There is something bigger at work here. Stay skeptical.

30  2016-10-30 by [deleted]

Its very unlikely that this corruption is being exposed and that these mistakes are coming to light for the benefit of the people. The government does not make mistakes like this. They are not fumbling around. Everything has a purpose. If the FBI is re-opening an investigation and new information is coming to light, there is a reason why they want this to happen. Perhaps they never wanted Clinton in there at all. Remember to stay skeptical my friends.


I Feel you but I'm beginning to think this is legit. I think the nsa is on to Clintons evil agenda and the nsa Patriots are doing everything in their power to prevent her from taking office .

It would be glorious if there was a coup within our government. If ever there was a time we needed it, it'd be now.

i mean, george soros funds those kinds of coups right? my theory is that clinton gets fake-voted in, trump and prettymuch anyone else flips out, government collapses and the guy with the most money can fund a politician that will appeal to the broken nation
literally the first doc i watched on soros explained how he did this in other countries, i can only assume its the same thing for this one

Which is my theory as well.

Hillary in an obviously rigged election is voted in despite all the controversy. Shit hits the fan with civil unrest. Martial Law. Government collapse. Here comes the "savior" and the complete eradication of the constitution. No more democracy. No more freedom. Police state. Blue Helmets. Patriots fighting against occupying force deemed a "civil war" and played out on the world stage as such.

You need it so badly. It's almost too late. Shit is about to get turned upside down

Hey I have a quick question, I'm a bit busy at work but I want to keep up with this, what is the link between NSA insiders and reopening the FBI case? I'm a bit out of the loop on this particular information and I'm genuinely curious!

Why would you assume they are patriots? Putin was a patriot in the KGB, and he used that power to completely rape his country: he may be the richest man in the world from plundering the capital of his nation. It takes a mind blowing stupidity to think this was an act of patriotism. They have the data to take out Trump, too, but where's that leak? It's not that I like Clinton, I don't. Patriotism would be taking out both candidates, then using data to force a new constitutional convention.

He jailed and/or kicked out the oligarchs that looted the country in the 90s. What the fuck are you talking about?

Do some serious research before asking such a stupid fucking question.

It's almost like you've never heard of Vladimir Gusinsky or Boris Berezovsky. You stupid fuck.

And took all their wealth, or gave their wealth to his other brutally vicious friends? You don't know the way the world works if you think his ascent to power was anything but a crime equal to those committed by his predecessors.

The Internet is being fitted for a muzzle.

This scares the shit out of me.

No need to be fearful. That's exactly what they want. A mind shrouded in fear can accomplish nothing. A clear mind not rattled by their games is the thing they fear the most.

Here's the latest from the deep state: "You have freedom of speech but you do not have freedom from the consequences of that speech."

In short, while the internet appears free, every single bit of information is being vacuumed up by a vampire squid that inspects and assembles profiles which, depending on what happens next, can result in yourself being vacuumed up. Assemblages of whatever the deep state desires can be presented in evidence and the consequences of your speech may be pending.

In their defense they'll say, "...but we didn't make a law banning free speech!" Such is the nature of oppression; the outcome of feeding a surveillance state.

The government does not make mistakes like this.

So naïve…

I believe the point he is making is that even the "mistakes" are planned.

Not sure I buy that in this instance though, the look on Hillary and Huma's face in the 2 photos I've seen taken shortly after their learning of the FBI re-opening the investigation did not at all look comfortable or like this was a planned thing in order to discredit wikileaks etc.

They both looked fucking terrified and genuinely worried, which is a far cry from the power and confidence their facial expressions usually exude.

I believe the point he is making is that even the "mistakes" are planned.

That is my point.

I hope you're right but I'd go on more than just a couple of photos to confirm a theory. I don't deny your theory though. The important thing is to question everything.

Can you link us to those pics?

Would love to see them.

First photo looks like Huma is just finding out and Hillary is looking over at her thinking "what's the matter?"

Second photo looks like Huma is in damage control mode and Hillary is ruminating on the possibility of going to prison.

First photo caption:

Clinton: "What the fuck did you do, Huma?"

Abedin: "Ruh roh, Rillary!"

Don't have to tell me twice to retain my sceptisism. :u)


Global corporate entities (MIC, pharma industry, growing water industry, food enterprises, etc.) call the shots. It's a lot bigger than Clinton vs Trump. Locally/federally we will see an impact, but the planet is running out of resources and they aren't going to be able to continue to deny the effects of climate change. This shit might be a push towards global governing via corporate fascism.

i think we see many little specific instances, but we need to focus on the larger occurrences

what are the patterns saying

It's what they call limited hangout. Clinton's have been thrown to the wolves to save the real criminals from being exposed.

Have you not watched Sopranos?

The thing with psychopaths is -

sometimes things happen

or this

Or ...

But of course, I saved best for last