Why are humans so eager to brush off the existence of aliens?

4  2016-10-29 by Loud_Volume

Time and time again irrefutable evidence emerges of extra terrestrial life and people are SO QUICK and eager to explain it away.

Are humans really that scared?

I think it's because it will alter their world view and change the way they see life, the world, and themselves.

Why change your way of thinking when you can brush it off with ball lightning, weather balloons and swamp gas.

It's really annoying. We are so resistant to change its embarrassing.


Show me this irrefutable evidence.

I wish you could of borrowed my eyes for one night.

This event occurred in 2011 and has haunted me everyday since. I work in networking and all of ours are late. I usually get off around 2am and then I am up for a few hours before I go to bed. This evening I got off work and it was raining really bad on my way home. When I got home, by chance, the clouds broke and I stepped outside to have a quick smoke. One of my buddies called me and we were chatting about work. It was still not raining and there were low lying clouds. There are orange street lights in Allen and they were reflecting off the bottom of the clouds creating an artificial light. There was a pretty good breeze whipping around, but no rain. I was facing the west and I look to my right and I see a black cube moving out of the north and traveling south at about 60-80mph. It was moving with a corner forward. This thing was huge. I was astonished to the core of my soul. I sat speechless for a few seconds knowing that I was seeing something amazing. It was 80-100ft tall. It was a black cube in shape and looked like a rough stone surface. On the side of the cube was a border and within the border was a circular symbol, if that's what it even was. It looked like if you were to draw a circular maze. It was disturbing the air behind it and created a vaporous trail spinning behind it and then disappearing. There was absolutely no sound. None. If you know Dallas, it was traveling in the direction of southbound 75Central Expressway towards downtown. I told my buddy what I had seen and he lives a few miles south. I fumbled over my words telling him and asked him to go outside to see if he could see it. He went out to the middle of his street and looked in the direction that it was coming from. After about 5 minutes it started to rain again. He stood out in the rain for another 15 minutes but never saw it. Good friend..lol.. Anyways, no one can ever tell me that I didn't see what I saw that night. I have been ridiculed and laughed at, but I know what I saw. It is almost a relief at this point to know that they are really here. I have been a long time lurker and I had to get this off of my chest. I have been searching "black cube ufo" for years now, every single day. I cannot stop thinking about it. I have to see it again. Thanks for listening. edit:Allen, TX (near Dallas) edit: It was below the clouds. It looked like the entire cube was carved from a single stone. It had a border along its edges and a circular pattern in the middle. Think of a view of a circular maze from above. Also of interesting note, no lights from the craft either. I was expecting a light show, but I will settle with what I got to witness any day.


You're in Dallas, seeing black cubes flying...uh-huh. Sounds like some regular Dallas freemasonic bullshit ala ATS forums.

Hey there. Can you elaborate or point me in a direction to research. What is the ATS forum?

Hey there. I looked at the ATS forum but I do not see the correlation you're trying to make... Can you explain further? Seriously interested.

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There is no doubt irrefutable evidence, attaining it is a whole other situation. There's been a wikileak email between Podesta and Edgar Mitchell, one of the first astronauts, discussing it directly..

Should you want some 'Mainstream credible source', I hear Snopes is decent at that for most people.

Beyond that, if you want to speak specifically scientifically, I direct you to Drake's Equation.

I'd be happy to peacefully debate different thought trains, your turn! What is your reasoning for choosing not to believe, or to be skeptical. Out of the literal millions of reported sightings, from people in all fields of life, if even ONE of those is real, then it's real.

There is no doubt irrefutable evidence

You have none.

There’s been a wikileak email

It’s a spambot.

Should you want some ‘Mainstream credible source', I hear Snopes is

Owned by Hillary.

Beyond that, if you want to speak specifically scientifically, I direct you to Drake’s Equation.

The equation whose variables we cannot possibly know, and which is in no way evidence of anything.

I apologize, I should have said I have that I personally have no doubt that irrefutable evidence exists.

Please pontificate, I wasn't aware of the fact that wikileaks was a spambot, I would love some sources on that to look into.

Personally, I have never, and will never believe the bullshit that Snopes spews, which is why I addressed it was simply an avenue that most source picketing people accept as credible.

May I ask in what manner you mean the variables can't be known? If you're stating that there's no end point to scale probability off of, then yes I agree. It isn't evidence in the terms of something 100%. If you're familiar with Drake's Equation I am interested to know, evidence aside, if you believe there are intelligent ETs

I wasn’t aware of the fact that wikileaks was a spambot, I would love some sources on that to look into.

Podesta was being spammed. It’s a red herring.

May I ask in what manner you mean the variables can’t be known?

We can’t know how many worlds exist, the habitability thereof, or even the probability of the occurrence of life within conditions that match ours. We have ONE data point. You can’t make any assumptions from that.

Can you provide a source for this? You seem to be one for facts, I am simply requesting some. I'm always open to new knowledge, especially if it counters what I currently believe, granted there's proof. Outside of that, Podesta being a red herring may as well be ETs making humans to mine gold.

We may not know how many worlds exist, but we can say based off of people with a far higher education on these things, that there's billions in the Milky Way alone.

Out of curiosity, what ONE data point are you referring to?


Can you provide a source for this?

Ah, fuck; it was in an old thread that has been wiped now, I think. I’ll try to find the confirmation again.

Out of curiosity, what ONE data point are you referring to?

Earth! Of all the planets we know exist, and of all the ones we know exist that are like ours, we only have one with life. Any overarching supposition is nothing but conjecture (and without FTL, we’ll never know about anything outside our Local Group).

I would appreciate if you find it, sounds like an interesting read if nothing else.

I figured that was the case, we have evidence of life outside of this planet. Also, we know for sure that there's ice on mars, providing very high odds that there's microscopic life therein, we just haven't been able to get a sample. Also, we don't know those other planets don't have life, only that it's not visible and we don't have the technology at this point to get the information we need. So even in that, we can't truly say anything about the planets around ourselves outside of the moon, and mars.

So you're saying Earth has the only life in the universe?


Jesus bud if you have any evidence that is actually irrefutable then post it and maybe change some minds. I don't even need to know what evidence you have to know it is not "irrefutable". Strongly suggestive of extraterrestrial life? Sure. Irrefutable? Fat chance. Convince me.

Edit: ok you added a link, ill watch it


Dude cmon man. Don't be like that to someone actively trying to find the truth about someone. It's dismissive ........ Have some respect for a man willing to take the plunge into a rabbit hole.

A wise person said this recently.


I got you bro. I do it too. It becomes more about winning an argument than it does finding the truth. The emotional investment is just too much sometimes.

I've been on both sides of that one. As have you, I'm sure.

Problem with UFO/Alien claims is that they are extraordinary. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence as I think it was Carl Sagan who coined. I've yet to see that regarding aliens.

That 9/11 was an inside job or that the moon landings were faked are also extraordinary claims, but because of the extraordinary evidence in the shape of photo matrieal, laws of physics and suspicious behavior, I find those claims to be true

I believe. I just don't believe the entertainment aspect of it. I believe they are us. We are the aliens, we just forgot. As for the UFOs. Also us. I have no concrete "proof" but as for my beliefs in it, it is future us visiting and observing. I do believe our higher selves are dimensional beings from different parts of the universe. I've seen orbs in Washington state, I've seen my tent get spot lighted by something there also. I've had lucid dreams of going through processing on a beamship. Non of it is proof to anyone else.

And lol at the pussy downvoting everyone

Resistant to change and not convinced due to lack of hard evidence are two very different things.

Human beings are also profoundly efficient at making shit up and causing people to believe fantastical events happened that didn't. Usually for some form of personal gain or to redirect attention from something else. I believe this is common sense if you observe our species long enough.

Humans is a pretty broad stroke. I bet it is 50 /50 those for or against the idea.


So much we. You'll never get everyone on board with any idea. That's why there are so many philosophies and religions. When someone is ready they'll open their eyes.

When people live their whole lives based on lies (religion) they cannot accept truth when it is in front of them.

More people believe than what they would admit to. However the non believers are scared of the unknown. What we would learn from another civilization not of this planet would change humanity forever. We need to be brave, willing to learn, and take constructive criticism. If another species has the technology to travel here they would sure have the technology to destroy us if that was their intent and guess what. We're still here.

I don't know what "humans" are up to these days but i've knowing what they are for a long time.

You'd have to be borderline retarded if you don't believe in some type of extraterrestrial life...which 80% of the population is.

I doubt we are told or taught the real history of humans on our planet..as you said the acknowledgment of extraterrestrial civilizations would probably be to hard a pill for most to swallow..i mean there is more evidence to suggest there was a globally connected civilization thousands of years ago that just seems to of stop existing its obvious to anyone that can think for themselves but why is that suppressed?..to many questions and no clear answers when comes to disclosing anything that is contrary to what we are told is the truth. honestly when comes down to it...its just fear...we fear what we do not understand..its that simple..

Yes exactly. Man is fed a staple diet of fear and it's getting old. Thankfully positive change is coming.

One thing I would love is to actually be able to look at a timeline, a truly, 100% accurate timeline of the whole history of the earth and its inhabitants.

So many ancient civilizations that are written about in today's history's books are written off as "primitive", "crude" etc when in reality they were so far ahead of us in technology, culture, society, spirituality, and its balance with nature.

There is so much rich history to be found and shared and spread but it is suppressed.

Thankfully it's changing and truth is coming to light.

James Randi put up a $1,000,000 prize for anyone who could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that ETs, ghosts/spirits, bigfoot or any other such entities exist. No one ever collected the mill. To me, that was a pretty compelling reason to come forward if someone knew something.

I'll speak as someone who doesn't necessarily brush it off, but still questions it and is not completely convinced. First off I do believe aliens exist, just not that we have had any contact with them. Our solar system is unimaginably large, the galaxy even more so and their are billions of galaxies. The possibility that their is some other forms of intelligent life are probably large, however the possibility that they have the technology required to travel those distances or even that there will ever be the technology to travel those distances in my opinion is small.

Yes we have accounts of alien encounters all the time but I think those can be attributed to several different factors I.e government testing new tech, drugs, attention seekers and also just plain crazy people.

I'm not saying they don't exist, and maybe we have had contact with them. I just find it very hard to believe a more advanced possibly more intelligent being has made contact with us and only a select few people can actually confirm it.

Because the extraterrestrial life likes it that way.

Not necessarily.

There are countless positively aligned species of aliens that would love open contact with us.

There are actually alien consciousness that is being channeled in this day and age.

One popular example is Bashar channeled by Daryl.

Extraterrestrial life would love us to realize their presence.

One side doesn't want their presence to interfere with our development, the other side doesn't want their interference to be exposed.

those that have seen something don't like to broadcast; many people don't believe they exist. i know "someone" has the tech to create UFOs, not sure who.

edit: not sure if it's fear. that would be a good reason, it could also make them question the fact that there is intelligent life elsewhere & maybe even start debate about religion/God, it could get deep. my guess is most don't wanna go there.

See that's the problem is the social stigma. It's interesting how stigmatized it is and by being so, it makes it even harder to hear the people talk about their experiences that actually happened.. So much information just waiting to be told..

I think it's a mixture of the general public not being ready for alien disclosure, and maybe we are slowly acclimating to UFOs and aliens with their subliminal presence on most popular entertainment and media.

but i think the public is ready. imo, it's TPTB that refuse disclosure. it would mean giving up info & possibly knowledge that could be beneficial, which i'm sure they don't want to reveal.

i doubt we can expect full disclosure, more than likely it may be something similar to Project Blue Beam to continue control.

The thing that bothers me is not the fact that you think people who don't believe in aliens are crazy,

but for you to think those CREEPY aliens running around for the past god knows how long in SECRET are actually nice guys.

Sightings of unidentified aircraft doesn't mean they're piloted by the bobble heads the Jews manufactured in Holly Wood and seeded into your imagination.

Belief in aliens is no more valid than belief in fairies, angels or Bigfoot. Only one has Rockefeller finance attempting to convince you of their existence.

I'm sorry but I refuse to believe such conspiracies.

Project blue beam has potential of being a legitimate conspiracy but half the things people spout about aliens is complete none sense.

And it's also annoying when people think aliens want to take over earth.

If they wanted to take over earth they would have physically wiped us out eons ago.

"Belief" is the enemy of knowing. The problem is you believe in something with no evidence, sold to you by known liars.

But I do have evidence I found myself.. You're assuming things about me and you don't even know me man.

I don't just blindly believe things I like to research and investigate before blindly trusting something.

And that's what I did with ET existence, I've finally come to my own conclusion that they exist after extensive research etc.

One has to dare believe before knowing, if you deny the extremely high probability of there being other intellectual life in our gigantic universe then you are working against logic.

I wasn’t aware of the fact that wikileaks was a spambot, I would love some sources on that to look into.

Podesta was being spammed. It’s a red herring.

May I ask in what manner you mean the variables can’t be known?

We can’t know how many worlds exist, the habitability thereof, or even the probability of the occurrence of life within conditions that match ours. We have ONE data point. You can’t make any assumptions from that.