can get her name out there enough to pull the votes needed, I'll vote green. Running for president is a 4 year operation, if green party thinks they can show up and win in 10 months they are either delusional or a planned farce to pull votes away.

I'm voting for Trump because I want to see the world BURN.

Sir, I applaud your honesty. Many do, at least you're brave and wise enough to to know yourself.

They care not who we vote for. Presidents are selected, not elected.

Only one candidate is directly escalating WW3

Trump is a crony-capitalist, Hilary is a Marxist socialist for the bankers. Slow and steady.

for true socialism, gotta get rid of privately owned banks

trump and Hillary both crony capitalists

Sounds like CTR to weaken the vote for Trump

HRC and the left are releasing anything they can find to destroy Trump so the anointment of the queen can commence. The mass scale voter fraud and heavy msm propaganda only need it to be a believable outcome for them to pull this off.

Everything leaking on HRC is actual revelation about how wicked that individual really is. She has documents too classified for congress on her server. That's treason. She is guilty of multiple FEC violations. She has a horrible personality and people generally don't like her. There is no way in hell that this woman would ever be elected president (or allowed to run) if it wasn't an inside job.

Exactly. They are desperate... Just don't vote Trump! No they aren't scaring you to vote Trump or Hillary...they hate Trump. How is that not clear? Trump has pissed off all the media machine. And Trump vs Clinton is a retarded argument. Hillary is so corrupt it's a joke. Let's count how many shit posts will continue to pop up telling you to give up. Lay down GI...lay down GI...its over.

mind the fnords

They're everywhere these days. It's exhausting.

Here's my problem with the 'They are in it together' theory: If this were true , then they would have effectively been done after the primaries. However, instead of winding down everything has been ramping up. Because there is pretty much no way a third party candidate can get a majority of the vote; there's simply too many older people who don't 'get it' still. So if no majority is reached then the House of Representatives gets to decide who the president is and clearly they will vote HRC in. So why continue spending all the money and whatnot?

They need to keep up the charade until the end because people (especially the Trump people, who are seemingly more energetic and more invested) would be pissed off if they knew this was happening. Most importantly they need for the majority of their campaign staff to be reasonably convinced that it's a legitimate contest; that way the campaigns' output (like the 'ramping up' you're talking about) feels more genuine and the possibility of a damning leak is minimized. When you're perpetuating a fraud on this scale you want as few people as possible to be aware of it. I can't claim to know exactly what's going on, of course, but I have a strange feeling this is all being masterminded by forces above and beyond just the Clintons and the DNC.

Also, Trump wants to be able to completely destroy the GOP beyond all recognition and convey his sycophants into Trump TV and a possible new party to continue to suck them dry for cash - the charade needs to go forever.

Congress could choose McMullin or Johnson. McMullin's ex-CIA, so my money'd be on him if he wins Utah and such a scenario were really to occur. Would be hard to get the electorate to swallow, but then again - we might all sigh with relief and "thank you, sir, may I have another" it. I kept calling Trump a trojan horse, but what if this is a double-trojan scenario? Eek.

I believe they can only choose from the top 3 candidates. So the choices would presumably be Hillary , Trump, and one third party candidate (my guess would be Gar Bear).

Ooh, you're right, I thought it was "anyone with an electoral vote," but you are indeed correct:

then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President,

Maybe they'd pick Johnson and Johnson would step down in favor of Weld and et voila, the redemption of the republic. Our long national nightmare is over.

I think I must still be asleep, though, that would never happen.


Uh no. They don't care who you vote for. Because voting is a joke. It's makes no difference.



As a swede observing the american circus all I can say is: WOW! Boy have you people fucked yourself. Your country is nothing more than a clown circus run by criminals. And you call it the greatest nation in the world. Good (non-existing) god. The end is near.

That much is obvious brother, to the awakened. Its all about playing upon the sleepers dualistic mind state whom have all been programmed to pick one or another with no grey in between.

Unfortunately they are the ones voting and Hillary is the far greater threat right now. Once she is gone, we can focus on making sure Trump delivers on all his promises. Something that Obama never did, not even close.

Once she is gone, we can focus on making sure Trump delivers on all his promises.

How do you intend to do that?

Democrats are saying the same thing - that it's okay they're voting for a neocon warmonger because at least it's not Trump, and once she's elected, they can focus on making sure Clinton delivers on all her promises.

Guess what - neither of your groups will be capable of pressuring your candidate to do anything. Your only hope to keep Trump in thrall is Congress, to which you've all pretty much said "Fuck you" to because you're dancing gaily to Trump's fuck-em-all-including-you's flute.

Don't worry brother. Wikileaks has their eye on the ball as well. They understand that this is a war with many battles, as I have already outlined. Soon it will be time to drain the swamps, but not yet.

How will Wikileaks, an organization that at this moment could have been defanged and infiltrated (or an intel op to begin with) keep a President in check?

They've been releasing revelation after revelation on Clinton - and what has changed? Has her polling gone down in any way? No, all that's happened is corruption and collusion has been normalized.

"Vote for an inept, unfit idiot and Wikileaks will save us" is naive as hell. As naive as "Vote for a corrupt warmonger and Wikileaks will save us."

Has her polling gone down in any way?

How would anyone know since the polls are run by/reported by the mainstream media and other agendized groups? Wish I could see an honest, scientifically-sound poll!

I don't trust polls, but I do pay attention to people around me and what they think and say. And everyone around me knows Clinton is issue-laden beyond issue-laden, that she's dangerous, that she is likely to start WWIII, that she's corrupt as hell...but if the alternative's Trump, well...

Wikileaks can't keep politicians honest. We're the only ones that can do it, and we refuse to because we're suckered at every turn.

Nah. I like most of what Trump says. Some of it I really dislike. But, at the same time, I don't think there's ever been a candidate I align with 100%. Ron Paul is the closest thing to my memory. And I blame my fellow country men and liberals with their heads up their asses for his retirement. They wanted to show how progressive they are by voting for Obama just to prove they're not racist. Does the irony in that need to be elaborated on?

But, currently, Trump is the least bad candidate we have, whether you consider possibles or long shots. I would vote for Trump over Stein, Sanders, and certainly before Johnson (I wouldn't let that guy make me supper, let alone run my country).

Stein is just using this election to sit back and improve her political position for the future. She's no better than any other politician. She's not saying anything that's difficult to say. She's scoring points in the awakening of the golems/goyim.

She did say Trump was less likely to lead us to ww3. Also, the MSM (unlike Johnson) have ignored her. That's usually a sign she's doing something right. Not saying you're wrong, as I don't really know her, just saying there's that.

Let's say who you refer to as "they" is the world's wealthiest families (that don't appear on Forbes). It is clear that they don't want you to vote for trump. Trump is saying he's going to end the corruption in America. He literally says the word conspiracy two or three times at each of his rallies these days.

So I would argue that a vote for trump is a vote to end the conspiring in America. And to the argument that says that trump is in on it as well- What would be the value of having someone working for you exposing what you're doing?

I’m voting for Trump because I’m not a coward.

You're voting for Trump because you believe your own lies.

Great argument. I’m sure people believe you now.

He is the only one who can beat her

edit: how the f is this getting downvoted? lol you people are something else.

He is the only one she could possibly beat. And even now, it's close. She is just barely beating Donald fucking Trump! That's why he's there. He's her only hope at winning and y'all fucking fell for it, swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

He isn't a plant or a shill. They wanted him because they knew she would do better than against other Republicans (from the emails "even that Clown Cruz is even money to beat her") but now everything is blowing up in her face and she is not going to win legitimately. They are desperately trying to keep up the image that it's close, but that illusion is falling apart rapidly.

No one is actually voting for Hillary. People too woke.

I don't count dead people.

There is no way the third party candidates will win. Why focus on them?

Totally agreed. The voting thing is totally pointless.

Edit: -2 votes in an instant! Now you see how effective their scare tactics are. Does it feel suprised to you that the comments that attracted the most amounts of downvotes are those which expose that VOTING IS A SCAM!?

There you see it!

I mean, I downvoted you for whining about it in your edit.

"Voting is totally pointless" "Voting is a scam" Complains about downvotes. I see we found Mr Trumps' long lost Mentor.

normally i would agree, but Trump is no normal candidate.

You're right, he's not a normal candidate. He's a plant who got where he is because Hillary wanted an opponent she thought she could clobber. If the Republicans had picked their candidate the usual way, Clinton would likely lose due to her being a universally hated criminal, but after she got the "liberal" media to legitimize Trump and give him literally more free coverage than any other candidate, she got her controlled opposition. The Rs tried to stop him, but with all the free advertising Hillary had secured for her old pal Donnie, he was unstoppable.

yeah that's clearly what happened

Trump saying rough insults to her at debates, nasty, criminal etc, must hurt her feelings but they likely talked before hand about how he had to make it look real and she said ok, she understands, they will all party together again once this act is over.

Trump might be legitimately trying to win for all I know. I mean, it sometimes looks like he's stumbling or pulling punches, but that could be his being a fool. Either way, whether he's trying to lose or he's trying to win, he only got to be the Republican candidate with Hillary's help.

trying to lose on purpose, similar to McCain with picking palin, or when gore lost on purpose to w bush by not fighting the rigging and never mentioning it again in years since. sometimes it's a certain persons turn.

Gore did fight the rigging and as much as I hate Bush (and Al Gore for that matter) an exhaustive recount and independent study by the Miami Herald concluded that Bush did indeed win Florida in that election.

nope ended that suit

I don't really buy that argument that Hillary is behind Trump's rise. The guy has been mouthing off w/o any regard for most of his life. Its only natural he does it as a candidate. Did Hillary secretly hope Trump won the nomination? Yes, I think so as he would be the easiest for her to beat. But I don't think she has much control over the coverage -- the guy is a lunatic and the media was giving him the attention he so desired.

Look up "pied piper candidate" in the Wikileaks Podesta dump.

yes. I read that one too. Honestly you think they are not going to strategize? When lions hunt they attack the weakest in the there anything unusual about the Clinton campaign trying to promote Trump? The weakest candidate (or so they thought)?

To be honest, the only reason I think this may actually be rigged is because Trump is doing so well. He is national disgrace and an embarassment to this country that he's even in the running. I'm not even talking about his policies I'm just talking about his character.

This is the only evidence I see that something is rigged. Hillary should be slamming him by 90% in the polls. Could it be that Americans are so pissed off that they really are getting behind this clown? That's pretty sad that we can't even put forth some candidates worth voting for.

In a way, I feel like it's got to be rigged - the whole thing is a joke. Donald fucking Trump? Really? That guy's been a joke all his life. How can people vote for a guy that can't pull together a sentence? Who can't help himself but freak out like a baby whenever someone looks at him the wrong way? Gotta be a fix, the emperor is naked as a jaybird.

But as I talk to friends, family, and neighbors who support him, it becomes clear that Americans have become so coddled and are so dumbed-down when it comes to politics in this country that they'll believe anyone and anything if it's fed to them the right way and that's how we get Trump. (Trump will say, "sky purple. green. yes. beautiful. I tried to fuck it. I failed. But that sky, beautiful. Integrity." and his supporters will say, "Trump promised a clean blue sky for us all! And he will achieve it!")

Bobby Jindal called this years ago and tried to warn and work against it. But the GOP was too high on popular support to right the rails and now they've seen their entire party torn asunder by this giant mistake. Which, even for those who dislike the GOP, we have to understand really fucks us as the American people. It gives the Democrats no real opposition, and definitely no organized or intelligent opposition. Although one could say there's honestly no real difference in the Clinton platform or a Bush platform or an Obama platform at this point. It's all just words, she is, for all intents and purposes, a Kissinger-worshiping neo-conservative rubbing her hands ready for war.

I'll admit i was somewhat intrigued in the beginning. Did you see Michael Moore's surmise of Trump and his rise? He hit it on the head. The middle class or (ex-middle class) are so pissed off, Trump is a human molotiv cocktail they can just toss into the middle of the system. I however thought this in the beginning. but now the guy scares me that its actually coming true. I think people are going to actually vote for this troll w/ a 3rd grade level of intelligence.

Nobody had any idea he was going to make it this far. There were 16 candidates to chose from for christ sake. They all sucked. Trump is the one we get. lol

You're right this will be the nail in the coffin. I do think there will be a 3rd party rise though, hopefully. I'd like to see some more libertarian and independent candidates out there next time around.

Yeah. Most of my discussions with people end with this sort of, "You know, you're right about Trump, but maybe he'll surprise us! We know what we get with Hillary." And they won't, absolutely refuse refuse, to see a third party candidate as an option, no matter what. On the Trump as Clinton plant thing, they just go, "Well, I don't think so, but so what if you're right? Our movement is stronger than Trump!" (What movement? How will you folks get him to do what you want when he sees you as expendable rubes?)

And you're right - a lot people just want to see the world burn. I kind of get it for some, but if you've got kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, I just don't get it. "Fuck my grandkids, let's destroy it all." Like they themselves could survive the loss of their social security checks? Like they'd actually "go work." The joke around our house is that your right to vote should be rescinded at 65. All these comfortable, well-off people we know, scared to death and gleeful about lobbing a molotov cocktail at the planet, not caring what's going to happen next.

It absolutely kills me because so many people are unhappy about the choices this year, I know more a few more enthusiastic Trump voters than Clinton voters, but that changes every day and both sides are demoralized. If everyone who believed this election to be bullshit voted third party, we could actually see a change. But everyone's so chickenshit.

Trump wants to eradicate all the progress we've made in the past 30 years. Get rid of regulations. Jesus. the reason our food doesn't kill us is because of regulations. The reason our cars don't explode is because of regulations. The reason airplanes don't fall out of the sky is because of regulations.

There's good regulation and bad regulation. Most people who are paying attention to the bills that are passed by congress are aware that many sectors of our economy and many aspects of life in America are completely over-regulated.

The tough part is repealing the bad regulations without repealing the good. People like H.W. Bush tended to de-regulate stuff that was actually good stuff that was keeping us safe, i.e. FDA regs against genetically modified foods.

Of course. we both understand that. I seriously doubt if Trump can distinguish though and that's why he don't have my support. He's not a very smart man to begin with and will likely just make it much worse.

And it gets even more difficult given our revolving door in Washington. That's one thing this farce of an election has succeeded in doing - keeping all pressure off our government to reduce the revolving door, abuse of 501c4s and other tax-exempt organizations to manipulate public opinion, etc.

I think it was carlin who said the elites want us just smart enough to fill out the paperwork and run the machines but not so smart we wake up and sweep them away.

So they dumbed down our education system. But I think in the south they took it too far, if people are voting trump or Hillary. But I do think it is a small percentage. Turnout will be low, but rigged.

Read that. Wikileaks confirmed that the Clinton camp actively encouraged the media that they have SERIOUS influence over to give Trump free media coverage and legitimize him. And yeah, the Clinton camp has a lot of control over the media. Wikileaks has also exposed direct collusion where the DNC chair can call up the president of a cable network and tell them to kill a story. Happened during the primaries, but with all these Podesta emails, we've gotten an even greater peam at their collusion and the way they use "friendly journalists" to plant stories for them. Dont kid yourself, CNN wouldn't have been marathoning Trump's rallies and refusing to call him on his bullshit if Clinton didn't want that to happen.

I was reading something about Trump's time in the media from the 70s/80s/90s and realized something - he used access journalism from way back to ensure he got the coverage he wanted...started to wonder if he was the one that taught the Clintons (who in turn taught Obama's admin).

All i get is a blank page on that counterpunch link.

i think you're exaggerating a bit. I've read a lot of these emails and people are making a big deal about nothing.

One reporter sent his profile piece to Podesta so he could let him know if he missed anything. Its a common courtesy. Its not like Podesto wrote the fucking article, he was just getting some feedback and everyone flips out saying "media is rigged" and "clinton owns the media".

They do the same thing if a reporter contacts them or vice versa which is pretty common. Everyone loses their mind. Truth is you'd be a pretty shitty journalist if you didn't reach out for comment from people you were writing about.

Neither Trump nor his supporters ever take responsibility for the shit storm they created. Its always somebody elses fault.

All i get is a blank page on that counterpunch link.

CTR might be blocking certain sites for you, don't want you waking up. wikileaks likely blocked for you to amiright? Cuz yeah otherwise I'd say to ignore counterpunch and go right to the source. does this open for you?

CTR might be blocking certain sites for you, don't want you waking up

lol. didn't know i had been infected with the CTR Rootkit exploit.

well now ya know

yes. how do i remove the CTR Rootkit?

Vote Trump.


Not an argument.

i'm impressed with your deductive reasoning. That puts you in the top 1% of Trump supporters.

trump is basically a ctr troll, running to lose on purpose so Hillary has an easy win

basically. the entire strategy is "piss as many people off as possible"

Sorry, you’ve completely lost touch with reality.

He's not literally a plant. You're right that they tried to get him to be the nominee because they thought he was an easy win. See, the election is rigged, but it's (most likely) not literally rigged to guarantee a win. They're using every underhanded and illegal tactic in the book to give themselves the upper hand, and they are using the media to create popular opinion that suits their needs, just like when they branded all Bernie supporters women haters.

If the republicans had picked their candidate the usual way, they would have lost. Trump is the best possible candidate they could have had. Any other candidate would have been just as destroyed by the media if not worse and they would have buckled. Also you seem to underestimate the amount of republicans that hate the GOP. The second choice would have been Cruz, and Cruz would have been a complete disaster. He's even more unlikable than Trump is and the highly religious candidates put people who aren't hardcore republicans off A LOT.

Now that Soros has managed to set up voting machines everywhere the election is most likely rigged on an entirely different level.

Someone like Kasich would have crushed Clinton. Would have been no contest. As it is, her slightly craftier corruption, voluminous as it is, pales in comparison to Trump's in-your-face-stupid corruption (the rape case, the tax evasion, the mafia ties, the human trafficking, the flip-flops, the utter inability to speak coherently about anything of substance) and she becomes "Well, at least she's not Trump."

It's a fucking fix. The Republicans failed and fell into yet another Clinton trap, they showed no moral character and we're going to end up with those gross, tacky, grifter Clintons in the White House again. And greedy idiots who think Trump is some kind of savior aided and abetted them. I'm livid, quite honestly.

No he wouldn't. This is just wishful thinking.

pales in comparison to Trump's in-your-face-stupid corruption (the rape case, the tax evasion, the mafia ties, the human trafficking, the flip-flops, the utter inability to speak coherently about anything of substance) and she becomes "Well, at least she's not Trump."

Now you're just full CTR. Literally none of these are true, proven, or in some cases even illegal.

You seem to be under the impression that the things people believe about Trump are based on reality, and aren't just media spins. They are not. Kasich would have been labeled the exact same things and he would have been destroyed by it. You seem to think Kasich wouldn't have 10 rape accusers out right now, but he would have. Trump can armor through and come out alive.

You're just full unable to spend a second researching. A dupe, yet another guy or gal conned by Trump and the Clinton cabal. Sorry, but there's still time to wake up. Doubt you will, though, because if your first response to something like this is to call the commenter a shill instead of provide data points to bolster your points, you yourself know you've already lost and are too far sunk to wake up.

Unless you are one of those CtR people pushing Trump, that is. Though I figured they'd have pivoted from that tactic by now.

Feminism is not AIDS, you're already a fucking moron.

Not defending modern feminists either. Equal or special, not both.

You can post on Reddit, hate trump, and not be part of some shadowy cabal. Shills are not new, and used by ALL sides. While it is reasonable to suspect everyone, it's not reasonable to convince yourself that everyone is. All this does is deepen the rift that keeps us fighting amongst ourselves, all sure only the opposition is wrong, and that we MUSt be correct, in everything, because the other side is broken.

I do not think kasich would have rape accusers, no. That's just stupid. Like REALLY fucking stupid. While I think they're mostly overblown accusations, and while I think he was likely being a creep who gets away with things, I don't think trump raped a bunch of ladies. Grouped and seduced, yes.

And I hate that dude. In an Ohioan , not a fan of kasich either, tbh, but if there were dirt, it would be better suited to his actual misconduct. Not sexual assault. Kasich likes pink Floyd and sold weed.the narrative is t generic, it's tailored.

if he's CTR why is he saying Clinton is gross, tacky, grifter.

Is CTR someone that is anti both trump and Hilary?

ever see Being There with Peter Sellers

the rich pick a mildly retarded guy to be the next prez. That's pretty much how it goes.

Both candidates are theirs, as it has been for about a hundred years. They just make it appear otherwise and the US voters fall for it every time. Was Obama different? Was Bush different? 42 of 44 presidents have been closely related. What we see is the worlds biggest monarchy, successfully disguising as a democracy.

I remember all the excitement over Obama the first time I even got swept it. But it ended up as the same old thing actually worse than usual. Everything's a rich man's game. That's why I only voted in the library budget I can go and count those votes if I need to

Let me guess...

All of you in this circle jerk are white males, yeah?

Are females able to circle jerk, biologically ?

I presume so. I feel that I'm welcome, I just don't feel the need to participate

if you like to program I suspect you're a white male too

I thought they just misspelled ILikeTopRamen

It referrs to my penchant for programing people with Soros's propaganda and stuff 😂 Only boys code! Duh!

Damn right I am. Is that a problem?

White people are dumb

Both candidates are theirs, as it has been for about a hundred years.

A case can be made trump is controlled opposition, but it hasn't been this way for hundreds of years, just since kennedy...

I disagree. I think Kennedy was their man also and that the murders were faked.


they created him.

In no way is that true, but whatever.

the media didn't create him? that's a new one.

Not really, no. At least put some effort into it.

first media was pro trump during primaries. then anti trump when against Hillary.

pretty clear.

They weren’t pro-Trump in any way.

big time pro trump

where was the secret tapes of him talking about grabbing pussies then

where were the countless cosby style women coming forward from years past statute of limitations then

convenient, honest mistakes?

big time pro trump

You’re either mentally ill or willfully ignorant.

where was the secret tapes of him talking about grabbing pussies then

In the same place as the one of Hillary laughing at a 12 year old girl being raped.

where were the countless cosby style women

  1. Cosby raped no one.
  2. Date rape drugs are not used and do not exist in any meaningful number.

convenient, honest mistakes?

There’s nothing honest about the media.

solid rebuttal

Are females able to circle jerk, biologically ?

I disagree. I think Kennedy was their man also and that the murders were faked.

CTR might be blocking certain sites for you, don't want you waking up

lol. didn't know i had been infected with the CTR Rootkit exploit.

if you like to program I suspect you're a white male too

I judge people on an individual basis anyway :)


you must be a nightmare.

you know who would post this shit ^ that meme chick with the dreadlocks...

That's you.

I'm not sure how Clinton can be more favorable. She has so many skeletons in her closet (and light is slowly being shed on them, with the emails and everything else). And her foreign policy is a nightmare. The current Chairman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff has stated that her no fly zone will result in war with Russia

And she has threatened to erase Iran from the map if they screw with Isreal. And she is responsible for Gaddafi, which is responsible for Syria, which is responsible for the refugee crisis and European hellscape ( watch the first 8 or so minutes of that and tell how you feel...)

And her tax policy will make an already bleak economy even worse.

And she truly is just a nasty woman.

She really is the worst candidate to run for President since W.

Damn right I am. Is that a problem?

I don't trust polls, but I do pay attention to people around me and what they think and say. And everyone around me knows Clinton is issue-laden beyond issue-laden, that she's dangerous, that she is likely to start WWIII, that she's corrupt as hell...but if the alternative's Trump, well...

Wikileaks can't keep politicians honest. We're the only ones that can do it, and we refuse to because we're suckered at every turn.

There's some legitimacy to that, but the electoral college might fly out the window on this one. Trump isn't a republican and who knows how many Hillary supporters will jump ship because of the things that are coming to light. It's very easy to see a bunch of flip states this year.