The CTR/Trump equivalent takeover of this sub has become apparent. Despite previous mod posts it still runs rampant. Solution?

2  2016-10-31 by KiddohAspire

Is there a solution at all? Seeing as the mod post only worked for about a day.

Is there a private conspiracy sub that isnt ran by people who have bias and censor everything? (Not saying conspiracy faces these issues but rather a secondary source may in fact face that issue)

Conspiracy seems to no longer deal in plausibility or facts but rather a sub that is a front line for bias propaganda under the guise of conspiracy.

Proof can be found on the front page where image macros or "memes" clearly showing bias to Trump are upvoted and they're nothing more than a meme.

Where comment sections are over ran with either blind can-do-no-evil supporters from both sides. There is repost after repost of the same material being front paged and not consolidated but rather just multiple battlefields as it were.

We only need to see 1 thread linking off to Hillary being reinvestigated. Speaking of, there's little to no material on Trump despite his multiple flaws.

Why is no one talking about his Russian ties, his corporate bias, his multiple bankruptcies and past business flops? Instead we get a steady stream of Hillary hate and almost no dissenting opinion on our Oompa Loompa candidate.

Yet we sit here idly being silenced by effectively a war that has over ran us and divided any non shills (shills being CTR and The_donald people)

Reminder a shill doesn't have to be paid but rather fiercely defend misinformation, derail conversation, and get users banned. Possible CTR game plans have shown that having mass user removal is part of it in order to make Reddit "go dark" as election time gets closer across ALL subreddits.

So where is the conspiracy here? Maybe the mods have been infiltrated, maybe the mods are just worn out and doing minimal work because they're swamped, maybe the mods are just letting their own beliefs bias them.

It's all plausible, but the questions remain. Why is the same material constantly clogging the feed, why is nothing being done about it, and why has this sub effectively become a second mouth piece of the donald with almost no fight?

I understand Hillary is a VERY bad choice, but so is Trump. Yet one is treated as a second coming and the other effectively being crucified.

Why is this war not going on where it matters most, high visibility subs like politics? Because they'll be banned based on bias? That's what war does it kills or in Reddit terms BANS we have the numbers to make a change but instead we sit here with 10 threads about the same tired topic.

To parody the seemingly beloved Oompa Loompa.



I don't think so tbh. I think it's more of a function of a conspiracy theorist's wet dream coming true regarding hillary

Not discrediting the information I agree corruption is GREAT. In the sense of this sub, 10+ threads of the same thing and high amounts of pro Trump though....

There are parallels to subs that are often screamed about as corrupt there.

oh yeah true when you put it like that

I mean, both need to be shown for what they are not what they present.

Hillary did her act for a LONG time and was treated well. She even had a shot before as a candidate but Obama beat her.

Then things imploded on her. Trump is a reality TV actor his act can be prolonged and he has money to hide his bad.

Those two things are big flags for me.

Right now, she's the bigger problem, IMHO. She's got the entrenched corrupt machine. He's just an asshole with a less profound level of corruption.

Should he win, I would fully expect this subreddit to go after him with dedication and passion. But he's bad; she's flat out evil. Big difference.

Her evil has been exposed. His is still shrouded. We know he is or was friends with her, made donations to her foundation.

Think of the race as a date, and the election as choosing who to marry. Let's find out everything we can about both prospects before putting a ring on it.

Either way you are marrying a Jesuit. One is a longtime criminal, the other will become a longtime criminal. Either way, control grid will win. I just find one candidate wholly unacceptable. To the extent that when my folks die if I'm still undroned by her or unpoisoned by her or unsatellite-stroked by her, I'll probably move to another country, join the military there and write software that will destroy every corporation that ever existed satire

You're missing the point that I think they're both criminals. One has just had the veil moved back.

Probably because trump is a saint, compared to hillary.

But how do you know that? There's been ONLY anti Hillary things. His track record is speckled with bad things.

There's got to be more to it. And I don't mean "grab her by the pussy" type stuff.

There's 2 sides, hell one thing I didn't touch on is his inability to pay his contractors.

is the thought here that if trump became president, he wouldn't pay govt contractors?

No, it's about character. Trustworthiness, if you hire someone for something pay them without trying to fuck them over via court costs or so on.

If you can't trust his "art of the deal" because it's meant to screw people then why the fuck would we want him making deals with Congress, Senate, other countries.

You may say "well he will screw them for us" which I offer rebuttal of he screws Americans for his own gain. So clearly his interest doesn't lie with the people. Also, yeah let someone like Putin get screwed im sure that won't cause war.

Now, Hillary is just as shitty. She will start war and do shit for her own gain as well. Which makes me go, "maybe these people shouldn't be in this position"

OP you really don't know what's going on. Sorry.

Why is no one talking about his Russian ties

because they don't exist.

So we are back to the Trump pedestal? GREAAAAAAAT smh

admitting it doesn't exist means putting trump on pedestal? you can criticize trump but use legit stuff. Like how he banktupted his companies, was only rich cuz of daddy, is a long time Clinton pal and likely losing on purpose due to that.

Look at his name, look at the name in the comment above with the IMGUR link. Coincidence? Maybe but layout and stuff seems a little off to me.

I'd rather just dismiss him and not start something that'll get me rule 10d

I never put Trump on a pedestal. I think he's an ass. But there is zero evidence that he has anything to do with Putin and Russia. And in fact, there's every bit of evidence it's a smear from sigma pi phi dem stupid assholes on the congressional house committe on special investigations (ie: conyers, cummins et al), creating this smear litterally out of nowhere, and very offensively so, being that the topic has been perjury of comeys and clintons myriad's a total failure of deflection...

...which we see right thru...

If we are wrong about this, stop being a specualting spectator and post SOURCE otherwise maybe consider stop jumping to a stupid unfounded conclusion that just because we say something isn't real doesn't mean we're some kind of trump bot,.

It's offensive, yes, but in our refutationi we're trying to help you be a better thinker

"theory" now it could be smear but it's worth looking into. Talking about the possibility means people research who knows what could be uncovered

While I absolutely agree this Sub should be truth without the bias included I would say that this world and all information we gather is always going to have a bias to it, either small or big. If you want to see how shitty Trump is just go to r/politics which has around 3 million subscribers (r/conspiracy and r/the_donald combined don't even make up half of the subscribers at r/politics). I feel like this sub is just a counter measure to the EXTREME bias over at r/politics.

But non the less you are absolutely right. The truth isn't bias and that is what we should all aim for.

I agree I understand the feel for need to counter act the shit show that is politics. It's why I brought forth the whole this isn't where the war should be fought.

Because if politics is effectively a Hillary circle jerk, and the donald is well Trump's circle jerk. Then this sub should be striving to be the hallowed ground presenting facts.

Digging in best they can to both candidates. Yes CTR and such will cause issue BUT we can get truth from lies.

Let neither be built up to some god status. Effectively provide both sides with ammunition so that the public can become aware through the shills use of said ammunition just what they are really dealing with.

If we can show Hillary plans to nuke Russia immediately the donald will go nuts. And vice versa it may make questions start being asked and sway people.

Effectively war profiteer but instead of being evil do it for the greater good. Profit not solely but everyone profits.

If Trump becomes president and this sub is still talking about Hillary instead of criticizing Trump (since at that point he will be in a position that represents the people's interest) I will call the bullshit out but until then Trump is just some dude saying some shit that some of us like and he's nothing else but just a rich average american running for president (just like the crazy guy with the boot on his head who wants to make it illegal to not brush your teeth, except the american people never took him serious, hence the lack of coverage and criticism of him. We only take trump serious because he's the frontrunner of a major political party)Trump has never held a position in our government he might as well be Vermin Supreme if he wasn't with the republicans.... Hillary deserves the shit she's getting because she has represented the people's interest which hasn't been the people's interest at all.

I'm pretty tired and my eyes hurt, sorry in advance for the poor grammar. I just hope I make some sense to you with this post.

EDIT: Trying to make my post more sensible.

I get ya, but I don't think "better late than never" should apply here ya know?

Should we correct the record, then, to make it seem like Trump is even close to Hillary's level of corruption, bribery, and murder? Trump is a stupid, platinum-spooned billionaire who has been as crooked as most big-businessmen in America. Hillary is pure evil incarnate. One is on the brink of (well-earned) jail time, one is an ignorant buffoon.

I think both of them should have their dirty laundry aired.

Call them out, report them, and wait for your downvotes.

Again I imagine the mods are heavily swamped, yet there's also ways to derail and attempt to discredit or effectively shill within the rules.

And the rules can't say no shills because that causes a very subjective definition to be used case by case.

This thread has caused issue already! PMs with rule violations (and some good ideas but neverthelessattacks!)

good gotta get rid of shill rule 10, compromised mods use it as an excuse to ban anyone non ctr.

I see the pros and cons of the rule. Don't wanna become cancer and just call everyone a shill but SOME people are deserving because it's clear they are

all cons. if someone doesn't want to be called a shill, don't use common shill tactics, don't deny the obvious, don't make pro establishment posts, etc.

Dissenting opinion/denying is a blurry line.

For example where I think the Comet Pizza thing is a big deal, I think what we have found is only the tip and that some of the "evidence" is confirmation bias and hindering to the investigation.

I would be called out for a dissenting opinion based on the fact that some of the pictures from the IG account at BEST are circumstantial and only being looked at as bad because people are looking for damning evidence.

Causing others to seek the same shit. As opposed to digging and finding substantial facts like the DOJ guy, the seeming code words; connections like that. They're distracting from more proof and where it can be argued it's damning it won't do anything unless we can cement a case. Then when we have a solid case without circumstances if it's ignored it's a proper conspiracy theory.

Ala back and to the left. Or how the fuck did the towers fall at freefall, fires melt steel beams drastically cooler than possible, destroy blackboxes, and still not burn a passport to ash.

too much rationalizing. we all know what shill tactics are and need to be able to call em out and yeah they should be shut down.

I agree. But it's a blurry area, we don't want to destroy the community from false reports and bans

not blurry at all

would be great if we had obviously correct reports and bans but the admins and mods are compromised.

We do have a donald 2.0 thing going on right now. I'm ready to riot

all thru history only protests work and if you wanna call it a riot so be it. America is founded on a revolution.

No I mean, the sub has lost all CTR due to being fired probably.

Now it's just one big Trump shillfest

I suspect trumpers and CTR are one and the same, the elites always divide and conquer. I have my family members hating me since I voted jill stein and they think that single handedly led to trump winning. It's personal now.

Possibly. That's plausible

Some conservative radio hosts are now begging fence sitting third party voters to vote for Trump along with softly calling them stupid for voting third party-now it's the lesser of two evils argument because they consider Hillary THE evil.

vote for whatever candidate best represents you, there are 4 choices.

Exactly, and I agree Hillary is Evil. But I don't think the silence on the negatives of Trump is a good thing AT ALL.

I will absolutely be voting third party if not voting at all for this specific race. Because I don't think either is capable let alone worthy of running the country.

Both SAY things that sound good. But politics means what they say isn't what is delivered. Counter to that, both have a LOT of bad to say. Both have cons outweighing their pros.

Don't get me started on the whole "with us or against us" mindset. My grandfather is like that and because he knows I'm not voting Trump or Hillary he still credits me as a Hillary voter. It's the most annoying thing. Trump is on a pedestal and that in itself is not good.

Wait ten days dude.

I like that you said ten, because there will be a massive shit show coming from the results I imagine Reddit will implode.

Can't wait for all the "the end is nigh" posts from the losing side.

Oh absolutely. But the point is this is happening now, and it truly is a conspiracy, then we'll be back to business as usual for /r/conspiracy.


Of course, and it will be all over r/conspiracy since people have been nesting the r/politics theme here as if it is supposed to be this way.

There needs to be a rule to keep it on track. Something like "leave bias at the door" You can't have open minds and free thought with bias

There's only so many, "It was rigged/stolen/corrupt/evil/Hillary/Trump" posts that are necessary here.

Exactly, at a certain point we become ineffective. Only the same garbage is posted and no secondary digging happens.

Being spoon fed something is exactly what we should be weary of

I'll wait til after the election, if it doesn't change I will point at the mods and assume it is compromised here. I should have guessed it, considering how many times this has been featured on the top at r/all that it would progress towards MSM politics and foreign propaganda. The posts I am used to seeing are buried by jokes, borderline memes, and diversion tactics.

Distract and deter.

this sub will be back to being dead after the election

this election has a lot of conspiracies involved in it so no shocker they get discussed here.

Seems pretty simple to me. If you search for Hillary scandals the list goes on and on. Trump scandals are far less numerous and o so benign in comparison. Sure we got a lot of female accusers coming out, but even if their stories are true which I highly doubt (seems odd they all come flooding out right before the election) they would pale in comparison to the dirt that is available on Hillary.

I think that this explains the discrepancy in this sub more so than a Trump bias. I feel like the majority of this sub's subscribers would prefer a 3rd party candidate or support Trump simply because he isn't Hillary. Same reason some people are still delusional enough to cast a vote for the Clinton machine, she's not the evil misogynist racist Orangutan.

The problem is Trump hasn't been dug into outside of a few things but his actions are just as telling as hers.

The only issue is its not a "secret" anymore for her.

There's only so many, "It was rigged/stolen/corrupt/evil/Hillary/Trump" posts that are necessary here.

all thru history only protests work and if you wanna call it a riot so be it. America is founded on a revolution.