Prediction: Wikileaks releases smoking gun soon & FBI is pressured to confirm authenticity, perjury charges.

174  2016-10-28 by HiFriend03


Prediction: Hillary is appointed through a rigged election and the FBI dicks around with the old email probe and ignores the dozens of other crimes that have recently been exposed.

The fraud in every single segment of the system, including the economy, rigged, cannot overcome the weight of decades of waste and inefficiency, and productivity of workers is no longer increasing.

The only thing left to buy time is a FBi hearings and then a big false flag and huge fear of Iran, Russia, China. But Obama is tired and his rats are starting to jump ship. So the false flag will not be too effective, too many people will be onto it.

Someone in Congress like Trey Gowdy better start getting ready to convert a bogus state of emergency into a UN supervised end of the USSA, with tribunals for the traitors and a new constitutional convention and new currency.

In other words, it needs to be exposed that there has not been a legitimate US government in decades, only a mob of fraudster criminals who did not uphold any of the intent of the founding fathers, but rather used power against the people.

The founding fathers were oligarchs. The concept that they intended something better is a total myth.

Oh, citizens were meant be be profited from like cattle, lied to, manipulated, operated like serfs on a plantation? That was the plan for the voters all along?

Honestly that is part and parcel with capitalism. I don't know if any of the FF contemplated this, I'm not well read on them (yet).

The rule of law, the constitutional form of civilization, is full of checks and balances so that the status of various parties who intended to make up society are represented and protected. It was not intended for corporations to own the governmental institutions, for example. Voting was not intended to be a rigged display with no effect for example. The militias were not intended to be mercenary forces for rich overlords, for example.

All capitalism is not crony capitalism. Ever been to a farmers market? Ever bought anything off Craigslist. That is also capitalism. We need to specify that this official capitalism is a fraud, is corrupt, and is not real capitalism in that there are particular barriers to entry, particular kinds of price fixing, and particular levels of secrecy that do not allow for real price discovery and real operation of supply and demand, for example, among other key indicators of what real capitalism is. In addition, the regulatory system in place is also rigged to perform functions that have no bearing on what the original intent of the regulations were.

Part and parcel of corruption and criminality is more like it. There has been a coup, at least since JFK was killed and probably before. These people are enemies of the state and enemies of the people.

Capitalism in small isolation like farmers markets is acceptable. Anything beyond this scale is a disaster. Capitalism has no checks and balances within its own system, it relies on external forces like state and government to keep it functioning. Without inherent limitations, it putrefies and we end up with what we have today.

Capitalism itself becomes completely unnecessary once money is taken out of the equation. You can have a gift-based economy and it would still be vastly superior and less detrimental to humanity as a whole.

it relies on external forces like state and government

In spite of what libertarians tell us, civilization, by definition, is a social agreement, a give and take of individual players within the context of a society, where the technologies and infrastructure are managed in order to continue the life of the players.

I will grant you that the democratic experiment has not been a resounding unmitigated success, that soviet style communism was no better, but there are places like Iceland and Ecuador that remind us that people can sometimes do the right thing, and even the fall of the soviet union was a limited example of needed adjustment that was not entirely disastrous.

Looney ideas will come up, but China, Brazil, India etc. are not going to be getting rid of money any time soon. Americans are 1 in 20 humans, others are 19 in 20. This US Empire has prevailed for 70 years now, but its not going to prevail forever as it is now. Seven or ten billion people, complex systems of food, medicine, etc., changing technologies, I wouldn't be too quick to stand on a soap box and say I knew how it was going to turn out.

We know how capitalism will turn out because we've witnessed it already and are witnessing it every single day. Capitalism has been on life support since FDR, who said his greatest accomplishment was saving capitalism. Every depression or recession is a systematic collapse. This is not a working system, especially not when you take into account the systemic poverty, inequality and conflict that will never end so long as the system is in place. They are essential to its survival. It is fundamentally incapable of preventing or dealing with them.

I have heard the spiel, Michael Tellinger etc. What a con man farce. What you are doing is like claiming Marx was wrong because of Mao or Stalin or Lenin. Like I said, capitalism is also craigslist and the farmers market. FDR implemented more socialism than capitalism, but he also tried to get a handle on corruption, monopolistic practices, etc.

Corruption will take down all systems if allowed, creates free loaders, and people need to learn how do deal with it. There are no short cuts to that.

And like I've already said, capitalism in isolation is fine, albeit totally unnecessary and superfluous. It's when it is the ruling political and economic system, which it isn't capable of being, that's the problem.

FDR didn't add socialism into the mix. Socialism is worker control over the means of production, it is distinct from capitalism. The socialism you describe is nothing but a hole-plugging extension of capitalism.

worker control over the means of production

has not existed since the end of hunter gatherers. specialization of trades and skills was the beginning of delegation of functions to specialists. Read some history.

You're the one that needs to read up on history. Catalonia during the Spanish Revolution was very socialist, and they went even further as libertarian socialists. The Mondragon Corporation is a federation of co-ops that currently employs 85,066 people in the Basque region. The Industrial Workers of the World is an international labor union described as "revolutionary industrial unionism" with ties to both socialist and anarchist labor movements, etc.

Worker control is not myth or legend and it doesn't matter how long its been since it was instated, that does not invalidate it in any way. Even Reagan advocated for it. Capitalism has fuck all to do with specialists. You don't think doctors, lawyers, public service workers etc would exist under socialism? A socialist work force is more determined, productive and mentally sound without the inhumane hoop-jumping perpetrated by capitalism. The whole "follow your dream" spiel becomes genuinely possible for all and not just down to luck.

not just down to luck

There is no luck in facism/oligarchy. Who gets into college is determined by your rank in society based on money and power.

The people can change the rules, and often have, to add other factors besides money and power to the equation of what is decided. That is the major point of what happened with trade unions, or happened with the socialist portions of Spain during the civil war. The rules were not just decided for the benefit of the people that had money and power. On the other hand, decisions were still made in a specialized forum by those selected to make them. That is what I mean by specialized functions.

I was studying the Scanlon plan and a thousand other examples of workplace democracy in 1981 when I was in college. I visited a factory in Croatia in 1966 that was said to be run by the workers. This is not exactly new territory for me.

Money and power are often acquired via luck. Inheritance, for example.

Yeah. They call that "rights". Also, entitlement.

It's clear you are neither an historian nor well-read on the true nature of the American Founding Fathers. Should we listen to you - the anon random offering no backup for wild claims - or the likes of Tom Woods or Judge Andrew Napolitano ??

Take care.

Well, there were certainly alternate agendas at play. By that I mean ones not in the textbooks.

Just take a look at the inscription on the Washington Memorial.




Only roughly 6% of the population (land-owning white men) could vote by the rules laid out by the founding fathers in the first presidential election. Some individual states expanded the right to white men who didn't own land but that was about it for the first 150 years of the country.

It's getting close to the fuckin wire for wiki leaks to release anything capable of derailing Clinton. I'm not sure any evidence, no matter how blatant, of her wrongdoing could so much as slow her down.

Aye, but think about how quickly news of the FBI case spread...everyone is watching the developments in this election - even the msm can't turn a blind eye anymore.

We are down to the wire, strap in.



Haha, ain't that the truth. Thank you. The "election" has still been instrumental in waking up more people than no "election".

And Hitler helped unite Europe...

Genghis Kahn allowed freedom of religion...

What's your point?

Their point is that this "election" has woken many people up... Because we're all going to be seriously fucked as a result of it. No matter which of the two major party criminals "wins".

It took a few days for the NY Times to report on the emails, and even then they are still trying to portray HRC as innocent and blaming the corruption on her associates -_-

Hopefully soon... is this like in War movies when the enemies charging and they have an elaborate trap set up and the hero keeps repeating "waittttt for it, waittttt for it, NOW!"

Damn dude. This is 90s af

I miss the 90s...

I member the 90's.

Rmember when vh1 did I love the 90s?

Getting her on perjury seems like a legit path to prosecution.

All the times she insists she hasn't spread confidential information on the record and finding more evidence to the contrary is a black and white case of perjury. Even if nothing else sticks, they would have perjury.

Part of me is scared that Shillary is playing the ultimate troll, hoping to lose after putting a $200 million bet on trump to win thus giving herself the money and therefore, the power. Well, mabye not that but i worry the shifty witch has something up her sleeve.

You have so little faith in their ability to corrupt others to dampen possible impacts.

I'm emotionally preparing for no smoking gun, no surprises

I thought you guys have been telling me Wikileaks has been dropping smoking guns for like 4 weeks now

I'd venture to say we have different standards for smoking guns vs the law/most of the public

I certainly can't argue with that.

None of them seem to be dropping her dammit.