How much stock do you put into the theory that Trump was a false-flag candidate just to box out other republican candidates to ensure a Clinton win?

39  2016-10-28 by [deleted]



I don't think Trump was a false flag, but I do think no one thought he would get this far, including himself. However, let's be clear, the only thing "ensuring a Clinton win" are the electronic voting machines. She will rig the vote just like the primary. Watch the exit polls.

I don't think Trump was a false flag

Uh, this is exactly what was shown through the email leaks, that certain candidates with more extreme views were to be pushed by the media as valid candidates.

Yes but there has been no evidence of the DNC influencing those campaigns, just acknowledging that those candidates are helpful in that it dilutes and add extreme views to the debate pool, so to speak.

There's no need to influence their campaign though, they just have to get the media to push Trump and address him as a valid candidate. And I don't think anyone can argue that Clinton has used her influence over the media.

I'll agree that we only have circumstantial evidence though.

But you make an excellent point - the Clinton machine is working with the majority of the media, and they have entirely pushed and even sought out Trump in such a way as to give him uneven 'stage time'. It is clear... People studied the amount if media coverage per candidate and Trump blew everyone out of the water.

what about the electoral college??

The DNC and Podesta leaks show that the Democraic leadership were really pushin for Trump to win the nomination. I don't think it surprised them.

I thought this was the strategy at first, but then I saw trump is actually looking to win this thing. This is very different to Bush Vs Kerry where Kerry just laid down.

I don't see him as really trying to win. He is constantly putting his foot in his mouth and shooting himself in the head (figuratively speaking of course).

So you have no comprehension of what is happening. Thanks.

Ehhh, that's something a shill/unconditional Hillary supporter would say. A lot of us wouldn't agree with the "foot in mouth" sentiment. There's more to this election than trump saying some disheveling things

I in no way support Hillary but Trump said a lot of stupid stuff.

"A lot of us" is a useless term on the internet. I could invent a new fetish here and now regarding coconuts and woollen socks and it would have "a lot" of followers. There is no discussion that Trump is his own worst enemy because of all the stupid things he says, the entire world knows it. And it's a damn shame because nobody in their right mind wants Hillary controlling the dials.

You are 100% spot on. I cannot and will not vote for Hillary and it does not help that Trump cultists refuse to recognize all the stupid shit he says.


just stop.

You're twisting his words, Trump says idiotic things all the time and in debates he comes off as a bumbling fool. I know this enrages some of you who feel validated by someone who appears to be standing up to the establishment, but it's a simple and honest observation.

It's hard to say whether his ramblings are intentionally or if he really believes what he's saying, the real issue is that a large percentage of the population are believing it.

I've partly read through the art of the deal. And he describes how bravado and hyperbole are great tools in order to make sure you are heard and get people's attention.

but it's a simple and honest observation.

It isn't. It isn't honest to pretend trump is a brain damaged moron, nor is it honest to point it out as if the emperor had no clothing. You can look back at any of our presidents within the modern era, going back all the way to JFK, and you will find a very interesting trend: they all intentionally assume a persona. They act out a role in order to make themselves seem more down to earth, more dumber than they appear. Compare speeches and interviews made by George Bush Jr before and after he took office. It's a fucking act and dipshits like you fall for it every time. Whether you are for trump or against him, if you believe trump says stupid shit because he's a moron, then the joke is on you.

It isn't. It isn't honest to pretend trump is a brain damaged moron

Well first of all you're twisting my words and second of all, you agree with me in your next two sentences, you merely claim it's an act. Plus, your tirade is undone by my second paragraph in my previous comment. I realise that candidates behave differently during their campaign, but most do it for their own benefit, not to their own detriment.

Let's just be honest here and admit that you don't find what he says dumb or idiotic, you've already tried to rewrite it as "politically incorrect", which suggests that you see everything he says as "sticking it to the man".

You are not helping your cause.

From the onset, I think power was/is keenly well aware of how thoroughly disliked Clinton is as a candidate. Although power can enthrone whomever they wish, it seems monumentally important to them that the enthronement be plausible/believable to the masses. Majority belief that the outcome was organic - not manufactured - wins day 2 compliance from the population.

In this light, it would appear that a boorish, vulgar, race-baiting Trump is/has been a foil against which the apparent cheating mendacity and brazen criminality of HRC can seem comparitively less severe.

Perhaps it's not intended to be this way, but it sure as shit functions this way.

btw - not making any sort of case for either candidate here.

They underestimated how much everyone hates the cunt is all. Anyone was going to beat her...hell, last time a nobody gay elitist prostitute pretended to be black and stomped her like a narc at a biker rally. Her criminal syndicate spent 8 years and hundreds of millions of dollars planning this run. Alas, the overwhelming vast majority of humans still hate the vile shitbeast that is Hillary. Flies know shit!

I think there are 3 possibilities.

  • Trump is still a faithful controlled opposition.
  • Trump was controlled opposition, but Hillary stabbed him in the back and now he's trying.
  • Trump saw the vacuum of Hillary being unopposed in any realistic way and decided to fill that space, maybe half expecting to not have a chance.

Rand Paul would've been destroying her in the debates If he'd had decided to stay in and won the primary. Of everyone up there I think he was the best candidate.

However I think he was "chosen" by the media to set up as Hillary's opponent but ended up surprising them as well as himself.

Compound that with the fact that they are cousins and you have some solid evidence.

Why were the Clinton's at the Trump/Melania wedding? Why do they share the same address in Delaware? Why are all the presidents related to the Windsor bloodline? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves.


Username checks out


25% Chance. Though, personally I think she believed he wasn't serious about running and tried to benefit from it. I don't think most people though he was serious.

I said it from the very beginning, and I think it is even more obvious now.

Let's say Trump is a plant, just for sake of argument.

Why would Trump be a plant? Because it's just one more trick to get Clinton elected. This election has seen the Clintons use every trick in the book to lie, cheat, and steal their way into the white house. If true, the best way to fuck Clinton would be to call their bluff and vote Trump. If the winner didn't matter, they wouldn't go to so much trouble to ensure a Clinton "victory".

It has to be true. The elites don't leave anything to chance. I want to believe he is genuine though..

My opinion is that Trump is a cabal endorsed went rogue.

Like, he started his campaign as a slave to the system and lately said fuck it, i'm going to be president whether you like or not.

Sources: none, just vibes. It may be as south park portray it, only with a little smell of conspiracy.

He may be there to gauge the right wing appeal after all this fuckery, too.

I think this election is a very big test of where the mass consciousness is at.

Looking at the down voted comments it seems the CTRs and Donald's are here and shitting on the opposite. This is not r/politics or r/the_donald take your bias elsewhere. There are some great theories being put out but fuck someone for having a thought right? That's what r/conspiracy is for and has been turned into a political fucking battlefield.

While I'm sure Trump was the ideal candidate to run against in the minds of the Democratic leadership it seems to me that Trump was allowed the nomination by the Republicans because he mobilizes the idiot yahoo vote better than anyone, and let's face it; the right-wing in America is composed of two factions, the wealthy-corporate-war mongers(and their stooges) and idiot yahoos, you can guess which faction has all of the people and which one all of the power...

Given that only paid shills say that, zero stock.

It's in the leaked emails..

Nope. You misread it.

”We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously.”

Ok, how did I misread it?

So yeah, he read it correctly.

Thanks for admitting you’re wrong, too.

The theory has no stock

I don't think you know what "false flag" means. Why don't you stick to vocabulary that you know?

Totally being that guy, but, I called it as soon as it began.

This sub really overestimates what a trump plant would do. If he's a plant why would they make it obvious? They wouldn't. Of course he's gonna call her out on shit if he didn't it'd be too obvious he's a plant. To me he could have absolutely destroyed her in both debates, and he did jab at her a little, but that's exactly why I think he's s fraud. He should have ended her campaign in that last debate. He had every opportunity to really show how fuckin terrible she is but dropped the ball imo

All of it. They are cousins, after all. Follow their bloodline and find out that Bush and Obama are cousins of theirs... It all goes back to the Royal Windsor bloodline.


guess what dipshit? Go back far enough and we all have common ancestors. Rich/powerful families aren't burdened by white guilt or believe in 'overpopulation'. People get rich, they go out and fuck, they make tons of kids and then leave their wealth to those kids. Those kids get rich, they go out and fuck, and their rich, connected family spread out over time and surprise surprise, all the rich and powerful families are related to each other, as they have been for the past 2,000 years.

Plus, only wealthy, educated families documented their families so anyone who can trace a family back hundreds of years comes from wealthy, educated families.