My theory on what spin they put on this: Anthony Weiner downloaded all the files off Huma's laptop without her knowledge." I've read it was in a file labeled "Life Insurance". NYPD found it, copied it, contacted the FBI. Comey shits his pants.

30  2016-10-30 by Tha_Dude_Abidez


Not only were the emails backed up by the NYPD before handing them over to the FBI they were probably given to Wikileaks...You don't think NYPD isnt sick and tired of what our politicians are doing? plus its payback for 9/11. a lot of brave police officers lost there life that day and everyone knows the official story is bullshit. this is all out war against the system man and everyone is getting involved because the tide is turning.

Exciting times, honestly.

I've been thinking there is something to a possible Triangular aspect to all this. How's this Scenario sound: Everyone knows that. Huma and HRC are thick as thieves. Maybe so thick that Hillary gave her her email password/access to her emails. And maybe there are indeed ones in the cache that are Incriminating and/or Top Secret Level type stuff which, correct me if I am wrong, Huma would NOT be allowed to see. Enter the Weiner. He gets access to said email cache and sees himself a nice Bargaining Chip for his fucked up sexting issues. Hopefully you get my Drift. Sheer Speculation on my part at this point but, hey, it ain't Flat Earth horseshit. It's just.......House of Cards type stuff.

That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm thinkin man. "Life Insurance"

It'd be great if he did this and then sits and tells the investigators everything he knows, thinking he will get a pleasure bargain. He names everybody. Every night we see another high power person being rolled into prison for corruption. Then at the end, the FBI goes, " fuck you weiner, we don't negotiate with pedophiles." And then chucks him in the cell next to old slick willy himself.

Edit: wrote "plea" bargain, but pleasure stays.

Precisely. These people are so Snarky and Arrogant that I could see The Weiner chuckling to himself as he typed "Life Insurace." If that is true, btw. No offense but real sources for that was not offered.

This is a possible scenario.

I feel like they were planted there by someone in the NSA who hates the clintons. This was the beast way to do it. His laptop was overlooked? No way. Someone put those emails on there and used weiner as a patsy and it worked because he obviously is a person who need to go as well

That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm thinkin man. "Life Insurance"

This is a possible scenario.