I wish this sub wasn't full of Hillary shit

0  2016-10-31 by IsThisADream2

Fuck her


I feel you... However the corruption being exposed is allowing more conspiracies to gain a foothold on the truth of what this sub is exposing.

I have read this sentence several times and I still can't figure out what you are trying to say.

She pretty much embodies and confirms everything this subreddit has been warning the masses about. Why wouldn't we talk about it? And she's going to be President a week from now, you think we should just sit back and not talk about it, and accept it?

Talk about it all you want, nowt you can do about it.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

the truth hurts

"She pretty much embodies and confirms everything this subreddit has been warning the masses about."

Alien invasions? Vaccines? Mass surveillance? The Nazis were sweethearts? She embodies everything you have been warning the masses about??? I think you project a whole lot of power on someone you hate.

I wish it wasn't filled with hoaxes and sensationalism mixed in with actual conspiracies.

It's CONSPIRACY you bumblefucks. Half the fun is sifting the good shit from the lizard people stories!

(The other half of the fin is reading the lizard people stories.)

There are no more lizard people stories, nor UFOs, bigfoot, Kennedy Assassination, 9/11, illuminati, MK Ultra... just Hillary 24 hours a day. I picture all these Trump fans frantically masturbating to her cackle in secret.

Just because Hillary is the focus right now, does not mean this whole sub is trump fans. I'm certainly not. This just so happens to be one of the largest conspiracies ever, and it's unfolding with insane amounts of factual evidence every single day. Obviously this sub is going to sink its teeth in and put the flat earth bull shit on the back burner.

Edit: what's currently unfolding is literally the embodiment of "lizard people" and "the illuminati." It just so happens that they're actually people...well corrupt, twisted shells of what used to be human beings.

What exactly is the "one of the largest conspiracies ever" with regard to Clinton that is unfolding with insane amounts of factual evidence? This is a serious question because I can't even imagine what you are talking about.

You've got a lot of reading to do my friend

So you know this greatest conspiracy ever? Or are you going to dance around the question as well.

In reference to your reply at /u/PM_ME_UR_LEAKS you seem like you've still got your head in the sand. I can't debate with someone so dismissive of the Podesta leaks, Veritas videos, DNC scandals, and Clinton Foundation corruption. And for me to sum up months of articles into a TL;DR for you is asinine if you're going to deny it all straight up

Spoken like a man without a solid case.


You're in this sub and you're seriously asking that question? Not sure if trolling but anyway I encourage you to look at the top posts from today, this week, this month, etc. Tons, I mean tons, of credible sources exposing mind numbing amounts of corruption aka mass amounts of powerful people conspiring some very nefarious Shit. The Clinton foundation activities and finances, the DNC scandals, podesta leaks, wienergate, project veritas, the list goes on and on. Please get caught up because the more people who know and spread this info, the more hope we have at justice and taking back the people's America (both are a long shot though but we need to try)

Clinton Foundation - accusations not proven. Stop hanging out in the right wing echo chamber.

DNC scandals - If you think what's been revealed about the DNC is one of the largest scandals ever you should read a book about any one of the past ten presidential elections.

Podesta Leaks- There's no there there.

Wienergate - Anthony Weiner texting young girls is the biggest conspiracy of all time??

Project Veritas - Politics as usual

If you think any of these stack up against what it took to get JFK elected (or killed for that matter) or Nixon's White House or Iran Contra or Bush/Cheney's 9/11 then you must be kidding me! You have some serious blinders on if Hillary Clinton embodies everything you hate abput our political system.

Nice defense. $5 has been deposited into your account.

Don't forget to mention tin foil and LIZARD PEOPLE so that other posters will group all the conspiracies up in one big nut job pile and dismiss them.

That's exactly what you're doing. Jesus, it's like talking to a wall. You're giving real conspiracies a bad name by calling every goddam banana peel slip a conspiracy.

Actually, I'm not the one pushing my political opinions online.

Pushing? You came to me. Use the block function.

Came to you? I was just reading the comments section.

And I wish you would stop crying about it, but I'm not making a thread about it.

Well, she's like the pandora's box of conspiracies and the box was opened.

My wish for the world.

Give it a couple months and hopefully we'll never hear her name again.

That is never going to happen.

Yeah you're right we still talk about all of histories villains.

We'll see what happens over the coming days/weeks as this further unfolds and who has to bite their tongue. I believe they're all intrinsically connected and it runs far deeper than what we currently know. Only time will tell.

I'm not discounting those other conspiracies. This is just the biggest in 10 years, in my opinion. I think it's laughable to just up and discount everything so quickly as it's literally unfolding. Not to mention Seth rich, Scalia, DoJ interference, immunity to all, etc etc. None of that is shady to you? I believe they're all connected to Clinton and deeper/bigger players. Only time will tell.


Nice defense. $5 has been deposited into your account.

Don't forget to mention tin foil and LIZARD PEOPLE so that other posters will group all the conspiracies up in one big nut job pile and dismiss them.