if anyone thinks /r/conspiracy is some kind of safe space to free speech on reddit, you are totally deluding yourselves, this entire website, all the moderators and admins - are nothing but information control

15  2016-10-30 by [deleted]

if i said what the fuck i think, in any subreddit - i would be banned, so fuck this shitty site and all the subreddits the mods and admins, they are all a bunch of gaslighting gatekeepers: enjoy your gagglefuck, there is no free expression here - just a controlled psychology. idiots, wake up - get off this site and do something with your lives - there are no victories to be won here, it is all an illusion, directed energy.


proove your point please.


You're admitting to using alts /u/u_r_not_really_there and /u/Areyouawakeyet, both banned this evening? You're admitting, again, to ban evasion?

Pro tip: Don't brag about evading bans.

Removed. Banned again.

I'd advise you to check this for yourself.

I don't agree with all the rules here, but there are rules here. Break em' and you'll get bounced. Simple fact of a forum and society...


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. Removed.

What the hell are you talking about?

what the hell are YOU talking 'bout /u/jhvh_uno aka redacted-modalt of /r/conspiracy to come into my thread babbling your nonsense about rules of society and reddit, GTFO.

Lol, you're totally insane. This is great.

Yea, I was kinda down this evening, but this thread has me in stitches.

Who's hit the bottle too hard? lol, you're priceless, dude..

I feel like I'm missing something...


What is it that you want to say?

Not "allowed" to say what I want to say, because if I did I would be banned.

You are telling people to get off this site. If you do not like this "shitty" site than at least speak your mind before you are banned. After that you can do something with your life.

He just see's the take over sadly it's getting really bad because you can hardly tell them apart. They are getting better and better.

Can you expound on this premise? Message me if you think it would violate forum rules.


Self-admitted ban evader. Removed.

I used your "snarky little bitch" words. I am genuinely curious as to what you had to say.

What the hell do you have to say that's so important or different from any of the other opinions on here? You probably just spew hate which isn't constructive anyway

This is true. It is not yours nor my website.

If that was true I would most certainly be banned. You must have pissed in the wrong Wheaties.

safe space to free speech


Granted this site is in the shitter. But this sub has stood tall. It is a shame CTR has rekt reddit for the most part. When a new site comes along we will all still remember this sub.

safe space to free speech

Congrats. I’ve never seen doublethink that deep. May as well call it triplethink.

this entire website, all the moderators and admins - are nothing but information control

YEP. That’s how it was founded.



get off this site and do something with your lives

You first.

oh you're so fucking smart walla walla angel eyes, use the quote function more with your nothing response while i downvote the fuck out of your stupid comment.

oh you’re so fucking smart walla walla angel eyes

Hey, thanks.

use the quote function more

Don’t mind if I do!

stupid comment.

Citation needed.


Rule 10 after final warning. No personal attacks. Removed. Banned.

That's just a conspiracy theory

That's why you've got to be samizdat.

Yup this sub use to be so great and use to get at the heart of the issue, now the enemy has taken over this sub, and it's useless now.

Reddit is only part of a balanced information diet. I'm only here and other forums to enjoy conspiracy links, like others I'm not a huge fan of election lonks but Hillary's unlikely downfall is growing on me.

Not "allowed" to say what I want to say, because if I did I would be banned.

Yea, I was kinda down this evening, but this thread has me in stitches.