Legendary Researcher Robert Monroe said Humans are Harvested for Emotional/Loosh Energy

38  2016-10-30 by astralrocker2001

Robert Monroe maybe the greatest researcher of Astral Projection. He spoke in great detail of his findings. The subject of the Harvesting of Human Emotional/Loosh Energy was a great concern to him.. http://archonmatrix.com/archons-parasites-on-the-loosh/


Do you astral project?

Hi. I Astral Project and also do what I call "Advanced Lucid Dreaming".
What I have experienced has been quite startling, but also very enlightening..

Please do share. I'd be very interested in hearing/reading about it.

Care to tell me about your experiences in the astral plane either here or in PM?

Hi. It is has been quite exhausting physically and emotionally. I will write some of the details in a few minutes as I am preparing a vegetarian snack :)

Enjoy your noms my friend ;)

Just read the Robert Monroe books. He was a master of this phenomena and you might even learn how to do it yourself.

I do plan on it. However I'm interested nonetheless on hearing the personal experiences of others.

1) I have seriously studied the Arcane and Esoteric, as well as anything that would be considered Conspiracy since childhood. About 10 years ago some one extremely close to me died very tragically. This person began appearing to me constantly in dreams and even in the waking state within hypnagogic imagery. At this point I dove into all of Robert Monroes books, interviews and anything pertinent to him. Other researchers such as Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington provided excellent supplemental information that aided in my expansion of consciousness. This endeavor became a full time experience, and if not reading or watching material, I was in deep contemplation of the parameters and limitations we have accepted in this Simulation.. (continued)

2) Realizations set in such as consumption and bathing in Non Flouride Water would be essential to begin the De Calcification of the Pineal Gland used in Interdimensional Transport. Dense foods of very negative vibration such as all Meats had to be avoided. Much research went into Foods, Herbs and Vitamins that greatly assist the correction of the Pineal Gland. Using all of these contributing factors I began developing Hybrid Astral Projection/Advanced Lucid Dreaming Procedures. At this point I was spending large amounts of time in Astral Landscapes that are the current dwellings of the deceased.. (continued)

Don't forget anti fracking.

How do you get access to non fluoride water bathing

You reside in a house or apartment that uses well water. Fluoride is pumped into public water systems.


Very Interesting and this sounds extremely likely..


This might keep you busy for a while.

Thank you for the link.

Care to share some personal experiences of traversing the astral plane?

I am currently focused on this physical reality. Working on grounding, healing and such. I do enjoy mirror portals and meeting other travelers there. Due to some warnings and some experiences I've had lately, I'm not going to be spending much time there until things settle down a bit. Stay safe and be good!

what do you mean by "settle down"?

Very interesting article. I had a bizarre experience when I first started doing this. I was laying on my couch in a meditative state and had taken just Kelp Tablets for the first time. I was awake but instantly standing in what looked like a locker room. Two people who are deceased (one was a relative) were shocked at my presence. After speaking for a couple of minutes I opened my eyes, looked around my house while remaining on the couch. I was fully awake and aware, as this was not a false awakening. Closing my eyes I was in the locker room once again. I opened my eyes once again and looked at the clock next to my couch. Closing them once more and appearing in the locker room. The people said to me that I was "Phasing" in and out of body and their dimension..

Being a dream-art scientist is a very personal experience. Unique to each of us. Monroe shared what worked for him and how he explored that area of consciousness where we are out it of body.

Some of his explorations are clouded with the beliefs of his time. I am not saying it's a bad thing but what you believe about the realm of dreams influences much of how you map it. And much of what we believe is not permanent and shifts over time. I appreciate what Monroe did for this because the dream state is a much neglected though very large portion of our Being.

As for Harvesting loosh. This too is personal according to the beliefs you implant into the fabric of your perception. If you believe you are being harvested that would be a very interesting slant on the living experience, and the dreamer within. It's more of a subjective implant, as there is no way to say for sure if looshing is even necessary when energy is everywhere and abundant, and if it's really happening at all here or in other worlds. So it's a belief driven mapping of the subjective workings of the 'astral plane'(which is also a belief driven map of an altered state of consciousness)

Hi. Thanks for your excellent post. My opinion is also that energy is everywhere and abundant, but located in a Real Eternally Expanding Universe. The problem is that we are currently in a Fake Universe with set parameters that is non expanding. We are in a Simulation. The "Loosh" that is being harvested is very dense low vibrational energy, primarily sourced from Fear, Hate, Violence, Pain and Extreme Perversion. The beings who consume this are known as the "Archons". They are Lower Astral Parasites/Demons..

Hi, and thanks. Ok, I believe you are correct in the Expansion because naturally everything expands, grows. But as well there are times of contraction. And this is a metaphorical construct of the influence of cause and effect.

When we grow to a certain point this is also the effect of a cause.

And the cause is that the particular type of Growth becomes creating an endless and expansive amount of limitations. Think about that and how the idea of the Archons come into play.

The Archons are one interpretation of a race that predates our history. Though through our own creative and expansive limitations we attribute Archons as older, more powerful, and then being the culprits of our limitation.

We have outgrown Dogma. And Archons, frankly, are Dogma. Which at one time were Myths and were expansive ideas to people of the Power in their heritage.

Hi. I agree with and thoroughly enjoy your post. Although "Cause and Effect" is a Linear Illusion that does not have to exist. The whole "Archonic Reality" that is being formulated by the brutally corrupt Global Elite needs to end. Nevertheless; These Archon beings are utilizing a "False White Light Tunnel" similar to a wormhole to direct newly deceased souls into the Astral Holding Area. Masquerading as "Angels", "Spirit Guides" and "Ascended Masters" they are preying upon deceased humans and directing them into a "Fake Heaven/Astral Holding Area". They are held for a period of roughly 25 earth years and then reinserted/reincarnated with a full memory erase back into Economic and Energetic Slavery..

So we shouldn't contact "our guides"? They're fake?

By the way, I've read the Monroe books and have been sleeping at night, listening to his tapes. Have you ever read the Seth books?

Hi. I own all the Seth books. I suggest you completely forget all "Guides" and converse with your own "Inner Self" in deep meditation. Jose Silva's excellent book "The Silva Mind Control Method" can be bought used for almost nothing. It will show you how to create your "Mental Screen". This is an extremely important step in Overwriting The Matrix, and Projecting Your Own Reality..

I have been trying to access my Higher Self (or, as you call it, my "Inner Self"). I do it every night.

I've been going through Robert Monroe, Jane Roberts [in her Seth books], and studying remote viewing. I had the weirdest experience trying to remote view recently. Nothing like it has ever happened to me.

I was watching remote viewer Dick Algire talk about seeing these insectoid creatures who acted as overseers at the time of the building of the Pyramids, and I was struck by something. There used to be Hopi legends of the "ant people," who helped them cross over from Siberia to North America by going under the Earth. You read about similar accounts from the Sumerians.

Just by happenstance, I was reading an account in Fate magazine from the 1950s. This kid wrote that he was at the Grand Canyon with his family, and the oddest thing happened to him. As his dad was doing something with the camper, he stepped outside their car and felt suddenly as if he slipped out of his body. As his soul seemed to fall through solid rock, he had the sensation of plunging lower and lower and lower--until he came to a stop somewhere down in a tunnel in the bowels of the Earth. He said he saw an ant-like creature the size of a human. The creature looked at him and he could read its thoughts as it seemed to say, "You're not supposed to be here yet."

With that, the kid was sucked back up into his body on the surface of the Earth.

Why the story struck me was because the Hopi Indians said that they came over in a portal where the modern Grand Canyon is. (The kid who wrote the story made no reference to any of this. So it struck me as significant that his experience took place at the Grand Canyon.)

Intrigued, I set it as my goal to remote view. I put on my sleeping mask, plugged in my Mp3-player of Robert Monroe, and decided to remote view "the ant people" [if they existed].

I got nothing, and fell asleep.

That's when the weirdness happened. I was jolted awake at around 4 am with the intense sensation that something was looming over me. I was on my belly and couldn't see behind me. I suddenly got this sensation that something touched the back of my head (where the skull meets the spine) and this intense rush of electricity seemed to spread throughout my body.

I had the weird "rote" [as Monroe would say] that something very significant had happened, that it was not a dream, and that whatever did this was still in the room with me (even though I couldn't see it). My heart was racing as I sat up and ran a hand over the back of my neck. I'm a grown man, but I turned on the light and still couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't alone. Freaked out, I left the room. (I could still feel the sensation of electricity coursing through my body.)

The next week I stumbled across a book by Dolores Cannon. She hypnotized people and spoke to their Higher Selves. One of these "selves" described how it was hard for higher entities to contact humans. She described us as being so low-vibrational that it was like trying to plug a massive mega-watt lightbulb into a lamp that only accommodated a 20-watt bulb.

"The machine would burn out," she said. "So it's necessary to bring the human's vibrational level up. But it has to happen incrementally, or the nervous system will burn out."

Dolores kept talking to the "Higher Self" and it described touching the back of the head, where the skull meets the spine. "There's a chakra there. It's very powerful. It can be used to raise the vibrational level".

Sorry about the long post. But I wonder if the "ant people" were aware that I was trying to remote view them, and if they tried to "raise my vibrational frequency". It was bizarre to me that I seemed to stumble upon the Dolores Cannon book so soon after the experience--as if I'd been drawn to it. Guided to it. So that I could be furnished with an explanation of what happened.

I know I sound bat-shit insane, ranting about "ant people" and "chakras" and "remote viewing". But that's my experience.

I'm still trying to make sense of it.

You certainly do not need to apologize. What a fantastic post. You are exactly correct that we need to raise our vibrational level. There is many different sources that can provide bits of info along the way. You sound like you are on the right track. I hope to hear about more of your experiences..

I'd like to hear about your diet. This stuff is incredibly hard for me.

(I know I'm eating junk and that it's inhibiting my progress.)

I've only astral projected once--and it was terrifying.

It happened quite by accident.

I was in a dream, and calling for help. I noticed that as I was calling out, a distant voice seemed to be copying mine. For every "help" that I uttered, I heard this faint echo matching it. It was then that I became lucid within the dream. I looked down and saw my bed about nine feet beneath me. I saw my wife asleep, our three year-old son between us, snoozing . . . and then next to them, my own inert body. As I was shouting "Help!" I saw my sleeping body respond in this thin, reedy, mummified whisper: "Hep! Hep!"

It was like an empty meat puppet that I was projecting my energy into by accident (like some sort of astral ventriloquist).

That's when the strange part happened. As I glanced over at my sleeping son, his body animated and his lips formed the word "Hep!"

As if I was now projecting my consciousness into his body.

It freaked me out. (If an outside observer had recorded this, it would have looked like a case of spirit possession . . . except, in this case, I was the "spirit".)

But just as I was trying to make sense of this, my attention was snatched away by the consciousness of something near me. My glance snapped away from my bedroom below and fixed upon this weird astral entity standing close by me. To use Monroe's terminology again, I had a "rote" that it was there to feed off my energy. It looked like a short female. Maybe 4'9'' in height. It had its longish, dark hair brushed over its face, as if to hide its features. As I was fixing it in my glance (and wondering what the hell it was), it suddenly jumped on my back, and I struggled to get it off me. It didn't hurt, but I had the unreasoning intuition that it was draining my energy. I was panicked and tried to pry it off, but it held on like a vise. I then started to pray to God. (I'm not religious, mind you. But I guess some residue of my earlier religious instruction from years ago was dredged up by the terror.) So, reflexively, I fell back on that and called out to God to help me. Nothing happened. I called out again. Still nothing.

Meanwhile I'm struggling with this astral midget on my back. As her hair was knocked aside in the chaos, I caught a glimpse of her features. I thought they'd be hideous, but they weren't. They looked like standard human features, which made me wonder why she brushed her long, dark hair over her face to hide it. A random thought, as I struggled, still begging for help.

It seemed like a long time passed, with no assistance from God. So I called out again.

Then suddenly (just on the point of giving up all hope) I was pulled away from the Thing. I caught another glance of her face and she seemed as startled as I was.

But I was yanked away--whereupon I found myself in some strange black void.

I was there for what seemed like maybe a minute, in impenetrable darkness, which stretched out in all directions. I was trying to get my bearings (but just grateful that I had been protected from the astral creature).

Before I could make sense of what was going on, though, I was sucked back into my body.

I immediately sat bolt upright in bed, covered in sweat, with my heart hammering.

I looked over at my still-sleeping son and wife. They were in the exact positions I saw them in from the ceiling-level of the room. My lungs ached as I gulped for air, conscious of how out-of-synch I was with my wife and son, whose measured breathing was the only other sound in the room.

Now thoroughly-awake (and scared shitless), I climbed nervously out of bed and checked the internet to see what the hell happened. To my astonishment, others had experienced the "Void," too. Only afterward, however, did something occur to me. What I assumed was a void was probably something of a different nature. It wasn't black; it was merely that my spiritual eyes were shut. I wasn't vibrationally high enough to be able to open them and see.

So to me everything was "black," but it really wasn't.

Just as newborn babies have to learn to see, so do people in that realm. And I wasn't mature enough.

So I have no idea where I was, or what happened. But it shook me.

I've since learned about "lower astral entities" and things like that. I wonder if that thing had succeeded if I would have died in my sleep. If my heart would have stopped and the world would have been told that I died of natural causes. Who knows?

At any rate, I've never been able to replicate it. In listening to the Monroe tapes, the closest I've gotten so far is feeling my forehead vibrate once [where my third eye is]. But I only managed it once.

Since then, I use the binaural beats as a sort of aural sleeping pill to help me overcome my insomnia.

I think that by changing my diet, I may be able to make more progress.

Monroe helped me do one thing, though: Put an energy bubble around myself for protection. (I only discovered the books a few years after the experience related here.) So if I ever astral travel again I'll be less vulnerable. More conscious of my surroundings.

Hi. You have many fascinating points here. You certainly projected and I wonder who or what that entity was. I have almost died a few times and I assume some people actually have. When spending an extremely long period in the Astral Afterlife without "waking up" briefly, I have had some complications. You begin to feel a pulling sensation on the area of the chest that could be called the "heart chakra". I knew this was the silver cord stretching, and it felt as if it could snap off. Possibly this has happened to some and they appear to die naturally in their sleep. I do think although that with proper conditioning the limits can be expanded. I would say that certain foods, and especially proper use of certain vitamins creates substantial success. Looking at photos and/or watching video of deceased loved ones before bed can condition the pathways necessary for connection. I will go into much more detail on the food/vitamin aspect tomorrow, as I now need to begin my prep for hopefully visiting my lost love tonight..

I wish this conversation continued. It's right up my alley and I am learning a lot.

Just doing research and loved this post. I just started to lucid dream and every time I become lucid I just make myself conjure up some hot girl I know and fuck her. It sounds so retarded but lucid dreaming is insane. I need to stop toying around.

Dry speculation

*SB 1.1.16, Purport: *

The age of Kali is the most condemned age due to its quarrelsome features. Kali-yuga is so saturated with vicious habits that there is a great fight at the slightest misunderstanding. Those who are engaged in the pure devotional service of the Lord, who are without any desire for self-aggrandizement and who are freed from the effects of fruitive actions and dry philosophical speculations are capable of getting out of the estrangements of this complicated age.

He worked for the CIA. Stay away from his hemisync programs they are manipulations and control in disguise.

Speaking from experience

Can you elaborate?

This just hit youtube, Jimmy Church on fade to black with guest telling his time traveling astral projection experiences. Very interesting.


Sounds great. Do you have a link to the video?

haha. I've barely slept this week. Updated.

Interesting stuff. It looks like astral projection runs a lot of risks

Hi. It is certainly worth any risk. You want to learn as much as you can about the Astral Dimension. When you die you will be sent there..

I'm curious. In regards to the pineal gland, can an average person train himself/herself to do telepathy. I am curious if you have done things in regards to the pineal gland beyond astral projection.

I think you definitely can. I have done many things beyond Astral Projection. Limitations are only accepted beliefs. Years ago I witnessed two people actually communicate telepathically. This was at a rave and they both were "on something". I was "on nothing", completely sober, and saw this actually happen. The substance seemed to temporarily activate dormant areas of the mind. My opinion is we have very advanced abilities that are shut off, but can be developed..

It's true ....Sad ...But true. Let them perish into non-existence. So mote it be

Thank you for the link.

Care to share some personal experiences of traversing the astral plane?

I am currently focused on this physical reality. Working on grounding, healing and such. I do enjoy mirror portals and meeting other travelers there. Due to some warnings and some experiences I've had lately, I'm not going to be spending much time there until things settle down a bit. Stay safe and be good!

Very interesting article. I had a bizarre experience when I first started doing this. I was laying on my couch in a meditative state and had taken just Kelp Tablets for the first time. I was awake but instantly standing in what looked like a locker room. Two people who are deceased (one was a relative) were shocked at my presence. After speaking for a couple of minutes I opened my eyes, looked around my house while remaining on the couch. I was fully awake and aware, as this was not a false awakening. Closing my eyes I was in the locker room once again. I opened my eyes once again and looked at the clock next to my couch. Closing them once more and appearing in the locker room. The people said to me that I was "Phasing" in and out of body and their dimension..